tv [untitled] February 19, 2015 12:30am-1:01am PST
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call it out makes a difference thank you all for coming out today and taking friday and not just have it be a regular friday but to think again how we in the district do that on a regular basis identifying the challenges we see or don't see and making the gesture i think that could help save many lives it's a terrible way to think about it but it makes a difference when that gesture is made and it's a feeling of you know the connections when you feel like you've been noticed i think no one eats alone is making a difference long overdue in our schools. >> commissioner walton. >> i want to acknowledge the students when we come in and
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speak it's not easy to speak in front of a crowd and body thank you for your your work you're going to do friday. >> thank you for come out and presenting today and to the secretary treasurer let's have a conversation i want to know how you got two jobs (laughter). >> yes speak out. >> i also want to thank our students and all of our staff and everyone that is associated with this program i think this is incredibly important and remember being part of the event this is incredibly important we start with our students forward that no one eats alone if you don't mind i'm to say a few words in spanish to our students that speak spanish.
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>> (speaking foreign language.) >> thank you. superintendent (clapping) mr. haney. >> yeah. i just wanted to thank the students for coming out and your leadership i think if there's going to be a champion change that happens in the school for you to step up not only this friday but if so representative of how you are and ask you if it's okay if any of join you is that all right. it's okay
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okay. so we'll see - yeah. i don't want to see i eat lunch alone if i can join you for lunch exactly but thank you so much and your leadership and taking this on and again to john and ace and laura 6 hundred plus schools the number of lives that are impacted by this extraordinary and inspiring part. >> before we go to the presentation i want to thank laura thomas and mr. smith familiar with the story and being the apartment of a child that was executed they've transformed that into something positive that is invading so i'd like to invite the students and laura thomas and ace and john to come forward and principle receive the accomodation from
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participating in this on friday so (clapping.) so for all the commissioners if you're looking for someone to have lunch all our middle schools are participating. >> okay. thank you very much that concludes item c and now the student delegates report. >> thank you commissioner president murase garage commissioner president murase and commissioners and deputy superintendents and superintendent carranza so first off i'll talk about the 12 advisors council this will be on march 6 from 10:30 looked at and the port mason center remember the date and location remember the status of woman's presentation last time we had
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the wonderful opportunity opportunity to provide the input with the status of women we would like to thank commissioner president murase for introducing the two folks for you're great presentation we look forward to working with them and next the cast meeting so your f ac committee provided their voice and input so right now we've currently working on creating questions so we can provide our constituents at our school so we can get a better feel of the quality of service we provide as a school district and our next allocate meeting on marches fifth at 4:30 p.m. next is the cpr we'll be cropping with our
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health program and moving forward with our presentation thank you turf and mr. haney and partnering with us in creating this opportunity so we could collaborate and provide students voice engagement and finally our next s ac month to month on february 23rd a meeting on monday anyone is welcome to attend and meeting as an accident incentive dinner will be provided for all our s ac reps if you want to attend make a presentation or like a copy of our agenda please contact our s a paradox salvador lopez thank you. >> thank you very much student delegate katie tang next on the
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agenda is erection the citizens advisory committee reporter i understand i want to introduce two folks. >> good evening commissioner president murase and truth i'm the corridor for the parent advisory committee and the roles of the patent advisory committee to represent parent voices prospective an important district initiative to to the boards process tonight we'll provide an update on the l cap engagement plan and a few other items the packets we've been working with the community and district partner 40s from the el cap we have our community partner from the office of family community engagement that
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will be helping to present the plan around engagement. >> thank you gay doesn't. >> good evening commissioner president murase and superintendent carranza. >> all the commissioners it's been a while since i've sat at the table i want to appreciate gavin mentioned the el cap testifying and the student 5150s real thinking about how to give me the students i feel like a needs to pause using at acronym that stands for the local plans explaining to the kinds of services and how we're united airlines our resources and the state requires every district california to do engagement of the students and family and district staff indicators that's the work that georgia mentions
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our 3 big goals with this engagement process and engagement caption involve in conversation students and families and educators so people understand the state funding priorities not only money through though it's how we decide to allocate services and resources and support is to the school sites to have the opportunity to explain our approach i think the most important goal is actually to hear their feedback to those conversations to that information to help inform our central district allocation of the services and - our goal to have the educators and families to the support back to the school site and in order to do that to get to those love i
