tv [untitled] February 18, 2015 2:00pm-2:31pm PST
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march 18 commissioner hyland arrest commissioner johnck commissioner johns commissioner matsuda commissioner pearlman commissioner wolfram and president hasz so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 7 to zero and places you on item 7 excuse me. for case no. 2014 a at gardell jury this is a certificate of appropriateness. >> i have a disclosure the firm i work for has completed relevance a different work on gardell square and looking for the same owner and talked with the attorney i need to recuse myself if it's not the same project. >> thank you good afternoon, commissioners for the department staff a
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certificate of appropriateness and has a national register with a scope of the work with the terrace plaza and the ground floor of the facade of the mustard building it includes the following replacement of existing paving with concrete pafrz american people a pedestal system and reposting the lawrence public concrete finish with a 67 inch band of light colored concrete and the corners at the north wall and the planter to reconfigure the planter to committed new walls of the east and south and to install a new concrete bench and new landscaping and reconfigure stairs and to provide new handrails with integrated
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lighting after the ramps to install and incline list on a railing to replace angle store bays that are from the ground floor of the mustard building and remove paint of the mustard building and to clad the existing under side of the second-story metal terrace with stucco and to install canvas pursue the staffing finds the recommendation will be in con forms and the concert of interior the work is comparable and clearly dlaechd and replaced the fabric to matching themes and incorporate a new paving system and replace non-historic
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features and will preserve the historic character of the location the staff review of the document as noted it ongoing as noted in our case report and draft motion staff recommends several conditions of approval for the finishes of this project subject to the storefront and metal handrails and refer to the updated the document to make sure those teachers features and materials are comparable with the character and fine features of that property staff recommendations condition of approvals rewarding the specifications and review of the make ups of the paint remove from the mustard building and for additional documents of the paving prior to its removal in public comments have been
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received since packets were summit and the staff recommends approval that concludes my presentation. unless there's questions and the project sponsor is here with a presentation as well thank you. >> when she starts speaking into the microphone sfgovtv will put up our presentation. >> good afternoon, commissioners aim alicia and the project also part of the design team a jamestown developer and landscaper architect for the
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storefront at the mustard building daily is the nexus that connects the floor and at the russian hill and the recreation area and the san francisco bay area, however it has been that in decline and have disrepair the tenant occupancy is 50 percent it's one of the most historical and architecturally significant landmarks the property was acquired by james it up and will receive significant capital investments with the fabric of san francisco that is sensitive improvements that wish the subject character of the property 3 main periods that gives the square the first the construction of the pine hill that was constructed in 1958
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percent the chocolate company began in 1953 and in the 19060s with the gardell square it's a looked and in 19982 was on the register of historic places this is actually, i should - >> this is a site plan that shows the scope of work will occur basically at the terrace plaza and include the storefront replacement of the mustard building and excludes the replacement of the angle storefront enclosures the replacement of incompatible 1484 replacements at the plaza and the reconfiguration of the plaza more comparable with the design and also an navigation of a i think incline lift that allows
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the public to connect to the plazas in a easier way and the existing pavement to address the water inrefrigerates issues those are the non-storefront issues the main thing to notice the storefronts are aged and introduced a new element to the terrace plaza and as people's 3 last year mentioned the paint at the facade it was not originally painted so that's under consideration this is a plan of the proposed replacement of the mustard building replacing with new it storefront that are similar size but straight side walls and not be slanted this misinforms in the plans the existing
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disreplacement the same size and this is an elevation of the proposed facade? the sophisticating and they show the doors in a closed position the idea there will be sliding doors that open up to allow the outdoors into the inside and ace mentioned before we'll be working with staff on the development of the details for the storefronts the storefronts is part of the package we've submitted for the guidelines we'll be working with them through that and this elevation shows the proposed storefronts and those are the images of a couple of slides that shows we'll work with planning to do this o those are shots of the existing
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condition of the plaza are the area with the red brick from the 1980s it was introduced in 80s was not oriental you'll u you'll notice at the lower left planter understandably features were introduced in the 80s and the two photos on the right hand are showing the existing conditions that is allowing water to go into the space below this is the original landscape plan it included a grid pattern that 0 were architecture features and had a slab of concrete and the terrace had two primary levels one was 5 feet of the plaza and two feet above the intermediate level the
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alternatives included raising the northern part of the plaza to flush it was all one level and they kept the grid but the bands of the grid were staggered and like i mentioned before they had several features they introduced elements also they reconfigured the planter and removed the seating that was provided initially. >> our main goal to make the necessary repairs to the plaza by addressing the water interrogation we wanted to bring back the configuration of the 180's plan and from the fountain to the terrace plaza we said to have comparable materials so this plan we've been working with planning and has a modified it we think this is more compatible things that have
