tv [untitled] February 22, 2015 3:00am-3:31am PST
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com here for 20 years and have been around and i have weathered the storm. how can you say -- i have passed over this clouds and i seen them come and go and i seen laws neglected. i have seen my black community come and go and visitors fall down and i have seen it all. the most important thing i have document today all and the most important thing. >> >> right now ladies and gentlemen i don't know even if our governor, our lieutenant governor or whom ever, the mayor realize what is going on in san francisco. i know the rest of the world don't. obviously governor brown thinks everything is peach and he roses because of the documents you release to him but there are two sides to every story and once i have a chance to do the story i will have so much glory i will feel vindicated and your minutes
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reflect everything that's been going on for the last few years so when i start subpoenaing these dowptds and it will show a crystal clear picture that this agency, whoever is running it -- probably the mayor. who ever has control of this agency don't give a dam about the black community. i am noting you all but whoever closed door put this committee together and think you're going to get away with destroying -- not only the livelihood -- you're talking about a whole generation of people and redevelopment came and -- it's no mystery. all you have to do is check the history. right now we're in black history so i am speaking on black folks specifically and your minutes reflect what is happening but not the true of what is going on out here in the fillmore and
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anytime when i get a chance here on out i'm going to make it crystal clear and take my time so you can really find out and i would like to give [inaudible] to your secretary because she put it in the minutes. it's like a script. how many times i come up here and what i say and the president acts -- ordered as soon as possible there is no response but obviously president you don't have any clout here. >> thank you mr. washington. is there any other cards? >> no. >> no. okay. do i have any comments, questions, or motions from fellow commissioners on the minutes? >> i move that. >> commissioner singh is moved the minutes. >> [inaudible] >> commissioner mondejar is seconded it. it's been moved and seconded. please call the roll. >> commission members please
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announce your votes when i call your name. >> commissioner mondejar. >> yes. >> commissioner singh. >> yes. >> commissioner bustos. >> i will abstain. i wasn't present at the meeting. >> madam chair rosales. >> yes. >> i have three aye's and one abstention. >> okay. the minutes are approved. please call the next item. >> the next agenda item is 5b conditionally authorizing the executive director to enter into a grant agreement with the city and county of san francisco acting through the ofice of economic and workforce development for up to $446,000 in tax-exempt bond proceeds for third street corridor pedestrian improvements through the facade and tenant improvement program and the community challenge grant program and the bayview hunters point redevelopment project area per recognize the
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obligation payment schedule. item 386 subject to approval of the oversight board and department of finance and resolution and discussion. madam director. >> before we ask the executive director to address this item i need to announce they need to recuse myself on advice of counsel for this item and the next item because of proposals that both my law firm and business company have with these agencies, so without objection i'm going to turn the gavel to over supervisor -- commissioner singh and i shall return but i need to leave the room. thank you. >> okay.
