tv [untitled] March 1, 2015 12:00am-12:31am PST
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building code. >> good morning john engine for the department the address for 411 marina building is a single-family dwelling and the slooegs solution for a kitchen on the ground floor director is here to meet 2013 which an order of abatement was issued no permits filed to deal with the abatement so the staff asks for the abatement order that concludes my report and is the appellant here? good morning, commissioners john with reuben, junius & rose here on behalf of the project sponsor since we were last here we asked
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joe duffey to come out and talk about life safety issue there were no one we're moving forward decided to maintain our request from the board for a 10 year moratorium on enforcement of the order of abatement due to financial hardship that is the property owners mother that lives in the basement she's 0 no longer able to live diligently and can't afford to live it sth in 2, 3, 4 this neighborhood we looked at the abatement of the unit while that's available this is a single-family home neighborhood the purpose to provide the accomodation for the
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elderly mother and the intent not to create a new unit to be rented this is the property owner home so it is not intending to skier to create a second unit that's why we maintain the request for the moratorium and we're here for any questions you may have >> questions for the commissioners? okay. seeing none thank you. >> does the department want a rebuttal. >> it's deservedly in your hands. >> thank you. >> question for the attorney this is we have to vote on this today; right? whether to grant the moratorium or consider it. >> you could vote or decide to continue it and come back to the next meeting it's up to you.
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>> commissioner vice president melgar. >> so we ask thank you very much and i am ready to vote on this today, we considered it at the last meeting so i'll be for voting on it today. >> thank you commissioner walker. >> i have a question on the threshold for the moratorium as to financial hardship does it apply to the owner of building. >> the requester has to be the owner of the building and demonstrate the financial hardship. >> what do we require. >> it's a judgment call for you. >> okay. thank you any other comments. >> so this situation commissioner walker trying to
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lead the point of view the hardship is this is the elderly motto facilitate her and for nomination in the house that's a hardship to me; right? >> i get it now just wanted to can i have another question. >> oh, commissioner walker so we consider the conditions right now but in the event that the person who's being accommodated the elderly relative if there's a passing of that person what prevents someone else from coming in to occupy this i mean, i think that we need to look at the short term and long term in how we discuss that i think. >> the answer put a condition
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in the moratorium for the particular individual is no longer living to notify dbi that brings before you a recession of the moratorium for the date. >> okay. thank you. >> commissioner mar. >> so given the information i agree with commissioner vice president melgar i'm ready to move on it i make o a motion to uphold the moratorium for 10 years or if the current tenant is no longer living on the premises one or the other. >> i second the motion. >> a couple of other decisions one to be month missouri no further modifications during the moratorium that's one you could
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add you might want to request a floor plan identifying the issues and not be expanded and changed and incorporate that going into the floor plan many say a tentative decision and you could require the applicant to seek documentation to seek no life safety issues and require the department to save what is needed in the documentation to be considered as well. >> okay. thank you commissioners mr. sweeney the inspection did a inspection and found no life safety done last week. >> commissioner walker. >> can we amend this to reflect the suggestions of the attorney we require a floor plan and
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statement of conditions noting that it doesn't violate no health not safety issues that are imminent here and also require if the person there new months out they have to notify dbi of that. >> and to the further language stating no further notifications are allowed and i assume that's a motion. >> i think i have to start over i think. >> mia any further commissioner comments. >> seeing none, there's a motion and second for this to you uphold the order of abatement and so someone wants to restate that motion? >> the motion was a uphold the
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order of abatement and grant the moratorium with the following considerations that at person occupied the moratorium is uphold until 10 years or the person motives out and no further notifications made during the abatement and documenting the condition and that the donation be submitted to the department confirming no code violations anybody take exception to that. >> okay. thank you. >> yeah. thank you, commissioners i think we're comfortable with the conditions i want to make two points in terms of life safety and health issues we've had the inspection i wonder what the property owner will do if in fact, it's
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happened i feel we confirm that. >> the question for our attorney is it sufficient that the donation is sufficient. >> i think it is fine you should have that incorporated into the decision. >> do you have a record. >> just verbal but we can get a note. >> this dbi can provide that. >> and one other question upheld the order and the moratorium i'm hoping it didn't allow for the fees or finances to accrue during that period that's my only concern. >> does the moratorium automatically stop the fee role. >> i think you put it in one of the provisions. >> fees to this point and not beyond. >> yeah. thank you. >> our decision. >> thank you, commissioner. >> is that okay sonya.
