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tv   [untitled]    February 27, 2015 3:00am-3:31am PST

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across the bay this is a worldwide challenge (clapping.) join me and us and join libby shaft and i as we host a summit in october in san francisco with the privilege of saying that we're going to re-up ourselves in san francisco with the principles of united nations convention on the eliminations of all forms of discrimination against the denies and join me in doing that and you will see a city that continues to invest in education in gender equality, in blaltd poverty and providing the necessary services that will be successful in completing our ending of domestic violence in
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all forms of violence keep up the great work get up and dance and yell and shout address join the world let's end violence for everybody thank you (clapping). >> thank you, mayor ed lee another round of applause for our mayor. >> my name is marily mondejar i am with the filipinos women's network i've privileged to introduce to you our community partner a partner who has added a lot of resources to end violence against women he's added more da's to this so important prosecution and really be vigilant in ending violence against women help me welcome san francisco district attorney
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george gascon (clapping) thank you, thank you marily and beverly and thank you to the incredible prosecutors in my office and susan and everyone that has put this event together >> (speaking foreign language.) >> can you hear that now okay. >> i was thanking everyone that is making n this day possible today, i have to tell you as a father of too young women i'm krib8 proud of and obviously a son and husband i look forward to the day we will not have to have this type of event because domestic violence will not be part find our society but i can we're not there yet we have a long way to go i want to say that if you recall a couple years ago we had a conversation with many of you there were
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domestic violence that was not enough people we literally were not able to take care of our victims and many of you came together we got the mayor and the board of supervisors a group in my office that provided additional funding for the prosecutors and investigators i'm proud to say that last year 4 hundred and 50 cases were brought to trial and 83 percent were able to obtain a conviction and the credit for that work (clapping.) goes the men and women of the district attorney's office and the men and women in the police department and to every one of you that reached out to victims and let them know it is okay to come forward and provide information and that actually there are not victims but survivors again, i look forward to the day when we
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will not have to have this conversation but until that day comes i want toileitis let you knows that the michelangelo in my office we'll continue to send a message many of you there will be consequences for their behavior no one no one should have to live in fear and much less in the privacy of your own home thank you very much (clapping.) >> thank you district attorney isn't that amazing are you enjoying this? let's take this energy to continue the rising and create a social revolution for change it reflects the hard work of the community itself and today we want to honor all of our san francisco community partners who
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hard work created this revolution so, please shout out to dancing without borders for friends of the status of women black parenthood a band of women abc and cb n our legal outreach and asian women's shelter and the legal aid and community united against violence and the house futures without violence gabriel usa and grace cathedral and mission girls, mission neighborhood centers and on the filipino council of san francisco any public comment? san francisco against rape and san francisco desk women in action, the filipino the reilly
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center women enter culture network and women's aids thank you >> i want to acknowledge our we have a lot of partners i want to apologize to our elected officials but help me welcome our first lady anita lee we have with us supervisor jane kim and my supervisor from district 68 we have supervisor supervisor norman yee from district 7 and supervisor scott wiener you won't miss him and now i'm pleased to introduce to you really the person who is the magnet that makes us do the work executive director of the san francisco department and the status of women dr. murase when
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is the president of the san francisco school board. >> how's everybody doing today were we can do better than that how is everybody doing today a few thank you's want to thank my staff that were here earlier in the morning and dj and susan has been working tireless for the last few months. (clapping.) >> and mayor ed lee, of course, and marily and others from the mayor's office who made today happy. (clapping.) and we have saving lives in san francisco we've heard the mayor the city has joined i'm joined by our city agencies let's hear if for our city agencies.
