tv [untitled] February 24, 2015 5:30am-6:01am PST
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and 93 from this day forgot officers that are patrolling twenty-four hours a day you have my phone calls 4152549845 will 6 we're committed to change i know imthey've i grew up in the bayview hunters point noticing nobody knows how to speak to our people like we can how to speak to our people (clapping.) also i want to say i've visited the invitation to the city at large with the officers history event we raised money to put our children from our community through college we give them sclimz we're going to have one on tuesday february 24th i'll leave a a copy with the
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commissions if you can't attend please leave and love donation one of our commissioners is committed to sell self hundred of dollars i'm so grateful that is what the standing up if you stand up nor nothing you'll fall for anything (clapping.) thank you sergeant. >> next speaker >> good evening including but not limited to a tony hunt hines i'm here to speak about the violations in san francisco i'll have a flashback to january 14, 2007, my son was murdered in phil i got a call a couple of days later, he want you you to know your son was not into anything i know some people find solace we have to leave my
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daughter got the name of the person that did this we told the officers they said they know but i had to let that go additional i had to stick up for my son at the beginning of this year it feels like 8 years have past i know a good young man who also the police said he didn't do anything he was a good young man but good, bad or there is two which money i'll start telling people black lives do matter and my son lives matter so i'd like to see something done about that it is sad i'll leave it at that it's sad
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(clapping) >> thank you. next speaker. >> good evening my name is eli crusading i wasn't getting ready to is this but because i heard you know a pastor who only been here a year see the police who have been killing our kids when have you came down there and spoke to our kids don't be sending people down there they see them they're not causing no problem that's the only plays it's a neutral spot if you know what neutral mean people come from all places and come in phil and other places where they can't come no where else. >> talk to the commission not
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no one. >> we don't need this is where coming to serve our kids some of the sisters here that have stated sensitivity training and stop coming out the neighborhood as the stop force cause everything that comes into our neighborhood have to be put on the ground it ain't just the skids putting occupy the ground i had to sit on the group too i'm 65 years old it's not like it's something architecturally happening this is planned out and i know that my people is tiefrd of it i'm tired of that god bless you all
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(clapping.) >> next speaker >> hello thank you very much for hosting and i think it is apparent there's a lot of frustration i think it is only the real dialog that appears to be able for the people to have with that commission and officers as far as i joined the black, brown organizations to try to foster more of a sense of dialog what we need to do i'm a criminal defense attorney and worked on 4 homicides since i've moved here and the possession of firearm ape a capital case affordable unit on hate street 2 doesn't change the crime in the neighborhood and most recently a witness in the aftermath of a hot in january where i saw people die on the street and
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officers trying to help that was a brutal scene obviously i joined the black and brown orientation to try to change it i'm part of the steering committee with the folks for blind justice and we're trying to get together to think of how to build community and we recognize this is not just the officers but the community as well we can tell you a number of suggestion with resdrith was not one we had many, many, many we are expressed and many expressed on national news but this was not the problem in our minds we preempted a list of many things if i can say the main point it is done differently it has to be community-based and they want foot patrol and talk to people
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establish a dialog wows without the frustration we can work towards something a 15 year plan might be doable. >> thank you very much (clapping). >> well reverend good evening. >> chair and commissioners arnold referring arnold townsend. >> president of the economic council i'll say a couple which things to you number one we appreciate the redistricting i certainly do it has been cumbersome we've been split between two stations has made it difficult to get things done but once again that is not the major issue i think the major issue the problems we have in our community can't be solved unless
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we work together (clapping.) and we say that thank you but we say it all the time but i mean work together and get it done that means everything has to give a little bit and take a little bit if we're going to get it done we're going to have to do some things as at police department may not be the way to do it but the coordination from the community is not going to kill you in the community we're going to have to recognize it or not we're going to have to find a way to work together if this thing is going to be solved we're waiting to hear from chief in a recommendation that will help the department i'm especially concerned buyout sensitivity a report came out yesterday on the
