tv [untitled] February 24, 2015 7:00pm-7:31pm PST
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motion in front of the commission be present in writing i'm aware of the amendment were so complex the commission chose to continue a hearing to write up a new motion in order to make sure that everything was included in the action it's my understanding that was not the case and the commission gave oral amendments which were reflected in the written versus that's going to be presented going to be finalized and as director ram stated the commissions action is finally not altered but when a by whatever in the the minutes the minutes are a representation of the whole and commissioner richards. >> i agree for clarity we it is not going to hurt us to continue
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the minutes for two week. >> so da today is january - >> commissioners a we have a motion and a second to continue to february 5th on that motion commissioner antonini commissioner hillis commissioner johnson commissioner moore commissioner richards and commissioner president wu so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 6 to zero and places on item 4 commissioners questions or comments. >> commissioner antonini. >> thank you as a matter of the public record and available to the public in hardcopy as well as only line is spurs white paper that answers or comments on my questions by the commissioners and the public concerning the vacates and the unit in san francisco and the percentage of full-time resident
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in our newer condominium units this was contributed to by a very prestigious group for many people that do this in an organized manner they started with identifying there are thirty thousand vacate unit in san francisco they started to identify where the unit are the biggest category are unit for rent or sale and not yet occupied even though we royals the housing market in san francisco is hot there are unit in the process 3 involves 11 thousand of the thirty thousand unit and there was around 9 thousand unit that are seasonal and occasionally used and then they also found what i consider
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mystery unit 9 seven hundred not sure why their vacate some con judiciary many owners keep them off the market for fear if we can't get rid of the tenant and also some royals that unit kept vacant if they're thinking about selling them they're more valuable 24 is part of the 9 seven hundred that's the part still to be discovered but incidentally the folks by their study composed 2.7 percent of the unit in san francisco this is a small percentage you know lower than the mystery vacancy or certainly the ones in process so the methodology did not use
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whether homeownership or whether the homeowner files for a discount on their taxes because the occupant don't do that i haven't done that you don't royals it's there and when you looked at the registered voters one percent over 18 o are registered not good sources the answers to the condo that is most hot is probably around 62 to 70 percent of those new condos are occupied full-time by the owners another 15 to 25 percent are rented to full-time renter and only a small percentage of 4 to 12 percent are used using as people's 3 terse and predictability in the areas in the four seasons the ritz carlton and the hotel condo
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unit therefore there's more tendency for people to use them as temporary use the residence carlton are only timeshares so when they compared the number to other county in the bay area found 2.4 we have less than merry run and a a lot less than than sonoma which menus people are working and have their jobs in the bay area have vacation homes slooikz like sonoma and russian river and compared to other cities they found we have a lower percentage like miami and santa fe and honolulu and
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others even charleston and new orleans have higher percentages one thing they've come up when they seem to think in terms of short-term rentals that by their collaborations the vast majority of those are people in the resident either resident or owners to rent to help supplement their rent to those it is a good study and a lot of good documents i encourage you to contact spur e.r. the other people responsible for this and see what they have to say and any only other comment i had a meeting with some group of residents and people from live okay school that will be coming up later on the project i'm
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seeing them on tuesday ethnic. >> commissioner moore i'm centered for the public and the commissioners to read the study i'll be interested in the planning department steve paraded in this group to come back and perhaps present to the commission how those numbers feather into things like the housing element how we accounted for unit, etc. there's a deeper science by which which commission needs to hear it which is strong and accurate data collection i'll be appreciative to the director or steve whoever give us an update regarded their prospective on this particular paper what it addresses and i ask we try to strategical incorporate it into
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our housing units it can come separately and keep the informational items together. >> commissioner richards. >> i was delighted to see a first step on this more hard analysis versus conceptualal i'll interested in having more to hear on that the numbers themselves especially the availabilities i've had a conversation with the availability haven't this passes the sniff test in a market we're in 20 thousand unit off the market for seasonal recreation or whatever that's a lot of unit and people trying to find a place to live and xrooerld expensive i read one
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the reporters was quoting the rents for people to look at places for vacancies for recreational use effects prices and people's lives thank you. >> i wanted to add a comment i was able to attend the sunnyvale on tuesday it was on location in sunnyvale i want to thank the staff for being out there i think it was a tough hearing because i find people only want to talk about their project and the eir process can be implicated and technical and by you know no means it's not our fault necessarily but i think there should be more consideration to just maybe more outreach based meetings on location we can think about what
