tv [untitled] February 16, 2015 6:30pm-7:01pm PST
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for more information about reserving one of these romantic locations or any other location call 831-5500. this number is best for special events, weddings, picnics, and the county fair buildings. or for any athletic field call 831-5510. you can write us at -- or walk in and say hello. and of course you can find more information -- >>
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and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all agendas item a approval the board minutes non-tonight before i call the next item he want to remind the must be if you wish to address the combrufks u board of education you need to complete a speaker card prior to the issue and according to the board procedures those will not be for items before the board and item e the superintendent report irresponsibility your spot sponsor the evening. >> thank you very much dr. murase and commissioner president murase and good evening to everyone i want 0 have a very, very brief set of
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remarks and have a special surprise for everyone i'm to remind everyone this is the national school council so happy school council week to our cowgirlers do a lot of work for the schools and communities we're fortunate in unified school district we have a high percentage of students that go on the college we know that counselors play a position and we know that what they do makes a difference in the lives of the students and families and communities we're very proud in san francisco to contrary too on the communities in california and contrary to other communities in the nation, we have an increased number of school kournltdz and looking forward to increasing that number absent the years go by at
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control funding kicks in we wanted to send a hearty salutation for the thanks and commissioner president murase and members of the board i'm honored to help us kickoff national or african-american history month one the notions around this month we take this time to look at the history to study the history of our african-american brothers and sisters in not only the district but in the nation and very rarely do we get the opportunity to set the record straight with looking at the african-american history of our san francisco community i want to invite one of our assistants brefrnt to come down. >> know him a leader dr. stevens is a renaissance man a
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musician but historian and all over the in you look to our right the painting that's displayed was painted by dr. stevens but without further ado liam i'd like to ask dr. stevens to come forward and share the story of the person he's painted and the relationship to the unified school district so dr. stevens would be please honor us with our presence today. >> good evening, commissioners and thanks for 53 me up here i'm not accumulated to be called here it's only 4 thirty after a severed item so we'll see if i live up to richard billing i'm a assistant superintendent and proud it to have that i
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moonlight as an artist i spend time researching california history about two years ago i was reading a backlog of the california society journal i discovered a earlier on the african-american journeys and read in the article about a woman named josephine coal the first african-american woman hired and i was impairs i hadn't heard that her husband husband was the first street operator hired in 194 during that period of time that was a remarkable moment in the history which san francisco rails ways had been completed and the shipped were flushing during the war and the african-americans guaranteeing grew to 50 thousand they are
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that laws in this country that prohibited rational discriminates it is for that we recall able to have the first african-american teacher and her husband used the same reason to enter the san francisco muni system i read not only about josephine coal but the labor 3406789 is that it wasn't an individual it was a mistake to enter her as the only person acting out of a context she was a member of the staff of women in san francisco and at a time she said have understood the struggle from the decade prior to address workplace instigation and stood as part of a larger community working on all those efforts i found a little bit of
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transit not radio left but this is what she said as sherry she interned sdrapgs became let me that was the time of my husbands attempt to get on the streetcar any business and education was a essential was a freen so i got signed to raphael yell school i stayed there and trained for secondary teaching and liked it is better i want to be a secondary school teacher people said you broke the barrier now we have one other teacher to eliminate so we have one other black teacher in the school and be happen i said no, that started the struggle over again
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ferry her i reflected on the relationship with josephine and working in a job that often brings me into contact with folks not in the school system i painted her portrait and decided i didn't want to do that instead to paint a liblgs and put her name up at the top for the doubled visual that was used, if any, the african organizes for the factual itching and organization in the united states i put it there in a scrambled fashion for it to look at it was that long it's 10 to 70 years since that's happy that is about the continuity and the invitation to reflect to what
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she means to all of us and what she did for the community and the students all of us worked inside the continuity a group of people that did amazing things and their courage moves us we have to derive from theory strength and dream like they did and it's this purpose i felt compelled to do the painting thank you. i appreciate the opportunity to present thank you very much (clapping). >> so in honor of african-american history month i'm going to ask all our teachers and administrators and parents all the school community if you could please take one moment out of the month and have your students do research on josephine coal she's part of our african-american history and if
