tv [untitled] February 9, 2015 7:30am-8:01am PST
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more than any retail category in the city. restaurant week is a great way to celebrate small businesses in san francisco as well as the cultural and culinary diversity they em body. since we are in the restaurant week, i'm introducing this as an imperative item and purely commendatory. the other thing i wanted to talk about today which i'm really excited about, yesterday mare -- mayor lee and i announced the launch cleanpowersf this year. this is a huge victory. after more than a decade of work and effort it seems we have won an unwinnable fight. clean power is what san francisco can do to combat climate change and one of my highest priorities as a supervisor. over the last few years i was told time and
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time that clean power was dead an it was a pipe dream and we should give up on it and we didn't give up and protecting our climate and protecting our city from rising tides around us is important. now long last we have permission from the mayor's office a provide with pg & e with cleaner power, competitive prices, removal technology and structure with 100 pers renewable options and jobs. marin and other counties have proven this model can succeed. yesterday's announcement was a culmination of decades of work by countless leaders like supervisor john avalos and supervisor eric mar, other advocates, eric brooks,
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hudson, kim malcolm and everyone at lafco. i'm excited for this and this is truly an historic moment. now it's time to make sure this program launches and succeeds. the last item i have today, colleagues is nct's, you know i talked about mcd's. i passed legislation creating neighborhood districts on divisadero and fillmore. today i'm introducing legislation to add nct's but there are some important differences between our mcd and nct's. nct's do
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not require parking. if the builder wants to build more open space, all ncd's include the 5 feet height bonus for more inviting ground floors, all nct's regulate residential density through existing requirement private bulk private open space dwelling unit mix design guidelines. ncd's on the other hand use strict lot area ratios that do not have other city needs. this is what my district talks about at this community organization meeting. so this is what they care about. this is what they get. nct's put limits on residential units to smaller units to prevent a loss of larger family units and nct's also require 40
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percent of new development to have two or more bedrooms again in order to serve a diverse mix of households including households with children. the fillmore divisadero ncd's have the requirement of nct and allow for buildings with ground floors. these ordinances will add decontrolling of density, the regulations on dwelling unit division and family-friendly dwelling unit mix. this has been a long process with the community to establish these districts. we with a tonight get the ncd's in place last year so we moved forward with those and now colleagues i ask for your support if further redefining them this year. the rest i submit. city clerk: thank you, supervisor breed, supervisor campos requested to be referred. >>supervisor david campos: i want to comment on the
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supervisor wiener's release for staffing. one suggestion that as part of that analysis we look at the department's efforts to civilianize. if there are jobs that police officers that can be done by civilians, i will ask that be included on the analysis because that will free up officers that could do other work on the streets. >>supervisor john avalos: i would like to piggy back on that as well in terms of civilianization and looking at with an it's to get more officers on the streets and have them circulating in a different way. the control obviously seems to work on that part on the effort.
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>> that completes roll call for introduction. >> okay, let's go to public comment. >> at this time the public may comment for up to two 2 minutes on the items which are not on the board . public comment is not allowed on items on the board. please direct your matters to the board and not a specific member. speakers using assistance may be allowed more time. if you have to introduce documents, please introduce your item. >>supervisor london breed: welcome. >> public speaker: thank you, good evening, 6:50 director of library user and talked to you a number of times of problems of the catalog of overlay that the library wants toen --
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install on january 14th. in the meantime i would like to say the bay area reporter on its january 15th, 21st edition privacy concerns abound common. that's available not only at the library but at electronically e i'm glad to say this is the first not just criticism of the privacy issues that this subjects patrons to, but also the censorship issues that occur within this as well as the exploitation of library patrons information and expression. i urge you to read
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that and ask you also to look into the fact that this was never authorized by at library commission nor was it authorized by the supervisors. it's a three year3-year $469,000 contract and the library plans to bring it out for a so-called soft launch in february and so-called hard launch to the public in march. again, this is trashing patron privacy that enables censorship of patron expression and exploits patron contributions with no compensation and the catalog is deceptively sold. >>supervisor london breed: thank you, next speaker, please. >> public speaker: >> good afternoon, my name is will ma pang founder and
