tv [untitled] February 22, 2015 1:30am-2:01am PST
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before we get assembled we live in our micro coming all those issues i appreciate they're all on the list. >> commissioners to that point mr. chairman recommended to employees and hiring one of the reasons why our workforce initiatives are important the city's unemployment in inform 3.2 percent 20 thousand unemployed sfomgz that are given up looking for work or wish they had a better job so the focus hearing commissioner president adams our point will people that need to hire and wish they could fill those jobs that's good news for us but refirms the challenges there are people in the economy that need investment training and connecting those to those job opportunities that's a
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key point of our strategy. >> yeah. commissioner tour-sarkissian. >> thank you for your presentation i have a question about the demographics and the fact that the very low wages are increasing as well as the high wanlz after a flat period out of curiosity how fast is the low, low wages as compared to the high wages and how can we accommodate all those low wage earners i'd like to hear that. >> 0 i don't know why are extremely low income people moving to the most expensive
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places in california appears to be an attractive move for people that are immigrants if we don't elevate those are some other locations in the united states but san francisco as a place of residence they have a network compared to a location they were living before so it's a different way of looking at alternative places how they manage in san francisco appears to be by living in extremely crackled quarters there was a really revealing newspaper story in the chronicle about a family 6 that were living in a hundred square feet room waiting for affordable housing they were spending one thousand dollars a month for this one thousand square feet room that is $10 a square foot per month that's about 23 and a
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half times when a condo went for very low income people will consume very small parts of housing to live in san francisco and lights spend a large amount of income we were looking at the housing burden and how people were spending for the limited population it's over 60 percent of their gm. goes to housing if you're life-threatening to spend a lot of income on housing and share housing with a lot of people that's how it's working i don't think it's what people want to see in the city that's why affordable housing is so urgent in the city. >> the request about poverty in the city are we setting up such a invading poster levels of poverty is is higher.
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>> i believe the recited rate a higher but the distinction of poverty didn't fit our city we have another problem a number of people and it's hard to kind of get the demographics but people that are lower income to move out of the city it's reasonable to look at the data and conclude that people come to san francisco when they're very poor work here for a few years and move out it tend to be the people that move out tend to be lower income than the people that move in thank you. >> commissioner dooley. >> i wanted to go back to the housing situation with the middle-class housing in terms of it's hard i know in north beach my area for people to find employees that don't want to commute i have seen all
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the traditional housing that will house those people say boric acid out and being sold to people who don't live there and the merchant in my area are noticing that also those folks are not getting their dry cleaning done they have a house in new york or london that lack of community is hurting small businesses we have perhaps restaurant don't by the people that's one of the few things people go but i know say for my part of north beach i would say 8 out of 10 buildings are now been sold and are not virtually not occupied so that's another issue in terms of the middle-class housing those would traditionally go to the people that live and work in the
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neighborhood that fill those middle-class jobs i think that middle-class heirs is the most important thing since traditional housing is being taken away. >> commissioner dooley i totally agree that middle-class housing is a priority one of the key pieces of the thirty thousand units the housing goal is 50 percent of those housing houses to be within reach of the middle-class san franciscans there's a number of vehicles of interest to the commission do an in depth strategy but a number of key areas that the mayors administration laid out was the issue of the geobond he laid out in his state of the city folks on public sites construction of new housing and using public land as a key vehicle to get the level of affordability we need
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and fast tracking of production and i'll see a key focus only public housing and the rehabilitation of public housing but commissioner, i agree that the context between housing and the small business is important because people who live in houses shop at our small businesses so one the problems we're talking about one of the important things we did with the office of small business the shop and dime program when the mayor calls on san franciscans to spend their money logically during the will holidays those dollars supported the businesses in to so ideas that help to drive more spending logically is a key part. >> commissioner riley. >> thank you, very much. all of you for the presentation it's helpful and i want to thank you
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for that continued to focus on the priorities to help us small businesses i also want to thank laura for being one of the speakers with the asian bankers she gave an insightful talk and we appreciate it and thank you todd for bringing this. >> of course >> commissioner white. >> oh yes. i wanted to thank you for this report it's been very informative i'll agree with the commissioners in regards to the housing and particularly in my industry in the restaurant industry i've seen the commissioners dwight he started out with hiring local and hiring within our zip code now we don't
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have anyone in the city anymore so that's a concern one of the questions i wanted to ask we talked about the sector was this done in regards to the impact within the artists cultural sector because one of the things that i as also a restaurant it hires musicians i feel we're we're losing our own knowledge e penguin because of not having did middle-class as far as. >> laura did you want to talk about the work and the entertainment sector. >> well, we definitely seen over the past couple of years ted did a study on the night life there was a justification for adding a position in the office so we have a office of
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economic workforce development focus on the night life and entertainment industry to work on doing things that create the live performance permits a robust website for people that are looking to consume the night life and entertainment and part of that economy and looking at the different roadblocks for that industry and understanding was from government simple things are or things like he's working on the night life transportation for the workers for the businesses and the consumers of the entertainment so looking at the ways to help with the solutions from our office. >> that's great. >> that would be a great business card night life and entertainment. >> he has a fun job i'm jealous. >> just out doing business development great thank you all
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looks like that's wraps up for the commissions i think we should call for public comment so this the call for public comment seeing none this is no action required on this. >> no action required and may i ask one question laura in terms of this full the complete document that might reference 9 art and entertainment is that referenced in the bigger one. >> i noticed your copy i apologize. i didn't notice four or five clock i'll send out the say. >> the 49 is still going on because i'll still pga out stickers. >> we're trying to emphasis the local shops emphasizing 10 days plus events if you're industry.
