tv [untitled] February 16, 2015 4:30pm-5:01pm PST
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really feel good about it it represents the community tremendous you can recognize it i'll make the statements i'll take the liability it is also a very, very professional stamp for the postal service there are many collectors this is would think of the higher collected stamps out there i know for myself i have we've stamps going back years and years that means more profit did i say that right so it is a forever stamp if you have a need for this you can. >> it into the future it is i think american people stent way to recognize the community and awning people collect it to worldwide to cam thank you for scouting cam is a great artist
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so let's give cam a round of applause please (clapping) so some people don't realize it took him quite a bit to get out here he had to get 3 legs of his flight so southwest airlines flew him to nashville to las vegas and 3 legs to come out here 3 hours it's a long time so thank you very much (clapping) so with that i want to let you know i'll proud to represent occ and claudine left i think i've been talking for two minutes but oc a will have their national
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conference in july please come out and celebrate it's a great celebration we're celebrating the political side we're asking mayor ed lee to be part of our team speakers so you may not have gotten that letter it is in the cycle but no way that celebrates did nukes number of apologizing asians that have been elected to prominent positions it's a great way to celebrate and, of course we have a great political you know election president of 2016 we're getting prepared we've worked on the area of making sure our community is represent when it comes to politics by electing and registering to vote and articulating a right to vote as the citizens are learning their citizenship it's the power of america so thank you very much
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(clapping). >> thank you as mentioned i was in a many, many asian community career meetings i want to recognize chow the representative of our industry thank you. >> well, thank you all so much we had somebody join us someone in our room let's see she's beautiful we're i'd like to recognize tiffany anything she's many powell thank you for joining us i love our terry are a it's beautiful i'd like to thank each of the organizations claudine chang for all the support over the years,
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leakage that concludes today is stamp ceremony before we adjourn i'm to once again thank the community organizations throughout this great city that support of the license number in charge stamp event i especially want to thank 3 organizations that have been recommend at today is event the chinese chamber of commerce the chinese consolidated benefit haven't society and the oc a thank you all very much (clapping) we can't do it without you those organizations have participated every year annually with the license number in charge stamp ceremony since 1993 when the postal service unveiled it's license number in charge stamp for the year of the rooster here in san francisco in 1992 we actually start but 1993
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was the first unveiling i want to thank the line dancers and the police department color guards their in their support as partners in celebrating the license number in charge year from the beginning i'd like to thank i'm looking for any notes we have the sponsoring for the dancers claudine the sponsoring. >> the i would like to thank the chinese sxhoeltd consolidated benefit haven't society for the line dancers on a housekeeping note i want to let everyone know 16th century minutes after the ceremony you'll have your programs autographed right here over to the left this is our auto graphing area
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you can go to our lobby i strongly suggest please purchase our items outside and you can get the signatures of the people on stage and some of the honored gifts you've been a wonderful audience on behalf of the united states postal service thank you for coming today and enjoy the rest of your die thank you very muchverymuchmuchamuchymuchmuchymuchvery much thank you very mucha thank you very muchy thank you very much >> bonnie banks. bonnie banks. my definition of noise is
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uncontrolled music. without format. pretty simple affair. pancakes, and you're -- people get up on sundays around noon, weekends or whatever. should not be too hard to walk into place. have your audio alarm clock go off for two hours waking your up while you are eating breakfast with many interesting visuals once in a while. improvisation. listening or not to the person you're playing up against or people or machines. trying to get as many different people in as possible. different
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genres experimental noise electronics, dissonance some drums.a tiny bit of ambient -- the first noise pancake shows, 1999 the first waffle noise, 2001. god-waffle noise noise pancake came out of cubist art, place on mission street, brutallo where the church -- opened up his house and saturday morning cartoons. a big space. you can have everybody set up
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and barely move equipment around; small room for an audience to move around, walkover and get pancakes without getting burned up in the kitchen. there's like people in their hard-core gabber; people into really fast death metal; black metal. people who don't listen to music at all. guy like larnie bock (sounds like) set up huge, motor driven harp. i don't know how to explain it. 40 foot of motors that he had running over strings and wires.
