tv [untitled] February 22, 2015 8:30am-9:01am PST
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bonus, you can unplug, but you can still shop. shoppers receive 10% off their purchases at sports basement now through march 21st, just mention national day of unpluging to receive your discount. i'm not very pleased to bring up kenji, the department of human resources director to present our quarterly employee recognition certificate of appreciation, and i'm so pleased and so proud to bring up dave christiansen, our department's award-winning. could ken, tell him when he has won. >> >> good morning commissioners and general manager ginsburg, kenji the director of human resources for the recreation and park department. to demonstrate the quarterly employee recognition recipient
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dave christinsen, the harvey milk center has prepared a short presentation of the exhibition and posters that appear on your monitor as i am speaking. dave started with the department as a program coordinator august 7, 2010. dave was nominated by his peer at cultural arts nicola alvarez. in the four years that dave managed the harvey milk photo center he has lifted the standards of the operation and developed a wide range of photography classs for beginners to pros and creates a monthly free photography lecture. dave has also curated temporary exhibits including the photo center, mclaren lodge and harvey milk studio. street
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photography, taking pictures on iphone and more. so please come and sign up for his classes. his february lecture series will showcase three local photographers and a show and tell setting. more notably, dave has also curated i exhibitions showcasing famous photography works including the work appearing in a number of fashion houses [speaker not understood] cunningham a legendary photographer from the '60s. current supervisor states dave has brought creativity and light to the photo center and alenna added through his innovative exhibitions dave has put the site on the list of
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galleris to visit in the city. dave has created a beautiful gallery space within the photo center and curated installations and many other buildings including the mclaren lodge. dave shows great support for his co-workers and collaboration for expansion. is he innovative, creative and intelligent. on behalf of the san francisco recreation and park commission, we thank dave for his dedication and look forward to his continued success as an employee of the city and county of san francisco. [ applause ]. >> you have really helped the san francisco recreation and park department read the bar both in terms of our gallery and exhibition space, but more importantly with respect to the programs that we're offering san francisco in photography. we're so proud of the work that you do, and the programs and exhibitions you steward. >> thank you so much.
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good morning, commissioners. president buell, phil ginsburg. it's a pleasure and really an honor to stand here and seeing some of the work that we have generated and the programs we have created with my team. i feel really blessed to be part of such a world-class organization with rec and park. it really brings to the point where creating really enriching programs, exhibitions, and programs at the lodge or at the photo center to the public, whether it's imogene cunningham or fred lyon or up-and-coming photographers to showcase the great facility we have and the support we have from phil ginsburg. i wanted to say thank you to a few people here and cut this short. i would like to thank basically
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phil ginsburg or for supporting us, my director supervisor brown, who supports us all the way, nicola alvarez who actually suggested a receive the award. she does an amazing job every day. i'm really inspired by the people i work with every day and i wanted to raise that and wanted to again thank the employee recognition committee and the commission. thank you very much. >> let me say on behalf of the commission, that the quality and caliber of the program and what you bring to it, it really demonstrates an enormous commitment and we appreciate it very much. thank you. >> thank you so much. i really appreciate it. [ applause ] now we're going to
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us with our nearly 80 summer camps and this will give you a little flavor of what we do. [ music ] my name is jennifer and i'm in charge per square foot youth program, one of the most vibrant programs in the city. we do workshops and college resumes, cover letters we give resources to show them where they can apply to college for financial aid. we try to hire kids from all zip codes, all communities and all districts from mission to chinatown to bay view. [ music ] [ music ] this month in parks,
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recreation and parks in san francisco held a party -- [ inaudible ] the event is held with about 75 volunteers from all over the bay area. on january 24th we celebrated the graduation of the class of 2015. congratulations to the high school student who completed the year of environmental leadership and service. we hold an extravaganza [ inaudible ] there were over 100 exhibitors and showcasing opportunities for kids this summer. it was a great summer. rec and park with the jewish community celebrated the jewish arbor day, with tree-planting
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and beautification. [ music ] >> and that, commissioners concludes the general manager's report. thank you, carlie. >> is there anyone who wishes to make public comment under the general manager's report? richard, come on up. >> good morning. i want to do a little plug here -- community day at the palace of fine arts, it says saturday -- something that is going to be real good. i can see some faces on the commission who are solid people, who will back this up before it got to complete phase 1, but now we have phase 2 coming up and commissioner
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allan low -- [speaker not understood] community day. thank you everyone here doing a great job on everything else. >> is there anyone else who would like to make public comment under the general manager's report? being none, this item is closed. we're now on general public comment up to 15 minutes. this item will be continued to item 12, if need be. at this time members of the public may address the commission on items of interest to the public, that are within the subject-matter jurisdiction of the commission and do not appear on the agenda. with respect to agenda items your opportunity to address the commission will be addressed during meeting. i have one card, kelly watts.
