tv [untitled] March 1, 2015 9:30am-10:01am PST
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they don't then that's where they can fill in and provide additional koupbsing service, especially for the seniors who are on modified diets. >> and they have different staff speaking different languages also? >> their dietitians actually speak tagalog and english and they have other staff that speak other languages. anne, you want to add to that? >> could you come to the mic, please? thank you. >> hello to all. thank you.
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ann quinton with meals on wheels. we were able to hire a new rd and she actually speaks chinese as well she's bilingual, then we hired another rd that speaks french and a tiny bit of spanish so we'll see what happens with that. on staff we certainly have people that are speaking spanish and chinese and russian as well and our social work staff and drivers. >> so you do counseling, do you have materials in different languages that you give to the clients also? >> we do translate that into the languages that i mentioned. >> thank you. >> you are welcome. >> any other questions? hearing none, i will call for the vote. all in favor of approving this grant for meals on wheels say aye. opposes? ayes have it and so the motion is carried. thank you. l requesting authorization to
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modify the grant agreement with on lok day services for the provision of home-delivered meals to seniors during the period of july 1, 2014 through june 30th, 2016 in the additional amount of $158,280 for a revised total grant amount not to exceed $1,668,226. could i have a motion to discuss? >> moved. >> second. >> okay, you are on. >> okay, for the on lok day services, the additional grant of $158,280 is to expand their home-delivered meal program to enable us again to drop the home delivery meal waiting list. we're having different providers that serve different parts of the city they also have different menus, i think can help us diversify, being able to meet the different needs in the community a little
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bit better. and on lok day services do provide a modified diet to their clients as well but they do only do one meal a day. are there other questions? yes. >> commissioner loo. >> tell me, what is the equipment data plan? >> equipment data plan is actually the cost for the data host the laptop computers. daas funded some of our providers with laptop computers so the social worker can do the work while they are on the road with the client and helps to increase efficiency documenting all the data that is needed in our data base and the data plan is is to help cover some of that cost for the data for the
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mobile devices. >> and i think there is an error in the total units. >> okay. >> listed as 428.5, should be 382.5. >> which page are you on. >> appendix x, the last page. >> oh, okay, the total on the bottom, i see it. >> units. >> thank you, we will correct that. thank you. >> any further questions? >> also, over the page, the total units again should be 407.5 instead of 428.5. >> what page are you on? >> the last page, the back of the last page. >> yeah, we actually -- sorry, we had updated the units and
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overlooked updating the total. thank you, we will make that correction. thank you for catching that. >> any further corrections? hearing none, could i have a motion to approve with the corrections so stated by commissioner katie loo? all in favor, aye. opposes? ayes have it and so the motion is carried. thank you. m, requesting authorization to modify the grant agreement with russian american community services for the provision of home-delivered meals to seniors during the period of july 1, 2014 through june 30, 2016 in the additional amount of $58,142 for a revised total grant amount not to exceed
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$627,441. could i have a motion to discuss? >> moved. >> second. >> okay you are on. >> the additional amount of 58,142 for russian american community services is to enable the agency to expand their home-dlired meal program slightly. they serve a russian-style meal to the consumers and, you know, the program again is very popular. they are getting seniors who prefer that type of meal and this additional funding will enable them to continue to overserve the contract. >> are there any questions?
