tv [untitled] March 1, 2015 7:30am-8:01am PST
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development in there's a middle-income protecting community south of market and their been impacted by the real estate market how didn't even it is to be here it is great to see things like the acquisition of the united pliers club house they were able to purchase their club house through those fund and serviced for our youth and senior they got more expensive every year and hopefully holy the infrastructure needs we have as our population grows our parks have more needs and pedestrians so i really am glad this exists i want to recognize the community 3 is not here today who fought for this setting a floor to make sure
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that our private developers are a part of making our community diverse and stage as the city is so in the highlighted for me you know what we need to do to provide for oversight to make sure we were able it stabilize our community so thank you to the mayor's office of housing for being here there was complexities but it was helpful for us and the rest of the board. >> supervisor tang. >> i'm glad supervisor kim that you called this hearing as difficult as that was prior to this hearing i met with some of the cac members and met with the staff i want to congratulate the city staff i think that proves our checked work and we were able to discovery this problem in the fire hydrant first place
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i'd like to continue item 7 to the call of the chair. >> thank you supervisor tang has made a motion. >> supervisor mar. >> i'm supportive of the motion i want to thank supervisor kim and the cac and controller's office for identifying that the loss of the fund and novelist mocd to make sure that the committee was involved we need a tracking system internally and locally and appreciate the overview of the process we need local processes when funds are not expended i want to emphasize the legal agency and it is independent of a bag not overseen i wanted to thank brad paul from a bag and others for
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doing everything possible to make the city whole and to seek out with the fbi and others enforcement agsdz the fund that were yes, ma'am bewilder we are do everything we can to make sure that the city is whole and make sure their systems within a bag and the city so it never happens again, thank you supervisor kim. >> the supervisor has made a motion to continue this to the call of the chair. >> okay. colleagues we have one more item on the calendar that is been requested by supervisor avalos he's not with us at the moment. >> i know our puc is here why
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not precede where the presentation get moving and let me see in supervisor avalos comes down we have a short window left we'll lose quorum. >> supervisor would i like me to call this item. >> item 8 here to receive the updates for complaints from the city attorney migrants pg&e has immediately denied the negotiations from the witness the city and the pg&e negotiation and the agreement in 2015 they fail to 234eg9 in good faith. >> commissioner avalos if we could still be brief. >> i called for the hearing it
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is really at the request of the public utility commission and itself city attorney's office to get some public light only what's happening around the interconnections agreement. >> thank you, michael deputy director manager from the utilities commission i'll talk about the contract we've had with patrick gas and electric this provides hetch hetchy to our citizens what's the path forward the act passes in 2013 that gave the rights away to the rights of hetch hetchy most people don't royals as part of
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the agreement was lake elsinore it was built for power production to build hetch hetchy dam a so we've had agreement to bring power to our customers in san francisco going back as far as the 1998 when he generated 0 point of interest but contract since 9345 and that's the subject of today's discussions and feinstein it exteriors july 1st of 2015 we're talking about the relationship we'll have with pacific gas and protect we don't own the distribution system like hunters point or treasure island but bringing power to this this is pacific gas and electric they own the systems and there's
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tariffs for the transmission system we've been attempting to negotiate with the new agreement the whole greater world this is a changed tennis or since 987 we asked them for what we call with wholesale service agreement in november of 2013 we had an impasse on the terms and conditions not arguing over the rates those are set two the regulatory condition but under what conditions to serve the customers in the future it's important to know because of the impasse while at the federal rates in october last year the containment of pacific gas and electric a that's heightened the terms and conditions under which we've serve our customers and they filed in december a
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interpretation of the interconnection this is part of the procedural matter it means they'd the first time to get the drafts and had some of the terms and conditions we're trying trying to negotiate with what does it mean to the city it means we'll increase the costs at sooipt because the transition and costs will go up but increased costs to do business the types of facility between us and the district courts system and the types of metering that maybe encompassed and the types of impasse costs this puts us at a competitive disadvantage and it basically has a negative impact on some of the program like street light and renewal generation we want to make sure that the terms and conditions
