tv [untitled] February 24, 2015 9:30pm-10:01pm PST
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parent of two live oaks student motives old child was diagnosed with asthma as my younger son our greatest fear was his asthma attacks and the proximity to his inhaulers thank full he's out grown that but additional mitigates needs to address the air quality it was addressed in the check list but not the eir the check list i got the limitation of the dust control plan and monitoring we're concerned because we have observed windblown dust on the construction site nearby that was not being water down as
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required by the city control dust ordinance because it was too windy to water down ultimate measures to should be provided to take care of those circumstances on this site no individuals available to deal with the problem an additional mitigation measure should be included via e-mail and mail and contact information in the event that problems should occur proper signage with the name of contact information should be posted permanently on the project site children have smaller airways than adults especially for a healthy child it makes an irritant like a exhaust or chemicals in the air or dust it
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leads to fever and sneezing and shortness of breath and watery eyes, etc. air pollution r can worsen a disease this needs to think incorporated and eliminate 9 air quality impact of the project thank you. >> hi name a greg stewart i have two children at live oak a daughter in fourth and son in first and i appreciate the chance to provide some input here today my concern is if planned the project is a scale to have negative impacts on the neighborhood pay community i'm
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not anti housing but schools are a compliemy component of how a community grows a scale that's planned for the project that's indications of perhaps unintended consequences that will harm the neighborhood and the schools mission to provide a quality education month i'm not confident in the methodology in the draft eir as the draft eir itself acknowledges much of it is based on early research if 2006 and 2007 that draft eir is outdated two other concerns i wanted to raise the impact on the traffic and pedestrian safety that will suffer negative impacts the eir does state that the project will
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contribute to negative impacts this is based on numbers taken in the summer when school was not in session if the the finding might be worts if updated the mta does not view priorities to those intersections and as noted that is in addition without consideration of the plans for removing part of subcontract 280 in addition oddly the deficit eir even proposes reducing the curve side loading restrictions on mariposa second concern of negative impact regards the recreational space there's a skate it in the eastern neighborhood today, the project as noted earlier will add increased demand on jackson
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park and add significant shading decombraigd the quality and the fashion to housing for how local community my hope and expectation the commission will insure the project come plies with code and policy and ask for mitigations to help reduce impacts that the scale and size of the project might create in the neighborhood in addition the reduced density and alternative is a sensible approach thank you. >> commissioners i'm j r president of the potrero hill association you've heard many concerns about the 1601 pawar possess draft eir and several the comments are
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unique to the eir i believe most of contempt that will be reiterated hearing after hearing the theme that potrero hill is facing the impacts of the rezoning without being a cohort plan for the promises we were promised under the blanket eir absent of plan approvals are not impacts to the existing residents of potrero hill and something we can't easily fix after the developments come in line for example without accurate transit in place new resident will come in car did not and will take years to change hadn't it will effect our local businesses and visitors traveling on the freeways and the visitor to the city's venues the traffic will pill over into
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the adjoining neighborhoods the folks with well aware of the issues that's why the developers have been working with the boosters we've had to engineer our own solutions we explicit bargain for this in the neighborhood man, i could go on you see how we're digging ourselves into bigger hills it was unfortunate we have to raise those issues their broader in scope but this is what we're left with we need our help to insure the neighborhood plan lives up to its promises and not a one-sided proposition for the eastern neighborhoods thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. .
