tv [untitled] February 18, 2015 4:30pm-5:01pm PST
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the leadership on this issue for the transportation authority serving as the chair of the vision zero subcommittee and also on the board of supervisors representing district 6 that includes tenderloin and south of market areas, two of the highest concentration areas of serious and fatal collisions in the city so join me in welcoming from the board of supervisors supervisor jane kim. [applause] >> thank you. it is really great to be out here to announce this program this morning. as many of you know pedestrian safety has always been one of my top concerns in the district i represent. it was the first hearing i called and i believe it was the second meeting hi with the mayor after we both came into office in 2011 and presented data on collisions with pedestrians and bicyclists
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and vehicles in the district and i remember being nervous and the first time i was presenting policy concepts we wanted to work on in the board and without skipping a beat this is my priority. safety is one of the first things we got to make sure that we ensure for the resident it is here in san francisco and it's really been a pleasure to work with the mayor's administration and his department heads to make this a reality for all of our residents throughout the city. 2013 was a really hard year for us. it had been an issue we were working on yet we saw a rise in pedestrian and cyclists fatalities and we noticed many involved large vehicles and i remember we lost three cyclists at that time due to these collisions and all contributing to jobs and economic activity in san francisco and positive things but a result shouldn't be
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fatalities and severe injuries and the bike coalition approached our office and the mayor's office had also conceived of a eric mar that we could use. >> >> with our city drivers and as we commit to vision zero in 10 years in san francisco it's important that the city commits first that we model for all of the drivers in san francisco that vision zero is possible so i am excited this is going to be a first step for the city saying we will hit vision zero before 10 years. all of our city and contracted drivers we're not going to be involved with fatalities and collisions here in san francisco and that is really exciting and i should also mention this effort has been community based. we have residents that are actually here in the audience from the tenderloin, from south of market, from chinatown and of course our bike coalition and walk sf who are at every meeting
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and we are from the department of public health and tim from sfmta and working through the issues and i want to recognize john knox who lead the large vehicle training studies to make sure we were able to present all of that today but i want to recognize the pedestrians and psyche iftds who gave the feedback on what they wanted in the program. [applause] yes, and their feedback is just as important as the experts because they're the ones on the streets and representing their communities and neighborhoods to make it safe for all. zero fatalities in the month of january is huge news. i can't tell you how many funerals i have been to for residents in the district and there is nothing more heart breaking than meeting the mom, dad, sister or best friend and had their loved
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11 day and lost them in a flash in the next and these deaths are 100% preventible and everything that the city can do to ensure that we are keeping one more son, one more person alive to be loved by their loved ones is a huge achievement for the city so i want to recognize and thank everyone for their efforts to make this a reality. i am so excited about this starting. thank you. [applause] >> thank you supervisor. the idea of cities embracing vision zero or goals like this is something that is picking up currency across the country and the world and as we talk to folks in other cities domestically and internationally and explain to them the leadership that we have from your city hall, from our our mayor, from our local legislative leaders and our board of supervisors people are jealous of the leadership and support that we have because they recognize how important
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that is to make this meaningful for all of the city agencies for the community and public at large so i can't emphasize how blessed we are to have this kind of leadership and why we can move the needle. i want to say why we achieved vision zero in january but i share the supervisor's goal and that we be ambitious and beat the last goal and a hallmark of this is the departments working together and i think you can see that we have strong collaboration between the different departments from our great police department our chief of police chief financial officer and newly assigned commander assigned to the mta to help on all safety and security and transportation issues, anne maddox. joanne hayes white and
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represented by mr. lombardi and the fire chief and we have the mayor's office on disability here. i saw the port director monique moyer. we have the city family working together and not just the traditional partners like police and public works, but also at least for some people's perspective a non traditional partner who has emerged as a great leader in helping to shape and guide the work we're doing in the city and that is the department of public health looking at the issue of 30 or so people dying in the streets as a public health issue and bringing all of the brain power and the epidemiological lens and looking at this has added tremendous value and put us in the leadership nationally and how we're understanding this and what is creating these and as the supervisor said every one
