tv [untitled] February 27, 2015 8:30pm-9:01pm PST
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market octavia plan with certain environmentalist it was comboilgdz those alleys are walkable open spaces that offset the traffic of the aerials with the area plan market octavia plan enables and helps people with the alley improvements and this program is an extension of that in the mind a tool kit to provide resident owners and small businesses with achieving a liveable alley with a series of workshops that began with the liveable alleys to presenting a range of a plans we so you get to engage or solicit
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the community groups to come forward with the design for the gal let me see we'll use for the portfolio we received 4 plaques for the living alleys and end up with two with are still going forward and using these as prototypes we use to vet through various design criteria and technical perimeters we completed our last workshop last night through this process we established a series of goals to frame our discussions of living alleys the four goals the living alleys should be green and shared and vibrate and clean and safe
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we undertook through the prototypes designs that we have high impact on the feasibility of any improvements that people decide to pursue like hi draufkz and water through ultimately into the establishment sewer system road composition and other things and emergency vehicle access and disability or a universal assessable and parking concerns we also included in our tool kit a sampling of maps existing conditions of almost a third of the alley that people might happy to live on the additional my engaging and understanding the physical constraint that their alley has
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so here's an example of our one of our 20 tools in the tool kits not crosswalks for example in the upper part we have a scroll bar that describes the range of involvement and describes the use and function in relation to one of the four goals the design and location criteria and following additional resources we might want to reference or continue to look at that particular tool in relation. in addition to our design tools we've included the implementation resources to help community groups help organize and design and permit and build or enjoy their alley
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specifically things people need to know are expected costs and potential funding sources one of the funding sources that are available so there the market octavia plan is $50 million in impact fees i'll get to that in a moment to determine how to distribute that to eligible community groups anticipate looking at public and private partnerships that enables us to carries business asia this is pretty large goal so with this information in mind people can go in with a full understanding of how to build a living alley we developed two main prototypes
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with the community groups the first thing is a shared prototype on the 2 hundred block of willie i'm sorry ivy we envisioned a series of credential steps starting with the sidewalk planting to a full blown single surface street that prioritizes pedestrians that signals to the vehicles that are a pedestrian priority street second type that we developed was in response to community groups that no everything can undertook a huge street it is time consuming what's the lower
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cost we've dubbed that as a living zone prototype we're taking a place in the alley that didn't have existing projects and being able to claim it as space for residents to you furniture in a seaman's way but basically creating the space in a low cost way to close to through traffic with the use of elements perhaps gates and here's an example of how it may view over time into a more - so the next steps as i mentioned we have a tool kit it describes design tools and describes process we also have a funding source getting the funding into the hands of the community groups we've 0 gone through a
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spefkz tailored type of process to the groups that will be revolted out in april of 2015 we have decided that in response to those pro tips with the large capped out at 2 hundred and 50s thousand dollars for the first prototype other things we have on our plate to continue it work with other city departments to develop the city standards for the streets currently on the project sponsors and the community groups to undertake the maintenance and liability in purpose opportunity because they go to the guitars and the sidewalks we'll talk about the things moving forward the city taking under their wings
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especially if it's a cost benefit whether this is through accessibility or fire perimeters so thirdly, conducted in your handbook it is in excess of 18 months with the city jurisdictions involved i think there's room in that to continue with the dialog to somehow streamline and cooperate a design that people can knows with certainty what the pit falls falls might be in the permitting process so number 4 this tool kit was developed for the market value octavia plan and with the policies the information included is applicable to any and all alleys throughout the city we would like to courage the state and
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some kind of city benefits to be extended to other neighborhoods in san francisco lastly thank you to the planning staff and milking from public works as well as others nicks and kevin from public works and (calling names) and pacific from mta for the collaboration with our project i'll be happy to answer any questions >> thank you we have one speaker card it is alex light. >> thank you commissioners i'm alice light director of the community planning at taco the living alley tool kit is good work with a lot of great
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information how to beautiful the alleys unless there's a broader neighborhood comprehensive plan in place you need to look at a community building alley kit like what todco is applying we've been building since 19 it make o facts more beautification working on an alley in isolation can lead to mistakes so the starting point before you do anything it needs to be a comprehensive analysis to understand what's going on in selma we looked at a single block but in other neighborhood might look at a cluster of a few blocks where the blocks are
