tv [untitled] February 11, 2015 7:30pm-8:01pm PST
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transportation and the workers of the group the hotel council spur and others and submitted letters of support for this proposal because of the positive impact on late night workers thank you very much. >> thank you any public comment on item 6 all right. seeing none, public comment is closed and now colleagues, can we we'll take that without objection. we'll take that without objection. this item passes. >> item 7 please. item 7 recommended allocation of $5 million plus in prop k fund with conditions and $636,000 plus subject others distribution schedule this is an action item. >> we have chad a senior transportation participate. >> good morning chad senior planner with the transportation authority i'll be presenting the
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first 7 prop k items the transportation no southern california's and my colleagues will present the last i want to note the bay requests are in fulfill in the enclosure there's a summary of requests included in the attachment for the 8 requests i want to note the 5 points $2 million and the 6 hundred 40 thousand in the vehicle fee leveraged a total of $9 million plus in prop k funding so moving on to the first request the sfmta is requesting one hundred thousand dollars in the neighborhood planning fund for the district one and tiff planning and tiff was developed to build the capacity and the transportation planning in san francisco and also to advance
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the delivery of community supported neighborhood skill projects the scope included was by input from supervisor mar's office and included the analysis of the transportation safety related needs in district one was informed by the city's initiative walk fairs and others we've worked with the neighborhood groups to identify the targeted outreach like community walk and other promotions and the scopes proximity is excludes working with supervisor farrell's office so this map illustrates where light work will specifically took place the bike access to and from good afternoon, supervisors the 4 to 5 south show that in yellow will connect
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the presidio to gg park they'll advance the corridors through the designing through this project for this sector shown in orange sfmta will look at the bike and safety improvements in the next improvements and the designed for the paving project is anticipated to begin maybe in about a year and construction start in the full of 2016 like to acknowledge the commissioners that sit on the vision zero committee and that committee has been in san francisco municipal transportation agency near the term vision zero capital project we have a grlg this will leverage thirty thousand funds by supervisor kim's and improvements will be prioritized and designed the first half of
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2015 and the first community meeting will be late winter or early spring and design the improvements included that linkage to encourage slowing turning speeds by people in cards and signal timing and construction to begin the fourth quarter of 2015 and the project on by january 2016 okay. the next request walk first for rectangle flashing beacons this will install 22 of what we refer to as f d the crossing cords the beacons have proven effective to get the that you had to yields and one they don't have the issues with the
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flashing they'll add more eye level more visible to people in cars the san francisco municipal transportation agency will determine the actual number of beacons to be installed up to 11 for the walk first priority so. >> so quick question you've not decides on the location yet. >> that's correct. >> i think 8 of the actual crossing have been identified it's unclear how many of the beacons are needs so if there's additional beacons that do not need to go into the 8 crossing then an additional cross kro crossing will be identified. >> do you know where those 8 are. >> i think that's on - it's in
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the enclosure for this item if you have page number it starts on page 81 would i like me to list them off. >> in general. >> we know where the 8 locations are and the next 3 locations are at. >> and for reprehensive in the enclosure those locations are list on page 82. >> supervisor yee a question. >> you mentioned some criteria probltd some lefty placements can you identify. >> in terms of identifying we have staff from sfmta happy to - >> jonathan with mta there's a couple of criteria we consider first when look at our walk first cords in specific
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locations where we're had injuries in the past and second doing the flashing beacons it takes time to put in a traffic signal so this is effective when we might want to go to a traffic signal in the future this demonstrates the cars to slow down to help the pedestrians based on those criteria looking at whether or not it's on the corridor or past collisions we'll use to locate those. >> thank you and we're joined by supervisor farrell. >> the next request i'll just is for franklin signal upgrades our the request at a total of 32 locations on franklin and embarcadero some of the ones are on the walk first, they rank
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highly for the specific types of improvements the goal to bring the signals up to a higher standard of focus so the intersections will be upgraded to better view and maps installed to so the pedestrian signals will be at the intersection where no one exist other upgrades have the signal upgrades and the repairs of the ramps that were disabled during construction and this loots 6 hundred and plus with an allocation in the 2015-2016 and that's in order to allow the project to advertising for the construction for the streaming plan the sfmta's schedule was in 2015-2016 but the project is
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ahead of schedule and their accelerating the walk first projects by bike safety this allows the sfmta to provide continuity in the bike safety education contract by that standing that contract from february to november 2015 this extension allows the mind for evaluation of the bike safety and the potential improvements for 9 overall program for the contract the outreach the additional classes will continue to target the underserved in chinese and spanish and target groups that are underrepresented in the community sfmta this sfmta project protection systems will fund the planning for the safety improvements for maintenance workers that perform the working
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on top of vehicles it will be rep e helping with the electrical design by performing the constructional design it is for potential sources like prop k and prop b and revenue bonds and others moving on to 0 balboa park we have two requests first one i want to mention how excited we are to see the balboa park moving along they have been from community based projects and transit, liability so walking you through those in a moment i want to remind folks of the things happening in the area one is the design a walkway to the
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pedestrian offer pass in fair gates also the sfmta project which is a new stop in related to the accessibility on jose affordable housing and the green light rail and moving 0 on to the specific requests the reconfiguration on geneva and pedestrian flashing last week's and safer assess and the utility to facilitate the bart on ocean avenue and street resurfacing and the balboa park community advisory committee has been supportive moving forward with their living of the ear to help the details the pedestrian latin-american and have asked critical questions to make sure it is the best and the cac was i got on the project and most of
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the scope element were identified for the near term improvements on the balboa park conceptual engineer studies a prop k funded that and the preliminary jerry phase for that the completion is amended by january 2016 with that, i'll ems to my colleague. >> one question just a small thing. >> commissioner christensen. >> about the bicycle safety are there another thing like the 39 classes. >> the 39 classes is just from the extension. >> so it's costing roughly $1,800 a class for the bikes. >> i'll have to check i think some for the sfmta staff outreach and administration of their contract with the actual vendor who performs the class.
