tv [untitled] March 1, 2015 9:00am-9:31am PST
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1, 2014 through june 30, 2016 in the additional amount of $85,693 for a revised total grant amount not to exceed $386,564. could i have a motion to discuss? >> so moved. >> second. >> thank you. before i go on to the glide one i did bring the updated congregate meal chart sites with me if that is helpful for you to be able to see where all the meal sites are. i will give it to the secretary. so currently we actually have a total of 48 different congregate meal sites located in different neighborhoods in the city, different supervisor
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districts. and the site actually has the type of meals that they provide, the meal hours, the contact phone number, et cetera, and we do share those with the public, with the consumers when they call, find out where things are. okay, back to glide. so for glide we are recommending an additional amount of $85,693 with a revised grant total amount not to exceed $386,564. with glide this increase will basically increase our service with them from 5 days a week to 7 days a week. there is definitely a lot of demand for a breakfast program and in the past we just didn't have the resources to be able to expand and meet the demand and this allows us to do a little bit of that.
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are there any questions? >> commissioners? >> linda, actually i should have asked the question first. i realize that you have kind of add back money to different sites, okay? i'm just wondering why the latino group and the japanese group did not have any extra money. it's just a question. >> sure. this is a notice of funding availability request. the process is open to any nonprofits that are out there. we did have a few contractors, current contractors, who did not submit a proposal so that's the reason why we didn't recommend anything. we didn't get any requests of proposal from them. >> i have a general question. i'm just looking at the number of meals for 2015-2016. it looks like it reduced for glide.
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>> for glide? the reason for that is that the fiscal year 15-16 is slightly lower. we have for the award for 14-15 is actually 47200, then for 15-16 the award is 38,000. we didn't have as much money for fiscal year 15-16 because we don't have any confirmation of the additional state and federal dollars that we have. the add backs included some of our one-time only increases from state and federal funds. that's the reason why it's less. >> i'll get it later. any other questions? seeing none, i call for the vote. all in
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favor of approving the glide agreement with glide, could i have a motion to approve? all in favor, aye. opposes? ayes have it so the motion is carried. d, requesting authorization to modify the grant with jewish community center of san francisco provision of nutrition services for seniors at congregate meal sites during the period of july 1, 2014 through june 30, 2016 in the additional amount of $8,460 for a revised total grant amount not to exceed $344,688. could i have a motion to discuss? >> moved. >> second. >> okay moved and second. you are on. >> so for jewish community center they submitted a proposal to slightly increase their contract in order to
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handle their overservice. they are slightly overserving our current contract level. the site is popular. they have their own central kitchen to produce the meals and seniors really love it so they are seeing attendance going higher and this is an opportunity for them to request additional funding to increase the service level in order to serve the additional as of seniors they are experiencing now. so the increase is compared to other centers it seems lower, it's because they have they did ask for a lower amount. it is only one site for this program versus other contracts have multiple sites. >> are there any questions? >> commissioner. >> it's a general question again. this is one time only money. what if the money run
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out? >> this is actually on-going for two years. this contract amount 14-15, 15-16. >> two years. >> correct. our nutrition contracts currently is for 3 years so started from 13-14 through 16, so we have an option to, depending, we can extend the contract for another year or we might go out for a complete rfp, we haven't come to that point yet. so your question is that --. >> what's going to happen when there is no money? >> with all the increases? >> right. >> i just would say that the add back money from the board is the bulk of these dollars. there's a very small portion that is one time only from the state. we have been experiencing one time only from the state each year, we just can't ever know the exact dollar amount. the money that came to the add back from the board, though, is on-going
