tv [untitled] February 22, 2015 2:30am-3:01am PST
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other countries on what it takes to keep a city clean and all those ideas, some worked well in san francisco and helped our department get to where it is. i am the first to admit we're not where we want to be but we're almost there and on our way so with that said please welcome rose park from the chinese chamber of commerce. >> good morning. i can't believe it's only 15 years because the mayor mentioned 18, 19 years. that's how long i felt it has been. i remember the first time we do the clean up i had to raise the money to buy the gloves, to buy the brooms, to buy the dust bin and we clear out all of the suppliers in chinatown and then muhammad told me the gloves were not industrial gloves and the
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needles can pick through them or whatever so we learned as we went along and then the mayor got walgreens and also hilton -- then holiday inn to get involved so i didn't have to raise all of the money. then we embarked on the clean toilet program where our members went and painted owl of the -- and remodeled all of the bathrooms in chinatown for all of the restaurants so we could offer the facilities to the tourists, so we came a long way. the only thing that i feel we still need to do is for the city to think of a way to deputize a lot of us so every time we see somebody littering the street we can write them a citation. if i see somebody spit on the sidewalk i issue
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them a citation, and let me tell you people throwing cigarette butts around we give them a citation. honesty that's what we needed, and then i do have a book from the police department, but since ed became mayor i didn't want to use it and accuse him of giving me the citation book so instead i choose to carry this cane, and let me tell you it has worked wonders. this morning i used it on a guy in a suit who was about 55 years old when he spitted. i accidentally hit him in the knew with my cane and then i said "you spit" and i tried to avoid it and i hit you accidentally so what are you going to do? call the police? so i can give you a citation for spitting and nothing irks me
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more than the garbage around. we're are one of the most densely populated areas in the whole city. plus we have a majority of the tourists coming to our area and we are also situated between the financial district and the hotel row so you can understand the volume of garbage that we produce everyday in the streets, but still our citizens should do their part to keep chinatown clean. thank you very much. i can thank dpw and the park and rec enough for all their hard work. thank you. [applause] >> please give rose park another round of applause because her leadership is unmatchable in this area. [applause] next person i'm going to introduce is someone that many of you know or might not know is ms. naomi kelly and the city
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administrator and she is out there ahead of all of us trying to make sure we can raise the money to keep this clean up going so that we're able to buy lunch for you. we're able to get some of the supplies that we need so she's going to thank all of the groups out here today and give her a big hand and welcome her. naomi kelly. >> good morning everyone. well, again this is just a thank you to all of you who are here today who are going to pick up and clean up and remove graffiti on our streets and i want to thank all of our sponsors so first off 76. thank you. starbucks. walgreens, nice water, the emerald fund, recology, the hilton, academy of arts university. pg&e. lesser cabs. sf clean city coalition.
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local 261. san francisco's unified school district. [cheers and applause] the housing authority. i saw barbara smith join. juvenile probation program. project 23 trial diversion program. the california department of corrections and rehabilitation. san francisco park alliance. united players. cyc. go care. zoo khai -- sorry. san francisco middle school. all right. [applause] [inaudible] elementary school. chinese newcomer service center. san francisco department of environment. and last but not least san francisco rec and park . [cheers and applause]
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back to muhammad. >> all right. a few more people who are in the house that we should acknowledge. i see mr. tom cotton there from the port of san francisco leading the port. i see ms. san francisco in the house. welcome. i see first lady anita lee to volunteer today. i see barbara smith from the housing authority and tom and leading building inspections and make suring they're safe and for everyone to enjoy. am i missing anybody else? oh okay. i don't think he needs any introduction. like with all of our events we're in partnership with many city departments and from day 115 years ago when we launched this clean up. >> >> with volunteers and to keep our city clean a partner that has been with us for every event. we work together side by side. public works is out in the streets and the plazas but
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in the parks we have a different team lead by phil ginsburg and please welcome him to say a few words. >> good morning. let's pick it up. it's beautiful. we're going to clean. so before i begin i have a very, very special, special announcement. today i want to everybody to know that the new head of the san francisco park patrol is rose park. congratulations rose. you start work on monday. >> [inaudible] >> well, not only is it the new year it's also valentines day and at the san francisco recreation and park day we call it "love your parks day" so thank you for being here and partnering with us to keep our streets, our neighborhoods and
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our beloved parks clean. fort smith square is our -- fort smith square is the holdest park in the city and we must treat it with respect and thank you for keeping these areas clean. i want to give a shout out and a person in charge of the parks is the zach taylor and he is leading a crew today and if you're not lucky enough to clean with us you will get to do worm casting. now that is cool. really. so today we're celebrating the year of the ram which is really fitting because the ram is known for some very important characteristics that apply to our park volunteers. they're generous, a strong sense of community and a special affinity for beautiful things.
