tv [untitled] February 22, 2015 8:00pm-8:31pm PST
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work another a index ssi take care of disabled seniors i can't get my help anywhere i've put in so many applications and tried for lottery and i'm tired i don't care about 50 or thirty percent i work everyday i can pay my own way i am an older woman because i'm sdarld my legs hurting hurt i can't get up to go to work i continue to do this for over thirty years this is not only for me but other disabled help us we want someone to stay with a kitchen and bathroom so we can live like human beings the way wisp raised so to so thank you
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and god bless you (clapping.) >> hi yesterday at the shelter a person a wheel from the coalition from homeless shelters came and said there maybe a problem about the e.c. s shelters being twenty-four hour they're not maybe twenty-four hours anymore we need the shelter to stay twourts because it is very exhausting to be homeless and difficulty finding a restroom when the shelters close also it is common to get sick when you stay in the shelter there's a lot of germs and when you have brooklyn bronchitis you need a twenty-four hour shelter to lie
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down and a lot of older he seniors shelter folks that need a place to rest during the day thank you (clapping.) >> good afternoon supervisors i'm kathy an e.c. s director and i manage 5 hundred and 34 single beds essential a next door shelter and additional more during the winter season we appreciate the focus on the shelter residents and welcome the dialog and especially the problem solving i hope that will come out of this process we know that our fellow san franciscans find themselves coming with acute health conditions as kate when is wonderful and very, very supportive has trained us with acute and chronic the solutions need to be both of those issues our city shelters were not
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designed to take care of of people so sick they can't self-care we're seeing an increase in people that come to shelters even though we don't have the captain or resources we appreciate the department of public health and response to this crisis that's a crisis and becoming mora crisis by bedding two nurses in the shelter this will give us the ability to access the medical needs that nurses and shelters are the beginning and again assessment are very important we hear a lot of issues and i'll end by saying the shelters don't have the staff capacity for the folks that are coming in so sick we have 10 behavorial health expert
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in the city and two follow resources wound next door and again, i resonate the folks that are coming to us have complex needs and solution and a lot of the work goes into liaisoning and collaborating with other agencies on behalf of them thank you you. >> good afternoon, supervisors ken with the service i'm joined by my colleague we appreciate very much the folks on health and welcome the resources that will be broadcast kathy talked about the needs we can't do the shelter without the alternated resources we want to talk about
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the help of the agencies themselves that are providing the assistance tonight the organizations will serve more than one thousand those 3 organizations more one thousand homeless men and women and children and the south sanitary next door we'll provide the safety net for food and shelter and pope hope people on the road to get the shelter without the resources it's difficult we hope that people get through the difficult facts and circumstances as a respite we'll provide those services with the resources that are insufficient to pay the bills together our 3 organizations are requesting the city grant a 4 hundred 14 thousand emergency supplemental allocations in order to cover the unfunded expenses of the san
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francisco's four largest shelters wow. (laughter) >> i'll talk very quickly this one 44 we're asking to excuse me. the 4 hundred and 14 to combine with the one hundred for you with the allocation from human services agency i want to say we believe in housing but as long as we need the shelter if has to be funded we can't do it by ourselves we put over the years millions of in support of shelter related activity and b will do this this year we have some 4 hundred and 14 thousand after the fundraising more half a million dollars we've been short we can't do that year after year and turn it to my
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colleague. >> hello supervisors executive director thank you for the conversation and the society has been here since 1960 serving vulnerable people with the needs of domestic violence and a and homeless difficulties since the early 80s thank you for the perspire years this additional funding allowed for much need additional services, however ken mentioned the funding didn't address the raising costs the 3 shelters speaking here are experiencing more needs and great service utensiltion while be flat funded new our contract where did he go we go to outside funding we do our job and but
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the philanthropic outcomes those are easily addressed by the employment services but a difficult case to make for the shelters for homeless people as ken mentions there's a thousand people a night being served by our organizations and s f a we provide the sleeping and meals and also by mission and contractors support and community and team building for the staff we do this as a substantially inadequate funding leaving us with unfunded balances we hope you'll consider our requests thank you for what you do. >> thank you and good afternoon, supervisors i'm deborah the deputy director let me reiterate our reason for today's hearing the experience
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at hampton collaborates the shelter needs and we're grateful yourself consideration of solutions at the same time we're deeply contenders store the financial health of our organization we do negotiating everyday because it's that in our dna but we have to pay for it our organizations will bloody more $400000 in red inc. this year alone that's net of our fundraising it's a loss following other years of deficit we can't sustain so with e p.s. the society i urge you to fund this supplemental request at the same time it's important to note this is an interim request a band add that as to the the
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bleeding but not a cure funding the disbursement of fund prudent person pursuant will allow us the continued operation of our shelters without running deficit without outing further shelter funding. >> as you consider funding this emergency request we ask i work with our organizations and the broader community to fund shelter for homeless families and individuals adequately and in the future i want to xrets may strong support for other areas a supplemental request on the coalition for homelessness and in particular to improve the services and shelters for families and the reservation for shelters for family there are too many children i serve. >> (repeated.) >> the constitution of the united states. that are being pulled out of school to get in
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line at first friendship to get a bed we shouldn't have to take children out of the school and - sorry i'm very emotional i see many children everyday that are being taken out of the school in order to get a shelter bed we can work together to get it improved. >> i have all of this in writing to all of you. >> the clerk will take that a distribute that to the community members at this time i'm going to call 10 more people