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dollars, so those, the vast majority of these meals, will stay in place. but as linda has said, we do go out to periodically so within a few years we will be out to again. but we're not expecting to see a downturn in these dollars in either place. >> i'm just wondering where the commission office has any plans or intent or desire to go and search to do some, to find some money from the rich tech people. i'm just asking a question. >> currently we have many providers who actually serve more, many more meals, than what we provide dollars for. and most of our, the folks that we work with have been great at raising dollars and so many times when you see an organization going past what we
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would fund that's because they have fund raised dollars to provide those extra meals. but, again, we will really be working to make sure that we, even though you see it in this contract, we will be working very hard to make sure that we keep the meal contract amounts in place as much as humanly possible. >> thank you. >> also wanted to add that the board of supervisors have passed a resolution to end hunger by 2020. that's a huge order. but that does speak to some commitment on their part to provide continued funding to be able to address and improve the food security for the most vulnerable population. >> commissioner sims. >> i'll wait, we have this on the table, right? go ahead. >> any other questions? seeing none, i call for the vote. all in favor of
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approving the jewish community center of san francisco say aye. opposes? ayes have it and so the motion is carried. item e, no item. f, requesting authorization to modify the grant agreement with on lok day services provision of nutrition services for seniors at congregate meal sites during the period of july 1, 20 foerb through june 30, 2016, in the additional amount of $15,672 for a revised total grant amount not to exceed $1,534,016. could i have a motion to discuss? >> moved. >> second. >> okay moved and second. you are on. >> thank you, for on lok day services, the additional grant
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amount of $15,672 is to help the agency actually to keep their weekend and holiday meal services continue to stay open. costs has gone up significantly and they were struggling it keep their doors open and this was their proposal to request for additional funds to be able to continue keeping the weekends as well as holiday program open. and if you look at the unduplicated seniors it hasn't changed from the previous years because they are serving these people already. without this additional funding they would have to actually reduce their service. are there other questions? >> commissioner sims. >> this is a case where it's an expansion of an existing
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service, 15,000-plus dollars, $4400 of that is a one-time only equipment cost if i'm reading it correctly. wait a minute i may be on the wrong one. sorry, i'm one behind. >> yeah, there's no one time only equipment here. >> does that answer --. >> there is not. >> there is not, not for on lok congregate meal. >> okay, so it was called out in the original grant, but not in this add back. is that right? >> that's for last fiscal year 13-14, which we're not touching. it's already passed. >> i understand. >> thank you. >> any other questions? hearing none i will call for the vote. all in favor? aye. opposes? ayes have it and so the motion is carried. g, requesting authorization to modify the grant agreement with
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project open hand provision of nutrition services for seniors at congregate meal sites during the period of july 1, 2014 be through june 30, 2016 in additional amount of $191,950 for a revised total grant not to exceed $3,871,415. could i have a motion to discuss? >> moved. >> second. >> okay, you are on. >> thank you. the total recommended increase of $191,950 is for the two fiscal years and the major increase is they are starting a new, providing a new service at the presidio and this is operated by swords to plowshares and it is serving veterans. also they are expanding services at some
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of the existing congregate meal sites that are overserving. are there any questions? >> i'm trying to see where that site is located. it's not the swords to plows. >> it is swords to plowshares, it's identified as such. >> where is that on the presidio. >> on the list? oh, the address. >> yes. >> it is 1030 gerard road and it is right in presidio. currently actually, swords to plowshares, they have their own lunch program that we don't oversee, we don't, you know, but the program finds that these veterans really had a
