tv [untitled] February 24, 2015 8:30pm-9:01pm PST
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be clear and it would greatly help if commenters state your name for the record so they can be properly identified in the transcript and please provide their addresses so we can inform them when the document is available after hearing comments from the public we'll - staff have not here to answer the comments the comments will be transcribed by the court reporter and this document will respond to the documents received and the revisions will be made to the draft eir to address those comments the responses to comments and the revised draft eir will comprise the final document comments what about submitted in writing by mail or e-mail to the planning
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department at the address as shown in the notice of availability i should emphasis the comments must be received by 5:00 p.m. and unless you have questions i recommend you on the public hearing on this item. >> thank you. okay opening it up for public comment are there any public comments. >> okay looks like no public public comment is closed commissioner antonini. >> thank you. i judge had a few questions answered no questions or comments as the case one of the alternatives spelled out the breakdown of the
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different unit how many market rate and how many of obviously we have one to one replacement of the public housing so i didn't see that maybe i didn't read carefully enough in the preferred project alternatives so i want that spelled out in comments or responses and the other question i have is again in comments and responses is the environmental reviews been analyzed in the projects are done simultaneously it is with a different eir in valuing shall garden and many projects in the past were done all at once the tenants were given housing and
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bracket back after it was finished and some of the impacts we've talked about as far as noise and traffic and these made for difficult the housing is still done i want to see if that was analyzed where that alternative as you thought about it looks like it's going to be a good project. >> commissioner johnson. >> thank you so the transcriber i'll state my comments directly recommended to the eir start so we don't have a whole bunch of comments not contempt i see a whole lot of people and nobody from sunnydale if you're watching this broadcast and not here you've
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been called out it is unableable we're raising the whole issue of sewage back up and nobody can read the summary of a dr and not care about it i'm off my soapbox i'll talk about 9 eir now, mr. court transcriber there are a couple of areas i don't feel the eir is sufficient and luckily the draft we think how to affiliate this so 3 areas i think the eir does not do a good job on the first displacement and environmental justice and the second on schools and third on public utilities specifically
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the sustainability plan on gray water and other waste treatment opportunity we have i'll go through them one by one and try to be as specific to the issues and hopefully, we'll get changes in the final eir so on displacement slash environmental just the summary of impacts didn't adequately i'll say this the summary of the impacts does not see how the city and developer has thought about both the potential impact and the mitigation around displacement? a one for one housing public school replacement unlike in alice griffith the promotions we're building new and people
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are moving in we have to demolition things and move people somewhere they'll move back when it's completed over 9 or 7 year i think in here the project timeline i'll say that taken together that series of projects details maples there is not - there's more than a less significant impact for ceqa for displacement of existing residents the existing i think file of unit in the sunnyvale project is somewhere around the 70 percent i'm trying to remember off the top of my head range you can't assume all
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retains are inhabitable so i'll say to summarize any first point the summary of impacts needs to say that impacts is - the mitigates measure needs to be called out that is described in summary level in the documents getting to the actual mitigation itself i think there is not enough detail there like i said based on the current rates of unit being occupied there's some percentage the assumptions every effort will be made as the unit are demolished to move into other unit number one if the one hundred percent of the occupied and one hundred percent of those are not occupyable so with the mitigation measure in general
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needs to have more detail where those people are going to go and how this links to the environmental impact report is you have to analyze under ceqa do you have environmental impacts related to providing housing somewhere go for people your relocating it's necessary but we have to be realistic where those people are going and the environmental reviews in san francisco providing the units this needs to show up and having no requirement as a mitigation measure is not sufficient environmental justice is an offshoot of that under ceqa i look at the environmental justice and having people living on site a 9 or 15 year project
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we need to look at the mitigation measure needs to be the protection against the construction methods that are already laid out here i think on that piece not necessarily the eir in total isn't sufficient but the mitigation is not required and there are mitigation measures against noise and dust transit impacts laid out here it needs to be added under the environmental justice pieces second major area that i pointed out was public services and again here mitigation measure and the summer summary impacting impact is insufficient coming from those that will provide for new schools and number of those families it is doubling or tripling the areas that - the