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>> any public comment on that item? seeing none, we'll do a roll call vote commissioner president clinch commissioner vice president melgar commissioner mccarthy commissioner mar commissioner lee commissioner mccray and commissioner walker the motion carries unanimously. >> okay. is there my general public comment for items not on the abatement appeals board agenda? seeing none, i have item h adjournment is there a motion to adjourn >> so moved. >> second. >> all commissioners in favor. >> i.
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commissioner mendoza-mcdonnell has an emergency vehicle before i call the next item i want to remind the members of the public if you wish to address the board of education you must complete a speaker card prior to the item being called and presented to the clerk the board rules speaker cards will not be accepted for an item before the board before i move on to the superintendent ins and outs for the presentation i want to point out that superintendent carranza is on the cover of the education week (clapping) and you're amazing familiar with the education week for the analysis on k through 12 education the third year of
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leaders to learn from superintendent carranza was selected will i the educators if a pool of quarters debater and other education writers and experts in the k through 12 field so it's really wonderful to see the superintendant acknowledge we knew how good he was in san francisco but to have him acknowledged subtitling we'll move the presentation to the board of education board of education the superintendent report. >> wow. thank you, dr. murase commissioner president murase hopefully things don't get worse from that kind of an introduction thank you in the article i want to is it is reflecting of this districts commitment to the language for all students that i proudly represent the district? a
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recognition of the districts work thank you so much good evening to everyone and as we all know last week we gaining ban with the celebration of lunar new year's and the schools start their celebrations i wanted to point out lake shore kindergartener planned a parade and actually carried out and implemented a parade every year 4 kindergarten classes button on a line distance and our students dressed in costumes and as classmates cheered them on happy new year and those of you not familiar with the tradition this is the year of the sheep so happy new year to everyone we're in the month of february and at the last board meeting we learned about the history of san francisco unified school district and in particular the first african-american teacher ever hired in san francisco unified school district we also
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have another tradition taking place tomorrow the african-american honor roll from 6 to 8:00 p.m. at st. mary's cathedral an 11 lotta's fountain golf street a celebration this is sponsored by the alliance of black school a volunteer of san francisco unified school district educators this year mayor ed lee and san francisco board of supervisors president looerndz and supervisor cowen as well as representatives from the gates will be in attention not to mention our commissioners as well and they will all be in attendance congratulating 2 hundred african-american students that are 3.80 or higher gpa part of the conversation around our focus on achieving
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african-american student weather obey very, very clear we are taking a hats basic approach to relocating recognize the students that need a little bit of extra help 12 hundred african-american or grade point afternoon 3.0 and behavior and district leaders will be there and congratulations to all students we're very proud of you and wanted to thank our staff and volunteers in coordinating this event and finally on this particular note i wanted to thank all the parent and guardian and adult that played an important role in the lives without strong support of the guardian or parent that the students doesn't have a change thank you for making sure they're on this path to success
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on monday march second the community members and parents and teachers low gralth on sunset exclusively our combufr and chief joanne hayes-white and commissioner chan and city accessory and records in carmen chu and our board of education commissioners genius and yourselves truly evening oppose our san francisco con decorate we'll all be there reading to our students such books as the cat in the hat and green eggs and ham h that celebrates a invading thing on dr. sews book i'm going to read my book click collaborating move so thank you sunset for organizing this event
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yes. >> i'll say. >> that's a good one too thank you for the organization and thank you dr. murase. >> the next item on the agenda is resolutions and accumulations mr. subsequent. >> we have two awards, however, we are going to postpone of the thought service award to trashing thompson she's unfortunately unable to be here we'll have her come back and print that award to her in person with that, i'd like to recognize our wonderful principle from roosevelt middle school doctor michael refresh my memory to present the service award to one of our incredible teachers at roosevelt school
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(clapping.) >> hello my name is michael refreshing my memory i'm the principle at roosevelt middle school it's my pleased this evening to introduce missing ms. one-size-fits-all new marcus nominate by a parent from our community it comes as no conspiracy that ms. marching as 2k3w5r7b9d the special recognize and potential currently in here 8th year whitney is a dedicated educator that excelsis at motivating students and rewarding in support and athletics and worked tireless to have the regular activity for our kids many maushz lessons are upbeat high energy workouts but ear talent are not limited to affiliated e education a true