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it's okay ask dr. stevens can we keep the planting i paint on display so it self-interfere with the public comment but her spirit will remind us what we're here about dr. stevens thank you and madam president it's my report. >> thank you superintendent carranza. >> thank you very much dr. stevens item c the recognition and resolutions of accommodations there is one i need a motion and second for the resolution for marking the 2015 date of remembrance may i have have a motion and second. >> so moved. >> thank you very much i will commissioner walton and i will return to the resolution and i can locate it
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commiserating the annual date of remembrance whereas the bay area remembrance is dictated to the annual commemoration of the signing of the executive order by president franklin department of public works roosevelt on february 1, 9402, where shall the federal government forcefully removed 10 thousand japanese-american excluding 75 thousand united states citizens on the west coast to become inmates in remote desert camps for over 3 years and whereas in this episode known as the worse violations of the human rights in the united states history the government rationalized the removal and removal of the race an on behalf of the milled for purposes of time i'll skip over
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some of the text whereas in 1990 the unified school district declared pits recommendation to include the discussions concerning the event and the constitutional violations and the acknowledge time by the college and the president through the civil liberty act to be held at the an appropriate time throughout the school year and whereas in december 2014 to read the board of education unanimously adapted a resolution to make ethic studies available to all students following a pilot program in order to highlight the contributions of minority to american culture and society i'll hand to over to commissioner walton to read the last two clauses
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tlobd that the unified school district recognize the youth of the japanese-american incarceration during world-class 12 as an important lesson about the preservations that leads to the gross abuse and the violation of the constitution of the united states of the bilaterally and particularly our shared responsible to protect the constitutional and human right of all people and further be it resolved that the board in the 70th year of the end of world war to recognize the day of remembrance with supplemental curriculum and infections about the war times exhibitions commemoration on sunday february 22nd and san
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francisco japanese-american organized by the bay area day remembrance of consortium. >> thank you commissioner walton with you we have two i want to welcome nancy a longshoreman principle in the unified school district for which this boarded suspended rules to name a campus after her you'll have two minutes. >> thank you this is a special leasehold at the board. >> you need to push that microphone. >> thank you we have a city of many cultures our students represent many ethnicities cultures i which a san francisco school district student it was good to hear dr.
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stephen's about mr. coal i knew josephine and was a graduate i represent one of the states in cultures i'm a japanese-american and part of the culture that plays a unique part in history i'm proud of any heritage and want to share any story today, there are japanese-americans who are governors and senators and members of the house and mayors and judges and architect and scientists whatever we imagined we component do we're able to do i was able to become a public school teacher in a public skull principle the president of the board of education dr. murase is a japanese-american product of the scuffed this is where often previous we're band from public schools and sent to integrated
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schools how far we've come they remember the time and sharing it with our students i have with me an interlude a yearbook that was published when we left camp my memory's through the eyes of a 5-year-old are blurred but it is through this book that i'm able to recall the life during that period and it's interesting they call is the malcolm heinicke dock can interlude when they left they left with an ending that i feel uplifted wherever i feel down about the government and it begins the minute of the interlude has come
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to its end the dark overhanging clouds and the symbol of hope and opportunity and god's blessing is coming out to shine on the people end of gloomy days marks the happy days let's not looked to the past but cheerfully to our future go forward with faith in america and confidence in our people and belief that might makes right and the timing let's go forth to meet the future with father in america confident with our people and right makes right and this is not a legacy we want to share thank you (clapping). >> thank you very much
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i'd like to call next the executive director of the japanese-american historical society 2 minutes. >> thank you very much board and superintendent with the national japanese-american struggle with the consortium of the bay area coalition i want to reemphasis why should he learn the japanese-american history but the significance of the study goes beyond the cremate treatment of japanese-american any individuals that is violated all americans are affected and their shared responsibility to protect the right of all individuals at all-time they need to prepare themselves as in a constitutional go democracy they may be called upon to make difficult decisions that effect their lives they should be free
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of prudentially and understanding the due process and become aware the constitutional rights. (off the record.) all people several people have mandated this as the date of announced for the appropriate distribution of the study i commend the board and as they examine that issue you'll become aware of the justified violations of the human right at the same time, they should be encouraged to respect the people and gain a deeper understanding of the culture once again, i thank you very much. and have a day of remembrance at which time commissioner president murase will building there as well as the folks to speak about the issues related to ferguson we
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had a producer in mental health that was here to talk about the mending of the experienced we'll share on february 22nd at the sun dance cinema you're all invited (clapping.) another comments from my colleagues commissioner wynns >> thank you thank you for bringing this forward i want to recognize naps and her service to the children of san francisco but i also wanted to just particularly thank you for reading that passage and for all of those who have been generous enough to share their experiences and want to ask if you could get the details for the event ms. castro thank