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smaller this is serving and reaching out and learning about neighborhood needs and safety concerns and challenges on the block all of the in and out of the specific unique situation of the block and alleys this is a thorough analyze it could take a year in the tool kits the analysis stage is given less than time only one month it is a huge mistake to pass on 80 and to change the state of the analysis only after completion can it be analyzed here we go an example of a plan that was done utilizing community building it is a clean alley we know will be prioritized because of it's proximity to fulsome this plan
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is continuing viewing based on the neighborhood the element of our community building tool it's i it's i kit not in the plan s are security cameras and traffic control officers and on street trash contra corals and motorcycle parking when it's time to do the alley progress it is a community tool kit we want more than beautification thank you. >> good afternoon commissioner tom with the living city i want to say this is an expiring legislation e prosecution this is livingable city we've stared the space for the alleys is
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terrific reclaiming open space where 25 percent of our students is city streets to reclaiming that and alleyways are certainly a need we'll loaf love to see the hayes valley alleys going forward and one of the challenges every one is a project you have to go through ages 33 and they reinvent 0 it can be re1ri7bd so on and so forth so if you blt build it in this way the review is important so moving forward with the standards is great and the commitment to doing this in the neighborhood our office is 0 on potrero street this is what it looks like we've got a robust alleyways program that came out of the selma development planning and some the western selma planning so some of the
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planning dpw, transportation authority were involved in planning the alleyways other than our part of selma, however, there's a robust program in chinatown as well to have the alleys built outburst we've got great example of the neighborhood programs there are a lot of folks i've met with to the southeast chiropractor of selma around the caltrain station around the south part a lot of alleyways there are a lot of things happening in the neighborhood they want to reclaim some of the open space so more of the plan is a great idea and creating an implementation you know enter departmental an implementation mechanism to make sure those plans move into are realty would be good and as alice said the community engagement early on you know having single points of
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compact and the community developed alleyways planning process is reality important you other thing you might look at the development requirement like the departments and others we said you have to provide open spaces and rather than the plaza maybe that's turning the alleyway can you look at the existing code and say how can we turn those into alleyway improvements for benefits for the development projects happening in the neighborhood we've got the energy to support all the follow-up steps to make those things happen. >> is there any additional public comment public comment is closed. >> commissioner richards. >> i have a couple of questions, mr. winning slow what's the two alleys that made the final cut. >> the 2 hundred block of ivy
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and 2 hundred block of lilly. >> so hayes valley. >> is to the question is i'll give you - both of those were commercial and samuel sponsored so the com try on the cac was at that time, what are you doing for the small business owners it is such a heavy lift so we tried to come up with the second prototype and the light version. >> in a way just as effective. >> thank you. i guess i have a question for the other gentleman. >> he's not involved in this (laughter). >> we have another area plan coming reporting; right? so to what step up to the plate is this parlayed into selma.
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>> it's kind of one of those after plans from the octavia get the plans that understand the big picturesque he can and all the streetscape stuff we cleared in the eir but all the various streets are much more difficult and those are the large streets with the substantial changes and the community conversation. >> so it's a priority perfect so one of the last questions for alice as todco if you could just briefly can you tell me about the similarities too your community-based alleyways and little process we've heard mr. wynn's low talk about. >> okay. i think that the living alleys tool kit is a good document and there's a long process to fourth the tool kit
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but it is a little bit disconcerting about the prototype that can be applied to any street without looking at the context of the block and that's where our process is different eater maybe i missed that in the document it seems like the analysis stage to get to the alley was short in a living alley only a month and it takes longer than than that to figure out who's on the block and the traffic and different needs are so i say one the keys is the length of time and also, we focused a lot on pedestrian safety and security in selma if you don't have eyeing on the street and someone other people - survivalist is a big concern
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like security cameras there are people drive through selma likes it's a freeway so having the officers and they're not pretty they're beautiful but we need them to keep those areas safe for people walking through them. >> thank you. >> commissioner moore. >> this is a remarkable product i like this or like the challenge that we start development alley qualifications criteria and collecting check lists for all alleys in the city if we can't could it right now we'll each year a systematic way in those areas in the densification those happening have been happening we've not been able to hold the line for
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future alleyways improvement for example on pine street between oak and van ness i strongly raised the issue the building needs to respond to a positive use on the ground floor a cross section of the van ness corridor plan needs to provide light into the additionally this is the tree efforts and those are fully vested in the plans but looking at and preventing the worse i'll change the director about looking very closely they qualifications list and looking where new buildings have large garage entrances because garage entrances can are destroy alleys altogether in san francisco
