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tv   [untitled]    March 1, 2015 10:00am-10:31am PST

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or going out because they have too many steps to their home, you know. so this program is targeted for seniors of low income, which means 185 percent of the federal poverty level. for a single person that's under $21,000 a year. and so if they are let's say low income, basically, and they are going to a congregate meal center, they can. they could be eligible, not for grocery delivered to the home but they could be eligible for pantry program, pantry program which the food bank also provides and it serves low income adults, older adults and families. so, yeah, the answer is yes. >> glad to hear that. >> if there are no more questions i will call for the vote. all in favor approval of the golden gate senior
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service program say aye. the motion carries. u, requesting authorization to enter into a new grant agreement with san francisco marin food bank for the provision of home-delivered groceries for the period of july 1, 2014 through june 30, 2016 in a total grant amount not to exceed $625,959. could i have a motion to discuss? >> second. >> okay we are on. >> okay, so with this san francisco marin food bank this is a new contract to provide home-delivered groceries. they will be working with many nonprofit organizations in the community including their existing food pantry network partners where they can identify volunteers, get them trained to be able to do the delivery of these grocery bags to the participants who are
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eligible for this program. and this funding basically covers a lot of the operating costs, you know, they don't get all the food for free, they have to purchase some of them. some of the staffing costs, start-up costs, there's a little bit of equipment there to expand in order to accommodate this huge increase in the home delivery meal program that we are doing starting this year and into next year. are there any questions? >> commissioner katie loo. >> on page 2 the bag distribution, fiscal year 14-15 is left blank. is there a reason ?r. >> what's that again? >> page 2, a2, page 2 of 5, when you look at column no. 3, fiscal year 14-15 and then down
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below is bag distribution 12-13278, 269 and this one is blank. >> you say it's blank? >> yes, it doesn't have anything. no number. >> are we looking at the same thing? >> yeah we are looking at the same thing. >> page 2. you are looking at table a? >> yeah, table a. >> it has the column 14-15, 15-16 and then two-year total, correct? >> i was wondering what is the, there is like a fiscal year 14-15. >> yes. >> the column where you read down 520,595, then bag distribution there is nothing. >> food bag distribution per year. >> i have a different --. >> i'm wondering if we're looking at the same document. i have things on mine. >> oh, yeah?
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>> you are at the marin food bank? i think it's item w >> sorry. >> all right, thank you. >> july 1 is the one we're looking at. >> this is a new contract, right? only starting for 14-15 to 15-16. >> okay, that's the --. >> oh, sorry. >> okay, no problem. >> a lot of contracts. >> there's a lot of paperwork here. >> we're almost to the end. a couple of minutes. okay any other questions? hearing none i call for --. >> no, no, it's a mistake. we're on the same page, okay? is that on page 2? >> uh-huh. >> effective july 1 home-delivered grocery program
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on page 2, table a again. >> uh-huh. >> there is the first year, second year, two year total should be 825. >> you know why? we don't -- this is a little strange. it's not a summation, it's the total unduplicated people that we serve. so, you know, total is 450 so we're not double counting the people that we are already serving. that's why. >> all right, any other questions? hearing none, i will call for the vote. all in favor of approving this san francisco marin food bank say aye. opposed? ayes have it so the motion carries. v, requesting authorization to modify the grant agreement with san francisco marin food bank for the provision of home-delivered groceries. this is a partnership with self help for the elderly and meals on wheels during the period of july 1, 2014 through june 30,
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2016 in the additional amount of $82,36 for a revised total grant amount not to exceed $438,956. may i have a motion to discuss? >> moved. >> second. >> okay, you are on. >> okay, this additional amount of $82,376 is to amend our existing contract with the san francisco marin food bank and this model, they are actually working with meals on wheels and self help for the elderly as partners or subcontractors, basically, to help deliver the grocery bag to the clients. and this is, you know, one of the models that we have currently and it continues to have a very effective one. it serves a whole different population. there is some kaupblt -- continuity for
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example, with self-help for the elderly. they actually identify clients who are only getting one meal a day through their home delivered meal program but have the capacity and the need to get additional healthy food so the weekry grocery is delivered by their driver to these clients. are there any questions? >> commissioners, none? hearing none i will call for the vote. all in favor? opposes? ayes have it and the motion carries. last one. don't believe it. w, requesting authorization to modify the grant agreement with san francisco marin food bank for the provision of home-delivered groceries, brown bag program, during the period of july 1, 2014 through june 30, 2016, in the additional amount of $200,002 for a
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revised total grant not to exceed $522,593. could i have a motion to discuss? >> moved. >> second. >> you are on. >> okay so this additional amount of $200,002 is a contract working with the san francisco marin food bank to expand the food pantry program. before we actually called it a brown bag program, it gets to be confusing. i think most people recognize the name food pantry so we are changing the name to call it food pantry just for clarity. these serve clients that are actually still able to walk and go to a local pantry site where they can then select the foods that they have for offer there and it is i know there's a huge waiting
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list, especially in some neighborhoods. this will enable the food bank to actually expand this program and serve, you know, low income older adults as well as adults with disability. the client does get a choice as to which site they would like to go to. if there is a waiting list they will be put on the waiting list and then when it opens up they can get transferred to that pantry site. >> any questions, commissioner? >> how many sites are we talking about? >> for the daas it's actually much smaller. i think sean brooks is in the audience, he's the executive director of the organization, he can maybe address that. i know they have hundreds of sites. we are only do ago small percent of what daas will fund through this program.
