tv [untitled] February 18, 2015 2:30pm-3:01pm PST
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preempted several comments thank you for doing that it seems to me this brings forward it continues the spirit that we tried to him but which we tried to imbue the rules in order to make them much clearer and enhance the opportunities for success at the excision and for providing the commission with the information that it needs i think this was really you did a good job. >> thank you commissioners. >> seeing no other comments or questions. >> is there anyone from the public who wishes to speak seeing none we'll close public comment. >> do you have one. >> i congratulate the staff
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morning, everyone all right. let me begin by thanking everyone for coming out today 0 for this great event this event is about streets but it is a partnership that has city staff from many agencies mta, public health and public works police department, along with the mfrnts and everyone what does business or enjoys stockton street is our fourth yes, we try to do better a couple dialysis we were at the a meeting with one of the merchant one thing we discussed opening up more opportunity to the side streets i promised we'll explore that we heard of so many great success
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with the program i definitely wants to thank benny and others for their leadership and the community without u without further ado a man that needs no introduction and poster of all the work with the city is doing but particular stockton street our mayor, mayor ed lee please welcome him (clapping.) thank you. >> well, you you know if mohammed had recommended all the chinese i taught him he would have said josephson we say joe son in chinatown san francisco so i'm glad mohammed thank you. the department of public works for working with the chinatown merchants and working with the chinese-american association of explicit customers the chinese chamber of commerce and all the agencies from chinese
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development association to the nonprofits to the leader are here and a who have come together at 24 wonderful time of the year pieces and benny were driving up washington street gosh for this day all the graft is done you you know on the corner of washington hopeful that lasts more than one day this is a time when everyone in the chinese community begins to clean up their house and get rid of the old things to get new things the year of the ram means will steadyness and success and collaboration but will be solid direction i want to present that he kind of leadership i know our
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new supervisor julie christensen will be representing that kind of strong community for this district and the whole district of district 3 coverage including chinatown that is a wonderful time we're collins avenue only the holidays but a great combol symbol of that we've worked for four years be it lead by department of public works and also our wonderful police department i know that captain lazzaro and his staff as a conversation on in this district is safety everybody's safety during the holidays streets are filled are families and children timing to shop and buy new things and make sure we patries all the local shores the jr. idea years ago came from the merchant that was led and bias
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and benny to place a few more merchandise there but keep a high-level of safety this is a very, very busy corridor as you can see and that's not the last time the honking of a horn will interfere with any speak is where he have an important transportation system that the mta is fixing up our subway but while the construction is going on it adds to the construction to the cars and all the other public so everybody's coming together for the safety of our residents and the visitor and the shoppers and the celebration we have more of the ability of a small merchandise shop owners to present their goods for the new years for the next two years
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before the chinese new year begins this is a whole effort behind it not only does it help chinatown but the whole city the chinese new years eve is celebrated all over people will come here to get the cultural touch meet with their families and you know reunite what all the shopkeepers and others and introduce the new year properly i'll suggest that the entire region of the bay area comes here to stockton and chinatown we're proud to present ourselves in the cleanest way that is safe so for everyone that wants to come here i'm thrilled to this defendant every year we do that it gets bigger and bigger and more agencies exhibit their pride we have a lot of things to celebrate this city is strong
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economically but this is also a time to see how many other people we can help share in the prosperity i'm working hard to build new housing to support the small businesses to make sure that people's job are sustainable mission bay anything this happens we bring ourselves together a that's what we did with a necessary family that was in need our own local restaurant came up to support that family this is my chance to say thank you to our chinatown community and many of you helped me to create scholarships for locking youth i was happy to do that with you and now that we have a mayor whose also health department representing people in the district we can represent people thought the city i'm in a
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celebrations mod. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> thank you very much for everyone being here. >> let's give our mayor a big hand. >> next person i'm going to introduce someone i've had an opportunity to work with in the district the volunteer and someone that goes around to make sure this district gets was it deserves by no surprises she's new now the supervisor please welcome julie christensen to say a few words capitol hill. >> i've been coming to chinatown for 36 years this is special n this year to 0 come to the chinese celebration in district 3 and you can be insured i'm working hard to make sure it is most successful and
