tv [untitled] February 27, 2015 2:00pm-2:31pm PST
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to power purchase contracts, power purchase agreements as a 5-year duration. utilizing the standard contract that's used in the electric in the wholesale power market in the west today. so, we are hoping to build upon that authority as we come to you. we are also hoping to identify some of the hurdles we are having for procuring some of the basic transaction tools that participants in the power market utilize and hoping to identify where there might be opportunities to stream line procurement of energy efficiencies supportive tools and programs. so those of the general areas that we are looking for sort of stream lining of the process. and once we identify those and discuss them with
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city attorney further we'll be in a position to have more dialogue with your staff your board staff as well as the lafco staff. >> would that involve legislation with the puc and board of supervisors? >> my understanding what we are looking for will require an ordinance. >> vice-chair crews? >> thank you, >>cynthia crews: i think the timeline is very helpful and certainly looking at the more expanding page 2-3 version is helpful. there are some areas though that i wasn't sure if they would fall on this timeline or maybe a business plan timeline, but i
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was thinking specifically in regards to the behind the meters in terms of efficiencies that i met with cal brin from the department of environment and he talked about programs and opportunities for cleanpowersf and i wasn't sure if the puc had engaged the department of environment just yet or if it part of this timeline. can you let me know on that? >> sure, we weren't including interactions within the city family in this timeline so much. we certainly asked mr. broom head to provide us and department head rafael to provide us on their thinking and the program they are currently operating can be helpful to the cca set of customers that we are envisioning. we are on their radar and we had those initial
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conversations and they are putting together some thoughts that they will offer to us. when you look at the timeline, some of the behind the meter type activities fall both within our procurement program planning steps and with our programs support sefrtsdz contracting. we will also be bringing to the rate fairness board some of our thoughts on programs that are like net energy metering programs. we are still trying to try and decide to get legal advice on whether those sorts of program offerings need to go to the rate service board to a more wholesale transaction. like a metering program would go to the board like a
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fit program wouldn't because it's a transaction. we'll also be engaging with them as appropriate onseting the program parameters. you can see us presenting items to the rate fairness board on the third page detail sheet as row 6. >> from what i understand that there are unique opportunities that cleanpowersf gives us that customers could have efficiencies, say for example instead of just doing efficiencies where it comes down to changing out something that is electrical that they can change out that we can bundle these within clean powersf and we are offer something where they are doing water, wastewater, electrical and gas efficiencies that the customer can get a lot more savings and a lot
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more impact in terms of greenhouse gas thaen they were if they were to do in traditional programs offered today through pg & e. i would just encourage you to look at some of those opportunities and i would say even if we wanted to have maybe we can talk about it when we get to item 7 to have mr. broom head or someone from the department of the environment come talk to us about those programs as well just as how they might play into cleanpowersf. the last two things that i will say are that today i signed up for cleanpowersf as a customer so thank you very much for fixing that part of the website. i did take a quick minute and the old excuse me but i am a project manager in communication. it says it launched in 2013 and i was
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excited about that then i realized it was a typo. if you can have your team take one more look at that website. i just wanted to ask because i'm interested in whether or not you posted the requisition for the director position? >> yes. the director position is moving it's way through the city process. so it's moving, but it has not been posted yet. >> great. thank you. >>supervisor john avalos: thank you, commissioner mar. >> >>supervisor eric mar: i'm very pleased that the timeline has been discussed at the puc and that mr. fried suggestions for expediting the timeline sounds like there is openness to the time process. i like speeding up the process and that makes a lot of sense and concurrent scheduling and beginning the drafting of the
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rfo's make sense to me as well. i have been getting good letters from people well informed in my district and people around the city. i would like to read a question from herb rossman, a senior because he's saying something about improving the rates quickly and how we can expedite the rates setting. i notice there is a gap between the deadline for the board of supervisors supporting or potentially rejecting the not to exceed rates by june 12th, and then there is 3-month period until the final program rates are presented to the puc that's beginning on september 30th. there is a 3-month gap in that period of time. i'm just wondering why there is that gap. >> yes, if you look at the third sheet which is the most detailed of these timelines, you will see what you just