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>> hi can i project something my name is sarah i'm a 20-year resident of san francisco and 7 year resident of potrero hill neighborhood i live directly across the street from the project i have 3 points i wanted to make regarding the draft eir and state i'm not anti development i'm pro responsible development conclusions in the draft eir conflicts that the defendant plan and general plan, which many people have mentioned further the draft eir states aesthetics and noise and air quality s are considered quote less than impacts i drawing interest recent errors in the calculations of percentage of open space on packages 54 and 69
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pardon me any phone rang 2, 3, 4 both plays 37.5 percent is the percentage of open space and actually, it's 26.8 percent when calculations are done the developer will be asking for a rear yard exemption it is important to look at the open space proposed for the project they claim they're providing 35 thousand secret accomplice but the majority is mid block and according dot planning department the substitute for the rear yard is not acceptable as only american people approved authorization project looking at the rendering there
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is really very little open space because potrero hill lacks open space it needs more and jackson park is already over utilized we would like to see the open space improved of improved and provide really recreational opportunity finally, i'd like to say, i support the environmentally superior alternative to the project. >> as the next speaker comes up i'll call more names (calling names). >> good afternoon my name is carol i'm been a potrero hill resident for almost 50 years
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and i'm not going to go i agree with the pause from the community about further investigating the eir report bus this concern is this project is way too large i've seen any godson and family have to move out of the neighborhood to where we can find affordable housing it is salgd me that the project over half of which studios and one bedroom is not take into account what the mayors call has been for more family housing i'd like to say i strongly support the reduced alternative plan thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. >> hi my name is sarah i'm the
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apartment of a first time grader at live oak class of 2022 i used to work in city government with projects similar to this and teach a class i spend a lot of time in the neighborhood i am concerned about the long periods of construction i'm worried about the safety of our families and the traffic from an air quality our kids spend a lot of time here as well as at home the ability to have our kids philosophize twield see that happy in the summary please consider that live oak has begun a major project that will double the school this is relevant first traffic and come back and double our naubz and second
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whether jackson park facilities are sufficient for the dents site of our neighborhood they have pe there i'm confident their slooigsz solutions that what work for everyone in addition to the items i'd like to to understand we're working with the developer trying to have community space we need our help we'll not be able to remain the only school with a full-size give him we want to open the second passage this will provide a buffer during construction and afterward and girlfriend our kids breathing room we provided ourselves with the community i love the woman that mentioned the jackson park clean up our
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kids are told not to touch needles or con domdz or syringes or poop. >> we love the neighborhood thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon. thank you for having us i'm virginia the head of school at live oak you can tell that our community has been paying attention to the development of 1601 mariposa as you've heard from many parents i won't repeat but undermine what the parent said as they ask you to prioritize this and the education for the children as we work on the 1601 mariposa project i want to help you understand how important it is
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that our community is considered as the defendant neighborhood has developed live oak is a kindergarten through 8 we have 2 hundred and 90 students our school is expanding last year 14 applications for every single spot in kindergarten increase not enough qualify education programs in the city of chicago and we need to prioritize the experience of our children in good schools we're growing our enrollment and building that live oak is part of the character our parent volunteer we work, work with rec and park and host days to service the playground and the field spaces we buy at local stores live oak has collaborative relationship
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with the folks in the neighborhood and serve as potrero hill only middle school because of the generosity of our community our kindergarten through 8 grade is socially to is a diverse county we have to prioritize extraordinarily environment as we develop our city live okay has spent a lot of time thinking about this and given hopes for the development you've heard from our families as is currently proposed the 16701 project will place suppress have on the recreational facilities and public campus pubically on space need to be part of the environmental impact report in
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an additional study thank you for your time we'll photocopy with other comments. >> thank you. next speaker. and. >> thank you commissioners for listening to me my name is mark i live with an one block of 1601 mariposa actually 5 hundred feet this is concerns for our community my role is the pass take care i'm a minister and many of my pawar riches live in potrero hill you've heard why the draft eir conflict with so many concerns of the neighborhood the citizens and the city potrero hill if you've never been there is a rare
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treasure i come from australia sidney a little community likes potrero hill can i tell you that everyone goes to my home in australia they don't visit the bedroom contingent to build large structures they go to australia we need to keep the community 70 families live in our community my concerns are that this escape of the development is so out of character and identity with the current community it is so dense, in fact 4 times and dense as vic are a menus 5 times and dense as my own community the complex we have 60 units on
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2 hundred 8 hundred square feet they're proposing 3 hundred and 20 on the same sequentially and the impacts are incredible good by to our parking lot and say goodbye to the restaurants there are there getting a table potentially seven hundred 0 one thousand occupant will live in 3 hundred and 20 unit here it's just too overreaching i'm pro development and for development in our community but responsible 1re6789 this thing needs to be scaled down i'm not - i'm looking at this from our community and also our city in preserving the heritage and character of our city thank you very much. >> thank you. is there any additional public comment on the
