tv [untitled] February 19, 2015 1:30am-2:01am PST
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co-location 0 our students are devalued and it is hard to see them not coming to school or being subject to this it is hatred to build back the sensitivity that ida b wells has been known for and the concerns over safety i understand then to have our students hear the consultations without speaking with any member of ida b wells that's the problems we're trying to deal with i that in the discussions as voices are recommended i hope all voices get repealed and thank you all o'connell parents and students for being here please remember we're talking about students we may not understand the layer of problems that students face evidence but we feed to honor our young
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people thank you four listening to our co-location and the problems in making the moves in the middle of a school year we voice our opinions last year thank you for that but now we're in a situation we need not to point our fingers but dooerng to help and students understand the intrinsic value and building the actions around safety and community we need to put all our students first thank you. >> thank you, ms. kraevenz. >> i'm mark i'm also an o'connell parent a senior who say was assigned there in any event grade and gone through she's graduating in 3 and a half months my question is really what is the going going to
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happen your strategies for staff i don't see security mentioned you can't do any kind of education without a secure environmentalist we've gone through a single issue we were assigned this school there was a lot of miss givengz it's clear a situation out of control you've created a situation it is difficult to unwrap you've got the two schools i triple the parents that in the absence of a solution we need security we have been sitting here we're on tv we have a bunch of politicians here this is criteria suicide if something goes down at the school you guys were notified of you may be going into special session and
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come up with a solution before tragedy strikes thank you (clapping.) i had cards from jose gomez and others are they not here. >> i think - >> and i'm sorry we received our public comment card two late. >> let one teacher from o'connell i'm the union rep too. >> we have a policy you need to present our card in time. >> i only wanted to talk about the process. >> i'm sorry, i mentioned the rules at the beginning of the month to month. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> could i postpone the letter i think it's important that one of our parents has spoken in the
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situation to let her voice heard. >> sorry this parent wrote for the letter elias i'm not the i'm not going to be as nervous as the first time thank you for hearing me dear san francisco unified school district you the district made the decision to let the you don't think o'connell community in with another school we never received any response from the district we have experienced the negative results we're concerned about interpretation in a strarl way in the first most of co-location how are you going to protect the students from both schools where you, you now that some of our students are fearful they no longer want to come to our
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schools many students transferred because of unsafe situations at other schools they've found safety and refugee here but not ida b wells some of the students were physically violent towards our students are here as well what actions to control the situations before some tragedy happens is that going to have to take a death are for you to help us if you're going to keep ida wells here find a solution interests been discussion and i believe some of the parents will present the solutions we seek thank you for listening al alloys hernandez. >> thank you very much (clapping.) the next speaker. >> commissioner president murase in the the executive vice
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president wants to authorize david smith from o'connell will be allowed to speak on any matter on the o'connell matter under the provisions of the contract i can't speak (clapping.) i'm i'd like to ask for a general council opinion on this (clapping) >> i'd like to ask our general councils opinion on the interpretation of our policy. >> it's a contractual provisions. >> at the risk of turning the applause into some other gesture the reading is the union representatives has the same rights as any individuals that want to speak before the board they're required at the boards instance and discretion to fill
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out the speaker cards for the speakers. >> so you can expect that filed an on behalf of our members. >> so we do have a little bit of time remaining dedicated to this item so at the discretion of chair i'll entertain one last speaker make it clear? an exception i announced the rules and the time allocated for the subject i'll allow i am had to speak. >> i've been teaching at o'connell and elected the union rep for three or four years when we found out ida b wells coming to o'connell the staff at o'connell and the staff at ida
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wells thought that was a bad jed idea and unfortunately, the districts did in the listen to the staff at both schools and the board didn't do it's oversight on the superintendent and the people working under them so we're asking and we've had teacher meetings had john o'connell high school we're asking that the board and the superintendent do something to fix the matter and potentially have id don't well moved to a safer place and not have another scald co-locate with us and give us a chance to show the district we can grow if you come to o'connell it's not a school that's meant to be segregated if the nicest schools came and
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co-located with us it's noisy it is not going to woukt workout with any other schools thank you for your time. >> (clapping.) i apologize. i called the name it is mark alvarado that signed up to speak if you're in the audience and want to speak practical came forward (clapping.) >> first of all, i'd like to thank all my family's and students and teaches who are with us so round of applause for all of those who came together (clapping) so really any comment is to the