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>> thank you very much for your time together and coming out all of you to give us this presentation. >> all right. so we are now on to item number 4. >> item 4 is an informative briefing on the city's disaster assistance to the mission buzzing that were effected by fire on january 28th and todd has kind of decided to stay because - stay and give you an overview and i'll add anything in addition so for your information todd in their binder is some of the key points that was put together on friday and i do have a list of the businesses there in case you want to reference any this was meant to be an overview high-level briefing for you.
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>> thank you, again commissioners todd under the oewd you know as regina mentioned a week and a half going 37 businesses in the mission were affected by a terrible fire small business owners showed up at the place of business and saw their desires life work up in smoke the mayor was clear that between oewd and o s b and the department of building inspection fire and everyone else in between were to do do everything we can we can to help the businesses discussing this terrible, terrible time we worked between the various departments in this situation as you recall you 3w50. people
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asking too many questions so oewd led the effort to get the contact information for each the small business owners and continuing throughout the day led brifg with dbi with access to the building that was the primary concern the day after the fire how can i get into any business to get get the critical documents so oewd continued to work for access to the building we also were focused on business recovery so the very next day after the fire twenty-four hours after we meat with the businesses for the first time on the sidewalk we organized a workshop with various departments with t meeting and briefed the businesses what they need to be looking at with the insurance regina know about
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because of our work on the ocean fire and others we had a workforce team to brief the employees and the employers who's employees for all tint and purposes were urban employed to support the employees and finally more importantly we did individual assessment of more than 27 businesses to understand steak what their needs are they are different types of businesses community but there's a jewelry and florist and a number of restaurants there was a media company and so each the businesses have different needs as we prioritized getting up them up and running each one were different so today, we're working closely with meta and
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others i know there's more information in the packet and regina has been working closely. >> i kind of want to extend an outreach so laura he will has reached out to the technology oh you're here i'm sorry i couldn't see you from here done a terrific job reaching out to the property owners with businesses that have office space to connect because they were a good number of businesses on the second-story that are office related businesses what they need is another 2 4 6 or seven hundred secret of office space and furniture and commuters so laura he will has been connecting sf city with the needs in addition to you know
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working with inside the city government and what we can do to offer support. >> one final point laurel in her presentation we have a small business center located within our office and angle the small business center a spanish speaker was without that day we would have lost providing the bilingual assistance to the businesses so it's important to have it. >> wards to because of the number of residents and businesses a impacted by the fire this now sort of takes it to a different level because of over 25 residents or businesses were impacted by the fire we're now able to ask the state to
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declare this so we can access not only economic injury loans through the spca but with the ocean avenue fire we had that businesses affected we were only able to pay for the loss you know revenue or help cover some employee expenses but not cover new equipment purposes that type of thing inventory so we have the ability now due to the unfortunate sizing size of the fire to be able to trigger the spca disaster loan the state may come down on wednesday to look at the site to help sort of you know move this along a little bit faster. >> well, it would be easy for
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us guys to track our success so it will be interesting to hear months adopt the road how the various businesses will recover so thank you for a that. >> commissioner president adams. >> great job in our office both you and laurel and also shout out to joaquim torres you you know landlord if you could pass those names down to you and awning william will chimney in i know people were down there and the city was done there before the fire was contained with that the ocean avenue fire and the west portal and it's already rebuilt that was only a couple of years ago it's a testament to what you've done in our office getting you know beginning out
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there and getting those things dunn done and cutting through the red tape that's an awesome, awesome thing that if happen before it happened now todd and commissioner ortiz-cartagena. >> thank you guys i'm from that neighborhood i remember any mom when i was a kid businesses are gesture happy and i want to humanly thank annette for the things that's going with the mission in the city i've never seen something like that happen this is how it should get begun thank you. >> thank you, commissioner one of the things the scale and magnitude those fires were important lessons that built our
