tv [untitled] February 11, 2015 4:00pm-4:31pm PST
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throughout the country many of which you're familiar with here in the bay area that gary it and skip will talk about in addition to other projects in california including a signature project san francisco museum of modern art the third street promenade we've developed many of the corridors so at this time, i'd like to introduce gary it newland from may stretch and paul and him will be jerry handout our president regional president of lamar that will talk about the alfaro mixed use district thank you, mr. gale
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good afternoon madam chair and commissioners make director it's my pleasure to give a brief introduction this afternoon i'm gary it newland vice president of the development any partner is unskilled zip also development is here with me we look forward to getting to know you he the staff again brief introduction of our company bay switch for the capital of $10 billion real estate investment company in the u.s. we manage offer 55 million square feet of square footage those are regional shopping industries we have a major presence on the west coast and the east coast and then in the state of arizona we typically own and manage iconic retail
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properties just some works are scotts fashion scare in arrested arrests the queens center in new york and washington square in the pacific northwest a strong portfolio and babe baurgd and outlined a couple of projects the one that on the screen is the project that was mentioned we took the santa monica mall we revitalized it into an outdoor retail designation that was mentioned has one a lot of awards another project to mention it is underway for us a project of '81 sons in mcclain virginia it's a
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about a 3 quarter of a billion dollars investment we have an enclosed mall we're adding on office tower a residential tower and hotel tower in this current fates with a lot more development and redevelopment opportunity over the next 15 years and then we have a local presence we own and manage the village and we own the north gate mall and own and manage the plazas in wall nutd creek if you've visited it is quite torn up we've torn up half the shops and parking and realty it a $300 million reinvestment and outdoor that will be offering more to the local community
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and the reason we're here we have developing a strong presence in the fashion out let sector we have a project in niagara falls we're competing an capitalization the nigger great new york we've completely a year and a half ago a project adjacent to the airport it is breaking the mold what you think of an outlet center that's the kind of project that we're proud of and proud to be working on i'll closing close there again to say it's our pleasure to have this introduction with the commission and we look forward to working with staff and our partner lamar what will be a great project at the incourse of conduct candle stick park.
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>> thank you gary it good afternoon commissioners thanks for the opportunity to talk about this exciting development using my phone to you took some notes i don't want you to think i was taking a selfie okay first, i want to say we couldn't be happyer to have mariah as our partner they're considered the best of the breed as garrett said what's enticed us was they have experience in urban forum and creating you know exciting upper environmentalists as opposed to a shopping center we thought that was an important impact of a partner particularly as exciting as candle stick i
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want to give a context of how the matrix fits into the structure as you can see the forms on the left the dark blue is the hotel the brown behind the blue is a condominium tower the red is all of the within the pie, if you will is all our venture is matt's restriction and the yellow is that multi family the pink is other retained retail you know t b d and the blue is you know performance venue what's excited about the structure is actually quite magnetic structure it is all of it fights on top of the grayish garage a deck garage it functions as one
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and so this is really, truly a fully integrated mixed use development and speaking directly about our vision we've held untrue true to say that we view this as creating a district with urban forms and urban funds that are going to have retailer in them that are outlet retailer i've good neighbor policy come to build a lot of converse space not a outlet outlet centers have maybe 40 or 50 percent true peer outlet the rest is other outlets so we view this as an exciting catalyst to deliver this this is an innovation because historically we will look at o
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those like at the corner fields out in the middle this is a new exciting produce in am integration into other environment we see that as an important catalytic for the area i'm sure you're aware of there's other commercial spates ze we have on the one side assuming the streets to say we receive this to the baseball field down first base this is down the third baselines is harry necessary we've spent a lot of time and collaborated with the mass rich people how to make it angle engaging environment and something that speaks to the local neighborhood and the community serving the types of retail
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this is an image looking for on england son looking at want outlet district, if you will, and this is a prospective of looking on england son as if you're back is to really looking at on to arne in the distance and we envision retail that's engaging the pedestrian and england son is not as wide as harey it is a rich opportunity to create something that is a difference experience particularly rich in neighborhoods serving and restaurant type of retailers please feel free to ask questions as we go along and here's another prospective
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from harey looking if down england son this is the last slide slide. >> thank you. i wanted to take a could have more minutes to provide additional information about the corresponding community benefits coming in conjunction with the retail center starting with transportation so for transportation at the opening of the retailed center of the 66 rutland that is depicted on the map in green will be expended from its executive park and continue along humanitarian i didn't way and it will be 15 minutes returning every 15 minutes
