tv [untitled] February 19, 2015 4:00pm-4:31pm PST
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o be in school 80 so i think that it didn't make sense for us to have a situation that essentially is forcing the family to break the law. >> okay. he hear what you're saying (clapping.) so i appreciate the concerns i think if there's a way that we can address that so that we the address the concern that families so people not showing up but i think that i don't know i mean it appears the cool department of education and know that the san francisco human services agency is requiring families to take their kids out of system they could be krieftd. >> we're not requiring the families take the kids out of school adversity not written or a shelter provider has told a
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family you have to take the kids out. >> but if the agency is giving a family the choose of being on the street or taking the kids out of school it's the same i think in terms of liability i think this is something we need to do not only because hitting that's the right thing to do telling you but there are legal concerns. >> point well-taken i'll address that with the provider. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> i think we have members of the public to pick up their kids and members of the public that are disabled if we can let them come up and after kathy i'll call up more speakers. >> hi my name is julia formally homeless i work at the coalition of homeless everyday i have
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families come in i have individuals coming in asking for housing and asking for the housing list that barrel changes when i was homeless every month things were coming online to apply for hoping you could be housed we don't have it we need to fix that the last proposal we're turning over properties i know we have the money the city definite has the money for 89 units to getting up get them you houses and living in a shelter without a shower for my kids for people working 15 hours days and not showering a lot of germs and sickness thank you. >> hello my name is katherine
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walter i'm a resident currently resident of a newly elected community residence association in the south of market 20 years ago i worked full-time 5 years ago i was homeless but 20 years i was considered homeless i'm a single parent we had kids under the age of 18 by school standards we were homeless we were injured a lot 5 years ago i become homeless on the streets my child was placed in childcare our family health deteriorated then i went through and got to the point i was with the hot team and through the hot team at the clinic i was able to have case management, money management therapy, whatever my
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needs were a whole person approach today is one part let's focus on one health topic or housing nobody works together we need to work together at a team organizations need to work together as a team in order to address the whole issue because if i didn't have the support of my team and not the support of the planning and all of those i wouldn't be here today within 2 1/2 years i've got my own place and heads of the community organization that is out there trying to make a difference we need to work together as a keep e team i suffer impression and chronic sleep devase and chronic asthma without having this a lot of the shelters are not an ideal place to move forward too many people
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go through the cycle you've got to have the team effort with the agencies and the departments thank you. >> thank you i'm going to call. >> couple of other speaker cards 5 more names. >> good afternoon. i'm cynthia parker with the shelter program manager at hospitality house hospitality house wants to say that we support the emergency shelters supplemental and we also need to have the restorative practices program funded last week, we used the restorative practices circle during one of our hearing with will daily and i can tell you
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that was a way of giving or calling it dignity because he had been d o s and not only throwing him out of the shelter but providing a way for the residents to talk about how they've been effected by even though harm that they felt as a result of the incidents this circle provided a way for the residents to understand not only the clients narrative but their own narrative and move towards reconciliation and healing i mean, i'll tell you about currently we have athletic discussions about feelings authentic feelings that are deep-rooted there was a sense of resilientcy
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we asked them they were effected and it was a non-hierarchal way of relating it themselves the beginning of a dialog an intermittentlytion of respect and contraction and a way of being with others i'm asking you to fund the program we really need this program to foster reconciliation and healing thank you. >> thank you hi, i'm jen even though johnson with the t gi that's transgender project i wanted to talk about working with the transgender community that has been assessing it and for some reason a large number of transgender people that are being disregard if the next door
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shelters we've received a lot of reports of just mistreatment of turned around people that are currently housed i'm part of the tax california coalition i wanted to bring your attention you know based on the murders had that are happening through california in the transgender community i'm concerned about the transgender people out on the street that's a vulnerable population of people that and i went to a hearing with a person that was next door shelter and it concerned me pause the fact their energy and personality everything about them i don't see how that client felt they were outnumbered and no other transgender person there no transgender there to not will mention the trauma that transferred - they face mostly
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people in the shelter it is a you get permission to has the transgender people if they see the staff is mistreating us that's the way we are treat based on the murders of transgender people how do we come up with equal assess and transportation for transgender keep in mind a lot of the people are transitioning as well and their he transitioning needs skoip for women that are transitioning not being met i want to encourage you guys to you come up with a coalition to oversee that in san francisco as turned around people we need to feel safe and we want the people to be cared for and nurtured.