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study of the california police department talking about how many officers make judgements on people by the race with the kind of system and the tv and the nonsense and the internet saying all kinds of things by all people that is natural if you put me in the castro to police it i'm a sensitive guy i'd need some extra training to do that properly that didn't eutest my character or make me a weak person i don't know how ever culture in america operates i don't know everything i need to know to handle it in the right way it's absolutely important and we - >> sir, your time is up. >> the last line even if you
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you say no let us know something so we move forward. >> thank you reverend. >> reverend townsend can you ask you really quick on the redistricting i heard you say you're fine. >> i like the idea i felt this strapping we had on one side of the street in northern and if i walk to king gary i didn't and walk over to king garf i didn't and have to talk to another captain to itself like the resdrithing. >> chief and community i'm ruth the director of education in san francisco opera and the district and i just like a little bit of clarification with the expansion of the district the northern district should be larger
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you mentioned it will be possible to have as many as one hundred and 50 officers assigned to this area i'm curious about expanding the region what could be really be looking at in terms of it seems like the community we're looking for more attention we need help thank you. >> i'm informed that it is a sector added it adds 24 offends but your concern is needed and if anything specific everyone can e-mail us a letter if there's other will specific things after you think that it so keep in mind. >> welcome. >> hello i'm larry edmond jews a activist rights i've been here
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25 years and i live in the t l where last week tweaks you learned i want to say the g l we don't african-american people when i call the people on someone white it doesn't register it is a shame bus it is going around the city 53 we have just as much danger on 21st someone set a fire in my room the night i was on the km e l on the 21st you know the people on t n g c run two other departments month fire departments and things like that we're not respected not safety limited to you all i find that everything that can happen
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in the g l is a system the police knows market street and coming here i was looking at a black man in the police station and black shorts and in the t l i know we not safe in the t l in the hotels we have no one to turn to you know that's the only time they're to see you what this black lady said those brown mothers and the bridge was named after he guaranteed we had consensual acts the president has guaranteed the lgbtq but still last night 2 hundred black transgenders want 80 respect to city hall and they lead the
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categories in black lgbtq in this city they took over the board of supervisors at 4:30 and had a two hour meeting it is important that we know that in all phases. >> sir. >> we're not represented and i've joined those people saying it is got to stop we need a better life. >> sir sorry your time is up. >> thank you juicy. >> i want to add as we roles realize the priority is not done concerning the homicides of the african-american race. >> ma'am ma'am i have one question who do we talk to in regards of getting lists of the investigators and humane kaiser cases are solved and how many cases are not solved. >> next speaker >> welcome. >> i want to explain there's a
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process after and the chief and captain will answer as many questions as possible. >> good afternoon to all who are here especially our fine commissioners and i beg your dlunlz to allow me to share my perception of what i think happened with police officers having seen and stated to the cases that have bin most recently betrayed like michael brown and eric conner in new york i believe that when police officers encounter muscular obviously physically strong and a in statute black man that fear
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clouds their judgment and they resort to the best weapon that they have to make sure that they claim the victory and in contemptuous situation i'm a member of the third baptist church thank you for allowing me to share (clapping.) thank you very much. >> my further public comment this evening. >> hearing no. you further public comment any public comment on this item? is to commissioner marshalls prospective if the chief has things to respond to and certainly my fellow commissioners as well. >> so dr. >> dr. brown i assure i we have
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a responsible letter we'll get it to the close of business you brought up a class i appreciate it i don't even know as chief we had a post funding class on racial profiling that went away and that class was reinstated last month so that class is going on with cliff arrested williams i realize there is public input. >> we gave me. >> no, no i wanted to get it up again and want to tell you there are other things afoot sergeant williams said we have approximately 2 hundred african-american police officers versus having nor prior that's true we're detain nine hundred officers of all raze i'm committed to having the police
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officers in san francisco we'll try to hire back the number of the officers that were lost the sergeant brought in the late 70s and 80s we had the officers we were under american people affirmative action and we need to replicate those numbers again, that's what i want to try to do within the law of the land again a lot of things be brought up and the community is hugely important to be part find our training and reverend townsend brought a great point that different community we have 10 stationed and the community within the stations all the people need to look like the people they work with doesn't have to be absolute but