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additionally the 29 sunset will be extended south on gilman from humanitarian i didn't way on a 5 minute headway the sunset is depicted in brown on the map additionally the developer will be providing a private shuttle for residents on a 7 and a half minute segue and it is also determined by the needs of the riders but connecting to bart and downtown additionally, there will be new open space provided at the completion of retail center 3 actually new open spaces those exclude the wedge plaza the number 2 on that map this is a public plaza that is located
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in front of the retail center along humanitarian i didn't way and act as a respite for those who are doing the activities of shopping or hanging out in the neighborhood and provided connections to the larger regional parks excluding the state recreational area around candle stick point and they will make improvements on the jamestown and bay area hillside open space those are three and four on the map those open spaces are very naturalistic and severely sloped they'll be replanted within an emphasis on habitant an ongoing commitment to make sure that san franciscans are getting jobs from the projects stated at the top of the slide
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the goal that 50 percent of the construction workforce hours will be performed by san franciscans with the residents of blighting as you can see on phase 2 of the project the developer is coming close to tell achieving the 50 percent goal and 36 are residents of bayview hunters point there's a goal to insure with that the local businesses the project sets a goal that 50 percent of sub contracting are awarded to small business ftes again with a preference for ftes located if the bayview and health department to date 56 percent of the dollars have been awarded to ftes 69 percent in san francisco and 54 are inner project areas
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a quick note once the retail center is on the permanent employers have a permit to make sure that the residents of bayview and hunters point shipyard for the c p center ocii staff will work with the office of economic workforce development or oewd to insure that job training and placement opportunity are available and working to enter into a contracting agreement that sets clear exemptions for future employers to hire locals and the permit hiring will be performed and i'll be sure to come back to
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the commission to conclude i want to say we'll be submitting a feats application for the details for the mixed use development and some phases are approved and other controlling documents are approved by the executive director we anticipate that the sub phase will come from lamar and those are commission actions in the spring we'll come back to show you the phases adapted in 2014 and part of the 2010 projects for approvals we anticipate any designs changes will claim had k committed the clean up there was an original stadium to remain on the site we've remove that alternative and other changes
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that are necessary the commission will have an opportunity to review the specific design for the retail design and the schematic design and with that we're available for questions. >> thank you, madam secretary any public comment cards. >> i do not. >> i'm surprised mr. washington you didn't. >> back and forth it takes a toll let me say this hunters point shipyard project there's been people speaking longer than than i have i want to make it straight for the record and those new puppies i've been around for over 25 years you talk about jobs and how's and education in a 10 year period
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and retail how this is going to have good jobs but the realization at the did a survey the negatively grow and african-american is going to be obsolete in the city so this is bs we're not able to be living in the city therefore whoever wrote the law complutd included us number 2 hunters point i hate to tell the black folks out there hold up soldier if you don't look at the inner renewal we call negro and to the city and county of san francisco and the state and the united states government and they understand with the renewal urban did to san francisco this was a failure
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now i can our supervisors put some laws together to say oh, 50 percent hiring but if you look at it we're not going to be around to reap the benefits like i say we 5i7b9 got time if you look at it it don't take no rocket scientist or person if harvard to understand the valuation our population is down we're going not go going to be around my family i've been working 20 years are here in 10 or 15 years we'll be obsolete god gave me a vision flip-flop and drop everything now all those new plans there's going to be have been a remedy to include
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us i'm with the cac their force the infrastructure of the city and county the parallel has to be for us we got to put something in there so people won't be offended we opened the doors for everybody but i'm here to stand i'm a black man, this is black history month so i'm telling you we must co-exist or it ain't going to continue. >> thank you any other speakers mr. james. >> sorry for not putting a card in oscar james from hunters point prove or disprove the key for the african-americans to
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stay in hunters point is homeownership we need to get more folks buying property that guarantees us folks we'll be out there any grandmother was the first african-american to buy a home in hunters point in the 30s she left the history for us to be property owner and my brothers are property owners thank god i didn't have sisters i want to support 24 particular project because it is beneficial to us i know they say 50 percent hiring by my memorandum of understanding 50 percent contingent and one hundred percent citywide okay. the other thing i want to make an contention or mention i don't know if lamar or the developers know that read by the alice