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changed we'll have a grid paper that aligns with the course concrete at the bands in the field and we will remove aged features and reintroduce the seating at the planter and basically make it simpler and more assessable we have bryan of h o k that will talk about the details of the project. >> thank you, alicia and thank you, commissioners i'm going to. >> the time to walk through the feature in a little bit more details the image is the original decline from 1984 alternatives there's a lot of odd geometry that shows the design that seeks to get back to
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the clarity not with the planter with the straight stakes and straight walls and the co-hernsz with the upper design language so i hope the understanding on the commissioners screen are clear the color coded ones are the major features excluding the ramps and stanldz i'm direct your attention to the yellow and ramp in the middle of the terrace broke the understanding into two revised the features and get back to a more coherent design this is the proposed design we'll get both the materials this is the law outs and the planters were restored to the original geometry and a more coherent travel along those the stakes on the right-hand
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side the image we've kept the non-compliant ramp that had been useful for people with strollers and circulation president to navigate through the center of the plaza paving materials as noted we seek to essentially mimic the pavement materials used during the period we have samples we'll pass around, of course, the concrete looks like this it is aggregate at the time those are the panels in the center of the grid and the lighter agree gate we'll pour concrete on the surface where we're poush u pouring on the structure 88 path of travel through the center of the plaza will be more co-helper
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you'll come up through the garage and immediately take a straight shot to the upper terrace it is more around a zigzag to the upper terrace this commission will find that path of travel easy the reason we're changing from the current system in the upper left there's a intomentd problem they've powder the concrete in 1984 to avoid the crawl space where there's a lot of leaking occurring you can't get back through water breaks down the seal paving is also gossiping to break down as you see in the understanding that's further exacerbating. >> thank you. sir your time is up if the commissioners have questions i'm sure they'll ask. >> commissioner wolfram.
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>> i have a couple of questions one what's the dress shop diminished in 1984 is that when that happened. >> that was i think that happened the terrace building or the gallery store i can't remember. >> the dress shop you can see it in the photograph. >> has the owner considered rebuilding that. >> nate's that's not part of the project. >> have you met that the mayor's office on disability. >> we've not yet. >> i'll encourage you to do that typically it's not seen favorably so i'll encourage you to do that as quickly as possible. >> thank you. >> commissioners no other questions we'll open up for public comment is there anyone from the public
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who wishes to speak on this item. >> good afternoon, commissioners i'm the president of the cocoa homeowners heritage property over and above this i wanted to voice our support for this project we think this will enhance the overall experience at interdell square and have more vibrantcy in that location. >> is there any additional public comment seeing none back to you, commissioners. commissioner pearlman. >> thank you it's nice to see the things going away i thought that was a strange intrusion of the original design so really glad to see the hell aspirin organization back but have a couple of questions i looked this quickly i thought it is a
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press shop in the hell aspirin design the beverages the inset for the beverages are directly aligned with the columns and in our new design it seems completely unrelated to that element so that felt a little bit awkward and particularly in the plan on page 14 it's evident the relationship of the insets that wish mimicking it feels awkward and the planting hedge behind that i think the image on well the images on page 16 the hedge seems rather obviously this is a model but the hedge
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seems rather high and blocking a lot of the views i can't tell in the historic photos it seems the planning was at the height of the back of the beverage but on page 17 where the upper photo doesn't show the hedge and the lower model shows the hedge is exactly my point is that the massing of that hedge feels very intrusive and again, this is landscaping but i don't know if it's that possible to keep 9 hedge lower but you know i don't know if there's you know railing consideration which is why you have the hedge higher so - >> could you yeah. could you he'd that that would be great, thank you. >> we agree we think the views from the waterfront are important to main but prototyping a hedge that is
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representational. >> great that answers that. >> so that's it commissioner wolfram. >> the reason i asked about the dress shop that was my one concern where the dress shop tried to be recess recognized there's no clearance between the edge of the hedge and that column that is just one concern and i know we're not supposed to be designing the project up here as the commissioners learned at our recently training (laughter). >> good job. >> i'd love to see that dress shop rebuilt but not enough clearance regardless of whether or not it's rebuilt it's very, very tight on the one corner i agree with commissioner pearlman's other comments i understand the representation i
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think the overall project is good and the one area is it prevents the dress shop that structure from being reconstructed. >> commissioner johns. >> i'd like to say commissioner wolfram to clarify when you're talking about the list this is yeah, and you're saying this is not - >> i think. >> the terrace i haven't had a lot of experience. >> my understanding is the mayor's office on disability does though the typically like the list their difficult to use - >> not the types of manufacturers. >> not that. >> the form that runs out okay. >> there are things pushing a bottom on the elevator there are numerous steps i don't know what the mayor's office will say i encourage the project sponsor to meet with them as quickly as