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we welcome 184,000 hours of volunteer time including you so our profound gratitude for being here today and let's go clean. thank you everybody. >> all right. are we ready to go clean? are we ready to go clean? >> yeah. >> so we have one more event before we go clean and that is the fire works and the mayor and the team here will go down the stairs and go over there and light the fire works, but a couple of things i want to say before we go down there the first is someone who i forgot to acknowledge who has been with us not just in person helping us, but making sure that they write a check to support these events. walter wong and his company. please give him a big hand. he makes sure events go smoothly. when we need anything and can't find it we call on walter and he makes it happen and please a
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big hand for walter and his contributions. and the second thing when you're out there today please work safely. it's the number one priority. in 15 years we didn't have one injury. if you see something that you do not feel you should be touching or something of concern to you look for someone with a vest or in your team. someone wearing a public works vest or park and rec vest will advise you on what to do. that's a simple rule. and enjoy and don't forget the 15 years of clean teams and we come back here and share stories and break . thank you very much for coming out. i very much appreciate it.
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love right here. [speaking foreign language] hey good job, good job. smile, smile. it's not that heavy. you make cyc proud, the community. oh yes. all right. i don't know if they're going to fit on stage. you know i wish your captain were here. oh there he is. captain. one of my old favorites. commander is here too. [speaking foreign language] >> okay. i think the mayor should go first so sisters and
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brothers san franciscans the mayor ed lee. [speaking foreign language] >> what a presentation from our golden dragon and all of our wonderful young people. i want to have a special welcome to our valley christian and our students from beijing. yeah, they came all the way over here to celebrate this wonderful event and gosh this is all about family. it's all about extended family. i want to welcome everyone here to the year of the ram celebrations. this is a kickoff. we're kicking it off. we're cleaning our area. i want to thank julie christensen for being here and supervisor mar for being here and dpw and
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muhammad is here and our police department our fire department, all of the agencies working together with our community based agencies to celebrate. keep everyone safe and enjoyable. we're going to hear a lot of fire crackers and you heard norman already and he is warming up and a big parade and just the warm up today but we're excited with this community flower fair. i want to give a great thank you to our chinese chamber of commerce for having been here from the very start. all of their wonderful leadership. eddy is here, rose is here. the entire chamber has been doing this for many decades and we have been growing it for the world to see. i am very proud that this parade is put on by so many volunteers. i want to thank all of the sponsors but
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most importantly all of you here and enjoy yourself. buy flowers. norman said earlier to tell each other you're beautiful. that's the first time i heard that from anita. i have been telling her that for 35 years but the reverse hasn't happened but anyway this is a great time to celebrate. i want to say thank you for so many of our community partners that put this on that really think about and are creative and are dedicated to building this chinatown community so we're proud to display our culture for the rest of the world to see. thank you for being here. [speaking foreign language] [applause] >> just to let all of the dignitaries know we're keeping it short this year and keep of the blessing and that's it and of course we have to thank the
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[applause] >> all right. so supervisors real quick and you have to say the chinese except for supervisor eric mar who has a prepare speech. >> right. happy year of the ram. happy valentines day as well. to all of the children there is a lot of kissing that goes on today but i have a lot of love for chinatown and all of the volunteers serving the community and the people. thanks to the sponsors as well. [speaking foreign language] thank you. >> all right. other supervisors all you get to say is a chinese new year blessing. we will start over here.