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>> i'm happy happy to reporting we have housing authority and at domestic violence brochure out to the city employees we've trained people in our housing authority and have a new officers involved domestic violence policy at the police department. (clapping.) in human trafficking supervisor tang has lead the way to go after our logically massage mroorldz we have eric mar and trained 88 did that want public health inspections how to look for signs of human trafficking (clapping) so, now it's my great pleasure to introduce a dear friend and colleague teresa parks head of
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the human rights commission teresa is truly a revolutionary woman as a transgender advocate and director of human rights commission has participated with us in the department to fight human trafficking which again your mayor has made a exempting commitment in his priority on the women's empowerment please help me welcome teresa (clapping.) >> you know your emergency is contamination i want to excluding clawed your energy i intended a conference the teeming theme of the conference revolver is a family value we talked about particularly lesbian gay boy sex all families
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and the strength of those families but we need to understand that abuse is not a family value harassments, discrimination are not family value and lack of housing and medical care is not family values this applies not only in san francisco but to communities around the world this applies to all women relevant active of age and race and ethnic night and muslims and or ribs of cultural and country of the physical size or any other human characteristic including human identity i want to say this once i've said that many times transgender women are
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women. (clapping.) >> last year in the united states the reported number of transgender who were murdered was one a month we know the statistic it coloring to two or three because one is recorded in the last 6 weeks in the united states there have been 5 transgender women regularityly murdered one in san francisco and 3 in california i want to recognize the translating population that are not here tonight bringing but their moreno one of their own brutalizing murdered february 1st and want to acknowledge a the latina population thank you rally of 2 hundred people that night 5
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hours later a gay crime against a transgender we need to stop this and stand up against violence and not allow it to continue we need to talk about to each other and band together and work for each other and stand up for each other because the only family value that i recognize and that others is love thank you very much. (clapping.) >> there are partners we also want to continue to allocation and they arrive one is special to us former seeblt member fiona but let me tell you fiona ma she worked on freeing incarcerated
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women that were convicted because of domestic violence fiona there she is i want it acknowledge a member of the school board who is angle education advisors hydra mendosa i think she's up there and our law enforcement is here without our law enforcement those are the individuals the departments that help us with our domestic violence against women i want to action our sheriff mr. dreaming i didn't with his wife and from the san francisco police department and some of his esteemed members commander mows over here so, now let me introduce the director of violence anti violence program with the mayor's office
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>> (clapping.) >> marily it is my honor to stand you to introduce the next speaker but first can i see you rise? can i see the one? great, thank you for the honor of allowing me to introduce the next speaker i want to action before i introduce some of the city departments that are key working forward with ending violence against women and girls our probation officer chief ass also in the countryside alongside with the city agencies and departments that were mentioned earlier today, i. pleased to introduce your next speaker someone that is a community representative that is standing up for rights of women and girls mr. rajas san francisco funds multiply preservation programs like the
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mayor's office and the department of youth and department of public health and adult and juvenile probation and, of course the department on the status of woman d o s w provides an investment it supports 25 programs for the violence against women mission girls and the program is one of the many preservation programs funded by itself city and county of san francisco to serve girls and young women between the ages of 10 and 17 years old it is focused on guardrail the next generation of young women by offering services to inspire them those have experienced crimes and their latino youth girls and are the
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hardly to reach the violence and poverty mission girls incurs young women to enclosure option and women and girls here in the city and county of san francisco so today please join me in welcoming restraining order and your next speaker (clapping.) hello, everyone i'm sue is an be rajas i'm speaking not only as the director but as a survivor of a relationship violence today, we are here to help end domestic violence against women i want to thank the courageous women and men that being a woman is not a reason for denies we're creating a power revolution that promotes respect and equality and the right to be safe in all
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of our relationships all of us together can help to end violence we can incur our young women and young men to not be perpetrators of violence i ask you to take this energy and let it build up a fire in our summers and live the revolutions every day and join us in standing up against the violence again women in music and television and friends and media thank you >> (clapping). >> as more and more of our partners arrive to support us and to make our awareness raising event successful let me
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acknowledge the adult wendy and the district attorney in favor of the domestic violence unit at the doofks. >> our juvenile probation chief and police commissioner and the depth cohesive paul henderson and port director monique and the status of women julie sue and today would not 45e7 without my colleagues i want to call up any partners in this project dr. emily murase for 9 department of the women and the beverly upton with the san francisco consortium of san francisco and, of course one belittle rising
