tv [untitled] March 1, 2015 5:30pm-6:01pm PST
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everyone, my name is (inaudible) and i am the current district six commissioner and i am also a senior from the (inaudible) and first of all i really want to thank supervisor campos and supervisor ferrill and uls my district six supervisor jane kim for helping to sponsor this arch, bishop resolution and to support the students that are against these mortality clause and to support our teachers that are fighting for the rights as teachers. and recently we have had two vigils so that we can experience our concerns against these mortality clauses and since then when this was issued earlier and this is brought about earlier in february, and our school community has been in some sort of devastated atmosphere and the reason for that is our teachers, are living in some sort of culture of fear, and by that, i mean that if this goes about this
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contract, and these mortality issues goes about in the land book and in our next school year we are going to be forced to sign a contract that teaches against homosexuality and against using birth controls and as supervisor campos stated it is totally going against what the pope has mentioned and as a growing catholic myself i believe that religion should be used to be more ininclusive and include those that even the lgbt community and especially if you are using these mortality clauses to go against a specific group of people that is not religion at all and that is not teaching what love is in our catholic faith, and i just really want to commend you all for putting this out in your agenda and hearing our voices out. >> thank you. >> next speaker please? >> good afternoon, members of the board of supervisors, my name is avalos and i am the young commissioner for
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district five and i just want to reiterate my colleague words of support for this resolution, about a week ago on february 17th this came to the full board of the youth commission and i personally did not support the motion that we made in we supported the board to contend the mortality, not because i don't support the students, i will support anybody that is standing up for their rights when they feel there is an injustice, what i did not support it for though was i felt it was ap prehenive because i thought it was constitutionally inappropriate to tell a private institution to go about their business. but what i do believe as my colleague has said is that you know religion should not be used as a tool. despite whatever the philosophy may be to craoe division and bigotry and i think that these students
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want to feel that they belong and that they feel safe and especially the teachers that they are accepted and the workforce and i think that this resolution is great. and i will definitely keep supporting the students who are standing up for their rights. >> thank you. >> next speaker please. >> my name is joe -- and for my allotted time i would like to play mr. lanyata video. >> unfortunately at this time because the video is said to be similar to campaigning, we cannot allow campaigning in the board chambers. >> okay. >> then i will just speak then. >> okay. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> madam president and supervisors my name is joe valasko and i have been working with nism since i was 20 years old as a county clerk he used to own the (inaudible) a chain of retail stores and i am now, nism director of real estate and i would like to recognize mr.
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laneto who not only has a kind heart but a successful entrepreneur, and thank you for giving me the chance and i am grateful for this confidence that you have given me, and we have another individual by the name of cicelia who is coming on board and we are excited and unfortunately she cannot make it here today. >> thank you. >> thank you. and we are happy to watch me video, but unfortunately under the board rules you are not allowed to campaign in any way at public comment time. so thank you. >> next speaker please? >> good evening, madam president and supervisors,
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do. all that i am asking is if i send the e-mails to your office and don't just ignore them because i have something to say, thank you. >> thank you very much, next speaker, please? good evening. my name is vladimir and i am 83 years old and you who survive the holocaust in world war ii and now i am on the street and i say that the united states is the most (inaudible) the 83-year-old person on the street is facisti, and i have a proclamation and one from the
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mayor nusome and lee and two from board of supervisors four times people told me that i am the best citizen of the united states of san francisco, okay? and you give gave me this from the board of supervisor and now, and then when i meet 12 and the 83 years old, should to sleep on this street. and in cold weather. and it is only in fasist and in the terrorist country, in obama and ed lee, could keep a person do you know that the people that are homeless are eating from garbage cans and never see the doctor because they are sleeping and they just, and again, how could
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country like this who promise so much set to evict, 83-year-old and put him to die on the street facist country. >> thank you very much. >> next speaker please? >> my name is lee and i am a member of the supervisors here and they met with me and talked with me before and i want to compliment and commend the entire board today with the sets of compliments that they made that you honored today without sounding patronizing, i commend you for i am a property owner here in san francisco and glen park and it is my principal and only residence and i have lived