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revocations i'm sure you'll get our responses we'll continue to work with the community. >> will it be in writing. >> it will be in writing and you'll have it in writing we're on television. >> thank you, chief. >> thank you, chief >> on the note on the hiring please give you can't hire officers nails they apply so, please recommend people we've got to put them in the pipeline and get them to the academy the greater chance we have young men and particularly young african-americans on the force we're going to have to work to change attitudes about the police and recommend the staff you've got to get people into the pipeline or they've not be
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in the force. >> i called you investigator marshall commissioner marshall. >> i'll say that to respond to reverend brown i appreciate the time we got 11 folks and people asked a clear request for improvement not african-american community different training around racial profiling specifically highlighting what that department was unaware of and within 5 days the people representing you're coming to meet with myself and colleagues this was run state at the academy that's a start and more response and community participation specific to the african-american community those 3 things were communicated clearly through reverend brown and he'll be getting a letter by
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tomorrow to talk about what some of the initiative are going to be and how we can work together moving forward unequally is a commitment of the commission and myself we continue to diverse, if any, the public department and it looks like san francisco but specifically within the african-american community we continue to recruit we needed everyone's help? each one reaching out i'll give everyone my personal e-mail and if you know someone please suzy hot i'm not the only one a number of my colleagues also share the commitment i'll ask for help and identifying the right folks and helping them
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going get through the piping to say law enforcement does better and public safety is improved when we have a difference police department and work together that's what i believe colleagues? do you want to add anything >> can i get our i'm one of the only people that have a hot mail suzy loftus at hot l o f t u s help us anti folks. >> commissioner president fong. >> i'm not seen the report it is great to see folks have done this a lot longer than i have
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i'll look at the report i recognize your frustration you're dealing with a commission that is from him to our concerns at this point, i can be meet with the faith community and we have a commitment on the commission but certainly we have a personal commitment we're committed to the issues that we need training and policing and increasing our diverse recruitment we want to partner and work with you so all the years i understand your frustration but whatever we can do to increase the concerns we're there with you. >> sir request for the fbi come in and help (inaudible) will help that's our concern and the investors. >> ma'am could you -
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>> direct our questions afterward you can direct our questions afterward. >> as far as you can explain why the jurisdictions for the things not not fbi that will satisfy he can explain all of that after the meeting. >> my further commit from my any of my colleagues. >> line item 3 adjournment. >> colleagues a motion. >> second. >> second. >> all in favor, say i. opposed? motion passes we're adjourned thank you, everyone. >> i'll remain to answer any questions. >> hi, i'm frank jorge golden
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go up a utility supervisor for the distribution system i offer seizing see the personnel that install water maidens and water carbon monoxides i've personal proud to work with city and distribution place whether a fire or main break those folks come on scene and get the job done 3450r7b9 what time they're here to take care of each other and make it so a safe and secure way i was encouraged to learn to deal with the services and breaks and i wanted to move into understanding how to do main connections one the great things that the sfpuc to move to different sections in if you're tdr in learning a different job you have the ability to move up
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of the tenderloin neighborhood where there are 50000 people within walking distance. you see the kids that are using what's provided, but there is so much opportunity for this to be a stronger, more welcoming, healthier cleaner safer place for the people of this community to play. there are going to be new green areas, a full-size basketball court, outdoor fitness equipment, community garden, a brand-new clubhouse. it's going to be a much more welcoming spot for a neighborhood that really needs it. ♪ ♪.
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>> good evening and welcome to the february 18, 2015 meeting san francisco board of appeals we're presided over by ann lsd and commissioner fung and commissioner wilson still a vacancy when there's a vacancies the board may overrule the action by a vote of 34 rotates are not required the city attorney will provide the board with advise i'm cynthia goldstein the boards executive director and joined by joe duffy representing the department of building inspe
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