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>> this is a powerpoint. >> so as a recap, my understanding is that it's still the intention of the rpd and the commission to introduce an additional 100 tons of the chemical no another san francisco children's play area. i believe these figures are correct. you have been duly informed on many occasion and aware a tox toxologist from centers for disease control predicted in ten years that people exposed to the chemicals would start to develop cancer. this was in 2007. and that, in fact since 2014 of users of the fields developing cancers. despite these facts you have
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dismissed the health warnings and instead have repeatedly embarked on actions that financially benefit your long time business associates at field turf target, inc., oc jones and sons, inc. and others by awarding them contracts worth tens of millions of dollars to install these fields. it is to be expected while your associates profit handsomely, the parents the children who live these field who live next to them will pay a price from the chemical combinations that will inevitably circulate in their children's bloodstreams as they breathe, swallow, or ingest, through other means. at last month's meeting january 15th, 2015, dawn kamalanathan and management urgently the
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promised the commission to explore alternatives. as the record shows and as miss bonilla and othered when the chemical risk was first brought to their attention. the record also shows that the rpd again kicked the can down the road in 2011 and 2012 with the same promise. shortsightedness or denial of the propses or symbolic gestures risk passing on a significant burden for the next generation to have to deal with, perhaps after you all plan to have left your positions. based on data supplied by your associates, san franciscans to-date have awarded tens of millions of dollars by you to your associates accumulating over 34 acres of these tire chrome installations within
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city boundaries containing chemicals amounting to over 6,000 tons. as we have for years i and othered will do what we can to keep track of the list of cancer victims it's keeps growing with your tacit approval. thank you. >> thank you. >> is there anyone else -- richard? >> good morning richard fong speaking. i wanted to look at the wildlife problems we're starting to have around the bay area here. we have the bird problem, the organic substance on their coats and have an awful time trying to clean it up. today's newspaper news with the top issues related to the breeding cycles of the sea lions and other mammal animals that we have along our coastal
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area. i wanted to bring up something that dealt with more not so much the el nino, but they said the el nino isn't so much into this time on the warming. it's like the rip tide came up and it was a long time -- but with the research going on, i think people who are doing work out there, cleaning up around there, in the background, yosemite, and there is candlestick and they are going around and cleaning up. a lot of that goop that might come up there might have something to do with trying to develop the diesel field, and they have a place there along the eastern side of san francisco, and that is possibly a problem -- they didn't say this time with the birds, but that happened a few
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years ago when they looked at the other problems. they also have the costco problem of hitting -- currently [speaker not understood] it came after that time and again they have that same issue, organic solvents, organic compounds organic -- when you go around trying to do the organic stuff, i'm not the expert, but i'm going to try to tell you when you try to take something out like rubber cement that kids use at our play areas throughout our county, that is going to be something that we have to look into more so from the environment perspective, but people in the recreation and park should be able to view such an issue by keeping a watchful eye out if you see dumping and that type of stuff. the hard part about it is i don't have an explanation why the water is warming up. what
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usually happens is all of it warms up and when all of it warms up, it goes up-and-down the coast and it stays about the same temperature. so other than that, gung hay fat choy, happy new year. and yay, all of you out there in the public, too. bye. >> is there anyone else who would like to make public comment, general public comment? being none, general public comment is closed. at this time we're now on item 5, the consent calendar. and so for the commissioners, and the public, we have one amendment on the consent calendar before we start public comment. item 5i, commissioners there is only one grant that you will be accepting stowed from the menage foundation in the amount of $20,000 for the recreation and park department scholarship program and no. 2 from big
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billy, inc., doing business as as slims is not on today. so i need a motion as amended with 5a. with that, is there any member of the public who would like to comment on the consent calendar? being none, public comment is closed. commissioners >> entertain a motion. >> moved with amendment. >> second. >> moved and seconded with amendment, all those in favor, say aye? >> a. >> so moved. >> we're now on item and although there is no presentation today, it's the san francisco zoo. would anyone like to make public comment on the san francisco zoo item today? being none, public comment is closed this. was discussion only anyway. we're now on item 7, the union square ada enhancement award of contract
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>> good morning commissioners. project manager, capital division. i'm here for a discussion and possible action to approve the award of a construction contract for the union square ada enhancement project, contractor no. 305av to apadana engineering, inc., for base bid only in the amount of $599777.77. union square is a plaza in the city of san francisco. supervisorial district 3. in 2007 there was a lawsuit