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>> acting president thank you and good afternoon to members of the public and commissioners. commissioners as you have seen previously the former redevelopment agency has a number of expended bond proceeds and we brought several of the items before you. south of market is one and now there are unexpended bond proceeds that one spot in disillusion we're now allowed to transfer those funds to the city and county of san francisco for purposes consistent with those restrictions under the bonds. unfortunately the program that we have worked for the last year with our colleagues at the city really furthers programs that the former redevelopment agency advocated for economic development, improvement programs in the heart of the bay view along third street so this is consistent with the former goals of that bayview hunters point project along third so i would like to ask the acting
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project manager to present this item and joined with other colleagues from the city through oewd and the community challenge grant. >> good afternoon commissioners and director bohee. i am here to present one of two grant agreements for access bayview hunters point bond proceeds and today i would like to go over -- there are two programs that we will be funding with this grant agreement. the amount is for four $46,000. we estimate there is approximately excess bond proceeds for the bayview hunters point project area. again we plan to come back at a later meeting for the excess bond proceeds so i would like to introduce [inaudible] to go over the two programs that we want to fund with this grant
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agreement, but i would like to say prior to disillusion i worked on the bayview hunters point project area and we worked closely with the community in bay view of funding the sf shines tenant -- facade tenant improvement program and this is one of the priorities of the area to bring economic development and improve facades and thereby generating jobs in bay view and have worked with the community challenge grant on the model block program previously and bayview hunters point to help improve streetscape and connectivity to third street so there was an improved pedestrian realm in bayview hunters point to get people to walk to the commercial corridor and with they will turn over the details to staff from the office of economic and work
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force development. >> good afternoon commissioners. i willing toel between the two. i am the senior project manager of ofice of economic and workforce development. i am mayor lee's point person to the commercial corridor in bay view. as part of our comprehensive program to revitalize the third street corridor we deploy the facade and tenant improvement program between third street and evans and williams. we are proposing that we would deploy approximately $200,000 of those funds to sf shines
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express, a program that will help to improve the exterior -- sorry -- help improve the exterior appearance and functionality of all buildings along the third street corridor and catalyze positive impact and attractivity and market ablgity of the overall corridor and grant funds between $5,000 and up to $35,000 and the proves will solely based on exterior painting, installation of lighting and exterior signage. we intend to aim for the following schedule. in february this month we are currently staffing the program to secure an architect for the program and a program cord coordinator and finalizing application materials which will include design guidelines the application and minimal qualifications. in march we will be marketing the
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program to both property owners and business owners. previous to this only business owners were able to apply to the program. in addition to that we will deploy program intake and enrollment processes. in april design will begin for those projects that will be included in the program and in may we hope to make advantage of small business fee waivers and require all permits. in june we anticipate bidding the projects and starting construction. these steps will be repeated until all the funds are expended for this program. here are some examples of the types of improvements we could possibly deploy. the painting of the entire facade and not just the ground floor commercial say critical change in our program. on the top right you will see exterior signage that
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includes awnings, any illuminated signs and the exterior and the lighting that you see will help to increase safety along the corridor. on this slide we see a handful of our completed projects, these are all on third street. these are all third street owned and operated businesses. the one on the far right is the bay view barber college and in the middle is the famous auntie aprils. you should all try it. in year to date sf shines have helped over 25 properties along the corridor with over $700,000 in investment. we will be able to help an additional 10-20 properties along the corridor. unfortunately my colleague had to step away. i will present on
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her item. i am very familiar with this program. we helped to fund many of our programs by leveraging community challenge grant funds. currently the mission is improve public spaces while building the capacity and community in san francisco's neighborhoods. the fund has typically had anywhere between $500,000 to $800,000 annually activating 30 to 40 process across the city. the program is a partnership with a variety of city departments and other funds which includes the puc, and eastern neighborhoods and currently retains a advisory committee of seven individuals that meet weekly during application review and quarterly outside of the review period.