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of these is preventible and the department has been a great leader and how we can prevent the serious and fatal injuries so i am glad to bring up next the director of the department of public health barbara garcia. [applause] >> good morning. the department of public health is so proud to co-chair this task force. one of our biggest and i think most important role of course is education and prevention of pedestrian injuries. this means really educating drivers and pedestrians in terms of slowing down and watching when you're crossing roads or when you're walking through the streets of san francisco. one of the most important contributions we have made to this task force is to ensure that we have the data and surveillance to focus our efforts where the efforts is needed. today we spend $15 million a year on pedestrian injuries in our san francisco general hospital trauma center. we believe we can reduce this
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and eliminate it by ensuring that we work together and that we really embrace all of the efforts and the policies and the direction of particularly our mayor, mayor lee, who is giving us the direction and also the total support to ensure that our staff is engaged. i want to acknowledge megan wier who has been our leader in this effort. [applause] she's done a fantastic job. i watched her in the meetings and it's really important to see a public health person right next to the individuals describing streets to ensure for the future to design our streets or safe for our drivers and pedestrians. we are very proud of this effort and look forward to making vision zero effective in less than 10 years thank you so much so. [applause] >> thank you barbara. probably our closest partner in the effort of getting the actual improvements in the ground as
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the mayor mentioned $300 million of the $500 million of the prop a that the voters authorized last year will advance vision zero. as part of the program we have committed to fast tracking 24 projects in 24 months. we completed i think 10 of those already and we're doing that in close collaboration with our department of public works from the design to the installation to overseeing the construction. they're our partner in getting these in the ground and i want to join the mayor for hosting us today and please welcome the director of public works, muhammad. >> [applause] >> yeah. let me begin by thanking everyone for coming out today for this very important event. i our city driving a large vehicle around here can be very difficult and safety should always be our number one priority and at public works
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nobody no matter the size of vehicle is gets in a car without really going through training. it is very, very important especially as we begin to change what our streets look like making it more pedestrian friendly, making it easier to bike around. our lanes a little bit smaller. it's a little harder for large trucks to drive around the city so it is very very important that we all get together and talk about what the best ways that we can do the business that we have to and still make sure that people can get around easily around our city. the large vehicle working group has been around for about a year. it is been formalized today but a lot of ideas have come out of that working group. in fact we take our sweepers to the sunday streets, put out on display and talk to bicyclists about the things they experience when large trucks are moving, so we take those into the working
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group. the working group is open to all kinds of ideas. i am very, very confident as we move forward we will change the way it is and make it much easier for large trucks to be able to do their business, but with that said there is still a lot of work that we have to do and we at public works are proud to embrace the two year plan of vision zero and i am very confident by 2024 that we will reach the goal of zero fatalities so i want to thank everyone. we still have a lot of work to do but it's a partnership of not just our city agencies but involves fedex, eps and all of the teams that bring large vehicles into the city. in closing i would like to thank nancy george who has lead this effort and out there anytime something happens and how and why it happened and the best
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way to solve that problem and thank you all for coming out and i am again very confident we can reach zero fatalities by 2024. thank you. [applause] >> thank you muhammad. the two year plan that muhammad referenced is the vision zero action strategy that the mayor is releasing today. this vehicle training program is one piece of it, but the strategy is kind of an action plan for the next two years in the areas of education, engineering, enforcement, evaluation and policy, and it tasks many of the departments here and others in the city family with specific goals and milestones and things that we are seeking and the mayor is directing us to achieve in the next two years, so that we can get closer to that 2024 goal, so we do have -- it's up on our website and i believe we
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have copies here for the media or we will make copies available if we don't have them but it's this larger strategy that's really going to guide our work going forward and we will be the yardstick by which the public can measure how well we're doing in this endeavor which leads me to the final speaker and not just the city family but the community at large that needs to embrace vision zero if it's going to become a relate and there is a coalition of community organizations that have come together to advocate for and think through and push the city in achieving this goal and some of our advocacy organizations in the city have been at the tip of the spear of that effort to rally community groups, neighborhood erkz associations and other associations to bring this forward and also to hold our