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culture better time tomorrow. an organization to revitalize cultural and economic vibrancy of san francisco in chinatown. an unfortunate event happened sunday. i got tagged for singing in the square. it was very very upsetting to the seniors. i was singing because they requested me to sing to the chinese president. when i started to sing this phrase of chinese opera, [singing] and the park a ranger came, stop right now. so all the seniors around me got very upset. so what happened was, so mr. wong, the president of the chinese company, you know, say, put my things away and
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grabbed mr. wong's stick and had -- he ran a with a. -- away. he said why don't you tell them why you are name. i asked the park a ranger, she wouldn't do it. okay, now this is my id. this is a ticket. okay. so i got this ticket. okay. excuse me, would you, i would like to arrange to discuss it. >>supervisor london breed: supervisor crist stan son. >> i talked to the department and it's a permitting issue. can we talk off line. >> i wrote many letters. >> we need to solve the permit
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issue with recreation and parks or it will happen again. i'm happy to help you. >>supervisor london breed: thank you, next speaker, please. >> public speaker: the things that are impossible with men are possible with god. then jesus said vaerl i say under to that there is no man, with house or brethren or wife or children for kingdom of god sake shall receive in present time in the will to come life ever lasting and jesus said be hold to jerusalem and all things written by the prophets by the son of man to become a prophet to be delivered upon anden spite be treated upon and skurnld and put to death and the third day he shall rise again and when he was raised from the dead by going to the prophet and in the
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-- >> supervisors, richard decree. eureka valley. i'm not alone here tonight. people have signed my petition for having ed lee and governor brown call a moratorium on the destruction of candle stick. this may sound absurd but i'm here because the city changed the my patent and i have had to give up my dream on having a patent to solve climate change. i have been involved
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in climate change since the mid-30s and i can't believe that nobody, we are just now beginning to admit and say the words climate change. i'm delighted to say that here tonight. the destruction of candle stick is going to be a mistake. nobody vogted to do that. it was a ballot measure where they never mentioned that candle stick would be destroyed if 49ers were to leave town. the facts of the matter is that stadiums like candle stick like in oakland represent fossil fuel resources that we have to conserve and stepped --
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extend the life of. i have had to sue my own city and some important and it's been very difficult. for 10 years my patent has been infringed because u.s. patent law is unconstitutional. you are going to be known for encouraging that. >>supervisor london breed: thank you, next speaker, please. >> public speaker: thank you for having us. i would like to take a few minutes for basically show my concern about the meeting that was held in place at my community close to my house about the reservoir. i'm extremely concerned about these presenters who came to our neighborhood in propose developing of the reservoir to buildup to 20,000 possibly 20,000 housing units there.
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i'm very concerned about this area. i have lived there for 21 years and i have seen the density grown out of control for the last 20 years. this will make things worse. the president alluded to something else and i had no knowledge of that. i support affordable housing for people. there is no study the impact will have on our community. no infrastructure. this has all the possibilities especially for affordable housing. this administration has to think of this and i ask this board and this boa board to do that.
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that we have a very clear planning. some youth programs need to be built and a place to enrich themselves to be created. social vocation. >> >> public speaker: madam supervisor and the rest of the board. i moved to san francisco in 1962. i work for 65 years. i was a homeowner and now i'm homeless. i'm here toed to support the recognition and the work being done at the western community. i have been a volunteer for 4
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years teaching computer fundamentals and helping whoever needs it basically seniors. helping them with the digital divide. the center is not only serving the community with computer access for a low income and homeless people. the centers has built in alliance with ddd and va to get yobs. the establishment at i'm asking for support in recognition for the work the center is doing in the community. >>supervisor london breed: thank you. next speaker,
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please. >> public speaker: my name is harris and i volunteer. for teacher security. i received much of my training after i was released on prole in north carolina after more than 20 years in prison. i was an active member of the u.s. army second air born division serving as infantry squad leader. i have taken notes of multiple attempts to establish programs for youth to teach skills that would show them an alternative way of life other than that of the streets and crime. none of these programs came to light because of lack of funding from either private or government sources. when this board and the future
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looks to ways to prevent mass murders like those that recently occurred in the hayes valley neighborhood it should consider allocations to places like the watc which planned out radio -- outreach the hard to reach gang members. >> public speaker: president breed and other victims. i rise to review my previous remarks on your on going validation and support for nicotine addiction industry. i appreciate your respect for due difference to the district supervisor even i might concede that it might prevail.