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>> you want to go? >> no, go ahead. >> hi everyone. i am scott wiener from the board of supervisors and here to wish you a happy new year and thank you to everyone that made this happen and have a great one. thank you. >> this is julie christensen the supervisor for the district. congratulations. all of you picked the best place to be today. it's a beautiful day so happy new year. happy valentines day. have a good day in chinatown and thank you to the chamber and to ed and rose for putting on a party and inviting all of us to be here. thank you norman. [speaking foreign language] >> any other supervisors? that's it? okay. are we ready? >> [speaking foreign language] (speaking chinese). i i am
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here to represent the recorder assessor carmen chu and happy new year and celebrate with your valentines too. thank you very much. >> real quick captain can you say chinese new year? >> [speaking foreign language] happy new year. happy valentines day on behalf of every police officer that has the best job in the world patrolling chinatown and thank you very much. >> we have to go to rose and get ready. >> [speaking foreign language] so what i said is wishing everybody a prosperous new year. however, safety is number one and second is cleanliness so i have a cane. if i see anybody
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throwing garbage around i will wack you. thank you. [applause] >> i got enough scissors this year. okay. let me tell you what is going on. they're going to cut the ribbon and then the beijing and valley christian will be ready. after they cut the ribbon i will go "one, two, three" and you're in for a real treat. [speaking foreign language] . all right. you guys all help me. ready? [speaking foreign language] >> one, two, three! all right. hit it. check this out
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everybody. turn around. check this out. all the way from beijing and valley christian school together. ready? all right. >> [speaking foreign language] valley christian school -- [speaking foreign language] >> can you feel it everybody? ready? (band playing) >> the program will be continued by the remarks of our
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special guests. first of all the honorable mayor of san francisco. please welcome our mayor. [applause] >> thank you very much. happy luna new year everyone. [applause] it's my pleasure again to join our senator leno, our supervisors kim and scott wiener and the entire committee that has worked so hard to put on this wonderful, wonderful festival for our entire city. i just love this time of the year. the year of the ram this year is going to be about artistry, about coming together supporting each other. i want to say thank you very much to the festival volunteer community and the
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vietnamese community and economic development center. they have been wonderful in putting this on and now that we're revitalizing market street there is a connection of the improvements of the area and connected up with market street and this is a wonderful celebration that we have it here at the center of our united nations plaza. i want to congratulate all of the store front owners here the small businesses here for working together with us. we have been putting a lot of emphasis on our market street as of late and our investment in neighborhoods and i hope that the small business owners along that corridor have really appreciated the work we're doing together. things are always improving and look at the wonderful crowds that you have coming out today so we join you in this festival. it's now the 19th tech festival
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to the san francisco redevelopment agency for tuesday february 17, 2015. welcome. members of the public. madam secretary please call the first item. >> thank you madam chair. the first item is roll call. commission members please respond when i call your name. commissioner mondejar. >> here. >> commissioner singh. >> here. >> commissioner bustos. >> here. >> madam chair rosales. >> here. >> all members of the commission are present. the next item is two and the next regularly scheduled meeting at march 3, at city hall. b, prohibition of sound producing electronic devices during meeting. please be advised that the ringing of and use of sell phones and pagers and similarly devices are prohibited at this
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meeting. please be advised that the chair may order the removal from the meeting room of any persons responsible for sell phones or pagers or other similar sound producing electronic devices. c allotment for time for public comments. please be advised that a member of the public has three minutes unless the commission adopts a shorter time on any item. it's strongly recommended that speakers fill out a speaker card provided by the commission secretary and submit that card to the secretary. the next order of business is item 3 reports of a previous closed session meeting if im. there are no reportable actions. next is item four, matters of unfinished business. there are none. the next order of business is item 5
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matters of new business consisting of consent and regular agenda. first the consent agenda. 5a approval of the minutes for the meeting january 20, 2015. madam chair. >> yes. thank you. do we have any speaker cards on this item? >> i do not. sorry. ace washington. >> okay. mr. washington. this is on the minutes. okay. >> commissioners with all my strength holding in my passion, my anger, my disappointment, so i will make it crystal clear to you the city and county and anyone listening. i ace washington a long time resident of the fillmore and have been
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com here for 20 years and have been around and i have weathered the storm. how can you say -- i have passed over this clouds and i seen them come and go and i seen laws neglected. i have seen my black community come and go and visitors fall down and i have seen it all. the most important thing i have document today all and the most important thing. >> >> right now ladies and gentlemen i don't know even if our governor, our lieutenant governor or whom ever, the mayor realize what is going on in san francisco. i know the rest of the world don't. obviously governor brown thinks everything is peach and he roses because of the documents you release to him but there are two sides to every story and once i have a chance to do the story i will have so much glory i will feel vindicated and your m
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