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need for additional service so they are partnering with project open hand to be able to provide a dinner meal for these seniors. >> i'm a veteran and i was stationed out at presidio so that's why i was looking for it. >> oh, okay. >> okay, thank you. is there any questions? hearing none i will call for the vote. all in favor? opposes? ayes have it and so the motion is carried. h, requesting authorization to modify the grant agreement with russian american community services for the provision of nutrition services for seniors at congregate meal sites during the period of july 1, 2014 through june 30, 2016 in the additional amount of $19,816 feir a revised total grant
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amount not to exceed $607,585. could i have a motion to discuss? >> moved. >> second. >> you are on. >> for the russian american community services the total increase of $19,816 for the two fiscal years is to enable them to actually accommodate and serve the additional seniors they are already overserving. the center, it is one site, the food is cooked at an on site kitchen, it is very popular, they have two seatings in order to accommodate all the seniors and adults with disability who wants to go there. and this additional funding will allow them to continue to be able to serve those additional consumers who are attending the center. are there any questions? >> commissioner sims. >> linda, at the other site i see that you have a nutrition
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component compliance, but russian do not have. >> yes, with a few of our contractors who are smaller such as the russian american community services, also jewish community center, jscs they actually getting the nutrition services through a city-wide city-contracted dietitian and we have a contract with candace tang and she provides the nutrition monitoring, the nutrition information, et cetera, to those centers. >> any other questions? seeing none i will call for the vote. all in favor say aye. opposeds? ayes have it and so the motion is carried. moving on, i, requesting authorization to modify the grant agreement with self help for the elderly provision of nutrition services for seniors at congregate meal sites during
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the period july 1, 2015 through june 30, 2016 in the additional amount of $395,279 for a revised total grant amount not to exceed $3,780,335. could i have a motion to discuss? >> second. >> been moved and seconded. you are on. >> the additional recommended amount of $395,279 is for two fiscal years and it helps self help for the elderly to open the new center at the west portal senior center with a new congregate meal site, also expanding the champs program because it has been very popular, the demand has grown significantly. we have increased the contract to be able to enable them to serve more seniors and adults with disability with that program. with the additional goal of having a second champ site also
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in the budget so they are working on that hopefully, you know, in march they will be able to get a second restaurant, champs site going. so the bulk of the funding is for that with a little bit of one time only for start-up costs for the new center. are there any questions? >> any questions? commissioner katie loo. >> how many meals have they served here, do you know? >> more recently our data seems to be they are serving about 50 people a day on some days. other days it's higher. i think staff from self help for the elderly might be able to give us more accurate information. i was there actually this monday after the grand opening at west portal, the senior center, our colleagues went to lunch there
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and we saw during an hour 25 seniors already there having lunch. but the program is definitely growing. >> i went there and eat myself too, okay, and i was asking the highest number they have served it was 75 or something on one day. >> yeah. >> so it seemed like to be very, very popular. >> uh-huh. so we are adding additional funds to be able to hopefully accommodate more of the seniors. >> is that in the sunset area? >> champs --. >> the second site. >> the second site is not identified yet but, yes, we are targeting sunset because currently we only have one congregate meal site that falls into that supervisor district. yeah, it's one of the lowest resource in terms of what we fund. >> does this amount of funds
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provide a chance to rotate the menu, or is it the same menu over? do they have --. >> there is money in there, part of the nutrition compliance is developing the menu and making changes at least once a year. of course we can do that more often but it's self-help would need to work with the restaurant to be able to make those changes. now, the current menu for the champs actually is pretty diverse, has a lot of different choices. you know i think if you look at all the different combinations that you can have it's probably close to 20 different menus that you can eat there. of course you know, even the best food you get tired if you don't change the menu, right, so there is some funding in there included. part of the budget for the nutrition compliance to develop new menus at least once a year.