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the grant program provides grants to local residents, businesses, nonprofits and non community groups to make physical improvements to their neighborhoods including green spaces, gathering places and public art and other neighborhood amenities. grants are widely distributed throughout san francisco to help represent all of the 11 districts. the average grant size is approximately $55,000. small projects range up to $15,000. medium projects 15 to $30,000 and large up to $100,000. examples of these projects can include mural, sidewalk gardens and public art. these are images of projects funded with these funds. again further examples include urban agriculture, gathering spaces
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and many parks. the image the middle i would like to oint out is in san bruno avenue and one of the projects i worked in my other roll at oewd. the cycle is a very lengthily process by which many community stakeholders can participate in and the seven advisory members are a part of it, and it's all laid out here on this slide. in front of sua map of all the projects funded in fiscal year 13-14. the items primarily were funded with puc watershed grants and you can see the intensity of the projects based on size throughout the city and you will notice there were at least four projects in the bayview hunters point that were funded with last years funds. that's the end of my presentation. i am here to answer any questions that you
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may have. >> just to conclude based on our experience working in bayview hunters point we feel that both of these grant programs will be in high demand for improving businesses as well as doing capital improvements through the grant so staff recommends authorizing the executive director to enter into a grant agreement with oewd for four $46,000 and we're here to answer any questions about the program or anything else. >> >> thank you. any public? >> mr. chair we only have one speaker card, mr. ace washington. >> yeah. mr. washington. >> this process is so flawed and i want to make all my efforts to show governor brown,
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president obama, whoever that the city needs to be investigated by the federal government because there's too much corruption that is going on for decades. i got evidence to show tright now i fearing for my life and i have the sheriff's department -- not ross but the lower ones and i call them the hot dogs and downstairs. you have the police against me and something of no knowledge. i am asking for protection. i can't carry a gun because i am an ex-felon but i would if i could being a black man on top of that. let's talk about the sunshine thing. if you reviewed what you did for the western edition that every business you helped out is closed now. every business that the mayor came to our community in 2011 it's closed now so the san francisco shine in my mind and if they do it in the southeast they would
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say hell to the no. we don't want you to come into the community and shine on nothing. all of the businesses are black owned business. beware out there bay view look what we did to me in the western edition. every place you came in with the program is closed so what's that about? ain't no mystery you all. all you have to do is check the history and you still won't come out to the western edition . i won't blame you but god is on side. he's not going to let us perish and shake the city down and walk over the black folks that help build the city. shame on ed lee. now i'm going back to this program here. i'm not [inaudible] any of the department heads. this is up in room 200. that's where they get all of this and then over in oewd they're in turmoil. their
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director is gone. over at city build they're in turmoil. this city is so corrupt from the head on up through your butt. now let me just say a little thing. my name is ace damn it and i have been on the case. i don't know why i am here. you all understand i was born and raised in church. i don't even know why i am here but i asked god to give me the strength to keep on because i have kids and they have kids and my grandson has three kids so i have a moral obligation and i am just trying to tell you about the lies you have been doing in our community. now this rise and shine program need to be stopped and review what you did in the fillmore before you go over to the southeast. my name is ace and i am on this case. >> thank you. any other cards? anybody? okay. the
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commissioners? >> i had one question regarding the program if you could come up. as i was looking at some of the photographs i know these are just examples. who would be -- how are we going to do the outreach to these organizations, these small businesses that are on third street? >> so historically we had a program manager along the corridor. we haven't had one for a year now. we're going to bring a program manager on board and a program coordinator for this and historically we have gone door to door and spoken with every business owner and let them know as a resource to them and in addition because we're opening the program to property owners we will do a mailing to the property owners along third street. >> i would like to suggest when you are hiring for the manager
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you get somebody from the neighborhood someone who is preferably born and raised there that knows the businesses, who has a good understanding of the situation of what the businesses down third street have had to endure all these years of construction with the tline and they have suffered. >> >> so i think the businesses that are there should have -- we should do something extra to support them, so i would strongly get somebody who actually really knows the neighborhood and knows the neighbors because it's only right. if we get somebody that just moved to san francisco they're going to go to the hip and cool places and leave some of the mom and pop shops and i see this on mission street with this mission life plan and it's not good. >> absolutely. >> if we can do that. i would love you to come back and let us