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griffith park it used to be water right there if you go into the park you'll see telephone poles we used to skid rocks if you go around the state park you'll notice you'll start like waving as you drive how the street has sunk and it has like. >> wave you ride on it that needed to be sewer charged and more materials put there where it can make that i see the property on here is flat but it's not going to be flat if you put a surcharge to kind of let that water kind of seep out i know the developers you know what i'm talking about irreverent and that's the other thing i wanted to make sure they knew about the water where the park is it's the ball
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park that was a hill but the bottom part was water so you know i've been out there 68 years so i know i used to ride my this stick hours out there. >> stick hours i haven't heard that okay any other public comment there is a workshop so fire away. >> i just i i know that ace left but prior to him actually getting up is s i have a question this is not for this time i want to make a comment you know when we look at the san francisco fte it is a great fabulous number but how many of the businesses is long time resident and i ask that because you know there's a lot of folks and in
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boyer and candle stick and the southeast portion of the city that actually for a long time have gone without opportunities without resources and i know there's a lot of folks that are flocking to san francisco opening up shop and then basically taking a lot of those opportunities and i don't know how fair that is and i really would love for us as a commission and agency because we have $4 billion worth of projects maybe we need to dig a little bit deeper i know it's about who benefits from those opportunities and you know we talk about local hire because we want san franciscans to build the city we talked about the arts and want san franciscans it provide the
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arts but i know a lot of people that just got here and our benefiting from those wonderful opportunities that it really actually would be great to have some folks that have been here a long time remember we talked about during third street when we were rebuilding third street and the small businesses suffered because of the construction and then we brought the fact that maybe when the constructions is beginning why not give the local delhi that's been there 20 years to make sandwiches for the workers and give them an opportunity to benefit from the work and so you know one i'd like to maybe ask tiffany a that's
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something we can talk about and i know we can do a lot of what we can by the power that a lot of us will have to push for something like that i don't know how to define that or the scope but let's see how we can do longshoreman in the myths when you look at the mall or the you know, i know it's not going to be all the big name stores by like pacific islanders coffee i knew him when we was working in a coffee store he was playing around with coffee but more than it's coffee growing up we didn't have money when the
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construction boom slowed down any mom would say can you go to thildz and get some coffee i didn't have the money to pay so phil give us credit so maybe next week there are a lot of businesses in the city that have been around a long, long time that has the center specialness that makes san francisco special i urge you working on this project to that about that you know, i figure it will do a lot of good for the people and especially the people that survived; right? let's be honest >> anticipate maybe something as a commission and as an agency i've talked with the mayor about
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it and you know he thinks this is good so i think as a city family and as a community as and people that come and do business with us maybe we'll make a concerted effort for people that have been here a long time that's all i ask. >> commissioner mondejar yes this is great your proposal is exciting and wonderful by i was wondering if you've also you know as this context is developing you will be attracting a lot of families and shoppers especially and there are other needs that have to be addressed and things like this a grocery maybe not a supermarket but a ribbon place of residence
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what about a fire station a police station a pharmacy and i notice there are medical clinics there decreases s are opening offices i have a friend that opened there a few years ago and she's on over accident weekend she wants to catch the families that go shopping over the weekend instead of taking time off during the week i hoping hope you'll consider as you plan this beautiful historic place the needs of families are addressed so, yeah well, it seem like we have a response that's great. >> thank you and i think both of our questions and comments are similarly themed what i
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neglected to add we talked about the neighborhood serving did types of environment we focus a lot and in our business is creating authentic environments so speaking exactly to what you're saying and there's been discussion particularly other than the street an england son and humanitarian new is weaving into san francisco and while still serving other needs with groceries and pharmacy and things like that this is a focal point and you'll are hearing more about that as we progress. >> that's great i would i don't know if it's a question for staff but an ad on
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to what supervisor miguel bustos we talk about as the project is ramping up right as the construction, etc. we haven't talked about what happens after so i was happy to hear, if you will, the host project completion, if you will workforce development idea of because i have that in my voting rights notes of hiring resident essentially that's a question of mine you know making sure that we deliver on the project i've heard the mayor say it to the neighborhood that you know being blunt this is not the western edition so anything you can tells you at this stage about the post project workforce development idea or ideas. >> yes. there so
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