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and then played each string individually with the mixer. there is a feeling of euphoria when somebody's really good at what they do. experiencing a buffer, pushing your bowels out your rear. different. a lot of noise. you don't play clubs with a cleaning schedule, a guy coming in the morning emptying the beer bottles. you play the warehouse. if you travel around you will see the exact same kind of weirdos doing their own thing. it is like in the bay area it's even more absurd. there seems to be more people that in a place like new york or tokyo. we did a show in new york,
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i didn't think that anyone was at hardly, and people come up and said i saw the show. i wish they had some kind of breakfast noise going on over there. i think a lot of people were being, walking out of the shows. that was incredible. i can't believe it's over already, after two hours. if you are reluctant to enjoy something like this it will probably take a mass of peers to sell you on it. it's fine if you stay away. most of the people that come to the shows are pretty happy to be here. you may not be one of them. which is fine.
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♪ >> welcome to hamilton recreation and aquatics center. it is the only facility that has an integrated swimming pool and recreation center combined. we have to pools, the city's water slide, for little kids and those of you that are more daring and want to try the rockslide, we have a drop slide. >> exercises for everybody. hi have a great time. the ladies and guys that come it is for the community and we really make it fun. people think it is only for those that play basketball or swim.
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>> i have been coming to the pool for a long time now. it is nice they are sweet. >> in the aquatics center they are very committed to combining for people in san francisco. and also ensuring that they have public safety. >> there are a lot of different personalities that come through here and it makes it very exciting all the time. they, their family or teach their kids have a swim. >> of the gem is fantastic, there is an incredible program going on there, both of my girls have learned to swim there. it is a fantastic place, check
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it out. it is an incredible indication of what bonn dollars can do with our hearts and facilities. it is as good as anything you will find out why mca. parents come from all over. >> there are not too many pools that are still around, and this is one-stop shopping for kids. you can bring your kid here and have a cool summer. >> if you want to see some of the youth and young men throughout san francisco play some great pickup games, come wednesday night for midnight basketball. on saturdays, we have a senior lyons dance that has a great time getting exercise and a movement.
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is not available for the meeting. nur ur and harper present -- no. 3 is communications. >> [inaudible] >> because i never said anything on any of these things. communications are announcements, generally, that's sort of the thing we are looking for. each of us have business about and the next one we'll get to the board of directors. it wasn't clear to me before and i appreciate being be clear on that. without communications, next item. >> you had a little something. >> yeah, what was i going to say? oh yes, i want to thank sf govtv
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staff, jessie and eggan are broadcasting us to the world. we very much appreciate that most of the time. okay. next item. city clerk: item 4, new and old business. i have none. >> okay. and this is where i would put in some of the things that might be coming up to the board. for me the emphasis over the next few months is going to be budget budget budget. we are going to get that in june, i think, right? we are going to get that in june and i would like to even in march, april, may have some preliminary issues. we don't get something in june that we are not surprised about. i think that's going to be, that's i think a primary consideration to all of us. one of the
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things that aren't, that i don't have on the agenda here that i'm used to in the east bay is what we call agenda planning. i just wanted to know that even though it's not a formal thing here at the meetings where a director says i would like to see this item on the agenda that's something that under the board of directors under new business would be very appropriate at that point or e-mail me and i will get back to you on it. so i want to just let that be known that i'm used to a board in which thinks about things that are on future agendas and communicate that in some setting and hopefully then it gets handled. that's my new and old business. city clerk: okay. we'll move to item 5. the executive directors
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report. good morning, everyone. we have a couple of items with very good news to report today. first of all the mellow roos facilities directed. the levee ordinance and special and collection taxes as well as the resolution authorizing the issuance of special tax bonds. cfd is going to fund both phase one and two. we would like to thank the mayor and the board of supervisors. second we closed block nine fullerton treat for $43 million. that's really good news. as a reminder this is an i 42 story residential units, 545 units equalling about 20 percent affordability. finally, just wanted to mention that following the
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tjpa board approval of the terminal lease for amtrak they will begin service in march. we'll we -- be bringing in more information. i would like to give jack adams with turner to give an update on the construction. >> good morning, jack adams with construction. i would like to give you a quick overview of our project site so you can see the western central and eastern zones. projects scheduled our status, we are approaching below grade concrete. our completion of that was coming up here. that's in the fourth quarter of this year. and we also want to point out that in the third quarter the bus ramp below grade