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(calling names). >> hi good afternoon my name is paulette gomez i live at a woman place an 13th and mission this is the only 24/7 shelter very few residents every every get a good nights sleep and few are in good health additional few are happy campers i told people you have to understand the shelters is an oh in exchange for adults you have to you understand if you're one of the good guides or bad guides if you're good you stand up for yours no matter who
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hazards you speak our mind somewhere someone will listen that one person may be able to change everything i thought it with about interesting to have a mandatory meeting they wanted to discuss workshops the yurpz were what do you want us to do should we do art or med i can't guess how much input go do you have into the budget and she going a little bit why. >> i think it is great about our mental health but what about our physical health i've been to the emergency room ones for fall out injury and a few mom it would be nice to have heat but
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no one opened their mouth a shelter is not a place for people to go to vacation but the last resort we need that to be a first proprietor. >> thank you, ms. gomez thank you (clapping.) >> good afternoon supervisors we were going to do a quick presentation but for the sake of time i'm going to summarize that with my colleague chris in our packets that got handed out is 5 slides from a presentation on sort of justice i'm the human rights coordinator on the homelessness we have been working along with the shelters and shelter providers and itself city to speak about pro-active solutions that are real problems happening in the sheltered we understand the shelters are dealing with difficult to address situations that happen everyday so we really want to
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introduce and propose the concept of restored practices in our shelters as an alternative to the current system we see as not effective to responding to the violence incident of wrongdoing so just to really quickly an overview of what the resorted practices come from restored justice an alternative to the criminal and legal system we have that instead of prioritizing punishment wheelbarrow a law is broken we looked at addressing not only the situation that happened to the person involved in the incident but the people that are impacted by it the community and bystander or people that are directly harm's harmed we move toward accountability to allow people to remain in the
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community and when people are kicked out of the shelter sometimes, it can be a death out in the streets and in addition, by pushing hooting people out of the shelters without addressing the problems we're not healing the problems only sending them to another service provider this allows us to keep people not community and address the behaviors and patterns. >> we were expecting to have you present with the department heads and department rep colleagues is there my objection to her finishing. >> you want me to bring up - >> yeah. >> great so the baefksz of our practices will allow our shelter system to move away and towards the
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transformation for all parts that are impacted so it moves us away from the one-size-fits-all and towards prophesies it go to the specific needs the incident and the people involved and all our shelters our diversity those are specific to the sperlt to decide as a provider what the cultural they want to create and then the last thing basic restore practices some of the experiences of all people involved not only the person that caused the harm by staff and the bystander and people that are dribble impacted and if it's a large incident we'll bring in the community we want to think about the shelter not only what the housing are by the community temporary as they are but often it is important to
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remember homeless is an slt experience when we come to the shelters sometimes it is the first time for social interaction it is important for people to be xhekd connected so keeping people into the community while their healing is something we're invested in as the coalition of homelessness we looked at a number of models around the world and looking locally we have a practices of approaches that are happening we have a youth shelter and hospitality house which is another one of the adult shelters from the sofrd practices and circles we wanted to bring in international examples that were easy to think about as a city the first is a
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homeless based homeless heart that was adapted it so the actual transition was a part of an overall transition i want to share that quote they provided directly a very power testament to what the practices has been for this organization they said we offered support and services to a high standard we are that not addressing the dynamics to a group of people that created the conflict we're engaged in a positive way we're punitive and included the individuals that used power as a way to manage individual that is something because of lack of resources and the country of homelessness and the increasing of aging instead
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of investing in human incidents we're managing people with power the whole hearts model had a framework of 3 components prevent work and community-based organizing and circle on a regular base but they were creating the sense of community and problem solving before the issues arose and an reactive component had incidents arise there are a team of people that includes everyone and the reintegration when someone is ready to face they're not kicked out with no hope of come back into the plan. the second case study the tor report that caterers to the folks in the downtown area and
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this model was particularly interesting because they utilize the peer based on model 15 folks that are trained as the pier team to offer mediation in their drop in center and training on relevant topics the team is paid they receive stipends and receive 12 hours of training and staff person that was trained and assigned to work with them so even though this is a drop in centers the peer based model was interesting we have highly skilled trained people we feel those folks had been best their skills are best utilized in a way that is than as opposed to that the staff will be able to
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pick up the work so i want to say was an idea of we have san francisco moving forward we would like to propose a pilot program in san francisco and so we're asking for $75,000 to be allocated to at least one shelter to be able to pilot this we would like to proposed it is a peer based model that religious has a staff person we think there is program development in training with all staff at the pilot shelter and be open to other shelters and number of ideas in terms of the important evaluation including an advisory group thank you for your time we're excited about the hearing and that has been given the opportunity and looking forward to working with you all and realizing moving forward thank you.