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community itself here's our reality our reality is that john o'connell high school is on the move where we're going in the next few years and in 5 years we'll be a state model i've said that to the to the destructibility and the board. >> please address the board the comments are tipped for the board. >> my bad in terms of not following protocol so i'll address the board and community so it's important for all of us to understand this as challenging time for o'connell and ida the reality is that id don't b wells and john o comfortable high school are now one community the value of the concerns of any parents are real
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for me, i feel those are concerns every single day but not at the expense of dehumanizing or challenging wells and suggesting that wells students are not the right students to be in our building we have until january that's our deadline january come january there's going to be an additional transition and john o'connell high school we're under enrolled our roll call vote is looking forward to the future of who might be potentially co-locating with us i'm not understanding the challenges in the district challenges facing our our you community i'm here to say i'm
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the principle in combination that ms. crangel out of any site is here also the principle of ida b wells we'll grow this together and manage until january and the things that needs to be changed and you don't think o'connell allow the teams to be able to work together to make that happen i have 3 seconds we have one community we're have a decision to have o'connell and ida b wells together is something i embrace we're not going to balk automatic away to my community we'll do this together i'm here as an ally and on to make that happen if we're going to talk about anything let's talk about safety and let's talk about
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attendance because attendance is our cohesive issue mrets let's go ahead and do this that's where i'm coming from as principle and glad to be with us. >> i'd like to invite the superintendents to make a few remarks. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> so i want to be clear i want to be clear and thank all the parents and communities for coming down and expressing our sentiments its very important i want to thank the principle for coming forward and speaking to us because that meeting is televised and the boarder community is watching and because we have an open enrollment system where people choose what schools i am to be absolutely clear with the community that john o'connell
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high school is an incredible high school filled with incredible teachers that are pushing the limits on the project learning and the career academies that are meeting the social needs of students you have an incredible principle that is visionary and connecting are the community teachers that go above and beyond the call of duty so i want you to understand john o'connell is a school on the move and consider them and give them serious consideration but i also want to say that i live in the city and been a high school teacher and principle high schools schools are micro could say i ism of society there's weeps and violence in our society what's not being talked about you don't have
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metal detector at the school we have some things ten times better zoe we have a committed student body that felt comfortable went to an adult and said there's a weapon we have students it stepped forward that's the kind of community at john o'connell and ida b wells we have an incredible a lot son the incredible thing that exist in our teachers i want everyone sore to understand that john o'connell high school is a phenomenal high school that lives in a society in which there are weapons and violence ida b wells is an incredible school with criminal teachers this school district is not going to put in if tim buck too
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but deserves to have a building that as classrooms and building is cafe where you get nutritious food and building where you have leader in our classrooms and in your administrative offices that love you just as much if we were in a comprehensive high school i want the community to understand that we are a micro restraining order coming of society we need to celebrate those incredible students that went to adults and said we want help something is happening on this campus. >> because of them look at history anywhere there's been violence in the school small business knew someone had a weapon and
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not said a word i couldn't be prouder of our students at john o'connell and ida b windshields and prouder of our community and our commitment as the brufks as a superintendent and staff is that you will get the support that you need, in fact our system superintendant bill have been at the school and you'll get the support you're looking for and the support you need but i want to also make sure that the public understandss that i do not want those schools democrat in his john on the other hand, congressional is an incredible and ida b wells everyone that is listening and watching we're a micro coming of society the kids did it right. >> thank you instructor (clapping.) next, we have 14 speakers on the
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common core i'm sorry to call your name, please come up to the podium (calling names) and i'll call the remainder ever a group i want to limit this to 15 minutes please be respectful of the speakers and not repeat points we would like to get through this topic thank you. >> good evening suzy sea gallon many say data matter this is the map testing in kindergarten and first first grade i wish you a happy 2 hundred and 90 days and in my one hundred day wearing my
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overhauls like the teacher celebrates the one hundredth day of kindergarten we're celebrating the joys of math in our classroom i thought i'd sing a song would you like to join me let's do the numbers rumba let's do the numbers rumba numbers rumba all day long and kindergartener and first grader are spend to the take math and otherwise nope and common learning assessment no honor of that i have another song 1, 2, 34 tell me me what they're testing for 5678 it is in