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area is inner sufficient for the number of children that will be coming to the area the mitigates was laid out in the whole the 50 fees the same impact fees that provide for schools and i think that needs to be noted specifically as a mitigation measure in the summary. >> and then third is the public utilities like adding we have a huge opportunity to really implement the stunt plan for major projects particularly around gray water and waste treatment we are digging up whole streets and realigning them and providing almost totally new infrastructure and the fact i see almost nothing about those plans other than a fact that the puc is spending a lot on their sewer improvement
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projects it seems like not as sufficient as it probably could be i won't say insufficient i'd like to see more and like to see the gray water that's my thing i've been on that horse for 10 years those are my major things and i hope to see the changes in the eir. >> i'll add a couple of comments to say on the question of displacement it refers to the relocation not all plans are equal can there be more criteria what's the sufficient plan and the criteria of looking at whether or not there are undue environmental reviews to moving people far away to where they currently live. >> in following up to
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commissioner johnson and commissioner president wu i'd like to ask about the cumulative displacement it talks about the significant number of changes bayview hunters point together with treasure island and the eir if possible addresses what those large numbers of units requires the city to admit they can't do because we don't have affordable housing leaf alone housing for dismrarmentd of people in the areas just mentioned tiled ask we start being realistic about those commissioner johnson. >> thank you very much i definitely agree i sort of add something if we're going to have the staff time to consider hunters point it's not as
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important known lives there only a select few people that live there. >> commissioners, if there's nothing further we can move on to our next item 9 e at 16701 mariposa street a draft environmental impact report and please note that written comments will be accepted at the department until february 17th. >> i'm chae sea department staff and the eir cooperated for the 1601 mariposa project joining me is our senior environmental plan and the members of the team are here the item before you is the 1601 draft eir one 39 a e the proposed project will developed
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a commercial uses on a 3 acre project site located in show case square in the area plan it will demolish 3 plans to have mixed use buildings containing 3 do hundred and 20 residential uses and ground floor commercial space distributed throughout both building a two level parking garage up to two hundred plus parking spaces and total of approximately 40 thousand square feet of private and open space will be developed the draft eir is significant and american people unvalued impact on transportation and noise and
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hazardous materials what about mitigated the draft eir talks about 3 alternatives that reduce the density and the height on mary to those possess alternative the reduce the unavailable transportation impacts the draft eir was published in 2014 and the public review closed on february 17th the comment period was extended to 60 days because of the publication date for the major federally recognized holidays staff is not here to comment comments will be transcribed and the document we'll respond to all written comments and make the revisions to the draft eir comments should be directed towards the accuracy and adequacy in the eir for the members of the public who are
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here at the hearing please state your name for the record and for those who are front yard if commenting in the draft by mail or e-mail they may submit in their comments on mission street in san francisco by 5:00 p.m. on february 17th when the response to the comment document is complete the planning department will provide comments to those who have commented on the draft eir we'll request certification in the eir is certified the planning department may consider the project public works and letting unless the commissioners have questions i recommend the commission on up public comment. >> before i do those persons standing in front of the doorway are going to clear the doorway and for members of the public who are here for items after
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this one this item will take about an hour at least and then after this item the commissioners will be taking a 20 or thirty minute break so if you're not here for this item you'll gov. an hour and a half before the next item will be called and free up some seats thank you. >> so i'll call names if i call your name, please line up on the screen side of the room (calling names). >> if your name has been called feel free to approach the podium and. >> hi, i'm david stewart this is any first time in city hall so i'm not as the first speaker
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i hope to do this the right way and take two minutes and 48 seconds i'm here actually, i live about 8 blocks from this site i work near there, too and don't have a particular i guess i don't know the developer i own a small business and as part of that i've seen people on my team try to find housing when we come to san francisco some of them have lived here a a long time and some newcomers it is catastrophic how hard it is for people to find reasonably priced homes in the city i understand people having may have a vetted interest iengsz e i'm not going
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to be the majority of opinion this is important for the city to move forward we've heard about the people and jobs moving here we need housing we need this sort of project i've reviewed it and you know this is in an area that has you know there's no perfect place to not disrupt some place in the not a space that is utilized it is not a 20 aspire building so being so central in the city it's in an area that is central and pretty well served by public transportation and there's stores and areas nearby i think this is one of the best place in the city to build something on this scale i hope this get built
