tv [untitled] February 15, 2015 9:00am-9:31am PST
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it's not just an epidemic they've been part of the lgbtq silva referring are a they circled her out of the city hall meeting because they didn't want to hear if a transgender person the media talks about guy gay rights it didn't cover some of the things that my transgender brothers and sisters have mentioned not access to health care and job equality transgender people can't serve in the mill don't ask don't it will we get that a lot the t is at the end of the la concina mexican restaurant and a lot of time the community thinks they can speak for us i want to i'm to supervisor campos because i
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got upset he told you about the step rule it was other people telling us what the transgender community should represent 2 hundred and 60 transgenders people were killed we've kept since the year of 2000 it's not an epidemic but more than 15 years 6 people or 7 people in a month is an epidemic i take it time the united states listens to trans people and if we can't be heard in san francisco how can we be heard. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker please. >> good afternoon. i'm manually i'm a proud member of the evasion of the people that are fighting for human right we helped to pass the van box policy that was our baby we helped to create in 2003 and 4 the reason i'm here i'm a
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concerned ally i want to state that to be a concerned ally it's humane because i'm supposed to be from the community to be called an overlook will i i stand in solidarity for the tragic it is the normal many, many places of the world to be killed when i heard all lives matter i agree but we i agree when you say the strugglers we're facing for incarcerated transgender people and black lives and transgender see worldwide there's a struggle it is a struggle those lives are not liability not by the eir or the multinational korpgs that dictated what shows up in the media and that's what
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infrastructure san francisco says we must end our allegiance we must recommit ourselves to fight for all san franciscans the few things we can specifically do one start to learn the language of the real identity of the person being killed or hurt or fighting for the transgender community two create a space for the transgender to show up to staff that are led by the community and third to not build a new jail i mean we have more jail cells for people of the community - >> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> i go to the staff i was told by one of the members ace i see you come up with the cameras and
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sing i'm here to stand in solidarity i'm not a homosexual or i might try anything i'm a troy silksal. >> my name is ace wow. and i've been on this caseblast about madam chair history some of those people know all in this place but it's no mystery just check black history i've been working on some cases involved and a lot of the conspiracy oh, who what's going down down, down in this town the black population is going down when the benefits come we might not be around this being said hiring is just a
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butch shit offering excuse me. when i can't afford to pay the rent black man trying to be the san francisco resident oh who look around and see where have all the black folks went i'm actually telling you it don't make sense ladies and gentlemen, i'm here to see where our generation is going to come i want to show that i've got problems with the sheriff's department i'm doing angle investigation that is going on for 10 years i'm not here for a personal vendetta but whoever this touches in my 10 year investigation because my name is ace. >> thank you mroosh.
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>> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hi my name is chris i'm the executive director of the transgender law center i know jason if a few dejects ago we're one of the largest organizations in the country to seeking to transform the rights of the tape recordings and we're in san francisco we joined with other trans and organizations to make this happen because since 2015, 6 transgenders have been murdered those are only in the media; right? it's an ongoing presence of violence in our community we're calling on our north korea trans allies to prevent the murdered in our community i'll say that moving back to the bay area recently that's been a policy to prevent
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the transgenders but clearly more to do if our community continues to be murdered and faces violence i think that san francisco can be a real model joining with community members to find ways to make the laws we have won here to be a reality members of the communities are no longer being killed we're calling for the city to provide resources and services to transgender non-performing community and part of that is the calling on the city to not create nor jails but put those resources towards supporting the trans and ending the violence against our people. >> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon well chinese new year is about here the lunar new
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year you know the expression is really losses will i translated may you expand your wealth you get rich anyway that's a new expression there are many, many traditions one of the traditions that, please don't cut our hair you might cut your leukemia so district 3 we have 3 things in conjunction with the march on the 14 and 15 at restaurant from 12 to about 2 we have the dump left leg making i can't on new years eve that's a tradition everybody young and owl and in china to bring leukemia to our family you have to do it and the cantonese tradition or the mulch
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i didn't balls are common practice in chinatown as well as you know throughout china and the other one about a kid who is 16 years old who plays the chinese violin really, really good ritual on tv and part of the celebration this is the flier and this is the dump listing so i hope i hope julia can attend at hong kong restaurant i'm not here to brag about anything but this is the good thing good year in the year of the sheep. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hello supervisors i'm speak
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also here to sit in solidarity i've been in san francisco for 5 years it's the best in the world i think it is really hard living in fear everyday wondering is today, the day i'll get stabbed on the bus attacked going into the clubs or groshdz as many people decided trans latinos in san francisco 70 percent feel unsafe walking around san francisco of all places in the daylight compared to 20 percent of the lgbtq population i'm here to demand no new jail we can invest in for housing and johns i believe that will uplift all people of color including the