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are we can stay in business to attract now customers we want to continue to simply our customers and bring on potential new customers and avoid the systems and requirement that we don't believe are warden and basically we also asked in our fooiflz let's continue the existing contract rather than trying to get-together to another contract we want to be status quo. >> who determines that it is the california public utilities commission. >> to expend did subdivision agreement until we can come to
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an agreement on the discuss the. >> so a regulatory commission and that's correct. >> i think i learned that yesterday. >> great thing for popular parties so, anyway that's where we basically are at this time to resolve the dispute with the terms and conditions as we move into the new energy world but remain status quo to provide gowns it is important you that understand if we have to extend the current contract it is that will come back to you for approval. >> is there any action to make that outcome possibly arranging the escrow. >> it is in the cities mrooetd but if you want to support that position that's something i'll recommend. >> through aries or - >> as a resolution that would be helpful urging us to continue
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you know to negotiate and to extend the current i a. >> that's would be a port commission wanted to draft that i'll be happy for the sponsor to come through the board we'll be supportive of that. >> we'll be glad to do that. >> i'm finished with high presentation it's without objection. >> sorry for keeping it short but appreciate you being here today, i building all of united states in the board in closed session say it's a great idea to have this in public. >> supervisor tang. >> you wanted to clarify that under federal law san francisco, california actually continue to operate without building out the new facilities that's the suspect of the agreement. >> that's the takeover we're
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trying to get classification there's a big clause in the frill law called grandfathering like fire stations and schools we add nor firehouses and schools in san francisco it's our belief this is grandfathered in without meeting the requirement. >> if we can include that sorry. >> thank you for that information but i i know that we learned a lot in the hearing yesterday my concern would be the potential costs on whether it's the city's general fund to the customers and the huge increases because of this i hope that our board can do our part in helping to resolve this. >> thank you supervisor tang okay supervisor john avalos's. >> just whether it makes sense about the language of new
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facilities on 2k3wr5rg9d in and good to express that as well. >> tb it is part of our pleadings we'll include that. >> at this point in time open up for public comment seeing none, public comment is closed. supervisor avalos. >> we can file that. >> we'll take a motion to file. >> so moved arrest we'll take that without objection. madam clerk, any other business before this committee? >> no, mr. chair. >> thanks everyone we're 1yr7bd.
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>> hi i'm brandon the mist at sfpuc my role to support the employees between our yosemite location to san francisco and the typical things we deal with are puc recommended and network relate an telecom i like my role it varies day to day it is a unique challenge from providing in that user conclusions i solutions on their computer or a the president on a task they're trying to complete the training is very important there are many things to stay up to date my manager has helped me making sure any skills are up to date with the skilled in my field it
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is about right time of day and about you know the percentage of resagsz for water and power are posh to the citizens of san francisco and keeping those systems up and running for this is one of the challenge to progress within the organization and commit count i commit to the local government is where i want3
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>> we have a consent agenda. could i have a motion to approve the consent agenda as circulated? >> so moved. >> second. >> okay, it's been moved and seconded that we approve the consent agenda as circulated. all in favor, aye. opposes? ayes have it and so the motion is carried. as of now we have general public comment. is any general public comment at this time? three minutes. >> good morning, members of the commission my name is jessica layman with senior disability action. i thank you for the consent agenda for funding for the sga for projects we worked on with daas. second is another thank
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you for your support of free muni. i see some mta folks here, i don't know if they are going to announce it, i don't want to steal anyone's thunder. it was approved. we are very excited, lots of people are signing up already and if you want to spread the word please send people to the mta web site, it's easy to find under i think it's free and discount passes or something or you can look at our web site, and it's all there. we do need to spread the word that you need to apply. you can't expect to just get on the bus and ride for free but you need to apply and have your senior clipper card or senior saver card tagged. i wanted to make sure everyone knew about the passing of derrick jarda who was a former member of the mayor's disability council. he was a very young, energetic wonderful
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advocate for people with disabilities and it's a real loss to our community. then the last thing is on a more positive note, i wanted to let people know sga is doing a poetry night with poetry by seniors and people with disabilities. it should be a lot of fun, it's on friday, february 13 from 6:00 to 9:00 at 518 valencia and we'll have some mexican food from puerto allegre that will be available for a small donation. i'll leave these on the table. >> good morning, valerie viella, director of 30th street senior center. i would like to go on record to ask the commission to consider not printing so much pieces of paper. i understand the sunshine ordinance wants people to have information, but if it would be, like you already send
