tv [untitled] February 9, 2015 3:00pm-3:31pm PST
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a great way to rethink a lot of the access public or street space we have like the persia triangle that narrows that street down and reclaim the excessive roadway in order to protect pedestrians and increase safety it's a great way for community members to get involved and shape what we want their community to look like and the alley to bring the open space and create pedestrian safety where there's not as much spates thank you to the staff for this program and your time today. >> thank you. >> good afternoon, supervisors first, i thank you for having this hearing for this awesome and creativity program i'm here
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with the san francisco beautiful to wage my support for the program there's no doubt this helps the better streets plan by encouraging beautifying and pedestrian safety i'd like to before your accident to the finding of the programs for the citywide reports that from the productive of san francisco beautiful it helps us to realize this program is good and want to support it's permanent 90 percent of the parklets used to spend money wildly but you know the physical improvements like the parklets and plaza impact the offer all feel, and, secondly the study found socially the new parklets rated highest amongst the people and
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one of the highest observed activities in the parklets and adjacent sidewalks to the plazas provides the proposition of neighborhood interaction so not only in the commercial zone but this is working great and finally the community wanting to keep those spaces active and clean and the pavement and parks ask folks to work together to create a connection and the sense of ownership around those those a ma reasons sf beautiful supports the promissory note program last year they supported the park let operations we look forward to your collaboration so i request you support the program thank you. >> thank you very much
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>> next speaker good afternoon, supervisors as the parks alliance pavement to parks we asking act as a fiscal especially the triangle i support the program formalizing the agency role is necessary to address the current and future needs pavement to parks led to the creation in the areas it is needed the most that's why we support in program wholeheartedly. >> thank you very much any public comment madam chair may we close public comment. >> all right. any discussion. >> i want to thank the department for the helpful presentation this is a successful program optometry levies and it is popular which
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is why we have staffing challenges to make sure we have the resources necessary to make the program a success so i hope we'll keep that in mind i know i will as we powerful move into the process madam chair i'll move item 4 to the call of the chair. >> i have a motion to move to the call of the chair and cemented by supervisor kim this motion is made madam clerk , any other business before this commission? >> there's no further business. >> thank you. this committee is adjourned
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>> here. >> commissioner singer. >> here. >> commissioner sanchez. >> present. >> the second item on the agenda is approval of the minutes for january 20. >> the motion is in order. is there a second? any comments on the minutes? if not we're prepared for the vote. all in favor please say aye. >> aye. >> all opposed? the minutes have been approved. >> next item please. >> director's report. >> good afternoon commissioners. as you know and heard that california department of public health has reported 79 cases of measles as of wednesday january 28 and 10 in the bay area and most were part of the outbreak linked to the initial exposure in december at disneyland in anaheim california and additional cases have come due to the infection going on
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at disney park so the patients reside in 11 county, not including san francisco county, and as we know the best way to prevent measles is to get vaccinated and it's been available in the u.s. for over 40 years and it's highly effective so we encourage people to check health records and contact their doctor if they're uncertainty if they're immune to measles. we have posted information on websites and in communication with the state and the counties. national black hiv/aids awareness day is friday february 6, this week. the department of public health and the community equity and promotion branch in collaboration with the san francisco aids foundation and black brother program and various community based organizations will kick off this awareness day at 6:00 p.m. at glide memorial. san francisco wic program established the
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breastfeeding coalition and a active member and they're proud to present a multi-disciplinary conference creating healthy families and communities and breast feeding in the 21st century. it will be april 2-3 and this will take place at the holiday inn golden gateway on van ness. recently the san francisco health network and the medical partnership collectively referred to as nms for medi-cal management and healthy kids beneficiary is going live and members can seek primary care from them, hospitals and ancillary systems in the san francisco health network and from the ucsf practical group and they have enrolled over 397
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members and i want to thank the colleagues and the clinics and it and finance and eligibility and admitting and office of managed care that worked collaboratively to develop this business process and it solutions to support the processes. you know this week -- next week actually the san francisco general hospital foundation announces heroes and heart awards recipients. this lunch will take place to celebrate 10 years, and in anticipation of the new facility opening in 2015. this year the honorees include diane [inaudible] a researcher in hiv prevention and treatment. dr. eg ward pulucy who meets the needs of the older population in san francisco and maya vasquez and lead the general certification as the only baby
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friendly hospital in san francisco. they will be honored at the hero at the heroes and hearts luncheon at at&t park so be tickets and are still available. a bill was implemented and delayed the implementation of this bill. the san francisco health network has continued training of the coding staff and participated in activities for the computer system. health net work is now resuming implementation efforts on a full scale basis and reporting on the efforts and in every edition of the director's fast facts . >> >> i will leave it there unless there is comment. >> we have one public comment and that is michael petrellis. >> i will put three minutes
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on the timer. >> the timer. >> that no longer works. >> three minutes. >> tell me when it's two minutes 30 and i will wrap it up. i am an aids activist and i have been around long enough to know that when public officials don't give hiv statistics that usually means there is good news in terms of declines or and grades of hiv. barbara in your report here on national black hiv awareness of the events taking place in san francisco there is nothing here about numbers, and the last time i looked at both hiv -- new hiv diagnosis and full blown aids cases for all categories and the city was down including for african-americans, and you say
