tv [untitled] February 18, 2015 11:00pm-11:31pm PST
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. >> commissioner. i'll call roll. >> thank you. >> commissioner pating commissioner shlain commissioner fung commissioner karshmer and i'm going to walk to the podium and on up the letter to read dr. charles letter. >> the president oh, the president of the commission edward cow is not able to be here asked me to read the letter on your a lot of oar i'm sure you're aware of the general hospital has been trying to pay for equipment for the new san francisco general hospital i was overjoyed to learn that in addition to millions of there's to deity we've received a pledge off $35000 for the campaign that credible check will have a
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major book on the patience will allow the how hospital to be better than we imagined and every person in san francisco deserves access to the highest quality of health care regardless of status this is the largest donation and i believe will lead to future a 0 opportunity for partnerships supporting our community in honor i'm proud to add a doctor's name to our hospital and looking at to opening the mark zuckerberg hospital i believe the commission needs to move on the historic opportunity though i'm unable to attend i want to meet ones tuesday february 10th i would like to express my thanks to chang and
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mark zuckerberg and thoughtful i they've to the co-chairs and staff for they're a dedication and outstanding work. >> thank you, mark arrest i've been asked to chair this meeting today special meeting which was requested requested by c chaurl hesitate noted able to come he's ill and dr. chow has been chairing the joint conference meeting and i've served on that with him hearsay that continuum u yum of the announcements two doables with the mayor and our colleagues property owner to the guest of the city and county of san francisco to sf general and is foundation with that i'd like to follow our own agenda items that be will brief public comment. >> no public comment on this
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item. >> maybe. >> item 2 for - >> the 25th. >> the approval of the meetings of february 2015. >> is there a motion? >> move forward and seconds. >> additions, deletions, or changes if not i'll call for the question all in favor, say i. minutes of feedback february 3rd are hereby approved. >> next is the public comment i've received no public comment requests. >> please read the what we'll be voting on i'll share the commission is received not only the proposed resolution but the thing which i list really the due diligence and responsibility of both of the department of the hospital of the foundation of the city and county of visitacion valley silicon valley all involved in the collaboration and i'll make a
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few comments after the reading. >> you want me to read the item interest the agenda or the resolution. >> item had the gift acceptance and agreement conducting the resolution the commission will recommend that the board of supervisors receive the gift from the san francisco general hospital to fund the equipment for the zero hospital building and recommend the board of supervisors approve the gift that includes the gift for the priscilla and mark sdushlg beggar trauma center. >> additional comment. >> i move the acceptance of the resolution. >> second. >> commissioner and second final left to right there's a motion to accept and second before we have any discussion or votes with the commission well - willed i'd like to make a few
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comments project sponsor to this and this is a real it's an outstanding awesome experience many of us who have served in the city on different commissions over the years this guess also a very, very special occasion in many ways of significance because i think it involves our new generations of san franciscans as they come to some of us go back several generations a reaffirm of the care and the changing academic issues and quality of care issues effecting self-general hospital the fact this foundation was started in 1992, 44 raised one hundred million dollars in times we could have lost that safety net is unharder
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at this point in time again through collaboration of our foundation and readsers within the foundation and directors and staff and the duplicating and directors barbara sue at the hospital, and our colleagues is really significant i'll mention this see had it not been from the additional san franciscans at large naming jim joseph from washington a lot of those things might not have been brought to fruition i want to mention lewis if they had not gone forward wouldn't not be there naming laguna honda i'd like to ask our
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director and then we'll have our speakers who would like to call on to 0 make comments. >> this is an incredible day thank you. the during the course berries for the donation and to acknowledge of the formulation for their incredible work and i'm sure you're aware of our city hospital has done an incredible job of dominions raising we have a couple offer speakers tony from the mayor's office and wanted him to come and say a couple of words and from there, i said to acknowledge you talked about some lawyers we had the city attorney lawyers i want to mention medina and jessie smith as well and so with that, commissioners again, thank you to the zuckerberg and the foundation mr. whitaker if you
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want to say a few words on behalf of the mayor. >> sure madam director thank you commissioners i don't think tony whitaker office of the mayor, i can't echo dr. accentuateds words thank you for your your speedy item when mayor ed lee and in his state of public safety address talked about the agenda of shared prosperity where people of every background regardless of san franciscans can raise through the innovation this is a wonderful thing this work that the doctors and staff and nurses do everyday it's incredible time for our city and the mayors deeply perceptive of this easy foreperson following your action will be introduced
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the resolution to accept the gift as well and again following our ax building 9 of the supervisors have signed on as co-sponsors thank you, again. >> just to note inform julie is in the audience as well and the city attorney that led the process so bring sue up from the hospital i think a tremendous job of leading the foundation to the direction find where we need to go in order to fund a new hospital she's been an incredible job of the leading the foundation through this process so thank you sue and please come forward. >> thank you, director garcia and good afternoon to the commissions it's really an xrierld display for san francisco general hospital as the only trauma center we provide care to everybody no