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possible. >> i encourage that i don't know if that's a condition or what probably not. >> it's - >> that's true. >> okay. i just the rest of our recommendation. >> okay. yeah we're seeing the same thing in restaurant that we can't even do the on can be it has to be a fully enclosed can be. >> commissioners. >> yeah. i'll move approval of the staff recommendation for this certificate of province. >> commissioners there is a motion and a second on that motion. >> commissioner hyland commissioner johnck commissioner johns commissioner matsuda commissioner pearlman per commissioner wolfram and president hasz so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 7 to zero and places you on item 8 the looked designation work
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program program. >> good afternoon, commissioners susan park department staff the yes, ma'am is on the landmark program first, i'm remind you of the projects that have been recently come before you and expected to come before you and give an update on the proposed projects that are the staff is currently working on the hpc will recommended two spegsdz for landmark those are the colbert landmark building and both of the projects have been mentioned the swedish hall was initiated by the hpc and expected to come
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back on march 18 and the department staff is committed to bring 5 landmark conditions to the excision in the next 5 months that includes the plazas and the ladies home prioritize back on may 6th and followed by the sailors union and the enar side presbyterian church donation to the landmark designation program the staff has the technical support for the historic preservation commission and we're working with the hpc on the provided report the african-american historic statement that is expected to come back for adaptation on may 20th and we're also currently reviewing the corpus heights statement and
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expecting reports for the lgbtq and the residents park historic context statement in the coming most we've also been working on the ocean avenue project that's been put on hold because of staffing and lastly beginning in the spring the c l g grant for that the storefront commercial district at the november 19th hearing we've created performances to track the status of 10 and 11 designation to prepare a landmark designation within one hundred and 58 housed during the report quarter we've exceeded that number for two projects the swedish-american hall and the new hall the performance measure ways to
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perpetrate 10 and 11 included in our packets we'll go over this at the end of this presentation and once you've enforced the application we'll continue with tracking those are applications and performance measure 4 department staff originally proposed presenting a work program but we're keeping that to the quarter that's where we're here and the next quarterly presentation on april 15th so we just discuss a few of the team projects for the in relations that are coming up staff is working on the reports for the sunshine school and the manual hall and the cal haas house has been postponed because of staff availability there's been few changes since the last report to our pending projects
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ones we complete some of the active projects we'll move forward with the ass i didn't house we typically provide the number of hours but due to the departments recent contributions to p p t s our new tracking assistance we were not able to create an accurate report as soon as we get it we'll provide it to you and the late item for discussion is the item application you've received review it will allow the department to track article 10 and 11 for the property eligibility incentive and the designation process and owner and property specific information it's been created at a document that the public can use and submit opening online if you have comments the department
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is planning on posting it and making it available by the end of this week and that that concludes my presentation. the team and i are here i'll be happy to answer any questions. >> thank you commissioner matsuda. >> i like the application i have comments first on the as the first page under 9 landmark designations i remember the article about the plaque having a uniform template whatever happened to that discussions. >> tim frye department staff with the changes and instead of availability now that shannon is on board we've transitioned that project to shannon and hope to have something before you and moving on to page 4 of the
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application i think this is really good very easy to understand are you planning on like set a maximum page limit to this and i asked mr. fry easily if we're trying to get the people that are not familiar with the forms and technical information can we continue to proceed when you're trying to buy something on line you're not allowed to move forward if something is not filed out. >> the document you can fill in the boxes. >> i'll courage that language if you're unsure or need further assistance we as planning department can provide that, please gusts what you have yeah. for some of those if you're a member of the general public comment and never done this before and asked about certain
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styles of architecture or the property and you're really thinking about landmarking a structure for a person it may not matter so just to share some kind of flexibility and on page 5 windows misspelled on the second page e second line that's it for my comments for the application and then for the memo that we received today there were some dates that were incorrect. >> yeah. >> right between 2014 and 2015 i think that was just on the first page and on the third page that's all. >> commissioner johns. >> thank you. i wanted to congratulate whoever and everyone that worked on this application i think that is really, really great commissioner matsuda
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preempted several comments thank you for doing that it seems to me this brings forward it continues the spirit that we tried to him but which we tried to imbue the rules in order to make them much clearer and enhance the opportunities for success at the excision and for providing the commission with the information that it needs i think this was really you did a good job. >> thank you commissioners. >> seeing no other comments or questions. >> is there anyone from the public who wishes to speak seeing none we'll close public comment. >> do you have one. >>
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