tv [untitled] February 10, 2015 3:30am-4:01am PST
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ran across the street i found a small body person with a bag over her head being held down by 5 cops i start filming she screamed and competed the officers to get their hands off the heads the police officers shown flashlights into my eyes i told him i live here and heard screaming and feared for that person's safety so i'm filming why did the police officers shine the light in my camera and uses it was scary i if people are not doing anything wrong they should welcome being filmed and it's our right to film them the police came to take the
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woman away not only were she in handcuffs but her outlines were bound i'm so glad she was not killed like macarthur park u matthew who was shot and killed by san francisco police i have a mental health disability i'm scared to live in my neighborhood in its the san francisco police i am front yard of who is there to protect me and my neighborhoods the brown and blackwood i filed a complaint and i'll continue to film the police i don't see anyone else holding the sfpd accountable thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker. (clapping.) hi, i'm david nail i'm the owner of the bulldog mason turk street the bulldog bands was the first gay house in the 30s after it
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was a vacant storefront we've opened it up we want to see more vacant storefronts turn into businesses this is going to happy in the police continue to make the streets safer they've made the first block of turk safer safer a they have an displeasure with the drug dealers what's in our neighborhood i urge you to not include westerfield mall that is different from our neighborhood in the redistricting and instead include geary and postage street that is similar to our neighborhood the police have the expertise it makes for sense thank you. >> thank you so much mr. nail. >> next speaker. >> (clapping.) i'm honored to meet you i'm
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laura even i am a prior police officer highly deck rated i in the process have not done the proper notification for this to be an out right city it comes from the old test wanted i want to make sure our city is safe i have been threatened and i asked lieutenant danger field i gave a rough draft interview it was on nine hundred and 17 i'm concerned about the cold case this news to be leaked i tried to be upright i'm asking to be run states and i was tried to be 34r9d off by san francisco
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police officers i couldn't get a case report out of them in 1985 we have discriminations cases against women and minority that's wrong that's cruel and abuse of when i left the department after being harassed by cops it took a $250,000 pay off to get me murdered and being harassed me in uniform and work that's not a work environment in the nation that's not the united states of america it is not all right. to be abused i ask to be reinstated and building i deserve it for the hard work i've done we had a would you have 0 frank jordan that when murray was being held accountable they stripped the engel side states i
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have the evidence. >> any documents. >> and we'll make sure of that thank you. next speaker. >> good evening, commissioners i'm scombraimz jackson i'm kind of new i live in enside where it's safe i have a question two things i've heard is the response time and the resources so my first question is captain or chief regardless of what you do with the map redistricting what would be your response time would your response time be greater because you'll be able to go when a call comes in you'll be able to get the officers to the situation will that increase our response time? reduce it in what way, sir >> we're not. >> i'm asking for this reason this is what we want to know. >> why don't you make our
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statement we'll give a chance for that everyone to respond we can't respond that way. >> i would like to see polk, geary unplaza and 6th street and annex part of tenderloin so that way when the police are called they there have a better chance of resources and respond better and that way people will know that the police are responding and not waiting thank you i'm sorry dr. marshall. >> thank you (clapping). >> next speaker >> good evening, commissioners. >> good evening. >> captain and chief i'm a secreted treasurer of local 2 so local 2 represents working in
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the hotel restaurant for food concession at the working at the at&t park park and sro so 9 thousand members in inform their work as room tenants and bell server and bartenders so our union located on the 209 golden gate avenue for over 2040 years the union hall is a home they come to the union hall building the committee in their work phase meaning their field reps and volunteering and so the field reps and also apply health care or childcare so all those unions biz business over the last several years the street
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safety is an increased return for example in early morning people need those are on the streets drug dealers still run on the sidewalks for lots of people and sometimes, the people have hard time walking our member increasing bylaw become uncomfortable to come to the union hall balls of safety concerns recently we're worked with the community 2 hundred block golden gate community working with captain so we can see some changes so for example we come out at the same time to wash the sidewalk and sometimes we can't move those people who still run but when the police came so they're on foot patrol and it is moving.