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matter who you are and we really are so they've for the extraordinary gift from mr. zuckerberg and dr. chang it is going to transform a hearsay hospital and serve our patients better dr. chang understands the example era work and mission and part of the general family for the years and as a nurse and ceo of san francisco general, i understand this transformative gift really means it's a game changer as said earlier zuckerberg's are bringing our council caption forward and joining the donors and community make sure our patients get access to the same life saving
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environment and investment that any patient deserves in the city we're thankful the foundations has been an outstanding york connie is here representing the foundation board i want to thank larry and pam bear and richard and judy who chaired the campaign you're looking at the resolution of gifts from other donors as well as the zuckerberg's on behalf of the hospital and the patient and the community to really thank the zuckerberg's and all the donors for their generosity in helping us to really plan for the future and how we care for our patients i'd like i'd like to introduce amanda the executive director of the foundations who is going to say a few words. >> thank you.
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>> thank you sue and thank you, commissioners for your strong support today. through the rebuild the city is creating a 21st century hospital that will have the equipment and facilities it needs to continue to position the general as a leader in trauma care both nationally and globally this transform from 0 gift from mr. zuckerberg and dr. chang we know that the general is the heart of the city we're incredibly they've to the zuckerberg's to make this outstanding investment that signals the importance the leaders in public health we as a foundation supports the mission of the general know that private philanthropic is so crucial to
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the longevity of the public health in general capital campaign our foundation spear headed no naivete was to be routine by the planning commission, and may be acted upon by a single roll call vote ambition and unprecedent effort from the beginning the zuckerberg's have- with the exceptional attraction from the zuckerberg's as well as support from the numbers of the numbers we have the cognizance to seek the proper funding for needs now and for the future of the general we're so happen to be her and the gratitude to all of i as well as the zuckerberg's for their incredible investment >> we're going to have greg wagner to come up about the financial. >> just a briefly commissioners greg cfo you have
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a resolution before you we're requesting our approval the resolution has two component of recommendations that the board of supervisors take a substance action to accept the gift of $57 million 3 hundred and 75 thousand dollars as others mentioned that includes is portion of the gift from the zuckerberg's and $25 million of tricks from other donors it's a tremendous thing for us to be able to move the procurement of sf forward for the hospital and the second component is also recommending the board of supervisors approve the attached gift agreement which outlines the terms and conditions between the city and the foundation for how the public exchange of gift funds will be handled i'm happy
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to answer any questions you may have. or others thank you. >> thank you, greg. >> i'll note no public comment requests. >> okay. he want to make would be small comment in reference to the amount of time and energy in the protocols to get this where it is now the member of the foundation i think all the treaties got a call roughly either wednesday or thursday to check in at zero 8 hundred we are going to have an important, important item we need the vote and everybody participate many of us sat on many, many commissioners over the years this was the first time because we have a chair who got us all there and every single untruths
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checked in we have 21 people you can't believe this is the second phase as we move forward we've got the other phases it really gets testimony to the fact that you know everybody's involved in this institution as and move forward larry bear made extreme comments excellent comments about the entity this is the quality of care we get one level of care that's the way 70 general has always been and was move into the exchanges and hold shift in reference to financing the mission and the dignity and respect that all patients get through through our community and hospitals and our foundations and through our commission and through our department of public health we're all part find why we're
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san franciscans we thank everybody involved in the process with that is there a motion and a second we want to thank everybody involved here during this whole process and also the formulation has been involved in the whole mission at this point in time i'm going to ask for a role call and vote this out. >> if i could note even though commissioners are not here they sent support for the initiative. >> and the director as part of the record. >> so commissioner pating. >> at this point there's a call for the question. >> oh, yes. i'm sorry i thought. >> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> opposed? abstained hereby approve this by the health commission >> (clapping.) great. >> we have a few more items duo
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to go through quickly. >> we have one more item. >> i wanted to say yeah. this is incredible work and i'm very proud to be a san franciscan thank you. >> i'd like to ditto those comments to be like a san franciscan this is like winning the world series of public health department the commenting commitment to the city and county of san francisco and the general hospital foundation and in particular dr. priscilla chang and mr. zuckerberg we have one the finest hospitals in the country and certainly the newest public hospital and excellent, excellent research so again, thank you for bringing home this. >> very good. >> just so you want to make a comment.