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transgenders people that will make us safer than any jail could i'm here to recognize for more education starting in elementary school and community centers and centers silvers senior centers including the diversity we can't keep dying we can't keep getting killed i would like to call for more solidarity from our state and xhupdz or communities especially the men when you look at who is committing the crimes it's men oftentimes men of color and low income men it takes someone like you for you to truly understand and to see other people i think
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that. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> thank you supervisor president breed and other victims i'm christopher i live at 6th and howard living near the sea level i rise in talk about the bicycle i quote from the new king james bible if one of our people becomes poor you shall help him he mating may live with you took no interest but fear our god that your brother may live with you you shall not lend him our interest money or food this is las vegas cuss 35 through 37 when you took this idea and combine it with the chronicle theme all persons
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are in our tribe you can conclude the collection of interest is against the rules and maybe that rile on applies to the poor apparently you can charge the rich to so it seems biblical component christian shouldn't charge the poor as much as the law will allow or more and give the rich lower tax rates a free bus ride thank you supervisor president breed. >> thank you >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hi, i'm louise with the center for the transgender health and the san francisco trans march i think or you know you've heard that transgenders of color experiences is disproportionate health disparities compared to other
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populations that because we get discriminated against and discrimination their bullied in school causing transgender not to graduate and transgender are kicked out of their home when someone is kicked out of their house and experiencing bullying one is the only way to get money and survive with sex work all the issues the transgenders experience really contribute especially the high amounts of hiv the department of public health recently conducted a study that found that transgender women 39 percent were hiv positive the response from san francisco around the resources quite frankly is inadequate the money is not enough to address the extreme
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amazes amounts of disparities and the violence particularly transgender of colorfast in san francisco this is unacceptable we shouldn't have this occurring in our city we're a teeny, tiny city i'm courage to please advocate us at the statewide and national level have to trarntd measures because we don't credit vw have an accurate transgender account we have no idea how many transgenders there are san francisco has an inadequate stems of transgenders in the city with one thousand 5 hundred and 28 transgender women. >> thank you.
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>> thank you. next speaker, please. >> have been incarcerated at some time in their lives those data map under the epidemic this was obey talked about and found half of the transgender women living in san francisco are living with hiv and among the blacks are among the trains party we need to provide services and reach out and find a visibility and recognize this is important part of the lgbtq community a sanitary city an lufbt mecca i work with folks hoping for love and sense and don't come looking at for incarceration and this can't be
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the city for this, please invest and please love our transz folks especially transgenders of color from the violence against them and i beg of you to participate. >> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> do those go up and down? my name is dean yell or danny i'm an organizer with the project astonishing i do not gabriel jose and others those are the folks we've lost really recently i'm a white person as a white person and as a white trans person what would joann brown do i want to talk about the
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allyship i'm outraged and disgusted the board of supervisors people came down there trying to get publicity allowing self-determination to happen the way it was supposed to and any kind of comment where the sheriff want to say there's a prison budget on behalf of our training there's money in the budget to go towards protecting us and educating the people that are holding us captive i'm here as part of the project for the people it is time to show up a lot harder yesterday we need you now and take direction and we need you folks with us transgender need the resources not jails we're clear we don't
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need a new jail but need resources for the survival and resources for the community and implore you to hold those demands in our heart or you'll be following us about constructive opportunities for the programming and trans survivor programming in and out of of our contingent please stay with us as we're trying to build accountability thank you >> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hi, i'm janet the director of the programs with the transgender justice project i'm also a person i recently turned 50 on november 12th and promise you i've been physically and nonverbal brutalizing attacked win 34 times as a
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african-american transgender person grouping in an african-american community there was a lot of things that were perpetuated against us as trans people and noted to be fixed because we b have been disfranchised and marginalized and have disparities continue our community especially in a madam chair community we need additional support from the black community so reach out and give us support because there's a lot of things happening in our community that are inappropriate and not right. i want to make sure that everyone is aware the transgender people are being murdered and transgender people are not murdered because they got caught stealing something they're not getting killed pastas burn breaking bog a building and got shot they're
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being killed solely on being transgender that's it was we're transgender we're being murdered and that's happening and being perpetrated definition us if you guys are not taking had that serious it's hurt unnecessary full and painful that is important that here in san francisco we have one space not one says that a few spaces that are dathd to transgenders that are our one safe plays i realize there's organizations that are g lgbtq friendly. >> thank you very much. >> transgender. >> transgender. >> transgender.