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appropriate the only do not is some random test that no teacher is taught to said how to deserve it i assure the data is not comprehensive what is it to the 5 years old with all due respect the test have not been vetted by the people posing the education of young children at developly any displeasure are you says we have one chance at early which would it's any responsibility to protect the children we teach
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the kids to play fair i'm begging you let's play fair and clean up this mess take an activist roll in understanding an appropriate way to respect the teachers that are expert are you aware of the segments that are being assessed may be may have leave you a copy we're support do to administer i novice you to come my time to our one hundredth day (clapping.) >> hi, i'm ann i'm a teacher in this district tonight, i'm speaking as a parent of eight grade twindz i'm here to talk about common core math and how inappropriate it is both any kids have done well in math this
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is something they're proud of this year, however, it's taken so much more to keep their heads above ward they often spend time during their lynch break and air force school with their teachers my husband that took callous has been supporting both any children with their math nightly and several times he's unable to get through the mess in a time when girls are focused on success in math and science this is dismantling that year with common core any daughter is losing ground as a mathematician i can only imagine the self-esteem felt children trying to get the curriculum but lack the support of any children i want to see prison core math
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taught but with that there needs to be inappropriate teaching of the teachers as a teacher i understand there is no teaching relatively no teaching of that this is canyon core math to continue i know it should be taught by teachers if are trained it shouldn't be on the backs of the kids to navigate this program as any kids applied to high school this year public high school and private it become profoundly unfair how kids who have learned math in a different way are punished for not understanding the compose core it's training of the teachers that needs to be done so see the kids understand that
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common core math thank you. >> (clapping). >> hi superintendent and fellow citizens thanks for the opportunity to talk i've been a math teacher at san francisco unified school district for 20 years first at third and marshall teaching callous hear to address the issue of condensing math courses to commandment this leads to algebra and leaves no time for callous this is to condense precallous into advanced eel green before i knows your heard the mathematician i've had a key with the department of defense and now a teacher of california
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lose i want to say that you can't rush certain subject we have a lot of success a 90 percentage pass rate in ab callous the reason the students were very very well prepared if you try to throw some of the topics and give it a brief discussion they're not going to have the understanding i know this is a callous lesson we're used to talking about rotation and an one hundred and 80 decree turn sealed and switch to radius and now i want you to make a two pie turn i know you've lost you already you're not the only one that's lost our students are
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lost and that's what precallous is for they need time to not only have it briefly mentioned to work with the examples with the gore metric shapes it needs time to digest it is been any personal goal do send children into the fields of math and science we need to prepare them with a solid foundation they're not going to get a solid foundation but to cram is ill conceived and not workable i'm a mathematician telling you you can't rush certainly preparation in order to be effective thank you for your time (clapping.) thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> again, if we can hold our applause until the very end. >> hello, i'm the 25th
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representative and counselor the high school part of any job so gave me in the told us of students recently the math plan anothers sfusd is to implement in the 2014-2015 school year a general responded of students is of utter shock and disappointment i'm quote my friends student shouldn't be denied opportunity i very much this is a lack of supreme court from our administration to increase the hardship this is by the majority of students one of the issues we have with the math plan is the lack of placement currently they - we don't think it's a great use of taxpayer
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money in addition the fact we'll be able to provide a plummet telephone as ovtd the sfusd student thirty percent come from private students and have access to hire level math before sfusd students which that us found that was a great insult from the board and algebra one and take a bra one in the second year the first by the end of our sophomore year we understand there recent a pressure to put on the kids inform finish the classes whether they're at the george washington or whatever in order to voice our concerns we ask the ac rep preempted a
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petition and in less than 48 hours you're able to accommodate over 11 hundred signatures we hope to present that to the board in the upcoming details thank you for your time. >> thank you very much i'm going to call the next group of folks if you could approach the podium podium. >> i'm mark a lifetime science teacher i'm here to speak on behalf of all students in the district this fall i joined the next generation r and d committee i believed that our district wanted teacher feedback on the next generation science fairs on day one the ferocities said the way to have a structure
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was not working for everybody the district ferocities said all students would be the best for all students they quoted a science phrase all students all standards when i asked him asked them if the way we're doing this now for a sun's how can a one subsequence work for everything they didn't have an answer during the next meeting they were prepared with a meeting none of us taunted with all sophomores taking chemistry their argument was in high schools what of the conceptual taught there was a lens
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