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experience today but the scale and the scope and particularly the impact to small businesses particularly the businesses that you know had been a real community for so long we know this was different. >> and then one last thing to add there was a a private sector liaison in the department of emergency management todd talked about in terms of you know situations that have helped us build the best practices and because of the number as really you know put us to the challenge of better you know best coordinate efforts this is something for you to build a plan and action what we can do in a larger disaster we're looking at how wire handling this and what things we can put
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in place so a larger disaster we're able to respond quickly as well. >> well, great thank you very much thank you, commissioners. >> laurel thank you all right. we need any call for public comment before you leave we'll call for public comment seeing none you're excused >> all right. on to item number 5 and item 5 director's report. >> update on small business assistance and department programs and recent announcement from the mayor and update on the business program and legislative matters and overview matters i sent this out last week i think i sent it out the dashboard for
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the last fiscal quarter for 2015 and to just want to highlight the numbers of clients served we're down a little bit some of this had to do with well, one 2013 in october we didn't have a peak in call due to the change over for the tax and treasurers office for online billing and some confusion around that which made the percentage for october down a fairly high number and also, we did in november loss jane that month so and hadn't replied her that number is down and then a couple of highlight we do the two more endorsements for ceiba zip and has a true at the and
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looked at the number of backdoor coming with family owned janitorial staurndz and consulting services and business startups are continuing to be a trend this month we're seeing more we're getting an increase on the online platforms and so this whole sharing economy but how some of them are food relayed and if they're taking things home we've actually had conversation with laurel and with dpw 3 we may need to come together to look at this if this continues to be a growing trend we don't want it to get blown-up both a situation like uber or like or the home sharering one
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the whole home shareing platform because people are doing cooking in their house and people are signing up for reservations and making money and thanks or things of that sort so i'm happy that the department of public health we're going to come together and in terms of the number by clients we do track by ethnicity in terms of clients served and industry on the back we have our first report for the business portal and as you can see - under the highlight section on the right side of the page it's 13 the portal launched
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on november 17th and the average number of users is one hundred and 14 it was 9 users like in 23 part of that my guess is we're not requiring people to sign in we're not able to capture any personal data we were able to at least capture people's e-mails so it makes it a little bit less on and on reduce we're seeing an uptick with the individual are that are on the portal and go to the crack with additional assistance or coming to the office as a result of visiting the portal and then because we're noted asking people to sign in with
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their zip code we have some indicators but adapt drilled recycle we used to like the supervisorial district so this also gives us the business portal has the startup kit it gives us a view of the top kits access of people and then at the top on the left hand is location of where people are coming are from to access the site with at least we can tell whether they're coming in from san francisco and if that's the highest number was california being second. >> what's the difference between sessions and users. >> sessions it would be that it can track same users so like someone like me going could go back continually and the user is
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the unique user. >> interesting so see you have 4 hundred and 88 international. >> that they know about us. >> they are going to move money into new york city they're blind investigators and the portfolios the sfgov page there's there's a website the portal is highlighted there. >> it's interesting to know what people are looking around for all right. anything else. >> that's it with the dashboard and activity take place with the portal and the business assistance center in the report i just highlighted out again, i talked about from the mayors state of the city but the women's economic power the women's empowerment section from the state of public safety address under the prosperity and
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there will be a meeting in the next couple weeks to have discussions around it and if the commission would like to be involved this is something we can did you and take a look at if you have ideas on what he would like to be involved with this the short-term rentals officially february 2nd was the first die that the individuals needed to register to clarify some of the process with this ever individual needs to become a registered business and they need to do that before registering with the planning department they do need to also file for the transit occupancy test and this is going to be somewhat confusing and i feel somewhat sadly for those individuals because right now any of the
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hosting sites they're not certified as certified hosting entities to file the transit occupancy take into consideration with the city but some of the sites are also worldwide w withholding that 14 percent in preparation they're going to have to pay it so that's an unfortunate thing for individuals they themselves are going to have to pay that tax a host site become certified but the treasurer is aware the individuals maybe double taxed so once the hosting site is certificate they've set up on mechanism to file for refunds. >> do you have a special tab on the business portal for - it seem like a perfect opportunity were going to have a rush of people coming. >> jane w
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