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>> thank you. the coalition think homelessness who's been doing research around the restore practices just to highlight we've had a meeting with some of the shelter directors and front line staff therapy all excited and just the types to some of the proposals we've heard along with this supplemental so for the pilot program was the first reaction from the staff this sounds great about but we don't have the resources now i want to encourage this permit program can go forward we need the supplementals for the staff and the training down the line i want to stress the connection between the health issues we're
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facing mental health issues or physical disabilities as doing outreach owe being around the centers with the coalition i've seen elderly people being kicked out and not able to get to a toilet in time to throw up i've seen people with mental health issues kicked out because they were confused with what bed they were assigned and understandably the staff doesn't have the time to look at the issues this pilot program allows us to have someone on the site so go through the restorative practice and handle the tough cases whether whether mental health or physical issues that are dealt with in better was this pilot program ties into the issues we've heard today thank you.
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>> i'm kelly i'm a volunteer with the coalition on homeless they've covered quite a bit i was part of saw process and interning through beven at that time and two of the things that came out of the second saw process were about the nurses at the shelters which we were funded for and the restorative practices for the restorative practices i worked before they adapted it, it, it made it so much easier for staff it made my job easier it created a culture
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there's a lot of respect and people kind of handled things you know on their own it was so from the staff prospective a lot easier and made it pollutant to go to work the other thing was with people being discharged out of shelters we the - we had an action a little while ago a sleeping ♪ powell there was a woman she's a senior and had her walk and telling me how she was kicked out of the shelter for nothing i was thinking about how i see as well that she is not only losing the sheltered but also she's on the street and there's a thing like criminalization is
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impacting very vulnerable population and so i think this is our responsibility to step up and take responsibility >> hi ami i'm a volunteer on the coalition of homelessness i want to echo the importance of restorative practices for mocking making our shelters safe and equatable providers for everyone in particular people with sdrablts and transgender women we have not talked about enough today are two groups experiencing disproportionment violence in are shelter we see that staff don't support those people to prevent violence but people of the vulnerable groups are being denied services at the
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disproportionately high rates so shelter we don't have training or expertise to make legal or medical decisions about accommodations for example, or about medical lee necessary terrain health care are instead kind of relying on those rules and kicking people out of the shelters so i'd like to really urge everyone to consider the niece of those groups and also to push for data on the race gender disability folks that are being denied services thanks. >> hi, i'm nicholas a shelter
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client collaborate i'd like to provide a snapshot i support the supplemental one hundred percent important the difficulty single shelter i'm going to speak will the family she recall right now one hundred and 40 families waiting for 4 temporary shelter stay in january alone 84 new families joined the waiting list in this time it should be noted since 2014 there were one hundred and 79 a year ago a difference of thirty family we have 2 thousand family children they count not only the children under 5 and the father it's important to note this because in the family shelter system about 70 spaces for long term rooms
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in the emergency shelter another space for like maybe i mean there's 2 hundred and 80 beds so theirs 2 hundred and 80 beds in the system what my point is the shelters are full and obviously a long list the emergency shelters first friendship an shelter that afternoons 12 families and hampton has their own emergency those are reversed by calling, however some families have to show up at 10:00 p.m. we're talking the health and hygiene it doesn't contain showers so the children have to come at 3 and in the morning it could, at five or six clock the
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