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here that hiv still has a looming presence in the african-american community. well, that's true, but i think that when we are having these declines of hiv it is very important to say that to congratulate the communities who are responsible for those declining rates. maybe congratulate is not the right word but certainly acknowledged the declines and encourage the behaviors that have brought about the declines. in other words, we really need to know when there is good news because you all tell us when there is bad news so need to do the opposite and i hope the events taking place for blacks and about hiv will be a success. thank you. >> thank you. commissioners questions on the director's report? you want to mention on
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the laguna honda on the free memory screening exactly what happens? people can sign up and have free screened or -- >> i will ask our executive director from the group to give you more details on that. [inaudible] >> thank you. good afternoon president and dr. chow and members of the health commission. last saturday at laguna honda we conducted a free memory screen that is open to the public, community of san francisco, and it was -- we worked with the alzheimer's foundation and we volunteers -- physician and nurse volunteers did a memory -- conducted memory screening for members of the public. all total for three hours 16 individuals from the community came and they had it
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from fliers we posted around the neighborhood through our website, through the dph website and this was our first trial this year and we hope to grow it next year and it's all on volunteers effort from our physicians and staff at laguna honda. >> is there any finding that in fact -- you had how many people? >> 16. >> 16. and so it's your intent to -- i am fascinated by the idea that we would be reaching out, and i just wanted to know how engs r extensive the reach out was and do you intend to do it more frequently yearly? >> it's commensurate with the annual memory screening day that alzheimer's foundation has and it usually occurs in november of
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every year. november -- planning for november last year was ambitious for us so we piloted it for the month of january so we hope this year we can sync it as part of the national memory screening throughout the united states when everyone is doing this on a volunteers' effort and concert with the alzheimer's foundation. >> oh okay. >> we can send you more in terms of their website and that's who we collaborate with. >> very good. >> any other questions for the director at this point? if not we can go on to the next item. >> thank you. >> item four is general public comment. >> we do have one general public comment. mr. michael petrellis again. >> please give me a head's up when it's two minutes 30 seconds. first of all i am really glad that barbara you put these meetings on tv in the
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last year. it's terrific to watch the meetings with video on demand and you can go to the part you want to watch. i mean you probably think every part of the meeting is really interesting but we have a choice now in the public of looking at what we want to see from these meetings and i think that's been really informative in the past year. i am here today to discuss two policies that are out dated, out the moated and discriminatory. i am not happy the fda hasn't lifted the ban of gay men donating ban and many organizations in san francisco have been working to lift this ban on gay people and unfortunately peggy hamburg at the fda gays that had sex with other gays in the past 12 months
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can't donate and that is sending a message that you can't trust the gay guys, what gay men are going to tell you about their blood. at the same time we have this out dated, out moated ban in san francisco on gay bath house scpis believe this ban on the gay bath houses is just like the 30 year old ban of gais donating the blood. the ban on gay bath houses are saying that you cannot trust the gay men behind closed doors to engage in safe sex. last year -- or two years ago when there was an effort to get a new statement out of dph there really was no significant change in dph thinking about allowing bath houses to open. i think that we need to lift the ban on gay blood being donated. we need to
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lift the ban on gay bath houses and one other reason that we need them here in san francisco so they can be used by homeless people in off hours in order to maintain good hygiene. the -- >> 30 seconds. >> thank you. the health problems that homeless people are suffering because they don't have enough places to wash up is bad enough for that population and if you go down half a block to the public library some days you will see folks trying to wash up in the sinks there. we have plenty of evidence there are not enough shower facilities in the city so a gay bath house will feed two birds with one seed. thank you. >> thank you sir. >> i have not received any other public comment requests. >> okay thank you very much. we can thank for mr. petrellis
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for having the lights in our eyes but we thank you for moving us into more transparency. >> item 5 is the finance and planning committee report back. >> yes. chairman chung asked me to chair as she isn't able to be here today and i would report that we reviewed the mdm commercial enterprises contract which will provide the turn key patient system. that is the television systems for the new san francisco general. over 500 units will be put in and in fact they're the largest supplier of these type of hospital systems throughout the nation doing over 3,000 and recently completing the television network at laguna honda and also at kaiser in oakland amongst other facilities here in the bay area, so the committee reviewed the request and is recommending its
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approval on the consent calendar. our other item we tooked up is the dph quarterly financial update. it was a positive update for the first half of the year. there was a continued deficit related to san francisco general and the short falls in regards to mostly related to the short falls in the managed care settlement that was reviewed by the committee. the committee extensively discussed the items regarding revenues and understanding the aca being a new mode -- model that we're going to be moving much more into managed care. while these are excellent reports based upon the responsibilities in each of the divisions there was a need felt to look at the overview regarding the financial aspects