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didn't and kind of anxious provoking goals they're very, very important we're going to really conduct a series of community conversations different from our past our aim to link those to school site planning to the conversations to do their annual planning with the score process to bring the information to the month to month we'll hold some public forum so any member of the public can participate and to conduct some community basz based commissioners, if there's nothing further focus groups we don't want to miss reaching other conversations and as gavin pointed out the student survey it going to you'll high school students to have questions relayed to the issues this obey the first time we're incorporated that tool it's
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exciting to think about the data we'll get back really quickly our concrete goals to hold about probably 25 in person conversations to hear from in those conversations to hear about what have a range of one hundred to one hundred and 50 students and 2 hundred to 3 hundred families and staff and community members as well as to hear from the students we survey as we plan this and start making the connections with the school sites and the focus group to insure at the end the participants reflect the population of over schools we want to looked the schools at the end of the day, we want the schools to reflect the different neighborhoods and grade levels and achievement levels and student populations of the
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school to get a solid cross section of our school communities but throughout all of that we produce intents the students that are intended to be served by our district funding priorities which specifically includes the english learners and low income students and you're going faucet and african-american students and students that receive special education so we're being continual to try to shape this. >> so you'll see in the packet there's a chart that breakdown it clearly about student engagements and in a couple of areas we'll reach the focus groups and the student voice vote there is a boston survey that will be surveying the youth
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in foster care through that survey and our families community engagement you can see more of the specific focus groups we're planning to hold conversation with the advisors groups that the districts the african-american pack the community advisors community and the education to name a few also in the report a projected timeline an overview of the key benchmarks for the overall caption - campaign in early march our in late april the pack will present our preliminary finding to the staff to help to to the actual development of el cap the accountability plan and in may a special meeting where
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the district will present the updated el cap so we can provide interest and recommendations for the district to respond to our questions and so forth we'll present our recommendations and finding to the board at the end of may the second board meeting and i'm sure you're aware of the budget and initial update el cap will be presented in june and finalized at the last meeting in june a couple of other activities the pack has been participating part of the planning of the annual scorecard process and the upcoming planning that will be taking place on saturday march 7 one the suggestions we recently made about the importance of messaging something what can
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they expect we know that leaders have an exception of engaging their community and parents to similar what should we be looking for in the engagement and what kind of questions and data should we be looking at that will be posted on the website in english and spanish and chinese and go out in march in the newsletter the pack has taken part in the behavorial masking working group it's take place over the last few months and started last spring to quite honestly it was surprisingly to see very little minimal community input reflected in the behavior masking presented on february 3rd we know that some of the public
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comment shared that how critical this is and how the districts across the state and watch how we use this landmark evolution that is a game-changer in how it impacts their lives so we know that to make it successful that you know the board voted unanimously to approve that resolution that was a bold statement to really illustrate the commitments that scapegoat has to address the disapportions we know there is a shift to be had in the masking from a different prospective looking at the behavorial skills to shifting to language that actually look at the emotional
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and academic skills to have a solution to address the real problem and also teachers administrators being procrastinate into the process to help to develop the magic there are people on the ground facing the challenges day in and out they need their concerns addressed as well as if we want authentic buy in they need to be part of the process in the inventing and also what we need norms of providing adequate services to implement the regulations that go into the resolution so our next pack meeting on february 26th here at 55 franklin up in the cafe and 6:00 p.m. >> thank you very much ms. williams repeat the pack pa c s
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in part in the kind of something we've serving on the task force and the cad california forward task force i want to be able to submit that information and also discuss with the other districts that are there that information will be dismamentd throughout the state to put those things together to make comparisons and help us to discuss it with our colleagues it - or could we get someone. >> thank you commissioner wynns absolutely we're doing that our folks are structural in keeping that documentation for us deputy city attorney lee is providing central support but we have a proximate cause active tail to tell in the state of california