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concrete work will also complete. we'll move forward in some of our milestones in the year 2015. here is a little comparison of our active mile tones the below grade package is currently about 90 percent complete and on target for november 2015 completion and that will take us to completion of all of of our concrete work. the steel project is projected to be completed and we'll be crossing over first street. continuing slide, no big change since last no. this period the contingency was dropped by $300000 and down by $29.8 million of remaining
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balance. our safety statistics for this period, we had one recordable injury which is a back strain. the period summary coming up over right now during the month of january, we have just reported the single strain to the muscle ironworker. there is 3.4 craft hours completed to january 31st. and preparation of structural steel, we are just dismantling the structure and bordering first street and we'll be working this weekend to prepare the removal of the next section. that will be a big challenge we'll have to do a lot of night work with that. the steel fabrication
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continued in oregon, washington and southern california and vallejo. concrete milestone, the way we build the building is wall lifts with the lowest level wall was completed during the period. that's a nice milestone for us. the western zone now we are continuing on with the removal of the bracing. we are already completed up to the third level. our focus is on the eastern zone now pouring the concrete and getting the concrete level poured out. during the month of january. we completed another concrete pour and we have more to go. the project with the underground work. we have 12 of 29 deep cast and drill hole piles. those are moving along
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quite well and the above concrete grade work began last month with water proofing and we'll be in stalling rebar starting next month. here is a statistic chart. you can see the 100 percent completed chart for the first lift walls. moving up to the second lift wall to the central and western is 100, the eastern is now at 87. we are moving on progress there and the third lift walls 100 percent and 11 percent right now on the lift walls in the eastern zone. and the lower concourse pour again, seven completed in the eastern zone 9 to go. here at the west end a lot of the bracing is removed and the photo on the
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upper right where we are pouring the bicycle ramp and vehicle ramp off howard street. here is the structural steel activity. if you drive by you will notice there is a big change from grid line 10-15 and we are welding it everyday now directing towards first street. it's a pretty good graphic there on the on going structural activities. the eastern zone is all about concrete still. you can see some activity here. a lot of activity with form work with concrete and rebar. that will continue on like we said right through the second quarter to get all the concrete work done here in the eastern end of the frame box. here is a fabrication shot visit we did last week and you can see some of the size of the cast nodes that
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we are building here. this is the actual light column. here is a statistics on the cast nodes, 104 are shipped a lot are being erected. we are at 84 percent and continuing on everyday with the casting effectively done. now it's machining and processing. the bus ramp status here, we've done a lot of underground work since we began last fall. we are actually for this period we now have 12 of the below grade cidh piles done and will continue on to get the underground piles done and pylon 9 the center column of the cable state bridge is the above ground work. the grade level work will start this month. and these are some photos of
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pylon 9. you can see we are getting ready at the grade level to pour the grade beam and tie in the rebar for the above grade work coming up shortly. you can see some rebar fabricated in the lower right. it gives you a pretty good perspective of the diameter of the rebar with the workers standing besides it. we are going to continue the concrete on the steel bar and the modeling is on going. that's important next step for us. there is a team of workers on that everyday. over the next 60-90 days, march anticipate, structural steel in the central zone and fab -- fabrication and
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legal and plumbing. a break down in the bay area, no real change here, east bay and san francisco are well represented. and here is our apprentice breakdown which is no real change there either. labor trades breakdown. i think this increases every month, 2000 different individuals. i hope i didn't go too fast. i wanted to get through it. any questions? comments? >> thank you very much. excellent. city clerk: thank you, jack. the next item i'm going to introduce as a presentation on our sponsor ship opportunities we have a philanthropic family to name the station and components and see their name
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and logo at every bus stop and tourist map and everything that talks about san francisco and this new jewel that will open up in 2017. i can't emphasize what a remarkable opportunity this will be. here to present that item will be scott bullee and randy vol nick. >> hi. good morning directors. as maria indicated we view this as a major opportunity for transbay program and the sponsors. the magnitude of revenue that can be generated from this sponsor ship was democracy -- demonstrated last week with the donation to the hospital. it's going to be a major piece of public infrastructure that has a significant notoriety and will immediately become
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a major landmark. so we have structured the rfp that respondents can be a private structure corporation, private foundation or family as is the case with the san francisco general hospital donation. we are offering flexibility within the rfp. a respondent could propose to sponsor the entire transit center or major component of the transit center meaning the rooftop park on the transit station building. they also could propose to sponsor a series of smaller components throughout the transit center. randy and his supervision -- presentation is going into detail and will
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