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i hope because some people i work with are desperately trying to find places to live if you're not lucky enough to get into a rent controlled place we need this opportunity for people to find homes in san francisco. >> i'd like to remind members this is about the accuracy and adequacy of the project itself. >> i'm a parent of two kids and a heights resident and a small business owner looking at the dog patch neighborhood specifically for the addressing the draft eir i'd like to taking talk about transportation the availability of public safety i notice the public safety count were taken in late june that's unfortunately, when school is out of session this doesn't
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accurate accurately effect that often around 8:30 in the afternoon an analysis at the peak times will show a different impact of public safety for example in the report there was a statement that said pedestrians were not on the sidewalks sidewalks adjacent to the site especially, when we have young kids who pay attention in crossing streets we need to be aware i want to ask for counts during the times as the true peak hours for the neighborhood especially in the morning and the public safety including flash walks and crossing lights that could help with public safety another those important times and similar with
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the talking not down in the busiest times i frequently volunteer at the school and it's hard to get parking it's difficult at the pickup times i was shocked to see the 33 hundred per day if you see how many during the typical hours it is something like 4 cars per second and like highway 280 changes they're not 90 in the report they're very, very different for traffic in this area and the high degree of traffic the eir should include those changes in traffic flow and in the highway planning and
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consider the expansion of the high school it will be announcing the plans to increase the enrollment the number of kids and adults walking and will only go up this is any first time i was moved to get here to get off work to come and speak. >> as the next speaker comes up i'll call more names. >> if i called our name please line up on the screen side of the room so can i project things. >> yes. you may. >> so my name is judith i'm a
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parented of a kindergartener my parents live in the burr no heights i have a younger daughter i want my daughter to return to live oak live oak is a very special plays in a special area an area rich in educational resources this eir conducted a traffic study which did not account for 3 schools when are win the block and -- excuse-me. commissioner johnson doesn't account for kip on 18th street so the real problem is this shows why doing a traffic study is important we have city hall's which are two blocks from the air pollutant
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exposure zones this is an area we need to insure our children's air quality is inaccurately measured and we've enforced all those pedestrian because they did that too late in the day and in june and july when the schools were not in session 0 both the public and private schools. from those estimates are pedestrians at risk and the traffic and the circling for parking i i cannot understand how you make those decisions for public safety and children on a fundamentally flawed data you need to do new counts and rise
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the air quality if you were trying to count songbirds in the middle of winter don't grant parking for off-street this is the entrance on 18th street that was not mentioned in the eir and this is all the double parking which happens in school zones and the developer would like here's the school zones there's the double parking the development wants an exception in the off-street loading this creates additional traveling risks and i would urge for much is a large building 38 they not be grant the exception >> thank you ma'am our time is up.
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>> next speaker >> i apologize. i was out of order i'm shawn i've been a 17 year resident half a block away from the proposed development site i'd like to share a few photos to illustrate my speaking points today personally one - what i'd like to see this is an enormous space even though the eir neglected to look further an open space and extension of jackson partk for the residents there's a pipeline
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in the scope i'd like to talk about first of all the issues i think are imminent with a project this size first there's going to be the traffic problem a picture from this morning at an intersection we get to an any way to the peninsula this was at 840 this morning i took the photograph and it's at mississippi and mariposa this entrance the only entrance and exit we have for this part of potrero hill in our neighborhood we have anticipated you see in the background the new c s f on the same access point and going to have a kaiser permanente hospital and load of projects in the pipeline without addressing
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the issues of the existing congestion for problems in our neighborhood second point i'd like to address so overall the traffic impacts i feel the environmental impact report can't be mitigated another problem we have is the existing construction we look at this the cranes in the background this is a street to get to downtown from our neighborhood the cross street that connects 7 it is completely filled with construction equipment and construction vehicles are parked on site this issue has to be addressed in the cumulative effect we have too much projects at the same time i urge the committee to halt the promotions and look at the impacts where we allow the projects to catch in time not to have the impact on the streets also finally, i'd like to address the construction and air
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quality that was this morning i do this once a week. >> thank you. sir, your time is up. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker. >> my name is is alison i'm here to talk about the cumulative impact thanks for the opportunity to speak there's a significant error in the draft eir on page 87 which marketplaces the projections made in the eir and includes
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