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but for the fact there is no such things in the atmosphere. separate and in viable from all others it is all of san francisco as one breathing hole you must consider. you will get the same free flawed argument supporting them and you will be able to counter them. the first t connection to lung cancer. that argument is good because that connection is weak. however nicotine in whatever form is strongly and favorably associated with heart disease. it's the tar heat that is associated with lung cancer. the second answer is that no nicotine escapes the user. we normally breathe in air that is.04 cash diekdzrbon dioxide and 16 percent oxygen. it's on views -- obvious that a
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useren inhales the rest. exercising choice is to be valued as long as your choice doesn't diminish mine. secondhand exposure is first hand abuse. by the way, people who live in seismic zones should not live in glass houses. >>supervisor london breed: thank you, next speaker, please. >> good evening, i'm john from san francisco. this is about the funeral of a young black boy. i was walking by the church and little old church.
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upfront a lonely couple sat. in the casket was a child. i can picture him living curly hair and smiling face i have seen perhaps a thousand in my early. then rose a black preacher from a little wooden desk and he said don't be weeping for this pretty bid of clay. for the lord didn't give thank you baby by 100,000 miles and he keeps it's until your hearts are grown and until what you are setting now has an interest on the loan.
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so let your hearts in heaven rest and don't go criticizing to the one that knows the best. he has the right to take away and in conclusion, i add he has the right to take away, not you, me not anybody else. this is an american icon hank williams senior, the father. this you for listening. >>supervisor london breed: thank you very much. next speaker. please. >>supervisor london breed: in your face. >> queen bee i would like to thank ms. cohen and supervisors. i just want to show you. i'm glad she's our supervisor and we are supporting. my name is ace and i'm on the case and the
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corridor ambassador. let me show you what we have going on in fillmore. we have a building owned by yoshi and now with all the closing businesses i'm representing a group that is known as the fillmore bay area media group. we have the community component there now. michael johnson met with us and he says he supports us. we are the community entity. so i have arranged my first corridor and i'm inviting the whole city and county and the mayor if he cares. i'm inviting my supervisors ks i know she'll be there. and we are going to talk about things that happened down at fillmore and explain some of the things about that current building there. it is operated by a gentlemen a little older than me, we are going to have we
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may that are going to be using that space like social media. yours truly. i'm at the bottom of the garage and art gallery. we are going to have a black history month. everyday we are going to have issues there to raise money. supervisor, we are hoping you will be there tomorrow at 5:00 p.m.. we'll let you go e in the next few men's -- minutes after that. i call it the feel no more. in fillmore. >>supervisor london breed: thank you, ace. next speaker, please. >> public speaker: >> tom. when you know your gems are protected and the
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shoe fits you even if there is a glass wall involved it's easy to take a good vote. a year 1/2 ago about a spokesman was on television talked about high rises and i said that doesn't fill well with me. i brought a show and tell. yes. okay that's sarah from the office, south beach, 19 years ago. that's sarah with her son. he's now 19 in santa clara. robbie and his daughter when he brought his daughter home from the hospital, the mother went back in an ambulance because she was in
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a coma. couple years later, there is our little girl. same day there is mom. these are stories these are our gems. they had to leave. their second $400 rent increase sent them traveling. here is kay. below market rate apartment dweller. she's going to be losing her spot possibly. here is kim, another below market rate person, 20 years living in south beach. she is vulnerable and ready to go. here is a courageous woman 81 years old. she's moving down scale because her rent went up $600 to apply admiral. >>supervisor london breed: thank you very much. next
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speaker, please. >> public speaker: >> as you know while this is my answer, we want to fight racism and homophobia and and dr. brown letting people know what xenophobia is a because you don't like the way people talk. district 6 often and when you go bayview they say we are not part of black lives. when you go to district 5, they say we are not part of black. we are the unfor gettable people in district
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six. we deal with it in the tl. i want to show you, this is a 10-year report, this started 51805 where racist and hate crimes. this is a guy that through coffeen my face because i was singing in my lobby. before christmas someone went in my apartment and burned my apartment. the lady told me i was getting too comfortable and september me to my burned out room and we have burn outs in castro, the mission, hotel, ambassador in. when we call the police
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