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>> to that the murders stop did murders stop the murders stop the murders stop the murders stop the murders stop the murders. >> thank you. >> stop the murders. >> thank you thank you >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> madam president i'm a tenderloin neighborhood activist i welcome you the newest member in the seats i come to this meeting a lot unusual it is you know it is not entirely a coincidence but astonishing i can't was in my building my roommateroommate we got money from during the
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course burger for hospital but you'll get traction out of prevention going out into the community and being pro-active if you want to take a percentage of that money set is aside for actual you know programs out in the community you're going to get a much better outcome from that money and i know that's a context system just i know how to structure the money it is not too obvious it is kind of to cardiac meaning the people that came here the people on this side of the big dividing line a lot of the information how to spend that money is going to come from this side we could use help and structure like having a police district line design a neighborhood could work functionally if you could lift your pin i didn't finger up to
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history the quarterbacking took our team to championships and loss to the green bay passersby pa parkers and history why and titledly octavia boulevard please he played for the info 49ers a photograph i'm 10 or 11 years old more about that later again, i was born in new york queen island that's all i know about it'sly more about that later i've been reading a story a lot of story 20 years old about from that seem time 1963 a
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lot of story a 23rd-year-old marriage and separation of top donors if the field it's at under world the book is thick i got it from a library can i have the octavia boulevard a close-up it's called me and lee written by a woman that knew lee harvey oswald in the last half of 1963 i thought it was a wonderful story i recommend it you can find it at the library or something else. >> thank you very much any other members of the public would want to provide public comment at this point seeing none, public comment is closed madam clerk can you read the adaptation without committee reference. >> items 27 through 22 are immediate adaptation a single
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roll call vote if anyone objects it can removed and any members of the board that want to severe any item from that daumsz without a doubt committee reference seeing none madam clerk. >> on item 17 to 22 commissioner christensen supervisor cohen supervisor farrell supervisor kim supervisor kim? supervisor mar supervisor tang supervisor wiener supervisor yee supervisor avalos supervisor breed supervisor campos p there are 11 i's our those resolutions are approved
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unanimously please read the million dollars it will be in memory on behalf of supervisor wiener for the late mr. aaron anderson on behalf of supervisor campos so for the late mr. michael baxter and at the suggestion of supervisor campos supervisor cohen and supervisor wiener and supervisor mar for the late ms. astonishing i do not gabriel dejoe's colleagues this is the end of the agenda madam clerk, any other business before this committee? that concludes our business for today madam president >> okay. this meeting is adjourned -
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>> how are you guys doing. >> i can't hear you guys. >> good. >> everybody is here to subtract is beautiful dogging u doggy. >> how about his bow tie and hesitate nice nose let me welcome you all to this very, very important event this been would think of the most important events for me (laughter) because when i first started working at the department of public works one evening i thought sitting that new mrirm watching tv and do you know how windy it gets over here. >> yeah. >> you do i mean you must come
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from as you sit here now gates. >> no one from distancing gates so this is o'connor's school right so that wind had one of those doggy hats this one in particular this one right here used to be a restaurant across the street okay that restaurant over there and that wind blew the heads off yeah. i got this call the doggy had fallen and so they said you need to come and you need to get it to off the street and do something with it thanks to the neighborhood you guys radical and said we should save the head the can you go i didn't head that responsibility was given to
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