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>> thank you, ms. changing our time is up. >> so we're supporting the proposal of a change. >> thank you. >> but we request you increase the police. >> got it. >> on the foot patrol (clapping.) we hear i up there. >> good evening everyone my name is t is ann for the community association we the membership based over one hundred filipino in the tenderloin we are in support of the redistricting but it should be a great stopping we have one concern buyout proposal with the police what we have to see american people increase in increase in the residential area
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better than the commercial area i'm sure you're aware of even though tenderloin polyps wills increase in the next century so, please consider thinking about your resident and creating a new police line >> thank you very much. next speaker. (clapping.) >> good evening, everyone my name is eva i'm a tenderloin resident and member of the citizens advisory committee as a resident of the tenderloin for over 20 years now i would like to ask the police commissioners to insure the residents and safety self-creating a new police line it should support of the community the schools and families and especially the youth and seniors resident in the tenderloin thank you. >> thank you very much. next speaker. >> do i get her extra minutes. >> unfortunate it didn't work that way.
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>> i'm american people organizer and a resident for 24 years i live in the corner of taylor and park back in the early north side it used to be so bad that walking down the street i get harassed as a woman woman and also as a resident they ask me if i want to buy drugs okay and to give you an example my boyfriend at the time he reviewed to give his wallet okay but right now the only concern i have is now for the last probably 10 months the area is very clear there's liken improvement in that area the only thing that i would like to ask the police officers is to
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like what you call this i see this is small one second - a small memorial on the group which is only one thing a life was taken awe from that spot okay there's one day i was walking down the street across from the metropolitan we had 17 members working and the metro tropics and one memorial with k3457b8d and flowers i'm kind of worried about their safety at the same time, we cleaned that corner my corner where i live but i see that problem is pushed to my corner across the street where i work i never see schrn in my life until i work through across the
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street 2006 when i started working here two weeks when i started i saw people shooting on the street one of the my colleagues which is alfonso that retired pushed those you know the ones that pushing them to like move or not do whatever it is they're doing in our corner. >> thank you. i'm asking you consider for this problem in my corner and my neighborhood thank you. >> thank you so much (clapping.) >> next speaker. >> good evening. i'm kim i live ♪ building been in this neighborhood since 2009 i do participate in the neighborhood i belong to one of the communities resident board
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but i'm not here as a politician tonight i'm here as a human being i have been listening to everybody and i worry about you to consider also you have this meeting here and see the public response from the border elders that's wonderful but the truth is no matter where those borders end up the true issue is what people have brought here about the safety our safety ami i've com to the conclusion because of the brushes i've had with the law i'm a victim of denies i was thrown it on the street i was in oakland in shelter and suggested by >> council to come to san francisco because i'll be safer i was attacked in oakland because of the color of any skin and disregarded and woman all i did was do something i never
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dreamed i had to do i carried personer stray i had a weapon and they didn't because my weapon was legal i went to jail until an investigation was done and i was let go any request to you is you see the turn ousted you've go on gotten from the borderers i on police procedure is definitely in so when are we're going to take aforementioned and have a board to explain what the procedures are that keeps the police from arresting the criminals it's the same answers persuades we don't have enough evidence we change the man in the box you've got enough people we've got procedures let us know what the change are we'll fight for the procedures that'll that's all i ask you give as much attention
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to that as you do the borderers. >> thank you. >> thank you very much. next speaker. >> my name is m y isabel i'm an at large community organizer closer. >> i have 3 points first point for all the folks in the tonight i tenderloin as well as the police get to know your criminals we don't have a single drug dealer on the street we've got a butch of pushers most are youngsters and gang members get to know your criminal and get rid of them and get to know with the police traditionally has a job of arresting people and locking them away forever that didn't work if you want to
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get rid of the drugs in the tenderloin arrest everybody every day if they can't make money they won't be here second point the police advisory committee why is 10 members and employees and only two of the members are tenants in the tenderloin i'm tired of nonprofits telling the women in my community i think it's terminal to have people that are full-grown being manipulated by nonprofits that don't interesting have they're interests at hand and thirdly small businesses i've spent you all my 7, 8, 9 patrolling trying to keep people from selling drugs out of the laurent mat and
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keeping people from blocking the duress and evacuating and urinating often the streets and trying to keep people if doing all kinds of inhuman things we need more than that police officers and we need more 60 police officers if this was any other city there would be 60 police officers on every single shift norway not for the whole district that's not realistic and (clapping.) >> good evening, commissioners chuf i'm sharon a long time advocate in the city there are a couple of things i want to bring to your attention one is i'd like to take a second to recognize that so for in this city has lost 8 human beings and that is unacceptable we're a