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>> good afternoon, commissioners. this program will allow seniors to access about 55 or 60 pantries in the city. there are other food pantries that are also serving seniors that are not going to be part of this particular augmentation, though. >> so you are spreading all over the city in different locations? >> yeah, we try to make sure there is enough access throughout the city for folks to find access. as linda indicated some of our areas are very tight now so we need to do more outreach to find new sites. >> some congregate food sites also give away bags isn't that right? >> that's correct. >> thank you. >> any other questions? >> well, isn't this the one where there were a couple blanks? >> yeah, i was going to talk to that. getting to it. >> i just had a question about
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the unduplicated veterans. we see an expansion, i guess, in this fiscal year but then no anticipated growth or sustaining out years. is there a reason? >> the reason for the, there's no -- with the veterans that was a one time only grant that we got from the state and we weren't sure how much money that we'll get this year. if we do get additional funding that's confirmed we will be able to augment that augment the contract in future meetings. >> thank you. >> any other questions? seeing none, i call for the vote. all in favor. opposes? ayes have it and so the motion is carried. announcements, i think they all made them. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. >> thank you for your time. any announcements? quickly. >> just to kind of say that rather than talk about the tech
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council today maybe we can talk about it in the future and give an update to everybody. >> public comment? i think we have had those. okay, any public comment? so we had a motion to adjourn. >> yeah, i'd like to move that we ayurpb today in the memory of derrick zarda former independent living staff and commissioner for the mayor's office on disability. >> okay, thank you. all in favor. >> aye. >> the meeting is adjourned. thank you. (meeting adjourned). .. >> hi, i'm frank jorge golden go up a utility supervisor for
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the distribution system i offer seizing see the personnel that install water maidens and water carbon monoxides i've personal proud to work with city and distribution place whether a fire or main break those folks come on scene and get the job done 3450r7b9 what time they're here to take care of each other and make it so a safe and secure way i was encouraged to learn to deal with the services and breaks and i wanted to move into understanding how to do main connections one the great things that the sfpuc to move to different sections in if you're tdr in learning a different job you have the ability to move up i courage anyone to step out of
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their comfortable zone and work on a system as large as a our water system we started from one end and keep on going it's a fascinating job and i'm going to stay here because i'll never learn everything to learn about this system
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>> pilaties. it's a creation, an old regimen of exercise.
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really based on core engagement and core structure and core development. we do a lot of exercise in developing that and think about lengthening of the spine and our muscles. if you're a runner, if you're into kayaking, martial arts, cycling pilates are for you. >> programs are variety year around at various locations and to learn more come to the
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good afternoon. and welcome to the planning commission regular hearing for odometer i'd like to remind members of the audience that the commission does not tolerate disruptions of any kind please silence all electronic devices. and and when speaking before the commission, if you care to, do state your name for the record. i'd like to take roll sxhorng pr commissioner antonini commissioner wu commissioner johnson commissioner moore commissioner richards commissioner are items proposed for continuance item one dr p at grove street discretionary
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review ask proposed for continuance until march 15 and next case formula retail and large retail planning code amendments is proposed for continuance excuse me for awning indefinitely continuance continuance i.
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>> good afternoon and welcome to the planning commission regular hearing for february 26, 2015 i'd like to remind members of the public the commission doesn't tolerate that the commission does not tolerate outbursts of any kind.
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>> good afternoon. and welcome to the san francisco planning commission regular hearing for february 26, 2015 i'd like to remind members of the public that the commission that the commission does not tolerate disruptions of any kind please silence all electronic devices. that may sound off and and when speaking before the commission, if you care to, do state your name for the record.