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safe is stlks we've had i love new year's the parade and the good food it's a time of year we look for wishes of prosperity and health but all those fine people behind me added a new element to the celebration it's a cooperation over the last 4 years the leader of chinatown pieces and benny the chinese 6 companies have worked hard with mohammed and barbara with the health department. >> captain lazzaro and folks if ecology it takes those people to make the celebration a successes even some of us who participate in the event don't realize how much organization it takes and
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communication so along with health and prosperity we wish a year of cooperation i'd like to really thanking thank those folks for the hard work they do (clapping.) so i'm looking forward to being here and working with the merchant and the resident and chinatown with the mayor's office and all the city departments so we keep making those things happen in chinatown and we're that happy and prosperous. >> thank you julie as you heard from julie and the mayor is takes a whole team won the key concerns we've had and worked hard to address it i want to thank the merchant is the safety of the pedestrians i want to ask the san francisco police department captain lazzaro to
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say a few words. >> good morning and welcome from the words of mayor ed lee i want to thank mohammed fro organizing this to echo what commissioner christensen said it's important that the police department be a partner we've excited about the new year the start of the initiative on state and local street public safety is very important on behalf of the san francisco police department specific central station we're concerned about safety in chinatown it's a proprietor for me and public safety is very important i'd like to say that as we start the new year as we continue with the mayors vision and vision zero eliminating pedestrian fatality i'm asking those who come to
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chinatown who enjoy the experience follow the rules of the road in terms of the public safety i'm grateful to the mta adding a traffic light and if you follow the rules and look if we don't walk unless the hand is white and not jaywalk we'll stay safe loovthd lubricate for bicycles and coarse and pay attention i think if everyone does they're part we'll have a good start the other thing for personal safety when we're in crowds the mayor talked about people coming down and having a great time and the merchants we want everyone to be mindful to save guard their values and be aware of their surrounding one of the things i'm adding extra
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patrol making sure that every police officers know what's going on so we add to the safety by having a presence of officers so we're excited for that again, we're thankfully to work with the partners and we have the year of the ram i'd like to say . >> (speaking foreign language.) >> thank you very much. >> in addition what we heard from captain lazzaro and aware of the logistics especially the ecology truck that came at 7 o'clock not 6 o'clock mar make sure everything is moved off the street all deliveries should be made by 8:30 we'll set up for
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the local businesses businesses that partnership is going to bring c y c to work with the police department they'll be ambassadors of the programs and make sure that the path is a clear for everyone all those details i'm placed if you have questions please make sure to get in touch with the department of public works we'll be here to make sure we have a safe event with that said, i'm going to introduce someone that is a friend of mine who at every meeting 1 or two or three inch for the march please well. >> thank you very much good morning mayor ed lee and commissioner christensen and director mohammed and department and ladies and gentlemen on
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behalf of the merchant doing business on stockton street i want to thank the mayor ed lee for supporting this special event 14 device before the chinese new year allowing the merchant to use the parking area to display their merchandise this program bring more chinese live in the bay area to come to chinatown to prepare and welcome the chinese new year the last 20-year former commissioner benny yee and i have been working with the last mayor to promote china to this event with no leukemia until this mayor who understands the chinese concerns and want to have the small business in
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chinatown the first two year was a pilot program but today is a are permanent program in chinatown thank you, mayor ed lee thank you (clapping.) because of the chinatown subway construction that was on stockton on the corner of jackson and washington was the repair i'm pleased to report to you all the slits have been repaired last week and thank you, mayor ed lee and director (clapping.) on behalf of the stockton we invite mayor ed lee and director on december 14, 2014 to visit the location on state and local and broadway where the sidewalk is 15 feet wide but the situations in broadway to
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sacramento street is only 10 feet in the name of safety and to bring more customers to visit chinatown we propose to mayor ed lee to widen the sidewalk stockton street to sacramento street same from broadway by using the same model after listening and visiting the location 3 and 4 and director louisiana to see the job plan i'm hopefully soon the department of public works and mta will have a proposal to ride on the sidewalks but to keep the city prash patricia for the mayors con laudation and approval i want to thank mta for listening to stockton and merchant concerns and working