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i'm trying to see if -- these are home-delivered meals also. >> yes. >> because i was just -- would that be, could they serve, i know there's a russian population in the -- on golden gate in that center there and i was just wondering, could they serve them in the housing units? >> yeah, with the home-delivered meals. >> the apartments at home? so i'm just wondering could they serve them, that is their home, even if it is -- so could they
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be served there? >> so with home-delivered meals the program actually serves seniors who are not ambulatory, they are pretty much home-bound because they can't get out to a congregate meal center, they don't have transportation to take them to a congregate meal center, yet they have need for food. so if there's a request like that it goes through to either our daas integrated intake unit or it can go through to one of the service providers that they can do the intake. there is a, we have a centralized intake system actually. the staff would ask for all the different pertinent questions, find out what the need is, and then based on that screening the client is then prioritized. they are weighted, there's a score that is given to that
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consumer based on if they have a lot of, they have no support, they have a lot of health problems, they are in dire need of supplemental food, the score would be much higher. so currently once the client is screened to be eligible for home-delivered meal then when there is an opening at any of our home-delivered meal provider, they will go to this centralized home-delivered meal waiting list, find out which -- look at the districts that they serve because not all the home-delivered meal providers serve all districts. so let's say if they serve only sunset and richmond they will look at the supervisor district for those neighborhoods, find out who's on the waiting list, who has the highest score, who has waited the longest, then contact them to say do you still need the meal? and then -- so the process for getting a home-delivered meal is pretty intense. >> okay, okay. so i didn't
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know because there's -- in the beth el arms there's a large population. some of them are home bound in their apartment so i didn't know if this is something to make it known to them and how would they get on the list. so that's why i was just --. >> right. we are, when we go to the home-delivered grocery later i can tell you a little bit more about how that might help fit some of the seniors who maybe can't get out as easily but have a need for supplemental food and that's kind of where the home delivered grocery might be able to fit in because the grocery is delivered by a volunteer or by paid staff. >> thank you. any other questions? hearing none, i will call for the vote. all in favor of approving the russian american community service home-delivered meals for seniors say aye. opposed? ayes have it and so the motion
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is carried. n, requesting authorization to modify the grant agreement with self help for the elderly for the provision of home-delivered meals to seniors during the period of july 1, 2014 through june 30, 2016 in the additional amount of $64,190 for a revised total grapbtd amount not to exceed $1,319,035. could i have a motion to discuss? >> moved. >> second. >> okay, moved on. >> so the $64,190 additional amount for self help for the elderly home-delivered meal program would enable them to expand the services. we do see that based on the needs in the city there are seniors in all the districts, including, of course, the areas that self-help for the elderly
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serves. in addition self-help provides chinese style meals so that can help also address participants, seniors who prefer that type of ethnic meal. are there any questions? >> any questions? commissioner katie loo. >> okay, here again, the charges over the page, page 2, appendix b6 page 2, the units were not totald. it was left out for both. so you might want to add in. >> thank you, we will add in the total units. that was overlooked. >> yeah, it's 327 and 312. you might want to double check. >> okay. what was it that you had? we'll add it up.
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>> 327, 312. >> okay. >> okay, do we have any more, any others? any other questions, corrections? hearing none i will call for the vote to approve it with the corrections from commissioner katie loo. all in favor? opposes? ayes have it so the motion is carried. o, requesting authorization to modify the grant agreement with bayview hunters point multi purpose senior service provision of nutrition services for seniors at congregate meal sites during the period of july 1, 2014 through june 30 2016 in the additional amount of $80,040 for a revised total grant not to exceed $190,816. could i have a motion to discuss?
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>> second. >> okay we're on bayview. >> okay, the additional $80,040 for bayview hunters point multi purpose senior services is for the expansion of their congregate meal program for adults with disability. they have meal sites that serve seniors. these are the same centers that will serve the adults with disbailt. this program overall is actually pretty underfunded and with this add back we were able to increase services for this population and bayview is one of the centers that actually submitted a proposal to increase their service for this population. and this program is actually, will be offered at all four of their congregate meal sites. >> commissioner sims. >> just as a point of
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clarification, why is there a separation in these congregate meal budgets and proposals for adults with disabilities versus the primary or the other congregate meal programs? they are in the same location is it the same meal? >> it is the same meal. the reason why we have to have separate contracts for that is because these are general funded and these meals are not eligible to be counted and reported to the state. we have to keep things separate. the state does not want us to co-mingle anything. >> so they actually eat togethering. >> yes. >> it is not a different setting. >> correct. that's the only way i think we can really make it cost-effective as well, to be able to serve 20, 30 people really piggybacking on the existing infrastructure that we have makes it possible. >> thank you.