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>> i'm going to comment on this generous gift from dr. chin and mr. zuckerberg it really attest to how we do business here in san francisco and really to see the generosity of this gift you know to invest in our public health system for to maintain a public hospital of the city to be one of the stacking facilities on a personal level i've been to san francisco general hospital twice awhile i didn't know what the health and safety was is gave 4 extra months to my grandfather to visit highway children and grandchildren those are the gift that mean a lot not only to me, you but to who have benefited
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from the state of the art center this gift will continue that legacy we've put forward for the city and i'm really hardened to see that on the other hand i want to share something you you know that any heart is really happy i actually participated in a die in in front of city hall because as of today for 2014 we have 6 women of color murdered in the united states one per week and 80 two weeks ago it was one of our own in san francisco in the boyfriend her name is tosha she's a client with the department of public health and been struggling with housing with a gift it's not just about
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building our 3ub9 facilities but really renewing our faith we don't take life for granted here ♪ city no matter what class or thatful income level or background you come from with that i'm willing to ask dr. accentuated to give us a moment of silence to journey to remember this transgender woman who's life might not that have been not taken because violence and violence prevention is a public health issue >> pause for a moment of silence first please.
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>> thank you that's violence and level one trauma center will continue to thrive and how were you outline those who cross our doors with the hoist quality of care unfortunately, many times it doesn't have a positive outcome but we know that they're at the right place we'll continue inform mission is there a motion to adjourn. >> actually commissioners i need to walk you through an agenda item 5 new business if not we'll move on. >> the joint conference committees. >> no joint conference reports next committee agenda setting and if you all have no comments we'll move to adjournment.
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it was perfectly clear baby your celebrating 10 years baby and we're glad that you're here so baby you are swell of the chart charts at&t park is hosting heros and hearts so 0 coma do our part honey era every thing is coming up roses look at what you've obtained heart of our city is your name campaign you schizophrenia buy table took up art fraufrts i didn't say create a heart
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sf g and trauma center we love you the sf health net and the hospital foundation both of you are san francisco sensation we're here for heros and hearts just like they're here for you now in advance is bicknell and allen newman your efforts were super human right from the start heros and hearts 65 laser and both have earned a badge of merit may i apart they do it with heart this lunch is oh, to sweet bone
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up petite and hartman studios their created by the pam bear and judy going on him there's two suits and carlyle and no one we're preferring at one what and do so strike up the band your board president connie sharpening had an now, it's time to honor our sponsors kaiser permanente your top webb core builders and wells fargo and united health care you rock stanley lange do have foundation and sf your grand and at&t and pg&e let's give them a great big
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hand hand. (clapping.) >> the heros for the year this afternoon they all have gathered here i sing it allowed and clear it's their communities that they all hold so dear my how this is is a hurray dr. diane leads the way and dr. edgar pier we see you're also gifted we thank you will have you for all you do so raise glass and give a cheer to your new hospital opening in
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visit ebay works table to introduce our final heros of the day please welcome janet chief executive officer northern california kaiser permanente. >> (clapping.) thank you so much wow, i wondering if that hat is available on the auction later day today, i bet a lot of people not that i'm thrilled to be introducing our final hero kairpd and san francisco general hospital have a long partnership to protect the safety net in our state that are visitor to our community health together over this last 12 years with the health commission health education we're recruiting our
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new nurses we've protected heartaches and strokes and helped that the electronic records across the community it's in the spirit of partnership that i'm privileged to introduce our final hero dr. edward a passionate man, i had a chance to speak to him a passionate and husband and father and mentored our and, of course, a leader in our health care industry he's someone that that many of us call our health care your calling an example why we entered the field our industry has a lot of vociferated people as you imagine that put ourselves and our crazy towards the care and service of others but few of us can say we've committed our entire cease to the safety net institutio
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