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leader 5 years ago when he added additional spots on the leadership team her peers elected her she's been reelected every year and in taegs addition this fall apart of our sites 4 waiver team helping to lead a number of observations and discussions with the middle school in the la u.s. d and coordinates overnight camping trips and this year serves as the fulfilled representative this is one busy lady finally how creative and innovative ms. march is never wanting to miss an opportunity to be on the cutting-edge many mash has
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helped to organize and taught you would us to step to the roosevelt program this summer transition program helps to welcome hundreds of students to our site setting them think a early path to success but perhaps most notably i want you to know that ms. march puts together the roosevelt regulation 5 k race in may involved all seven hundred plus students address staff members every year at an event like no on-the-job training other simply ms. march is a dynamos on behalf of the san francisco unified school district congratulations bravo ms. march
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(clapping.) >> oh okay. >> thank you so much thank you to the voters who gave us the peace fund to make my job possibly and the resources thank you to my affirmation for volley ball outdoor education it a great part of a well rounded child to be identity in nature and have that moment and thank you to michelle and kathy this is my 10th year at teaching pe and wonderful honor so i appreciate that. >> one more quote that is very significant for me that makes sense in this financial
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environment he says one hundred years from now it won't matter how big my car is or my house but it is possessors i helped a child thank you, again. >> (clapping.) ms. march i asked commissioner norton to say something. >> my daughter think appreciated so much what you did. >> congratulations public utilities next on wants agenda is student delegates report. >> thank you, dr. murase good evening commissioner president murase and temple superintendant and superintendent carranza march this date march 6 which is a friday from 9:30 to 3:30 which
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is located other mason the wells policy last night the s a.c.t. has the wonderful opportunity to provide entity for the policy initiative team we would like to thank mark and others for a great presentation we look forward to continue working with this special committee next is the l cap student engagement we're finalizing the student fbi question inform provide for all our constituents to get a better feel and quality of service this field gives thank you. >> okay. so last night the fcc vementd demonstrated a hands-on training facilitated by the american heart did i say that
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wrong - >> american heart association there is they were able to witness and see the cpr by a coach fac fund-raising is interesting in the interest of the asking her the money the sat partnered with the express monday march second the date is going to be at the sf shopping mall westfield on market street in case you guys don't know at 11 to 7:00 p.m. and 53 we have those flyers so if you guys could like garble one maybe before you leave and just go there that day and show them the flyers and certain portion of
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the tophic i topic it decision this year so next s ac c meeting march 92014 at 5:00 p.m. the fac is a public council anyone it welcome to attend our meeting as an added incentive dinner is notified at 5:00 p.m. if you want to make a presentation or like a copy of our upcoming agenda united please contact our coordinator lopez okay. >> thank you very much and sir, i want to note their students that has a lot of notes they'll be excused from the meeting other 9:00 p.m. and the next is the council report none tonight but if there's no objection i want to take out of order section k item the report
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from 9 food and fitness advisory committee are there any objections seeing none we'll 0 move up the presentation i'd like to invite the staff to the table and i'm going to turn it over to the superintendent. >> wonderful thank you commissioner president murase we're very, very happy this evening so o to have the report from the food and advisory committee those are some of the harder working individuals in the community as i travel crossed the country and meet with my colleagues in school district is there noting no other community. >> progressive and focused on health in san francisco i'd like to give credit to our food he'd fitness advisory committee with that i'm to toss it to you and
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you're on. >> good evening commissioner president murase commissioners irresponsibility and deputy superintendant i'm paula john with the department of public health and also a chair of the food and fitness advisory committee tiled introduce my colleagues that are also members from the health department (calling names) tonight we're here to give you a brief update on what we've been up to it is appropriate if you can fix that thank you, thank you tonight you'll be receiving the first reading for the new wells policy i want to give you braukd background and frame what you'll be reading later
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a little bit background when the committee was originally formed through the board of education resolution in 2003 that asks for wells policy and commissioner wynns was destructible that led the work and it required the formation of a superintendant committee we have been meeting ever since and we have a presence on the sf website we are focused on supporting the district and the design implement enforcement of wells policy our current work a really stayed focused on there are many reasons why i'll go into that on the next slide we do to the revive this policy we developed recommendations extensive work it was a lot of collaboration and a lot of research by
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