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wroef not invented any local access only provisions for people going through the alleys like fulsome street it's a xanax context set of rules for transportation and as building related issues one i've mentioned i strongly urge to particularly look at east west alleys those are the ones that have the most access to light in order to use a alley the environment as the the benefit of light sunlight is extremely important. >> but otherwise it's a great piece i just beg you urge you to take this and very quickly start projecting it into the future. >> thank you. >> commissioner antonini. >> question for mr. wynn's low did your analysis include or
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your report include an analysis of the different aeltz in market octavia as to the amount of automobile traffic those alleys experience other than anecdotal we've asked that question of the partner at mta they didn't have except for a few that were study in the market octavia office. >> the reason i bring that up i see you do different things the shared streets and the living zone the two types you were having and the one the latter one you closed it to autopsy traffic except for the graphic needed for residential that sound like a good idea i don't know if you have to have a street vacation or how that happens. >> we're not exactly sure
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afternoon with the partnerships the exact term with a temporary closer a job street encroachment we're still scratching our heads. >> i encourage that study to occur because there are certain alleys where people use them quite a bit for everyday traffic and many are rail used the ones noted essential to keep up we could close those except for residential my belief the amount of traffic generated by the traffic it is low only over the course of a day but if it's an alley as a shortcut to someone else that is also a lot more dangerous people are using that for a cut through
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the most more of them you can close to non-residential use you'll quiet the alleys and some are used more heavily you'll certainly discourage this by raised sidewalks or other things because usually where there's a cut through another way to do it if you're spend enough time driving another half a block people will cut through there because they don't want to go another half block but more pedestrians and more traffic. >> i want to confirm our an idol suggestions everything we've studied two types of trapping traffic that comes and goes through the alley and others for the traffic signal they fly through there it would be a solution to try to control
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those various parts of the tool kits but i think there other traffic tools. >> even you could close the middle of it if there's no residential parking. >> probably work well and the what people who actually live there would be probably very encouraging of it is their street and want it to be calm and wouldn't mind coming out a certain side thank you very much i have a couple of other comments i think that todco raised some things to include the balance ladder and the light and security cameras and security officer to hope discourage drivers are not careful and anti social
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activities that can occur in alleys that provide a nice space for people with its use this is a really good idea and the gentleman had a good idea to have a city policy dissatisfied pub and privately owned public spaces they could do the same thing by retrofitting an alley thank you very much. >> commissioner johnson. >> thank you very much just reilly real quick thank you for the report a good job and just a couple of things those comments are in light of the fact it sound like an excellent idea to make it light but the project is sort of an experience
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we're talking about stared alleys whether or not there's closed off vehicular traffic through needs to be thought butt put into different models to segregated uses and the work what we're doing with embarcadero what started off as a long park with shared uses from walking to cycling to everything in between is now is cumbersome we're trying to do the hard work and there are certain alleys in san francisco particularly in our central selma and alleys where the collision of uses maybe problematic so anything we can, think about how to make sure that the flow of uses space whether or not cars are in the mix is thought-out properly and not based on one ascertainment
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of the alley i appreciate the gentleman's comments i'll say that i think there are something to having to keeping the policy we have where the things have to be created within a half mile or quarter of a mile of the actual building because there's long alleys in selma you know it is going to be hard to have one alley per project if this makes sense anytime have a part of a community benefit hard to have one project sponsor if you want to think about that what are the ways to design full alleys and have if you want to have that be a community benefit some sort of responsibility that a larger community project done versus saying that one partnering has to complete one complete project
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i think the alleys are two too big of a pole and then the ottawa other thing last sort of a comment i appreciate many work as we think head of pier 70 it will be coming to us in the coming years we that of a complete build out of mission bay and selma and places starting to come together new street networks my hope we're redoing the high street networks in the community if we have a smart policy for alleys and it makes it easier to implement and want to complete the alleys but 0 dale appreciate the thought going into it when you think of an alley right now it becomes hard to think you want to create a new one why a new problem that
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is a great way no. you, start with a position that alleys are good and good street infrastructure and our circulation neblt let's see how we can bidding build under the ground up. >> commissioner wu. >> thank you to the staff for the report essentially calling out the implementation timeline is one of the biggest champions of getting alleys done so a way to expedite or have better coordination to make sure we're not doing design reiteration i want to pigged on the comments of todco there's a paper out in berkley last year called the something, something not green enough the goal is not making the most beautiful and wonderful design what having a people based ass
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