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any other questions? hearing none, i will call for the vote. all in favor of approving the bayview hunters point multi purpose senior program say aye. opposes? ayes have it and so the motion is carried. p, requesting authorization to modify the grant agreement for project open hand provision of nutrition services for seniors at congregate meal sites during the period of july 1, 2014 through june 30, 2016 an additional amount of $81,960 for a revised total grant amount not to exceed $134,145. could i have a motion to discuss? >> moved. >> second. >> the total amount of $81,960 for project open hand congregate meals for adults with disability will enail them
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to pretty much double the current service, expand and to accommodate the additional needs that they see in the community. in addition, the new center at the presidio will be serving adults with disability and this will allow us to be able to serve that population. are there any questions? >> just one. not all of these proposals include this information, but in this particular case there's a cost per meal breakout which is between $5, almost $6 per meal. some of the programs are less expensive. i know we talked a little bit about some of the culturally specific meal programs being more costly. is there a policy within the department around a ceiling or what parameters do you put on cost per meal as a part of the analysis for these proposals? >> all the appendix ab's for
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the nutrition program have a per meal rate that our department has agreed on to pay. and you are correct, i mean, there's a lot of factors that we take into consideration in negotiating the rate based on, you know, the type of meal that will be provided, the organization structure, what type of meal, what the meal preparation situation is, are they getting it through a caterer because not all the centers have their own kitchen. like project open hand has their own central kitchen and when they have a much higher volume of meals those costs generally are lower too so the size of the operation, all those things take into consideration. and, you know, we do have a cap that we kind of look at, at what point will we, you know, not -- sort of cap, basically. so when you look at the, even
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with the costs that we have recommended it still doesn't cover 100 percent of all the operates costs for the meal provider. all of them do fund raising. all of them actually they require a suggested meal donation and some of the seniors can't donate. so when the projection is lower than projected that means they have to fill in with additional fund raising. of course costs have gone up and with the -- the city has given all the providers some costs of doing business, a small percentage of 1.5 percent, even that doesn't cover all the increases. food costs has gone up quite a bit in the past year. so it is challenging but, you know, they are doing, they are very committed. we're really fortunate to have committed
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service providers and they are able to provide a service because they also use volunteers. a lot of the volunteers are trained, they've been there for years, able to provide the service and keeping the costs down that way. >> thank you. >> uh-huh. >> okay any other question? hearing none i will call for the vote. all in favor of approval of project open hand say aye. opposes? ayes have it and so the motion is carried. q, requesting authorization to modify the grant agreement with the institute on aging for the provision of home-delivered meals assessments for adults with disabilities during the period of july 1, 2014 through june 30, 2016, in the additional amount of $100,980 for a revised total grant not to exceed $366,817. could i have a motion to
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discuss? >> so moved. >> second. >> okay, we are into institute on aging. >> with institute on aging the additional amount of $100,980 is for them to be able to do the screening assessment for adults with disability to may need home-delivered meal. they do the screening assessment for this program and the meal providers that we contract with just mainly are responsible for delivering the meals to the client and not to you know -- so this is a slightly different model from our home-delivered meal for seniors, okay? with the expansion of the meals for this population we are going to need additional screening assessment time and we would like to contract and expand that service with institute on
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aging who is currently our contractor for that program. >> any questions? hearing none, i call for the vote. all in favor of approval of this grant with the institute on aging say aye. opposes? ayes have it so the motion carries. r, requesting authorization to modify the agreement with meals on wheels again for the provision of home-delivered meals to adults with disabilities during the period of july 1, 2014 through june 30 2016 in the additional amount of $558,613 for a revised total grant not to exceed $814,766. could i have a motion to discuss? >> moved. >> second. >> okay, we're on. >> so with meals on wheels we
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are expanding this service to serve adults with disability home-delivered meal service. currently there is a waiting list on this as well so with this additional funding we will be able to reduce their waiting list and the wait time significantly. one of the significant changes with this contract with meals on wheels is that starting in january they will be providing two meals a day for these clients similar to the senior population. in the past all our home-delivered meal providers that serve adults with disability only provide one meal a date and that's been really difficult for many of these clients because they are so low income and in need of food. so, with this, we are able to actually make it more cost efficient, provide two meals a day to these clients. those clients that maybe don't necessarily eat two meals a day