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that was filed -- the conditions at union square plaza and garage by federal and state statutes prohibiting discrimination against people with disabilities. the lawsuit was settled in 2009 and the settlement agreement required to remediate specific barriers to access to the plaza and garage. this was the work. the mayor's office of disability at that time requested that the department undertake additional disability access enhancements at union square plaza in order to respond to subsequent public complaints. this is called the enhancement award presented at this time. the recreation and park department secured funding for the work and the settlement work was completed by
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recreation and park in 2013. and also work at the garage was completed by the non-profit corporation that operated the garage with the contract administered by sfmta. the enhancement work is anticipated to be completed by the end of 2015. so in your handout, i included -- i'm going to put it here -- the scope of work. >> powerpoint, please. >> i included -- before getting into that, in your
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writing in the report i read that the settlement work completed included the alteration of the ramps and handrails and also included the modification of the geary street entrance to provide accessible entry and improvement of signage and maps. that was the lawsuit work. the enhancement work, which you see on the screen over there, and actually it shows in order of the description i'm going to make; includes new granite protection at stage terrace and additional handrail and adjacent steps. new, removable stainless steel at the edges, new curbs along the geary street pathway. that does not include the area where the central subway work
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is undergoing. the provision of the infill concrete step stones and handrails at geary street pathway, along the planting and sitting areas, the central subway area is not included either. new detection -- handrails adjacent to the path of travel. new improved, lighting and conformed face plate covers. now ada trench covers, guide rails at geary street, garage entry and additional handrails at the stage step pathway. with the assistance of the department of public works the recreation and park received three bids on january 28th. the bid prices including base bid price for all work associated with the site
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improvement and the lighting work. for trench grade replacement. due to the funding constraints, the staff is recommending award of the base bid work only, since of the three bids received, only one bid -- base bid was below the construction budget of $604,781. in your report, you have a tabulation of the bids received. the second bidder in order of cost -- [speaker not understood] submitted a bid process -- at the time of the capital committee, it wasn't resolved but at this time there is a determination that their
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process is not valid. also there is contractual review that apadana engineering, the lowest bid met -- exceeded the lbe goal of 16% and also 14b requirements. so at this time, the recommendation of the staff is to award the contract to apadana engineering, inc. which is a responsive -- the contractor submitted a responsive bid and is a responsible bidder. upon commission approval, we are planning to complete this work as mentioned earlier by the end of the year.
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the project is 1,035000. $700,000 for the construction and $235,000 -- the source of funds is downtown park fund. which is a majority of the budget. also open space contingency and mayor's office on disability. this project had environmental review issue with ceqa exemption under the building permit. it is supported by the union square business district, the mjm management group, which is the onsite property management and mayor's office on disability and rpd staff. >> is there questions? is there any public comment on this item? being none, public comment is closed. >> thank you. >> thank you.
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>> entertainment a motion. >> so moved. >> second. >> all those in favor? >> a. >> so moved. >> we're now on item 84-84 guide place approval of conceptual plan. overhead. ? >> good morning commissioners and gung hay hat choy, marvin yee. the item before you is for approval of the concept plan for a park in rincon hill. this item remains on the calendar, although it did receive the capital committee's recommendation for approval. it remains on the calendar due to outstanding questions that were not answered at the last meeting. as presented at the committee
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hearing, this project was generated through a public process. it gained community support and we received emails of support for the concept plan. we even had a speaker at the committee hearing in support of the project and its had received key approvals from the arts commission. on the overhead is the concept plan for your consideration. as part of the perfect purchase of the site by the city and presented by the adjacent owner for emergency egress. that easement is shown on the lower part of the design. it's the gray bar underneath the greenness of the park.
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on the overhead is an aerial of the park site that shows the location of that emergency egress easement. it's again alongside of the adjacent property. it's a 5' wide by 50' long. on this photo, we see the backdoor of the adjacent property. from which ingress/egress would occur on guy street, on the right side of the photo. the park development involves the raising of the park site, so it's level with the street. except for the emergency egress, which remains existing to provide access from the rear door of the adjacent property. this section shows the
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relationship between that emergency egress ramp and the park site. you can see, the park site is level with the street; which is on the left side of the image this. emergency egress area is not accessible from the park itself once developed, nor from the street. it would not be publicly accessible from the street. the intent of this emergency egress is again to provide access from the building in cases of emergency from the building on to the street. this emergency egress area would be secured with retaining walls, holding up the level park side, fencing and landscaping. and would be secured at the street with a gate. here is the perspective again showing the relationship between the easement area, which is on the right side of that image. and th
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