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the role of having an eir process one fact they opened up the eir comments it was quite a few silent but the audience had projects this is one conversation. >> commissioners, if there's nothing further we'll move on to department matters drort. >> i wanted to let you knows you've probably read in the paper on the website we've got the perpetual for the short-term rentals legislation we are set up with the applications on line and those interested in actually participating in short-term rentals must registration and have a register number and there's detailed inform how to prove residency that's one of the core requirement the owner or renter of a unit must be the
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occupant of the unit in order to participate in the program we're accepting applications now and starting the legislation is effective as of february 1st a sunday so monday february 2nd we will have intact appointment at the department you must register in person i wanted to take a moment to thank the team there's a lot of work in getting set up scott sanchez our zoning administrator and adrian and others involved in establishing the applications the information and we'll be taking the in take appointment to register to participate in that program it's effective 0 february first and in take appointment february 2nd. >> thank you commissioner moore. >> could i ask a procedural question director ram is airbnb
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alarming their prospective clients they need to them verify such the process is in place. >> i take it mapped they are as of the other platforms they have informing they're using they must comply to proceed. >> i want to ask for an informational hearing how many people are registering is the process working what my enforcement looks like an update to understand how to t this is going i know it's a major topic. >> i forget to mention we're in the process of hiring three staff that will be focused an short-term rentals both the administration of the program and the enforcement of the legislation. >> commissioners commissioners if there's nothing further to item 6 review of past event with
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the board of supervisors and the preservation commission no update from the board of appeals as they're meeting board of appeals met they didn't take action on anything of interest 30th to the commission. >> the board of appeals met they continued their election of officers such as 3 of the expired commissioners are either reappointed or new commissioners appointed there were a couple of items of interest to the commissions one the city hall crosswalk in front of this building here was before the historic preservation for finding of compliances they adapted the compliance with the secretary of interior, however, recommended the 8 foot expectation in the block that the mta was
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requesting with the keeping of the warning lights at grade you'll notice the warning flashing lights the gray was proposed to be removed and 20 foot arm so the signal will be right in the middle of the street front and center the historic preservation commission recommend keeping the arms at grade r there was another issue on 20th street they referred the matter to the review committee and continued the matter to march 20 to consider the sort of massive excavation and the hit put that was created in the mid block open space this rear of the area the historic preservation commission had concerns with
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and then they adapted a recommendation for approval to landmark one 49 through 55 ethnic street unless there's questions we'll move on to 0 of interest to the public that are within the jurisdiction of the commission except agenda items. when the item is reached in the meeting. each member of the public may address the commission for up to 3 minutes. i do have one speaker card. >> georgia shoeish. >> good afternoon, commissioners about a year ago february 20th i was here and
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talked about what i was concerned about the noah valley i gave you a list of resident 52528 sold for 6.65 and another for 5 and quarter million dollar this of the 865 noel so my concern the issue of affordability and the idea of the regulations you have the tan mount demolition and it seems like if you have regulations it would be great to be enforced a lot of times they're not enforced and it didn't seem like
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a fair process t i came with a couple more today older please on okay wood that's the house that was there this is my photo this is was there now here's one 168 jersey that's the house and there's the photo in fact my husband went by there this was taken taken two weeks ago in their listed under the permits as remodeling i'm not going to lay it on you i don't think some came to you i'm going to raise the issue of the building inspection what are the red flags whoever takes those should look at them maybe a facade or alteration or massive expansion in the rear maybe you
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know going up i don't know what the red flags are those certainly have red flags thankful talked about facade altercations and other one in the paper on sunday they kept the facade for the real estate section but there was a unit merger you never saw they talked about that on the permits and took them by in the article in the real estate section nothing about the second unit so they're asking $5 million for that so i just think that there's something there needs to be construct new noah valley i worried about can't walk everybody everywhere everywhere but worried about the excelsior in the bayview like i said, i
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wrote a letter and never heard from spur. >> thank you, ma'am our time is up. >> is there additional general public comment? >> hello, i'm judith i live in burr no heights i'm concerned about two things having to do with the eastern problematic eir in the news this week the opening of the ucsf hospital that has a helipad they're going to do organ transports transportation by car and also in potrero hill there is the police have the emergency bomb squad and their, of course, the event in paris where the public safety is getting you know the right people at the right place quickly and in the eir what was
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certified in 2008 they didn't take into account any of the emergency services and as we entitle a lot of projects near the facilities the impacts of the circulation on emergency ceqa's services is not examined the other thing the king wake this week we find out it was the hottest year on record in terms of global warming there are a number of easements it city of san francisco hold for drainage and sewer i want to insure that in project consideration that those easements are considered public and don't count towards open space that is provided by the dispensaries those are any two issues this week. >> thank you. >> thank you additional general