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described on row 4 where the final program rates are prepared and presented to the puc. that step is related if you look down because there is an arrow into that box. it's related to row 18 where the puc approves the executed power purchase agreement. >> i'm sorry, can i interrupt quickly. it's page two in our pocket, not page 3. make sure you are looking at the correct lines. >> the row numbers should be the same across all of these. it's just where, how much detail is provided in the sheet. so you will see that there is a relationship between row 18 where we are signing power purchase agreements and row 4 where the final program rates are prepared and presented. and that's because we need to know what our wholesale cost is before we can set the final rate. that's
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the activity occurring in the 3-month period going out to the market, sooner -- soliciting the market and going out for approval. >> that makes sense. where they are advocating that we need time to really educate and to counter the propaganda that is out there and will be out there quickly to know what cleanpowersf is and my hope is that we work closely with community base groups so multi-outreach is done as well. >> thank you. >> commissioner campos? >>supervisor david campos: thank you, mitch, -- mr. chairman, just a quick question. i would like to thank the puc for taking comments to
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heart. i appreciate the very expedited way in which you try to approach this in the openness also to hear comments from our staff, from our executive officer. in terms of the cca program director position, i know it hasn't been posted. i want to thank vice-chair crews for asking about that. what is the timing of when you think you will have someone hired? now, that's very difficult to predict. so, the physician right now is going through the requisition approval process. typically once we have an approved requisition, we then go, we then publish the position as it's been approved and begin recruitment. and the recruitment process will stay open until we have a sufficient number of applicants to begin an interview process. this is a high priority for myself and the general
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manager. we talk about our need to get this position staffed. it is a leadership position. much of the work that is described here in the timeline is performed boo i other staff. so we can continue to make progress, absent the leadership position, of course it's much preferred to have a leadership position filled having said that, but i do want to assure you that we will make progress regardless of the vacancy that we have in the leadership position. >> do you have a sense from dhr, department of hurm resources as to when the position will be posted? >> i don't have a sense for that. i don't. sorry. >> do you think we'll have it by our next lafco meeting? >> i'm not sure. >> if there has been no
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posting for the position by that point that as part of the presentation that we can maybe have someone from dhr come to the lafco meeting and explain to us where that process is. >> okay. >> thank you. >> thank you. >>supervisor john avalos: great. any other thing to present. commissioner mar? no. okay. commissioner crews? >>cynthia crews: i have one more thing for ms. hale. in terms of basic communications, i know that the things in the timeline describe the types of notifications or the legal notifications. all the beautiful glossy brochures and things we can take to potential cleanpowersf, where does this fit in with this?
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>> let me address first the statutory required. the second sheet, you see a row 7, activity which is prepare and finalize pg & e rate comparison. that is a required communication with potential customers. as well as the requirement rows in 32. the other thing you see in rows 25. education. we have an adopted education campaign dmoptd our prior program design. we
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are refreshing that. that's a multilingual multimedia campaign. we are as you noted we are updating our and were looking at ways trying to project out as part of the program what we can community actively before we have the program design detail set. we are trying to time and shape our communications to establish a voice and an accurate representation of the program consistent with what the information that we have and the approvals we have. so much of the really wholehearted multimedia communication happens after we have this final rate set, after we have a good sense of what the full program offering is. but in advance of that, we do want to have some
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communications and we currently have some collateral material that is reflective of the old program design and we are dusting that off and figuring out what we need to do to present a more accurate picture from what we are talking about from that two-thirds of the program we talked about at our january meeting. >> i think that's helpful. i think where programs communications and customer communication for the timeline maybe a little late for people to get as if we were, as commissioner mar would speak at community meetings. if we had collateral to take at this time. people are asking for details and whatever we could, even if it wasn't the final design, if we could have some collateral, i would love
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to see it just to toot your horn a little bit, i think the puc has excellent communications in marketing department and i know they do a lot of it in-house. the water project they did and the commercials were hilarious. i look forward to see what comes out of the puc when it comes from cleanpowersf. >> you can bet they will exercise that talent on this program. >> does that mean you will change your name from sf water on twitter? it's worth asking. >>supervisor john avalos: okay. any other questions from the committee.