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would not 45e7 without the director of b day susan swan. (clapping.) and hi, everyone well today's greater in this room and the rotunda and being with the woman that work day to day we know we've work on this issue everyday tests person and specific it types of our hearts and bodies by coming together and advancing today, we come together in community and we come together and we claim and demand an end to violence against women and girls i thank you we're so excited to dance again so everyone has a chance to get up there are a couple of things we rise weer unusual in the rising around the world we're on the west coast and in my minute as we're speaking
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communities around the world is rising their sending in pictures from schools and delhi in manila all across the world people in vermont are calling saying rest assured we're rising in a foot of snow we have the beautiful day over the next couple of days go the state website bay rising oakland is here who is representing the best today. (clapping.) >> mirroring mayor lee's words we can work together it's wonderful great you guys are here we've got pink going over the golden gate bridge and we'll walk at the cathedral torment night really join us go to one
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boil and we're happening happy to have you it's time to dance one more acknowledgement. >> so one more acknowledgement the west bay filipino center who take care of our youth and the filipino and now we're ready to dance dance. (clapping.) >> on your feet let's rise
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. >> we are running a womens' volleyball program here at richmond rec center. it's progressing really nice. the ladies here really enjoy the exercise and the play and it's a lot of fun want this program is not for the faint at heart. it's really intense. the ladies come out. they are really going after it. they just love to play and compete. anyone can sign up. we're looking for more players. the women come from all over the city. we enjoy the program and we are getting people out to have fun in this beautiful city. >> rec and parks womens' volleyball program is available at richmond rec center. please visit
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>> we are going to get started soon
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we're going to get started soon if you could turn the overhead projector off sfgovtv all right. everyone ladies and gentlemen, please come in and take our assets i'm supervisor cohen chair the commissioner lee to my left is supervisor jane kim and to my right is supervisor wiener vice chair our clerk today is miss andrea ashbury and i would like to take a moment and acknowledge as well as thank jessie larson and jonathan that will be tifgz this broadcast on sfgovtv. >> announcements? electronic devices. completed speaker cards and documents to be included should be submitted to the clerk. items acted upon today will appear on the february 10, 2015,
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board of supervisors agenda unless always state and madam clerk item one. >> a resolution for is zoning control for 8 most period west of octavia blue shield. >> all right. ladies and gentlemen, supervisor wiener will present this as well as the discussion. >> thank you very much madam chair and colleagues this resolution will enclose interim zoning controls for the parcels mc 19403 that are facing market street west of octavia billboard specifically requires that certain office uses business and professional services and limited services requires a conditional use before going in
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colleagues you'll recall i trootsdz the interim zoning controls for the rest of upper market and 24th street and noah we're moving towards the controls for the castro commercial district as well as 24th and noah valley to require a conditional use for those types of office uses i think we all know a vibrant and successful commercial corridor requires active retail it requires retail and eating and drinking establishments and diversity of uses that are active during the day and night and during the weekends when a commercial corridor has too much uses phenomenal the ground floor whether real estate or title
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companies or banks other kinds of office uses it can negatively impact the vibrancy of a commercial corridor not to say those offices are not appropriate every healthy commercial corridor will is a mix of various kinds of uses but we've seen an over proliferation of too many types of uses on the ground floor and it negatively impacts the vibrancy of the commercial corridor we're extending the interim controls and working toward a permanent set of controls for those 3 commercial corridors i ask you're our your support. >> we'll any public comment? public comment is there any public testimony on item one seeing none, public comment is closed. colleagues any additional
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comments seeing none, okay. >> make may i'll make a motion to forward item one to the full board with a positive recommendation. >> seeing no objection that motions passes unanimously madam clerk call item 2. >> item 2 a resolution supporting the california assembly bill prohibiting the sell of - and supervisor wiener is the author. >> thank you, madam chair colleagues a resolution that puts san francisco on record in support of assembly bill 96 which will close the combineic will that that allows us to crack down on the illegal sale of i've very and horns in california it is supported by tony altering kins and laurie
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want to thank for co-sponsor that we have a significant problem in san francisco 2, 3, 4 particular but elsewhere in the u.s. we have a market for illegal ivory that is leptin to fuel the extermination of rhinos and outlet overview infant they're going be to be extinct if we don't act in california and the world to put an end to the dispebble trade where overview infants and rhinos are killed and mutt lasted for horns this poaching is a growing problem 96 emancipation proclamation e elephants are
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killed in african and central african elephants maybe extinct by the year 2025 more 5 thousand of the 29 thousand remaining were killed and poached in 2014 rhino poaching has increased within the u.s. san francisco has ranged among the top market for illegal rhino trade this is helping to fuel the poaching and the killing of elephants and rhino we have an obligation in san francisco given the size of the market to be firm in our support for this legislation to end poaching and poaching is not just limited to elephants and relationship nos we've seen it was recorded in the new york times the