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>> i'm asking if there's something after the contracts it is seems like the bicycle. >> i'll add on to the bike safety it's important for the elevation it investigated to provide the education classes to try to host as many as the bike coalition we get a lot of complaints from many, many folks all over the city bicyclists following the same rules as everyone else especially the drivers in the elevation to make sure that smou someway that is addressed this is important. >> thank you. >> hi. >> collin with the transportation authority the last item is the balboa intafrj
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adapted the double park circulation study that identified 3 elements the two, that are moving forward and shown in the slide here which are the southbound ramp i believe as element 2 to ocean avenue from any 2 it creates pedestrian and bicyclists congestion so the proposal identified in the study was to create a s intersection to create a ramp for safety there so this phase of work is to had a traffic analysis and environmental review and prepare the caltrain approval package to move that closer to prelims the second element is labeled and element one the color of the
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southbound on ramp on to i 80 that creates conflicts around the balboa station so the identification to close the ramp to only enter from ocean avenue this phase includes a ramp case analysis that is approved by conflicts and the administration before we could moved with the implementation of a pilot or permanent closure of that so the idea to move those closer to a closer analysis and documentation we need and get those approvals in like that so we can push that forward i'll include a component as we outreach to 9 community
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including the cac that's been involved in the appropriation and recommendation our schedule moderating to so 0 do the ramp enclosure 0 analysis and the environmental for the ramp project by mid the middle of next year so that's a quick alfaro i'm happy to answer any questions you may have. that's the final item in this package of appropriation. >> thank you supervisor breed has a question. >> actually, i'm going back to the biking clatz i want to ask some questions about that all right. i have a bit have a problem with the allocation of the bike classes mostly for a number of reasons we have a lot of challenges in the city both with cars and bicyclists and one of the things that we know is
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happened more recently there's recent more tiblth to biologist when your ticketed when our a driver you sometimes have to go to travel school and on a system set up in the city to require bicyclists to go to education classes to be more a safe but a lot of the classes in the past specifically through the bike coalition have been classes that help families or individuals that don't feel comfortable or safe biking in san francisco feel more comfortable in safe biking in san francisco and the turnout in many instances in the underrepresented community continues to be low and mostly the feedback i'm going to bike in san francisco it is too much of a challenge i think that
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investing in educational bike classes await making sure we're reaching out to the individual that are actually biking in the first place is just a bit of a waste of money i think it is important that we strategize on how to get to individual that are biking in the city in general most bicyclists may think their safe or not maybe understanding the rules or how be defensive ultimate we don't want to see people get hurt at this time i don't think it's a good idea to invest the money without a clear plan as to how this is really going to make a difference especially, when our looking at underserved communities in a bike community
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maybe not people riding bikes i have a problem with the allocation in general and would hope we can before we support moving this amount forward we can have a more extensive plan to address some of the challenges we still tale with in the bike community and in general, i think that's a better investment than random bike classes and outreach and two or three people show up. >> thank you commissioner christensen. >> what shall we ask how are the bicycle classes promote and who tends to attend them? don't anyone know the answer to that request if we're trying to elevate it i agree with supervisor breed we're trying to do our best i'm not sure that's
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not a reason to do nothing at all who are going to the classes and - >> john with the mta i've obedient to 3 cycles of this we've been focusing on outreach and trying to expand cycling to get people to bicycle safely how they can cycle i don't know how many people are attending the classes that is a fair question and the effectiveness based vision zero and things we're trying to work on in the city having people that cycle in a safe way in the past the contracts with with the bicycle coalition we've had this based on the feedback i've heard from you commissioners it makes sense for us to hold the allocation
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back this month and look at the questions and come back with a better presentation with the specific allocation how we've managed this in the past and taking the suggestions that supervisor breed said about changing the program we can definitely work with the members of the krashthsz in the future that's any recommendation. >> thank you supervisor yee. >> yeah. i appreciate the questioning here and mainly because i assume that when you give out contracts you have criteria's and data you collect from that you ask for so if this is sort of the general practice where we don't have or ask for that for those types of contract we need to look at not this particular contract but all of them. >> i will add you know none of