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know who you choose -- >> i am happy to present to the commission on who gets chosen. >> okay. that is really important to me. i know that. thank you. >> commissioner mondejar. >> there we go. so i do have a question. you said something about this program also extends to the entire 11 districts, this particular one is about the corridor, but i would like to -- i thought i heard you say it's for the 11 districts. >> so the program is -- yes, technically it's city wide between the 25 commercial corridors. unfortunately the funding in this past fiscal year it's only targeted to two neighborhoods, bay view and central market so that's where we deployed the funding. we're under going a budget process right now to try to increase
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the reach, if you will, to the entire 25 neighborhoods and invest in neighborhoods. >> okay. thank you. >> yeah. i have no question. so any other comments? yeah. make a motion. >> yeah. i will move. >> i will second. >> yeah. so all in favor say aye. >> [inaudible] >> oh you want a roll call? okay. >> commission members please announce your vote when i call your name. commissioner mondejar. >> yes. >> commissioner singh. >> yes. >> commissioner bustos. >> yes. >> madam chair rosales is recused. >> yeah. >> so i have three aye's and one recusal. >> okay. please call the next item. >> the next order of business is 5c authorizing pursuant to the transbay implementation agreement amendment one with the san francisco transportation
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authority for an additional amount not to exceed $66,841 for design services and $528,800 for construction expenditures for a total of $595,641 for combined aggregate of 3.4 million in association with the construction of the realignment of the folsom street off-ramp transbay redevelopment project area. discussion and action resolution number 9-2015. madam director. >> thank you madam secretary. commissioners in 2013 you previously authorized both design and construction contracts with the san francisco county transportation authority related to this off ramp work. this work is necessary as you know as we reentering into development agreements with developers along folsom and in
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particular this particular site is for the transbay block eight which we're scheduled to close on with related -- later this year so this realignment work that the ta is conducting on our behalf is critical to that and these are additional costs associated with that and we expect to come back with likely another amendment after this, but we're bringing this item before you now with a first time and we have representatives here to go over this and from the transportation authority as well here. >> thank you executive director bohee. acting president and commissioners i am kevin mo suita and an emergenc -- engineer and i this is an amendment with the san francisco transportation authority for the folsom street off-ramp realignment project.
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the mol som off ramp from highway 80 curvings diagally across block eight. in order to follow the transbay guidelines and controls we are reconfiguring the off ramp so it's parallel and in alignment with block eight. this slide shows the existing configuration from about september 2014 just prior to when physical construction started and you can see that the off ramp is sweeping across block eight and prohibits the pedestrian access on fremont street on the west side and also prohibits the implementation of
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clem tina street as desired under the transbay implementation plan. this next slide shows what block eight would look like after the reconfiguration of the off ramp. there is a signalized intersection at the base of the off ramp and provides the same turning movements and accommodates for the same number of vehicular trips. this moa amendment is about cost over runs and the moa requires ocii to pay for all the costs there are five categories in the amount of $595,000 -- $641 -- and that requires an amendment to the moa. the first category is for the design phase. as
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director bohee mentioned during the disillusion of redevelopment this authority was designed to a 90% level of completion. about a year later when the project was restarted this commission authorized in april of 2013 for two more submissions to caltrans so that we can get a permit to start construction. what transpired it was actually four submissions, two additional more than budgeted and that cost was $66,841. the second category is for preconstruction costs with the transportation authority and their consultants to coordinate the specifications to new caltrans standards and coordinate the requirements from the city departments that are affected. that cost is
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$77,787. the next category is just the amount of the contract. the transportation authority did a public procurement and received five bids. the award to the lowest responsible bidder was in excess of $180,000 above the amount budgeted. this category alone depleted the project reserves by over 70%. the final -- no, the next category is for cost over runs during construction from staffing and from unanticipated expenses due to a traffic signal coordination, man-made bird objects and relocating a bus stop that affected this project. these additional inspection fees and related costs make this
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category an additional $33,698 and the final category is for project reserves and this is the mechanism that the transportation authority is able to fund changes that happen over time. there have been change orders and costs incurred for the man-made bird objects and other tasks that were required in the demolition, removals and excavation phases where there's just not enough known about what is beneath the ground. the project reserves also includes an amount of $100,000 to handle motor oil contaminated soils. the next slide is an aerial view from transbay block six looking westerly and as you can see on
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the right-hand side the folsom off ramp has been demolished and the existing -- alignment is under construction. there are two plastic soils andtrary contaminated and the one on the left is the one with the motor oil and budgeting $100,000 for the disposal. the second one contains lead and that is subject to a future action as we are still having ongoing discussions with caltrans about its disposition. there are other considerations for this moa. the second item on this slide is for robert de
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