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public comment okay public comment is closed. >> commissioners that places you under our regular calendar item 7. >> commissioner richards. >> i want to say in relationship to one the folks that talk i know that ms. hester brought this up anything you see those logical the complaint with the zoning administrator so those can go on record as being investigated. >> commissioners, if there's nothing further we've move on to the regular calendar proposed department budget and work programs this an informational presentation. >> good afternoon john ram with the department we're at this time again it seem like it just came around where we don't deal
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with the budget is getting shorter and shorter we'll be meeting with you in early august about the budget i'll shortly turn e i'm going to turn it over to my colleague to make the bulk the presentation just to tell you where we are with respect to the budget and activities the department is experiencing almost enprecedent services for growth we've not seen since world war ii and the population is officially about 8 hundred and 50 thousand now i haven't seen the exact number based on the number of jobs and folks that were estimated to be in the city in mid-2013 also we're
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seeing unprecedent growth on the job sites in 2010 there's been over san francisco new jobs created in the city that's interestingly enough 40 percent of the total projected between 2010 and 2040 now whether this maintenance as this current phase obviously there will be leveling off in the coming years when in happens we don't know it's driven by the growth in many industries and driven by interests of millennial and the baby boomer generation i think this is a functional shift from where we are this type of urban growth is in many cities certainly the edifying and boston and new york are seeing a subject growth in the city
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in addition to the impacts on our demand with respect to the applications there's also the department for the first time is involved in a broader range of policies be optimistic the affordable housing is the mayor is asking us to do a lot of work the transportation you'll see more requests related to transportation the office allocation issue will hit us this week and we'll be coming back shortly and obviously the short-term rentals legislation i mentioned is going to be a substantial hit on our resources as well as regional issues we're getting more and more engaged we have the opportunity to meet with the new mayor of oakland mayor shaft and an interesting time for the department we're that standing quantifyly but the
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projects we're involved in a broad range of policy issues that effects the city before i i'm going to turn it over to keith when we sent the memo the memo made mentioned anticipated separately coming to you with a budgety request we've changed our thinking owe no longer going to do the budget supplemental instead we've asked the pair to approve temporary action for the current fiscal year and those positions will be in permanent positions it's a slight change we don't expect to come to you with a separate supplemental at this point with that i'm going to turn it over to keith our finance manager thank you. >> thank you director ram
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good afternoon, commissioners i'm keith the financial and it manager it's my pleasure to present 2015- 2016 proposed budget and work program for the planning department here's the agenda for the presentation today covering our proposed work program and volume trend our proposed revenue and expenditure bruth budget and trends i'm coming to you with our entire proposed budget this is different than prior years our entire budget involving programs and new requests this is a little bit different than prior reinforces you'll see that in our proposal today. >> on december 15, 2014 the mayor's office related the budget for the cycle at this
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time they're proposing this will have a shortfall of $16 million in 2016 and under million dollars in 2015- 2016 and shortfall are much more favorable than 2, 3, 4 prior recycles that director ram talked about what we're experiencing now historically we received very the general fund support from the city and county our target in 2016-2017 is just over 14 thoutdz for that year it is a significant reduction we're required to meet this chart shows the breakdown of staffing levels as full-time equivalent or ftes position by the 5 major drigsz divisions within the department in our
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2015- 2016 budget overall the count is going to grow by 7 ftes in 2015- 2016 to a total fte count of 2 hundred and 18 ftes that's just 2015- 2016 attachment one shows the detailed breakdown of the allocation around the 5 main divisions and the projects that those ftes will work on and higher level chart next i'll move on to specific ftes for the six divisions start with current planning proposed to remain stable over the next two fiscal years the largest portion is dedicated to entitlement applications and building permits we've seen a
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instead there i'll show a slide at a high-level we have a dedicated amount of effort and continue to do so the memo goes into detail about the great work in this division for the next two oars moving on the division is reorganizing into two major component in line with the 5 year work plan that was presented to the planning commission last thursday and the mayor's office so the first core work program activities are for ongoing work s that klutz the maintenance and policy and stoning and planned implementation and informational and analysis city design and city administration and the second group of activities is on this slide include a major
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planning initiative and including bridging the bay and city of neighborhood the generation and the waterfront again, the memo into goes into the detail of the budget cyclers they're proposing to increase staffing in n.y. 2015- 2016 compared to the current fiscal year. >> so moving on to the environmental planning division division is proposing to increase the staffing slightly in the upcoming year they've experienced a large increase in application review requiring ceqa review the division has been macro concert effort by adjusting and changing the internal processes and expand
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