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>> well, i want i to see this book call manger it's about march 65 they're to go on the bridge a that's when we got the voters right in 65 voter rights was approved in alabama but also in 68 housing rights was also approved by johnson when the president be on the bridge march third we want is to stand up with marching of 50 years anniversary of the voting right bus i do not like the word homeless and our climb will be steep we may not get there in
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one year or one term but america i've never been more hopeful that i am together we'll get there i promise you, we as a people will get there. >> so president obama we want you to encourage him he said at the meeting he will work with the board of supervisors and the mayors to do better for our country that was reagan in 66 that closed napa valley he cut housing 80 percent we're suffering from what a reagan did and we in san francisco don't stand up and firefighting fight for the housing rights there's no such word as homeless the constitution of the united states when you come to america it's not a word it has become a word since 19987 in san
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francisco that's sro's when we have fires 50s were considered homeless we're told that everyday your homeless if you're sro we have a definition we want to be in the program and reform this restoration and shelter and sro's because san francisco will take care of families and single people we'll build our way if you don't do that we'll have these problems thank you. >> good afternoon, supervisors will dale u dial i'm a shelter advocate we represent the shelters and outside arc traditions we work with shelters to resolve the client matters i want to talk about restorative justice i'm a crusty old guy i
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am believeer i've facilitated a couple of circles that works people are cooperative and more likely to make positive change when those in authority do things with them as opposed to for them the ministry in ending they believe believe in the long term is reduced their cost and recidivism is down 85 to 90 percent of victims feel this is a good process it reduces the pst for victims and a witness to incidents i assert restorative justice will decrease the costs for emergency justice if you hold
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people account recalling and offenders or where their acts they learn from their action how directly they've effected not only the victims bull the entire community i urge you to support that i got to tell you larkin was doing this and i looked for 36 months the last 3 months their denial of service overall and their immediate services are cut in half this 2015 the city of san francisco one the wealthiest cities on the face of the planet it is your legacy and our colleagues legacy what you do thank you very much. >> sir you mentioned about restorative practices on larkin street what other besides larkin street are there other models
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over and over gastric. >> sfusd has restorative practices and larkin those are the two i'm familiar with in the city. >> thank you. >> actually, i'm from larkin street and another one is oakland unified school district and those are locally we're for or against the way we should make go san francisco a restorative city. >> thank you right on. >> so without the known years - i have a couple of things to share first thing i hear over and over human services talking about they want to create a new rules what it means to create
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more rules we want to make more rules more rules to a single homelessness woman and lgbtq in the shelters no, we have to change those behaviors we need to do something different we have a have creativity with the voices of the people in the shelters to come together to tell us how we can put in a resolve any issues inside the shelters we can't create rules anymore we needing need to stop and using those words again poor families and children's it is ineffective for me peppering i believe for that my workers' compensation who are homeless people and second thing i building my two coworkers jennifer and nick were talking
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about the friendship so there's no reason for mothers and children have to wake up at 6 o'clock it is cold in the morning we have to be a little bit human and understand this so i hear mr. joys to hear oh we working to implement the rules i don't want the rules i don't want rules i want to have agreement and work together and like working together with you guys to put in disagreement and working forbidding the people that are homeless and the solution is housing thank you very much. >> hi, i'm dwayne aim i'm a
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community housing partnership formally was homeless and i urge you guys to follow through with that because i know people that are sick and in those places are getting shifted out and need the help and without those shelters i don't think i would have made so, please i urge you to support this. >> good afternoon, supervisors my name is do is james trashing from the community housing partnership i want to thank supervisors and supervisor kim and joys and the coalition of the homelessness for their awesome to create this and take a step back and go forward from here i'm sick of coming here i
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it's not that i don't enjoy our company but we need to look at we got rid of poverty and with all those efforts we put up aggregating and changing this great country but until that time as long as she recalls are necessary they should have the resources to heal and be a brief step on the way to permanent housing so we pause the health dialog and bring more resources into the shelters when we receive people from the shelters and going 0 come into our permanent housing it makes a stronger community and people suffer less trauma and it is - i'd like to caution us about health it is not just health as in healing people that are
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already suffering when is half of preventing it from happening in the first place we know people that go through the system they are displaced through economics through secretions e evictions and loss have a job we don't want to construct a system for only those who are deemed bureaucraticly can assess housing and services in the shelters but a system that makes sense for all thank you. >> hi, i'm with the community housing perspire i'm the community organizer the first time i spoke on lovbt issues in shelters when i was homeless in a shelter i was extraordinarily sick and dying with hiv i came up here and spoke i was couple of in the shelter the night