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how we're engaging and the fact we're asking how to engage deeper and reach for constituent so absolutely we have documentation and be able to tell that story. >> we'll have it we'll have it a long way in an assessable form to shortes says we'll want to look at the voluminous pages but who are discussing this more assessable would be helpful thank you very much for the work. >> so we keep not of ever el cap workforce meeting. >> commissioner vice president haney. >> thank you so much for the report i have a comment about a question of each of those things
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on the el cap thank you very much for the student voices and the communication we've heard a lot about this and to see the plan is existing and the committed to this is clear so thank you for that the question i ask are reengaging different community organizations that work with youth and having them help us with the feedback and leave organizations that work with those populations so some of this can happen outside of school to bring and actually, i think collaboratively how to engage with you the other piece how we can offer some of the sessions in a way this is the mooeven can we provide contact and make the choices that are clear so they can prioritize it for example certain services or
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programs they want to see more of we wanted to make sure we understand that and subjects they'll like to study could certainly help us as we are making our decisions during the budget process to make sure we talk to other students i hope we'll greatly exceed the hundreds and 50 but make sure when we talk to students it's meaningful for them and authentic when it comes back to us as the board we rely on and use and the surveys is a big piece 25 hundred students filling out a survey i'd like to knows the questions and lastly with that if there's a way to keep us updated when those sections are take place i don't know if you feel it's appropriate but board members
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can come and hear directly if you're setting up meetings i think can you set up a meeting with students and they've been great at that hopefully, they'll dpo do that and help to partner so make it handicap and potentially board members can't be a part of it in general thank you for prioritizing that this is a big improvement and exist i hope we continue to push so students can have a voice on the bofrl masking thank you for this and the important input and recommendations i hope it is take into consideration as we move forward with the con opportunity. >> commissioner. >> i want to make a suggestion in terms of student engagement i could have overlooked it gave me
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the youth commission i think there's voices are important and the commission with the students that live in the city much like commissioner vice president haney thank you for your observation of behavorial masking and the fact that it's exist to see the parents president president this to work this is something it's important i'm glad you've condominium on the fact we can make sure that we focus on the language the resolution thank you for bringing that to our attention. >> thank you. the next item on the agenda item f public comment on consent items i don't speaker cards we'll move them to item g consent calendar i need a motion and second on
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the consent calendar. >> may i have motion and second. >> second. >> thank you very much any items corrected by the superintendent? non-together and items moved for first reading by the board seeing none and any items seefrlt for vote seeping roll call vote will take place under section o next on the agenda h the proposals non-tonight if no objection item j before we address the board members proposals any objections to moving that up thank you very much so we'll moving to general public comment and i have four groups of folks who 1 or 2 would like to comment the first on the
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african-american honor roll and the co-location of john o'connell i have 22 speakers signed up many of whom require time i'm going to ask the group to please limit comments to including the transmission to 40 minutes so that we don't want folks to repeat previous speakers if you could add to the topic so the third area a common core math which we have 13 speakers i'd like to ask we limit our discussions to 15 minutes to add on to what another speakers have said rather than repeating the speakers and individuals that want to give. so the first two speakers on the
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african-american honor roll program i'd like to call up (calling names) >> i should know that good evening let's starts again two commissioner president murase and commissioner vice president haney and superintendent carranza and board commissioners don't want gerrero our beloved esther and our out going commissioner and welcome to the commissioner shamann walton and i want to say you're a very
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handsome i must redeem myself for time and the president of san francisco unified school district and the vice president and my supervisors this means good news i have the news to share on behalf of the san francisco alliance of educators for the vice president your cordially notified to the african-american honor roll celebration on wednesday february 25th at the st. mary's exaggerating cathedral african-americans will earn the gpa 3.0 and higher will be honored last year you'll students receive on a medallion and mayor ed lee will be in
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attendance e attention of the program i said everyone to know that superintendent carranza richard carr do has been a supporter of this education thank you to the instructor gavin truit give him a hand and the earlier birthday boy and a special thank you to commissioner president murase for your support for helping fund this program each person will be dpoomentd accommodating $10 on february 25th we must raise more than $10,000 every year to support this tent to on bother of the students all are welcome to attend and we will also gladly take our donations i have
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