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feet to the fire and do as much as we can do in the city and in collaboration with all of the community partners to achieve this goal. i want to acknowledge the out going andin coming executive directors. leah and noah of the bike coalition and strong partners and their counter part that look out for us to get around the city. every trip starts with doo that and we're all pedestrians and advocating for us as pedestrians and important part of this effort working with the city and the pushing the city is the executive director of walk san francisco nicole snyder. [applause] >> good morning everyone. thank you so much director reiskin for the introduction and mayor lee for your leadership today and supervisor kim and all of the department leaders here
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today and the san francisco bicycle coalition. this is an amazing moment. a year ago ooze advocates about 20 community organizations stood at the steps of city hall asking for the city to hear our cries, our cries for six year old sophia lou, and 23 year old amelia who lost thro lives to traffic and preventible and here we are one year later after working long and hard to come together around this issue and it's amazing to see the amount of people here today, the different department leaders. the progress with the private sector working with businesses and our city family to develop a large vehicle training program. these are the sorts of things that we need to embrace and continue as we head into year two and i also want to thank
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every single group that has become the vision zero coalition. we started off with a not so small group of 20 community organizations and now we're at 40 organizations so i just want to ask everyone in the coalition to raise your hand in pride for what we accomplished in this last year. [applause] and i also want to welcome as director reiskin said our new member and nick and coming from new york's city vision zero campaign and we're lucky to have him and i also want to recognize that we need to build on the progress that we've made. we stand here today having worked incredibly hard to get to this point. countless hours to create what has become the vision zero effort that will change the landscape in san francisco. right now we are changing part of our society
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that has become so engrained in what we are today, a society that doesn't see -- that sees a collision as an accident; that sees these things as unavoidable. we're changing that so we can actually -- we can be on our streets, have community on our streets rather than fear on our streets, and as part of that change it's going to take a long time and it's going to take a lot of effort, but i see year two as we head into it as the most critical year because this is the year where we head into implementation and we're not going to do any of that alone. we have to work together and as we work together i think the most important things that we can do are get the projects on the ground, make sure that every street that we touch becomes a safe street, and not just a safer street, because a safer street leaves room for where human error might result in death or injury. vision zero is
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about creating a system where human error is not allowed. the other things we need to do is prioritize speed. speed is an invisible crime, or a crime that has been perceived as invisible for far too long but kills 10 times more people than driving under the influence in san francisco so as we work towards enforcement and discuss the options to improve enforcement let's all come together around speed, and all of these top three -- our top three priorities are laid out in the vision zero progress report and we highlight everything that the city has accomplished in the first year and the key priorities for the coming year, so as i wrap up i just want to thank everyone here today and all of the different community member who is have come together. this is a movement that stems from the mayor's office and the board of
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supervisors and all of the department leaders standing behind me, but it is also a movement grounded in the community. we have kevin who is a tenant organizationer here with us. we have john who has been fighting traffic safety for a decade. all of the folks with us here today -- fran taylor who leads [inaudible] to make the effort to make cesar chavez a safe street so this is an incredible movement that brings all of the communities together and something that is a personal issue in each community but also is a common thread across our communities and the private sector like large vehicles, so thank you all and here's to a wonderful and successful year two. [applause] >> thank you nicole. so as you can see and the strategy, the action strategy that we're
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releasing today lays out we have a significant role within the g there's a lot that we're tasking ourselves. >> >> or the mayor is tasking us to achieve in the next two years. our community leader recess stepping up and exhibiting the leadership that we need to push this message out but ultimately it's every single one of us in san francisco, those that live here, those that work here, anybody that visits here. we all have a role to play. every one of these collisions is preventible so when you're out on the streets of san francisco put away your electronic device, slow down. nicole made reference to the impact speed can have in turning something into a serious or fatal collision. can you enjoy our city more if you're going slow. >> >> so slow down and don't get distracted and we have a better chance of meeting and exceeding and getting to that goal sooner