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preflg and i remember they were saying they were going to throw me out because i was loud you remember homelessness kits liquify expectancy by 20 years i'll call your attention to the issue that everyone that is in the shelter has a form of - homelessness cause post traumatic stress disorder that causes conditions for people i'm hoping we can apply new resources and not new barriers for the people they have enough hoops to overcome we can bring the housing community together with the shelter community to work on the additional resources to build that community that will start helping people in the place they're at one of the ways
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to do that is looking at intercommunity peer partners to work on a stability for the shelters clients when we move on they have a foundation for stability thank you. >> hi. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> i don't speak english i only speak spanish. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> i've been living on the streets for the last two years. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> it is also rough and
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dangerous. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> last year, i lived in a shelter in jam there were a lot of rules that were retarded speeding i wanted to work, however, the rules of the shelter for bid me from doing so i worked or lived in the shelter. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> it is very difficult to access showers. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> there's a lot of race and human in the shelters. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> once i was about to be straggled by a homophobic and
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raciest person in the shelter. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> and that's the reason i decided not to go back to a shelter again speeding i wish the place that are safe and secure for all of us existed out there. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> we have rochelle and home forgive with the ability to feel free in the way we are. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> and with all due respect i wish you could pay attention to the circumstances in which we live in the gay community. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> >> that's all thank you.
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>> thank you for that beautiful statement. >> before the last speaker i'm going to call up the last speakers and if i've not called your name feel free to come up and speak. >> i actually that it was a very beneficial coming here today and allowing us the people that are living in the facilities to have a say so it plays a bigger part in our decision making the overall concept has changed i feel the money and precedence and time the main factors in this situation mainly you need to find order in our operations that is as a math concept
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simplifying the issue to make it easier if you're main issues what you type of people needs help the city has plenty of money there are putting signs where the dreams can happen you know there are winners and go big and i because we have the confidence as a city as a whole i feel like because you have those different people that need to be tended to the staff can accommodate it so increase the staff make it happen we're pitting too much money into high-rise when we could you guys would not be in the panel if you didn't want something bigger this is one of the major aspects shelters are meant to be a flow not permanent it is temporary
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they could keep going keep it as an even flow those people need housing okay. those shelter are not meant to camp and post up for years a lot of those people view mlk and the elderly and transgender people and so many things that play a part you guys need to make it happen i have the money. >> hello, i'm chris williams i'm grateful thank you for the opportunity to speak my story a brief i krienld across country to fight homelessness and hunger in the country i intend to make san francisco my new home my julian off point to pay it forward in my way i could using
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38 my tenants of arts in the first few most i feel ill equipped in all fairness i've witnessed a desire to make a difference on both sides of the valuation i'm thankful for the programs you, however, i've witnessed the disparities and the inconsistent sisters and the housing focuses and housing folks with more needs than an overnight bed and meals i can related the frrnz for the inconsistent search-and-seizure acids the exit plans and concert and quality of life scenarios and the activations but i believe this is not a place for the time sensitive femur furthermore i'll quote the
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charter and bar gravel failures but that's old news i'm homeless and tired as i speak i'm ill but i'm not deferred in continuing in my journey to wrestler that the inequalities and make a difference in the life of one more human being i believe the support services is one way to castle with the tide as the human plot in an unprecedentcy of bans we don't need to rehash the old acronyms if you plan to fail we need action by passionate spirits that doing the right thing is more than a political karma but the right thing to do because it is the right thing to do period we need funding for the well trained and well paid resources required to effect real change thank you for your time and consideration.
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>> good afternoon. i'm mark ann anthony i was once homeless 14 years ago i can tell you horror stores in the shelters the staff was not formally trained - oh it's this one excuse me. i'm so sorry the staff was not trained a lot of horrendous things going on and basically staff worked enabling a lot of the clients to do negative things i want to frame the word solutions i wish they were happening when i was once homeles
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