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us are questioning the importance of those classes so if it's possible if we can amend this item 7 to delay the 72 thousand prop k requests for the bicycle education classes for the time okay. >> i think both. >> if we can take a roll call vote. >> on the motion to amend item 8 arrest supervisor breed. >> oh 7; right? >> item 7 supervisor breed. >> commissioner christensen supervisor farrell supervisor tang supervisor yee item is amended. >> okay. thank you and any other further comments or questions about the underlying item 7. >> seeing none okay opening it up for public comment item 78 all right. seeing none, public comment is closed and now colleagues if we can do
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a roll call vote i don't know if we need a roll call vote if we can take that without objection and item 7 passed item 8. >> item 8 recommending the $10 million plus in one bay area grant fund from the sfmta masonic complete streets to the light rail with conditions this is an action item. >> thank you. we have amber crabby for this item. >> the request is not for the request of $10.2 million from the sfmta masonic complete streets to the light rail vehicles project you may recognize that project it was approved a few months ago a hundred and $18 million for the one hundred plus vehicles and extension vehicles in june 2013
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it was approved for the 2014-2015 of the funds for the masonic project it will have to obligate the fund by 2015 and for those of you who don't know this is gooth the same funds so in order to go in and ask for the application it has to have a level of readiness unfortunately, it's been debated because of the san francisco public works and as well as the scope to include a sewer system and overhead wires and signal in the mediums so sfmta will miss the obligation deadline and metropolitan transportation system said if we pious it that will not be available until 2016-2017 so the proposed light rail vehicle will use the fund
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and good faith them immediately and the masonic avenue project will move forward with the revenue bonds in the swap is approved it will be completely by 2016 the swap will have to be approved by the metropolitan transportation commission and technically the swap for the light rail and no beck priorities we'll continue to track the masonic avenue project to keep tabs on this with that i'm happy to answer any questions you may have. >> so it looked like i think it is a great swap and great choice for the procurement of one hundred and 51 replacement of l l vs so i wanted to know because of the swap how much faster or basically, we're able to sped up the timeline for the l l.b. >> it will keep the same
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timeline but swap the fund. >> okay any other questions or comments okay. seeing none thank you any public comment on item 8? all right. seeing none, public comment is closed all right. can we take that without objection? item 8 passes unanimously >> item 9 major capital projects i yerba buena improvements project this is an informational item. >> thank you. we have eric cordova. >> good morning, chair take the opportunity this item starts on page 1013 i have a short presentation regarding the project and let me go ahead and start we've gifted the project in two one is the yerba buena
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project and the seconds referred to as the west side bridges it was important to note we've worked jointly with the transbay joint powers authority on all the thought approvals with caltrain and the costs to be railroads by the federal and state and tida you see a photo simulation of the completed project right now if you're driving from oakland to san francisco to get ouch of treasure island you have to take the off-ramp on the lsd we're building westbound on and off-ramps on the west side so if you're going towards treasure island you'll take the off-ramp on the right side and a new loop on ramp to go ahead and go to
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the city westbound before you hit treasure island and merge. >> as i indicated we've been working for the last 8 years for the environmental approve by 2012 this credits the transportation authority board for over $49 million we received from the federal and state governments through federal highway bridging fund and state proposition b funds $26.53 million plus we're happy to report the expenditures are over $26 million and the professional change orders are looking good less than in essence 2 percent two to three percent in terms of the change orders zee a team that is
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proactively managing that and the golden gate has been quoted the contract was tracking 13 percent we believe we'll meet and exceed the goal. >> a little bit more details on the constructionists we're 54 percent complete foundation and column contradiction is almost 80 percent complete the weather has helped us the warm weather allowed us to work to the winter months it is really a series of 5 bridges that is making the on and off-ramp structures bridge a was the actual deck was completed in that regard false work is erected in bridge e the westbound off-ramp 90 percent complete i have pictures that are really
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telling the story bridge d the westbound off-ramp is false work is being erected and happy to report we've moved the west building i'll have more and right now, we're on schedule to complete the project by august of 2016 just some pictures i want to go through quickly westbound as i indicated this is in essence if you go to san francisco from the island this is the point to merge on the concrete area and the light poles will be relocated to the right we bridged that that's good news in that regard this is me stand on the what is referred to bridge 60 feet up in the air this looks at identically point to the
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