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>> good morning, everyone welcome to the board of supervisors budget & finance committee i'm mark farrell i'll be chairing this meeting i'm joined by katie tang and shortly with supervisor mar thank you to jonathan and nona melkonian madam clerk, any announcements? electronic devices. completed speaker cards and documents to be included should be submitted to the clerk. items acted upon today will appear on the february 24th unless otherwise stated thank you madam clerk we have a relatively short agenda item one. >> item one is an ordinances amending the administrative code to direct the small business commission registry for the fees
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not to exceed $50 and provide a rebate for businesses and landowner. >> thank you madam clerk this item has been sponsored and authored by supervisor campos something i've co-sponsored ii i know we have ali to introduce a few amendments. >> good morning . i'm a legislative aid for supervisor campos so our office commission a report from the budget analyst that talked about the small business a projected loss of 40 thousand locally owned businesses in 2014 and this is in compare with the study find 1994 where it is only 6 hundred and 93 businesses it outlines a sector with a high-level of turnover so closer and roenlz
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have gone from 1 thousand 2 hundred to 12 thousand to 11 so businesses in san francisco are at risk of being represented by new businesses and the number of businesses closing relative to new businesses opposing it 52 percent during the same time the commercial rent have arisen to a record high it averaged about $189 per square feet and the wildly recorded rentsd have risen 2 hundred plus percentage peaking at one hundred and 75 there's we anticipate the real estate prices will grow if the current demand keeps up we
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believe that the small business each gives the city it's character and what makes it educate he building that still has a responsibility to protect the small businesses isn't there from the economic pressures created by the itself affordability economic supervisor farrell has been working to stabilize our neighborhood and keep the businesses on the first step is the legislation we're putting forward to the legacy business legislation creates the register traffic to recognize long-standing community serving businesses as culture assets to the city and county of san francisco we intend to use that as a fool for education and to legacy businesses and to draw attention to the 3 thousand businesses eligible for legacy
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art spaces and performance venues and community nonprofits to apply the businesses must be thirty years or older and applicants must appear before the small business commission and also commit to objecting the physical features and traditions including the craft culinary or others supervisor campos is not here and would request the committee make the following amendments after meeting are the stakeholder in the small business and open space community we want to remove the small business legacy we intend to introduce as legislation for building owners to extend their leases to legacy businesses 3
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amendments requiring the hearing to determine the status it was previous demonstrated by the department of small business and adding a language that requires the businesses to be headquartered in san francisco and third alexander the nonprofits to the eligible business allows i'm happy to answer any questions you may have. >> thank you. i the to thank you and supervisor campos for working on this item i think it is a great idea i appreciate we're simplifying it and look at it future options i'll see is that the san francisco is immune from businesses we've cared about that is being crushed out and taking steps to retain them is long overdue i see in on sunset street where i grew up it is being priced out buses if we
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get this done in a fiscally responsible matter i present your work i know if it's colleagues have comments as well and some of the issues that supervisor tang and i have talked about i want to make sure we're interested if making sure we're looking at the correct businesses all neighborhoods serving businesses like the ones that are listed like the shoe shine place we want to elbow campus those as well. >> supervisor mar. >> thank you, mr. al by the and supervisor campos this is great legislation i'm looking forward to the rebaiting beat trailing legislation i'm appreciative that nonprofits were added in and guessing of the 3 thousand eligible businesses that even as more because more nonprofits might be added i'm thinking of the hundreds of that potential
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legacy businesses in my district from toy boat cafe to the richmond area nonprofit i used be to a respect but it is benefiting so many of our businesses and nonprofits that clearly serve the community and maintain the character of neighborhoods i'm looking forward to other legislation that your office and supervisor farrell's will be introducing to stabilize the neighborhoods that's a critical goal of or should be a critical goal of our city i'm pleased about the legislation and want to be added a co-sponsor as well as. >> supervisor tang. >> i think that supervisor farrell did address some of the potential questions that i had which i look forward to potentially adding whether it's a full board or this protective that at this point it's been
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pared down to creating legacy business registry the only comments will make sure that we're not overhead per strip to should senate of the businesses supervisor farrell and i were talking about businesses that we're trying to help because they serve our recipe for thirty years or more like childcare or shooting centers on that provide important services not listed here again, our next phase or as a full board we can come up with a way to categorize them so thank you very much. >> okay. so i think that we have a plan a number of amendments by supervisor campos and what i think we have 0 commitment to work with our offices
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