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world-class city and with regards to the alliance i support the sro collaborative i'm i'd like to bring attention to the overworked police captain who is here with us champion chief suhr nights and give him additional support and enhance our resources around diversity and like you guys to los angeles county the program i think can mitigate some of the procedures between the dope dealers and young african-americans and thank you. i beg you please this is with 4 people getting shot in the middle of the day there is an act of take care rim we need to put resources and ask this depended go on record saying zero tolerant blackwood
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brown and blue because the police there is no devised in terms of the police and community they spend more than 8 hours a day as opposed to their families i want to see more synergy and recognition that human life is the most preempt issue i went to the board for the murder of those individuals thank you. >> (clapping.) commissioners captain and chief i'm davey work at the senior center and if the blind were down you'd see our place it's approximately 4 thousand seniors last year, i did a survey of the biggest issues of the senior you're right safety so my senior
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center has a white zone also a drug dealing zone what is the answer i call and as long as he leaves i drank the kool aid and i've got new life and hired a security guard and spent $80,000 a year to keep the center save for the seniors when i go home at 6 the drug dealers say so i tomorrow they cocky didn't practice my cold silver what do you do because i had a shooting out front they didn't run to the window they hid on the floor so they learned and what happened after the shooting number one the safe packages where the kids walk in front of our center they
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wake on jell painted footing footsteps they don't walk in front of the center now because their scared moses with one of the police officers when she walked down the street everybody leaves you can tell the dealers leave and go or in airbnb the corner my point is presence you can give us a presence by giving us more police presence when the police are around they leave, i can see that for anyone thank you. >> new. >> next speaker. >> >> one second he want to make sure the microphone can catch what. >> saying. >> i live directly i've been clean for a year from drugs 9
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months and sometime it is kind of hard because it bother me i think we go to the police for everything but you know it's kind of scary out there and you know scared to walk across the street as i might want to go to the store or something you can't go and i have been in 89 i got shot it was a drive by but other than that i think having any problems here he have been took some i got stolen some of my medicine but other than
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drug dealers how come the police can't see them because their riding around 90 percent of the police in san francisco don't this here and i think that the san francisco is not the drug dealers it's the blood alcohol i see a balboa park bus two guys trying to steal my ring and chain when the bus driver called the police the other one got away and the bus drivers said he started it and when the police came they said i wanted to speak to you outside before i know it the badge number 1142 put a choke hold that's a killing hold you got 20 seconds your sxraem
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in our own bloody spent 20 years in the foisty and in the demolition and sniper i was outer of the hold i would have killed him if i didn't have a police uniform on i let the drug dealers they're selling drugs twenty-four hours a day and you walk down church street their between turk everyday if i can see it and everyday i pass by there what's up the wind and sky look at up that's a code name for do you want to buy drugs i doesn't buy drugs the point the police officer can do more they have to get out of their cars on the streets we don't need them
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in the cars out that the street they shot the drug dealers and unarmed folks. >> sir. >> thank you, sir. >> i'm saying the majority of the police are a bunch of coward. >> thank you, sir. >> and the police >> and the police >> thank you. next speaker, please (clapping.) good evening my name is washer i represent the people on mason street we want to acknowledge that captain chief suhr in his is doing a great job and helped us to be united to be active within our block we've had a lot of drug dealers and he's been wonderful with us to get us involved so we 7, 8, 9 to recognize that first but we wanted to ask you
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consider to be a proposal that the central city is better for our community we are concerned with the add real estate that is added to the police officers and the time it will take for them to come back to answer our calls a lot of times more myself i've had to fight off my folks in my building i don't think anyone should go through that by the time the police got there it wasn't easy want you guys to consider that. >> thank you (clapping). >> next speaker >> hello, i'm jamie i live here at 214 and my apartment is 217 i
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live on the second floor i've heard every shot there haven't e that's been fired in too years in this block i get woke up star spangled banner every fit it seems like me work in shift as well as a car comes around they starter i can't understand why one minute the cops come and they're walking away why is that person walking away what does he have to hide, of course, the officer go forward and drove on bio by every time they do that the guy is probable packing a knife i was personer sprayed outside this building by a blackwood
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gentleman was i stood up nor my rights to walk on the corner of golden gate beyond why they can get away with that stuff and we have to suffer why gives them the right to take away our right our rights as a human being is to be able to live without threat or fear be able to sleep at night and not worry about small business trying to accepting sell drugs outside my window or playing their rap music those are gangsters from different areas i've called in a license plate number before i don't know whatever became of that i don't ask i did my part now i found out today
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