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out the agenda, which is great. if there's any way you could send attachments and then let each of us decide how many of those pieces of paper we really want to print because it's a lot and i don't know how many people will even take it, but i just would like to have us kind of look towards paperlessness as much as bureaucratically possible. i know we're all in our own organizations trying to do the same. >> good morning, commission james, in general comment but related we're now this budget season and we're grateful in terms of our constant negotiation and support from
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the department and anne hinton. there's an important issue we need to look at which is the minimum wage issue which has been approved by the voters and will be put into a phase of budgetary effects. i want everyone to understand that all of us are in support of that concept of increased minimum wage in san francisco, particularly in san francisco considering how difficult it is for us to live and work here. but also we the nonprofits who work here in the cities, as we adjust to that, we also need support and supplemental funding or funding that matches that kind of increase in the operational phase for us as nonprofit organizations, particularly senior centers. i just want everybody to understand that because i think it's important that we the nonprofits advocate to the mayors and the budget directors the concept that
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philosophically if there's going to be an increase in minimum wage how that will affect us. at the senior center many of us are constantly looking at the future in terms of how it affects us and what the minimum wage is going to be. i think that needs to be brought to your attention. steve yioshi >> good morning commissioners, mariagi yen. i know many of us are excited with the news that harper lee, the author of to kill a mockingbird, has another book in store for us. that's very exciting. but i want to draw your attention to another book that has real significance, especially for us in the aging and disability network, and that has to do with a book written by igen poo who is a leader in the national domestic
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workers coalition alliance and also a real staunch supporter of immigrant communities. she wrote a book called age and dignity and it's just now released. she actually will be in town on the 25th and will be willing to sign copies of her book. but the book itself, you know, it's her premise that home care workers, right, she considers home care workers the fastest growing lowest paid work force in our country and the future of our economy. so she writes turning care giving jobs into dignified jobs will have a ripple effect on the society, on the economy and on our spiritual health. so by doing so we affirm the dignity of people at every stage of age into old age and into every walk of life. if it's possible i would like to share the information with the commission secretary who could then forward it to you. thank you very much for your attention.
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>> thank you. i just want to remind everybody, some of these things are announcements so would you hold them if they are announcements? they really fall under announcements. thank you. okay, moving along, reports. we have the employee of the month, humberto alvarez (applause) department of aging and adult services intake
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worker. >> so the note, but i knew this already, the write-up about you talks about your wonderful smile and we all get to have the privilege of seeing that this morning. this is what we all see every day for those of you who don't know him. so before we say any more about you, we were just commenting up here, the commissioners and myself, that we have a lot of people here today. but we're suspecting that as soon as we're done honoring you the room is going to get much more empty. so would all the folks who work with humberto stand please? (applause). okay. okay. and before you sit down, because there's two grueps here to honor you today, we have the daas intake staff, right, then we have ihs on
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staff here as well. i thank all of you for being here today. it's greatly appreciated. so there you go. just to say a little bit about this intake, you know some years back we went to a model of pulling together intake folks from across the department and with community support have added some other things into that. and we now have an intake unit that provides intake to ihhs which is the biggest proportion of our department, largest part of our department, adult protective services, it's the home-delivered meal wait list, it's where we do our transitional care work -- what else have i forgotten -- and all the myriad answers to any question anybody in the world might have. now, we don't always know every answer to every question
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in the world somebody might have, but staff are tasked with finding answers and seeking out experts. and you have come as part of the ihhs world, right, having really worked in ihhs for some time and know all the ins and outs of intake there. but what i noticed on this little write-up about you is you are a whiz and very knowledgeable so people seek you out related to medical, which is important in terms of ihhs, and computers. >> yeah. >> i don't know which is more complicated, frankly, or which is more problematic in terms of trying to understand it. medical, you think? okay, that's for you. for me it's -- anyway, two pretty important things in a world where technical -- our technical abilities help us to move, right, folks to whether they are in or out of the program and what's possible for them. so couldn't be bette
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