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with the merchants thank you very much after doing business in four to five 4 years in chinatown and politics for the last 35 years i want to make a fair statement based on this is mayor ed lee has helped the chinese community more than the last 3 former mayors so happy china new year thank you very much (clapping) okay. so what we're going to do next something that everyone likes doing shopping so mayor has agreed a to lead and down stockton to shake hands with the merchant so. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> and thank you very much
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>> just a few steps away from union square is a quiet corner stone of san francisco's our community to the meridian gallery has a 20-year history of supporting visual arts. experimental music concert, and also readings. >> give us this day our daily bread at least three times a day. and lead us not into temptation to often on weekdays. [laughter] >> meridians' stands apart from the commercial galleries around union square, and it is because of their core mission to increase social, philosophical and spiritual change my isolated individuals and communities. >> it gives a statement, the idea that a significant art of
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any kind, in any discipline, creates change. >> it is philosophy that attracted david linger to mount a show at meridian. >> you want to feel like your work this summer that it can do some good. i felt like at meridian, it could do some good. we did not even talk about price until the day before the show. of course meridian needs to support itself and support the community. but that was not the first consideration, so that made me very happy. >> his work is printed porcelain. he transfers images onto and spoils the surface a fragile shes of clay. each one, only one-tenth of an inch thick. >> it took about two years to get it down. i would say i lose 30% of the pieces that i made. something happens to them. they cracked, the break during the process. it is very complex. they fall apart. but it is worth it to me. there are photographs i took 1
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hours 99 the former soviet union. these are blown up to a gigantic images. they lose resolution. i do not mind that, because my images are about the images, but they're also about the idea which is why there is text all over the entire surface. >> marie in moved into the mansion on powell street just five years ago. its galleries are housed in one of the very rare single family residences around union square. for the 100th anniversary of the mansion meridian hosted a series of special events, including a world premiere reading by lawrence ferlinghetti. >> the birth of an american corporate fascism the next to last free states radio, the next-to-last independent newspaper raising hell the next-to-last independent bookstore with a mind of its own the next to last leftie
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looking for obama nirvana. [laughter] the first day of the wall street occupation set forth upon this continent a new revolutionary nation. [applause] >> in addition to its own programming as -- of artist talks, meridian has been a downtown host for san francisco states well-known port trees center. recent luminaries have included david meltzer, steve dixon, and jack hirsch man. >> you can black as out of the press, blog and arrest us, tear gas, mace and shoot us as we know very well, you will, but this time we're not turning back. we know you are finished.
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desperate near the end. hysterical in your flabbergastlyness. amen. >> after the readings, the crowd headed to a reception upstairs by wandering through the other gallery rooms in the historic home. the third floor is not usually reserved for just parties, however. it is the stage for live performances. ♪ under the guidance of musical curators these three, meridian has maintained a strong commitment to new music, compositions that are innovative, experimental and sometimes challenging. sound art is an artistic and event that usually receives
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short shrift from most galleries because san francisco is musicians have responded by showing strong support for the programming. ♪ looking into meridian's future she says she wants to keep doing the same thing that she has been doing since 1989. to enlighten and disturbed. >> i really believe that all the arts have a serious function and that it helps us find out who we are in a much wider sense than we were before we experienced that work of art. ♪
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(clapping.) i'm here with many of our sisters that are going to welcome you to to and welcome to is revolution today not yesterday not tomorrow today. >> (clapping). >> in february we rise in country hundreds of countries around the world to show wasn't one boil women and girls looks like we want to shine a light we want to shine a light on the impunity and i think justice that survivors and offenders often face we're here today to start the revolution here in san francisco we rise.
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>> (clapping). >> we rise through dance to express our joy and communicated and celebrate the fact we've not been dpaetsdz by the violence only made stronger. >> (clapping). >> we rise to show we're determined to create a new kind of consciousness one where violence obey resisted until it is unthinkable. >> (clapping). >> i'm so honored to be here i want to welcome everyone my name is the white house of the domestic violence consortium welcome to the revolution we want to start with our first speaker being from the first nation community i want to start with the first people that were in san francisco i want to start with
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the first nation community i want to welcome our first spectator mr. flores from the pit river nation. >> my name is fy lemon flores i'm with the indians education program title vii welcome to san francisco welcome to the revolution >> (speaking foreign language.) >> welcome to the revolution >> (speaking foreign language.) >> all my relation thank you
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