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of our experience in the aca and have asked the staff to develop a pilot model of how that type of financial reporting might be helpful for the committee in understanding for example a number of members and how much the revenues are per member per month and cost s and the break down across that. we would have a better overview as to what that program which is the financial driver much of the department and the hospitals would be, so we expect to see that probably at the next quarterly report but otherwise we accepted the quarterly report showing a positive half year point for the department. lastly we asked that we defer the discussion of the dph budget until today here at this
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commission meeting, so that ends my report and i am happy if any of my fellow committee members wanted to chime in or we otherwise would recommend at the consent calendar the approval of the contract. >> i hereby move approval of the contract and recommended by the chair. >> so we will move to item 6 and i think commissioner sanchez just made a motion for approval of the consent calendar. >> second. >> so there is a approval a motion and a second for the consent calendar contract. if there is no further discussion all those in favor please say aye. >> aye. >> all opposed? and the contract has been accepted thank you. >> thank you commissioners. item 7 is dph budget for fy 2015-16 and fy 2016-17. mr. wagner. >> thank you. good afternoon
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commissioners. greg wagner chief financial officer. we have calendared for today the first hearing on our proposed budget for the coming two fiscal years, fy 2015-16 and fy 2016-17 and as in the past we plan to use this hearing to outline some of the themes that we're looking at as we head into the budget process and go through a couple of specific initiatives that are proposed, and we will be back -- i think our current schedule has us at march 3 hearing to do to go into some more depth on
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other proposals we will be bringing to the commission. we talked about this a little bit in december, but just the high level financial outlook for the city is greatly improved especially compared to two, three years ago. we're seeing a associated with the economic growth in the city significant acceleration of general tax revenues and that is helping to close the projected deficits. the five year financial plan that was introduced in december includes projected deficits of 15. $9 million and $88.3 million for the two years of the upcoming budget and that is fairly remarkable considering that it was not that many yeergz that we had deficits of 10 and 20 times that size, so the economic picture has really turned and we're seeing it in
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the city's finances. as a result of that improved economic and budget picture the target introduction instructions from the mayor's office are different from the past. we are spared a general fund reduction target entirely in the first year of the budget and i believe that is the first time at least since prior to 2000 that we have been in that situation, certainly the first time in my memory, and a 1% reduction target i think i wrote 1.5% in the memo but we confirmed it's one in the second year and equates to 6.2 million reduction target. we do have several ongoing uncertainties that i think we need to work through and plan for over this two year budget. we have the
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renewable of the 1115 waiver and because of that renewal and because of the formulas adopted in the aca we expect to see significant changes in the way our dish revenues are allocated so that is a big uncertainty for us. we have the state's pull back of its realignment revenues under the expectation that we will have increased patient revenues to off set it so that is another risk for us, and then we have emerging programs including the proposed conversion of dual eligibles for medi-cal and medicare to be enrolled in managed care at some time in the future and we're not exactly sure when but likely over the next two, three years. i think just another kind of word of context about the budget
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forecast is that one of the emphasis that the mayor's office made clear and the instructions was even though we have this momentary respite they want us to be very conscious of the fact this is not a permanent state of conscious going forward and conscious it is likely we will end up in a more difficult economic time somewhere, we don't know when but probably in the not too distant future given the regularity of the business and the economic cycles in the city and country. >> >> so what we're focusing on are a few things in this budget that are consistent with what the financial picture that we have been given from the mayor's office. i think the three points we took away from the
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instructions loud and clear that we're being asked to look at our existing operations and when we're not busy figuring out how to make cuts do some examination how to use the existing resources and use them more effectively and we're taking that to heart, and really trying to do that. we're not thinking about this as a year where we're growing and adding new programs. we're thinking how can we serve the public better with what we have today, and so the focus for that for us i think is really continuing a lot of the work that we have been building on, a lot of the work we have done over the last two budgets. we had two years of intensive preparation for the aca and we've started down the path on a lot of focused initiatives to expand access and improve the experience that our patients have within the san francisco health network, so we're going to be focused on following
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through on those initiatives before we start on anything new, so that includes finishing our primary care call center and the opening of the new san francisco general hospital, which will be a big focus of our efforts and energy over the coming two years. it includes continuing to focus on the integration of our divisions within the network and the role of the public health division. the second category that the mayor's office emphasized and that i think we all know is a very serious issue out there is along with the economic growth that we're seeing in the city we're also seeing side effects that have had real impacts on populations in this city, and that includes people who are having a difficult time with the cost of living people who are economically vulnerable and often in many cases for our
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clients people who have both an economic vulnerability that is exacerbated by a health issue that we have a responsibility to address, and so we are focused and participating in this budget on working with the mayor's office and the city on initiatives to respond to that situation. the mayor's very focused on making sure that we do everything that we can to address the issues that are consequences of the economic growth for people in the city so some of the initiatives which you will be seeing at this meeting and future meetings relate to our community programs; funding. we will talk about that in a moment. we're working closely with the city wide housing initiatives. that includes expanding the stock of affordable housing and improving housing related services such as
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