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>> my second question is with all the controversy regarding nutrition equivalents and what have you, how do you work with that? because you get low sodium, next week we hear another change about this is not nutritional. how do dietitians cope with these changes we have with people saying one thing one week and the next week we hear another change. >> very carefully. you know, it's very challenging. and, you know, we try to keep up with all the different new scientific developments. guidelines do change over time. a lot of them -- we really try to use the best information available and, as you say, people's preferences are different so trying to offer
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and meet the diverse needs is not always easy. seniors choose to go to a center because they love salmon or they hate salmon or they don't like pork or et cetera. so because san francisco is actually very geographically very small they do travel to other centers where their favorite meal of the day is being served. so our seniors actually have a choice and they make those choices every day where they go and where they go to eat with their friends. >> so do you have many people who may come who are like diabetic who come, are the menus, are they able to cope with that? >> so to answer your question, how do you graes the different dietary needs of the seniors, all the menus are pretty much
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no added salt. that's sort of our guideline. if there are meals that actually exceed the 700 milligrams the guideline per meal that day, they do identify that meal as a high sodium meal so that people can choose not to go to the center if they have to watch out their sodium. additionally some of the centers are able to, they offer an alternative for that main dish. for example, if it's corned beef because they are celebrating a special holiday, they may offer them instead of corned beef maybe chicken or something else to in order to meet their needs. so those are some of the things that the meal providers are doing above and beyond in order to meet their clients' needs. and with regard to diabetics, very few centers serve concentrated sweets. most of the centers do serve fresh fruit as part of the meal. on occasion where
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they have special celebrations or birthday celebrations they may have a cake or something, but that's really occasionally. and of course nutrition education is provided at -- is required for all the congregate meal centers and we try to, again, the service providers look at what are the needs of the participants, what are their interests and provided case to be able to better inform them so they can make their own individual choices in what they should or should not eat. >> thank you. any other questions? if not, i call for the vote. all in favor of approving the self help for the elderly contract say aye. opposes? ayes have it and so the motion carries. j, request authorization to modify the grant agreement with jewish family and children's services provision of nutrition services for seniors at
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congregate meal sites during the period of july 1, 2014 to june 30, 2015 in the additional amount of $38,444 for a revised total grant amount not to exceed $211,278. can i have a motion to discuss? >> so moved. >> okay you are on. >> for jewish family and children's services we are starting off with home delivered meals contract modification and this additional amount of $38,444 is to enable the agency to expand their service in order to serve the increased demand that they are seeing. jewish family children's services provide kosher meals to their clients and, you know, we're really proud that we are able to offer this service even though, of course, it is expensive. the agency does do a lot of fund raising to cover what we don't
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provide in the contract in terms of costs. so are there any questions? >> hearing none, i will call for the vote. we still have a quorum. all in favor say aye. opposes? the ayes have it and so the motion is carried. k, requesting authorization to modify the grant with meals on wheels provision of nutrition services for seniors at congregate meal sites for july 1, 2014 through june 30, 2016, in the additional amount of $1,988, 819 for a revised total grant not to exceed $11,022,266. can i have a motion to discuss?
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>> moved. >> second. >> okay, you are on. >> with meals on wheels grant modification request i wanted to make a correction. there is a typo in the appendix a, page 4 where it has the number of meals for fiscal year 14-15. currently it shows $1,080,120. the 8 should be a 7, it's a typo. so the corrected new mumer is 1,070,120 meals. >> would you call out the page again, please? >> page 4 in the middle with the table. >> the correction one more time for those of us who are slow? >> the 8 should be a 7.
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everything else is correct and the funding did not change that was just a typo on our part. sorry about that. meals on wheels is actually our largest home delivery meal contractor. they provide home delivered meal service city-wide and they provide two meals a day to clients, seniors as well as we contract with them for adults with disability. they provide meals in hot or chilled or frozen, depending on the assessment of the client, see what they can handle, what kind of equipment they have. so with this increase they will be able to serve a lot more seniors, reduce the waiting list, increase the service time to be able to serve the seniors who need emergency meals more quickly, and they actually are, they also provide modified diets to seniors who need --
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diabetic or low sodium or mechanical cost. it is a very large operation, that's why you see the huge additional amount for the contract increase but they are also providing a lot of services for us at a very competitive cost just because they are able to deliver two meals per person per day the cost actually drops per person per meal. are there any questions? >> commissioner l00. >> how is the nutrition counseling done? >> the nutrition counseling is done either in person or over the phone, depending on the situation. they do ask, find out if the client actually has received any nutrition counseling from their primary care provider and if they don't
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then that's where they can fill in and provide additional koupbsing service, especially for the seniors who are on modified diets. >> and they have different staff speaking different languages also? >> their dietitians actually speak tagalog and english and they have other staff that speak other languages. anne, you want to add to that? >> could you come to the mic, please? thank you. >> hello to all. thank you.
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