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we'll now take up public comment. anyone who would like to come forward, please do so. >> good afternoon. eric brooks, clean power community. i would like to thank the sf puc staff for really stepping up to the plate and coming forward with a timeline with what reflects with the lafco commissioners and your commissioners requested in the last joint hearing and i think that's amazing and should be acknowledged. but there are a couple pieces missing in this that are very important to put in and i want to aim -- amplify what commissioner crews has said that right now there are advocate community meetings. we are getting asked about rates, we are getting asked about jobs, we are getting asked about low income customers. so and we are also reaching out to the labor
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unions and the labor communities and the building trade and they are really concerned about union jobs, local jobs, california jobs, things like that. and this gets the heart of this is the not to exceed rate which we already know and the staff acknowledged in last week's or this week's sf puc hearing, we know what that rate is. it's the same and the pg & e brown power rate and it's essential that we set up the process in the not to exceed rate and ask the sf puc staff and sf puc to send it to the rate fairness board right now, not in may, but right now because then we have and then get the sf puc and board to adopt that as soon as possible because then we can take that to the community and say, this is it. it's on paper. this is the rate. right now we are only hearing it verbably in hearings and it's not good enough and for the jobs
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piece, we need this timeline and it's not in there and we need this is to start out sooner and we need another rate set. >> commissioners, jed holsman. i want to thank the sf puc staff. we were at the hearing on tuesday and it's so gratifying to see this and to be able to see this a second time. it's like a movie that you want to see again. i would come here everyday to look at this timeline. we did hear from commissioner avalos and mr. fried that both hearings there seems to be like 1-2 months that we can shave on this. i guess without even getting
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too outside of the box. the piece i would like to talk about on page two, we are at row no. 3 in february and row no. 6 when pg & e files their green tariff with the rates. as i said at the puc, we basically have a two 1/2 month period here to get this major step that we want them to take. we want them to take to publicity for that and we want there to be publicity for that but we don't want them to take away all the excitement and momentum that this great san francisco is making with our power program. so i would just hope that between now and may 10th we can do as much public
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work as possible and i think a great catalyst to that would be setting the not to exceed rate at the pg & e brown power rate as soon as possible because it will give clearly the knowledge of that number. i would get that rate to the board as soon as possible to accelerate that portion of this public outreach. thank you. >> thank you very much. any is there any additional public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. >>supervisor john avalos: i would like to get to what it means on expediting the rates. what like in 2013 with not to exceed rates at the end of the process. we are the not to exceed rates happening at the beginning. what
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was critical is that the public wants to know. having the public informed sooner will help to get broader support. your talk about how to expedite that process. >> so the not to exceed rates and what has to happen in advance of it. the rate itself is known and well understood. when we presented to the rate fairness board last time. it was important to be able to describe to them for their consideration both the program design and the rates. sort of like what are we getting for that price. and so what you see in the schedule is meeting with stakeholders to discuss program design and policy guidelines, taking those program design guidelines and procurement reform issues to our commission and then taking it to the rate fairness board. so we will know as a staff that we've done some outreach
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within the community, we've informed, we have taken that into consideration, we've informed our commission as to what we recommend, we've taken that into consideration and then we bring it to the rate fairness board for them to consider as a package, the program design as well as the not to exceed rate. then we go out, we do a lot of things, but one of the thing we do then is go out to the market and see if we can get resources to match that program design at that not to exceed price and we come back to the rate fairness board with the outcome of that in the october timeframe. so the activities that happen in the short period now and at the rate fairness board on may 1st on the schedule are the outreach activities and design activities and bring it to our commission. >> okay. thank you. okay, if there is no other comments or parts of the presentation, i believe this is an information item. there is no action