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you very much. >> any other comments if colleagues? >> will we add all the board members to the resolution. >> yes. happy to do that. >> commissioner walton. >> so this executive board was given on any birthday 33 years prior to the map i'm still youngest enough but it is definitely important to remember the injustices and of the abusive power and scenarios and things that have happened in the past just imagine being a student or a family member in this audience or this community in san francisco and waking up one day and being removed and taken to a place basically at the drop of a hat and being told
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this was something that was necessary because of wartime somewhere that was going on so if you can put yours in this place you'll see the importance of making sure our students remember and understand some of the past injustices that have happened said in the pathologist i'm a happy this is the first resolution i've officially signed on as a member of the board. >> thank you very much mr. walton. >> any other comments i want to thank my colleagues my father was incarcerated and as a way to mark that event a number of japanese-americans have now made a scholarship available to students of southeast asian ancestry so i courage the
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students apply as a way to continue the legacy in this area. >> ms. casco role call please. mr. chin ms. fewer mr. haney ms. mendoza-mcdonnell. >> moreno. >> ms. wynns mr. walton and dr. murase 7 i's. >> thank you very much next is a donation beyond differences offend by commissioner matthew. >> i'm excited and happy to offer this with sxhekz it's an organizations that was off and on by two members of our knew learning and many smith an organization that is committed
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to a mission it's critically important to our school district to end the isolation among middle school children where every standard feels value and rntd or not by their peers there's a lot that this organization does we're highlighting them this week february 13th is a day of action no one eats alone there are hundreds of schools that are participating in this day of action which is to fulfill their mission on this day they're going to make sure that no child is alone we know the experience of being in middle school and having friends sit in the way they're doing is t is so special that is led by students that students are leading the change
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in our culture and making sure they're reaching out to have their peers to make sure they have a friend we're honored our school is participating in the initiative and have some of our own students here who are going to accept the consumption and thrills about what was happening this friday and the last thing i'll say there is an opportunity to sign up so if anyone is listening or have middle school principle or parent or student and want to bring this to your school we courage you i believe we'll share information and invite up john in the front is that right and he'll introduce some off our is the in the presidio school (clapping.) >> good evening thank you for having us here
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i feel so privileged and thank you for that introduction we would like to thank the boards for partnership us with us on national no one eats alone it was a movement started in the bay area and expand to over 6 hundred and 80 schools in 38 states reaching 5 hundred thousand students with you thank you for your support and partnering it's my pleasure to introduce a student from pdr middle school that will tell you about what is going to happen on friday no one eats alone day. >> hi, i'm the eight grade secretary dash of the middle school we'll be doing the no one eats alone what is the no one eats alone it's an event it
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seeks to reverse the isolation that asks us to geography making sure that no one eats alone and students are eating with new classmates and students the program is provided free of cost all the resources come in our purple folder we'll shift to our school you can ask the backpack on line you'll add your imagination now to talk about why the program no one eats alone is our president. >> (clapping). >> good evening, members of the board i'm albert along the president of the middle school i want to say why no one eats
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alone helps our community in tdr first of all it helps us to get to know other people in our high school hopefully will led to making for friends and this community growing together so no one is as i told you that's a precursor to bullying so hopefully that helps (clapping). >> hi, i'm olivia eight grad president and on friday we're going to go around the campus and go find students that like seem to be alone and talk to everyone to make sure that no one is alone. >> hello, i'm sophia the student body athletic commissioner and we're going to get all our whole student council together and going to go and like what she said go around and make sure
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that no one has that many people to ooetd eat with we'll include them into our conversation not formal and try to get to know them and make them feel included and we hope that everyone feels comfortable with other students and they'll have like friends to eat with thank you. >> (clapping.) thank you very much i want to recognize principle of the presidio middle school tony paging in the audience. >> (clapping.) i don't have any public comment cards are there comments from any colleagues. >> commissioner
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mendoza-mcdonnell. >> thank you. we did work about a year ago and for the middle that was a wonderful event so have the conversations led by young people and with young people and really identifying some of the challenges that our young people experience we may not be aware of i want to also send out any heartfelt thanks this is a a this is a labor of love for our whole first name it is pencil and hits home to so many of our young people and families and the works in the scuffed has been hard but tremendous around anti-bullying and to pay attention to the isolations that up referred to i think that calling it out and especially having the students call it out makes a difference thank you all for coming out today and taking friday and not
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