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they can be served by the otsd home delivery meal provider that serves this population. so this gives us greater flexibility to meet the needs in the community. are there any questions? >> commissioner. >> is it 7 days. >> 7 days a week. >> so before this addition they were 5 days. >> they were still 7 days a week. >> but it was only one meal and now it's two meals. >> which meal is the most costly? lunch? >> when they negotiate that with the caterer and all that they take the whole package into consideration. the meal actually is very diverse. it has, you know, different types of food, ethnickally and also depending on the client if they are able to reheat food because they have a microwaive and
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refrigerator they might be able to handle frozen meals and the frozen meals has brunch type of menu items, some soups, so a little different. and also want to add that clients who need modified diets they will be able to also offer it also with this program through meals on wheels. >> only because most seniors like to eat their heavier meal, you know, around noontime and something lighter, so that's why i was wondering. >> yeah, when they deliver the food the two meal package, the senior or the adult with disability would decide which meal they're going to have. >> oh, themselves. >> yeah, it's their choice, which makes it nice. >> thank you. any other questions? okay, all in favor of approval of the meals on wheels home-delivered meals program say aye. opposes? ayes have it and so the motion
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carries. s, requesting authorization to modify the grant agreement with self help for the elderly for the provision of home-delivered meals to adults with disabilities during the period of july 1, 2014 through june 30th, 2016 in the additional amount of $110,000 for a revised total grant amount not to exceed $687,241. would i have a motion to discuss? >> moved. >> second. >> okay. >> okay, the additional $110000 for the two years for self-help for the elderly goes to help the agency expand the service to this population. as i mentioned earlier, there is a waiting list and we are fortunate to be able to have providers who submitted a proposal who wanted to increase
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service to this group. are there any questions? >> okay, hearing none, i will call for the vote. all in favor of approving the grant agreement with self help for the elderly say aye. opposes? ayes have it and so the motion is carried. t, request authorization to enter a new grant agreement for golden gate senior service for the provision of home-delivered groceries for the period of october 1, 2014 through june 30, 2016 in the total grant amount not to exceed $120,000. could i have a motion to discuss? >> so moved. >> second. >> okay. >> okay, home-delivered groceries -- on the last stretch here -- golden gate senior services, this is a new contract. they are going to be providing home-delivered grocery delivery. they are
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partnering with the richmond neighborhood district center to coordinate the delivery of the grocery bags. this is at the richmond senior center location. they will be doing the outreach, also the intake, the screening for the clients and also what's different with this program is that they will also provide other social services for these clients. so through the screening process they see that they need other services they will be able to refer them to other appropriate programs and connect them. are there any questions? all the food bags are through partnership with the san
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francisco marin food bank. >> any questions? >> is there any overlap between participants in congregate meal programs home delivery programs or grocery delivery programs? can you be a participant in more than one? >> we're still trying to fine tune and finalize our screening and eligibility for home delivered grocery, but if you are actually only receiving one home delivered meal a day but you have through assessment you find that they need additional meals because one meal a day is not enough and they have the capacity, either because they have ihhs worker or a caretaker who can prepare the meal for them then, yes, they can be eligible for home-delivered grocery. because the idea is to increase their access to healthy food for people who, because of limited mobility
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have difficulty shopping or going out because they have too many steps to their home, you know. so this program is targeted for seniors of low income, which means 185 percent of the federal poverty level. for a single person that's under $21,000 a year. and so if they are let's say low income, basically, and they are going to a congregate meal center, they can. they could be eligible, not for grocery delivered to the home but they could be eligible for pantry program, pantry program which the food bank also provides and it serves low income adults, older adults and families. so, yeah, the answer is yes. >> glad to hear that. >> if there are no more questions i will call for the vote. all in favor approval of the golden gate senior
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