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to be taken. we can go on to our next item no. 5. city clerk: item nor 5, executive officers report. status update regarding the sfusd on the implementation and opportunities for the undergrounding wires and expansion of the fiber networks in san francisco and b, status update regarding the study of open source elections. >> congratulations. i would like to say congratulations for taking these spots and look forward to working with you in the coming years. this is a quick update. for the 1st one on the underground wires and fiber system. the request that the budget analyst do the report that parts of it is similar
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to ours and we are waiting for that report to be done instead of waiting for the report. they are in the final steps of finalizing it. it's out for a couple reviews to make sure they have the comments in the report. we should have that out beginning of next week or at the beginning of march. once i have that, i will be able to take that and use that as a base for what we are doing our report on to answer any questions that are not on the report. it's taking a little bit longer than originally anticipated. as soon as that is done, i will be coming back with a draft report for everyone to review here. i hope at this point i hope to have something done by the end of march, given the work done on thecca program i think i can get it done by the end of march. one thing that did happen is we had an intern doing a lot of great research. she graduated from college and
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found a job. she has left us. i don't have a second person helping me out miechl -- my goal is to try to get someone out for march to finish that process. for the open source elections, we have a great intern. angie lee, grew up in berkeley and college professional having gone to sf state and doing asian american sfudz in bachelor's degree and at usf for public affairs and will do a lot of research in getting that going and she's also going to use this paper that she's writing for us as her corner stone paper for her graduation. i know i'm going to get a great paper because she's going to get a great grade at
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school. i'm very excited to of have angie with us today. she'll put out the first draft which we'll put out for review and after a normal process to get reviewed and take back for public comment and anything on that review. she'll get us through that first draft is what my anticipation is from her which is probably the end of april timeframe. >> great, welcome. as your first time being in lafco, but great to have you here. >> i hope we don't have to vote on a grade. >> no luckily we don't have to deal with the grading process. that will be from her professors. cory cook, gets to do the grading on that. finally while it's not on my official update, march will begin our budget season for us. we have already had some discussions with the board of supervisors because they start their process much early whier than
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ours. this will be the first year that we'll ask for funds to come from the city and county of san francisco. it will be much more in the budget process that we have had in the past 2 years because we have been returning all the money. we'll finally have run most of our reserve down and only have a small portion of our reserve left that i don't think covers the entire balance of the funds. we'll be looking at that in march and i look forward to having a more full in depth discussion on the march meeting on that and in april we pass the final budget on that. that is all that i have within my report. >>supervisor john avalos: thank you, commissioner mar? >> welcome, angie and i'm sure that your involvement, this is going to help. i'm wondering if one of
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the neighbors concerned with undergrounding that it's going to divide local seniors that don't have the same access to not only utilities but at times the high speed internet that many of us take for granted today. i would like to take a look at municipal fiber networks that massachusetts is looking at and sometimes at a regional level and local level oovment as part of the fiber extension, we have looked at, i don't think massachusetts was necessarily in the mix but we have looked at other jurisdiction and dealt with how they deal with the expansion of their fiber networks. some have done it with a focus purely on connecting commercial corridors to make them more vibrant and others have looked at commercial and resident. we
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have examples of other locals and how they are looking at and it's actually a very widespread issue. the california lafco association general annual meeting is going to have a panel on broadband and if it is, i will make sure you are well aware. they don't deal with what this lafco does, but i will make sure that others are informed about it. >> make sure peter informs my staff about the massachusetts efforts. i know at least with good conversations with monkey brains who have been testifying before us and the internet archive effort the more locally based higher internet process for people with less access, i'm hoping we
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