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draft eir? >> you called my name. >> go ahead if you want to speak please line up on the screen side of the room. >> hi, i'm joyce i've lived in the neighborhood 25 years dog patch and on potrero hill plan that i've reviewed you know and hearing about for years like our neighbors seems obviously flawed when you look at the instantaneously and the citations being used 2000 data 10 years to get the completed plan and referring back to items that are 15 years old so from a took up line this project and many projects are discussed in our private and neighborhood important to tell next door we use our real names and talk
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about those project alison who has talked before we talk about issues we couldn't talk about so i'm extremely grateful for the hard work honestly for anyone to pick up this plan and look to the data you're referring to if it is very clear it jumps out the data is too old we've not been prepared with a picture of what our neighborhood will look like in 5 let alone 10 or 15 years. >> commissioner moore i've heard you speak on television asking a basic question mates the basic plan what will this neighborhood look like in 5 to 10 years we still don't have that we continue to see those options what can i can thrill
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the neighborhood is listening and we count on you to paid attention we're vp a hard time keeping with the status i'm grateful to the friends at live oak an important partner our friends at rec and park grateful to see the partners come forward because of the shadowing effect at&t's and i'm the public safety advocate i didn't know you could shut down a project that's wonderful only the shadowing in one of 3 parks is extremely important to our neighborhood i've got 25 seconds oh, i'm done anyway. >> thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon,
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commissioners my name is holly friedman i live on arkansas street a half a block away from the proposed development i'm here to talk about the deficiencies in the draft eir and urge the commission to take action to support in group assembled here to build a better community we're working hard to do that we need our support so peppering i commute everyday by public transportation i'm a pedestrian address commuter and bicyclist i'm here to talk about traffic you've heard a lot about the poor timing of the draft eir the poor timing is a reflection of the developers rush to justify to not do dmruns on this project traffic impacts will
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result in 2 hundred one hundred and 912 car trips 23 percent are at a failing service of the intersections what is a failing level of service according to the draft eir study it's greater than affordable unit a stop time of 50 seconds 50 that's a delay it states the number of pedestrians will more than double because of the recipe living in the context and i'm calling this out because the eastern neighborhood eir the final eir of the eastern neighborhood hierltd that potrero hill pedestrians injuries are 2.6 times greater than than the average in san francisco and the eastern neighborhoods plan attributed
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this greater occurrence of injuries to the esteem lack of signals in intersections as well the parking of large trucks that interfere s with calibration you saw a number of photos peppering any commute route is the muni line and the number of years this commission has not served me well, it goes if 20 to 40 minutes commute each way the 20 line is the only line that runs north and south the new lines run east and west i'd like to sum up on the parking study it was found there was payroll available parking spaces of 6 hundred during the day and 13 in the evening this is i guess hard to believe i don't believe we have that many haven't spaces in
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san francisco i think i've made my point commissioner, i urge you to take action. >> thank you. >> your time is up. >> thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners hi, i'm andy blue representing the plaza 16 coalition we are a coalition of nearly one hundred labor and small businesses across the mission district formed in 2013 to oppose the market rate towers for the mission at 16th street a project we've seen a monster in the mission as many said about 1601 mariposa it will have a anyone centers negative impact on the community our coalition is here to support the many members of the potrero hill community that raise significant issues with the eir report for
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1601 mariposa and with the impacts this project has on the community among the impacts we share our concerned for the eir and open space each neighborhood has its own specific needs our coalition is building alliances across the neighborhood and city we find there is overlap in the issues in the current development boom you've heard in previous testimony this eir ignores the cumulative impacts and this final eir we understand and insist that individual projects must be viewed in the context that have a larger cumulative view of the - and the concentration across the eastern neighborhood whoops the eir for 1601 mariposa
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found at certain time of year 40 percent of the parks will be shaded and this is, of course, a serious issue, however the draft eir did not adequate the fullness of the shading and didn't indicate the shadow impacts will be significant in the areas of the park most heavily used by the folks and last thursday i himself testified on behalf of our coalition down the hall at the rec and park commission in support of selma community that is resisting the project that casts a shadow upon selma's only park they made it crystal clear
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our park space is precious as the development boom hits the eastern neighborhood hard we share the concerns and support the defendant community and i'll be{to talk about affordable housing at a later hearing. >> thank you. next speaker. >> hi, i'm stephanie i'm a live oak parent and small business owner and architecture designing firm i'm on the site everyday on a different project i've working at a preschool we've been spending about the last year investigating noise and the impact of noise on children and so when i start to think about live oak and my kindergartener and saw the project what do i care of but, however i looked at the
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information i could gather pea what i came to there's a few things i know will help i'm i think we can go into 30 this responsibly i think i'd like to see a week corresponds if we know something t is coming up we have to keep our children you know learning and the noise i don't want to increase estimate how much which an impact it has a huge impact so that's one thing i think we can do the other things if by the put the project include to rise the project to include the second passage way through carolyn so again keeping that in mind and if the
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