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here and worked here in the bay area and in san francisco since 1966. and so i am a long term resident and i am now retired and on a fixed income, and it is not an income that is subject to the cost of living adjustments. unfortunately, so, sort term for me, and allows me to keep pace with the cost of living here. and allows me to stay in my home, to a city that i love so much, to supervisors ferrill, and supervisor ferrill's earlier comment, regarding the legislation that was passed, we have my wife and i taken steps to get our business license and we have that in hand now and we have already registered with the planning department, and registered our property and we will now be listing with a
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number of home rental sites or home showing sites and i am here to ask you today to not modify the legislation in any way, that would result in the negative effect on our ability to. >> thank you, next speaker, please. >> okay. >> and i am going to be as quick as possible. and but, i have to -- i am
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sorry. >> the 2000 street map of san francisco shows candle stick park to be surrounded by the candle stick point state recreation area. and the complaint that i fought against them here. and if i could get, and if the defendant lanar urban is a commercial and real estate developer who envisions the bay view area as a beach and has no appreciation whatsoever for the unique charm and character and history of the area, this defendant proposes to replace the world wonder candle stick
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park, with a subdivision of 6,000 probably up scale homes in glitzy shopping malls and inconsistent land use for the state recreation area and bay shore atmosphere, and preserving candle stick park would be a force to reserve the historic character of the bay view neighborhood and the point as a whole. and in january, of 2015, and a number of times since this and the e-mails and telephone contacts, i demanded that >> thank you, your time is up. >> i need to be heard. >>
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>> and i am tom, and 2000 south beach marina apartments and bravo, to the caption people, and it is nice to see the names. and 1972, nixon started his reelection water gate happened, and i was a senior in college, and special gala gave me a book to read, mario puzo and the god father i read about that much of it and i got really through a lot of it. and i didn't catch the end and i went to the movie and we went to the movie together before, i finished the book it was a great movie.
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and recommending a book, and and sorry, a young woman and meaning that the lee harvey oswald and the last six months of his life, recruiting in the dynamic scientific and anti-cancer virus labs. but to read that, and get the full bang out of that one, in new orleans and this is the set up of what happened and where this woman went to and this is a mystery also. and so this sets up where this young woman went to. when in 1963, you could go to a movie and you would see a double feature. and i would recommend if you want to see a double feature this time around at home, front line the warning.
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followed by front line, the untouchables and see, what video and what books you need, and we need to digest to know what is going on thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you very much. are there any other members of the public who would like to provide public comment at this time? >> seeing none, public comment is closed. madam clerk could you please call item number 33? >> >> okay, at this time we will go to the adoption calendar. madam clerk. >> okay. >> could you please read the adoption calendar, without reference to committee item? >> yes, madam america, item 34, through 36, are being considered for adoption without committee reference. >> okay. does anyone want to sever, any items for adoption without reference? >> seeing none, mat am clerk,
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could you call the role. >> yes, on item 3s 4, 35 supervisor and 36, cohen? >> yes. >> aye. >> and supervisor ferrill. >> aye. >> kim. >> aye. >> mar. >> aye. >> tang. >> aye. >> supervisor weiner? >> aye. >> and supervisor yaoe in >> aye. >> aye. >> and avalos in >> aye. >> and supervisor breed? >> aye. >> breed, aye. >> sperp campos? >> aye. >> kristin sen. >> aye. >> there are eleven ayes. >> those ar dopted you madam clerk. are there any other items? >> madam president i will call item 33, and that does conclude the other business on the agenda. >> madam president --. >> sir, you are out of order.
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>> public comment is closed sir, you are out of order. >> emergency. >> sir. sir, sir, you can leave us a document, and we can pass them out to the members of the board. >> thank you. >> can you call item 33, madam clerk? >> item 33 is a motion that the board of supervisors convene in closed session on february, 24th, 2015, for the purpose of confering with or receiving advice from the city attorney, regarding existing litigation in which the city as a plaintiff, defendant and petitioner and gas and electric company is an adverse party. >> all departments nice of you to join us, could you begin by introducing, we are missing somebody? >> okay. >> we are going to go into closed session. >> okay. >> and so, we have already. >> okay. thank you, we have taken general public comment for this particular item as i have announced when that we
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would take public comment in the time that we opened general public comment for item number 33. and so at this time, is there a motion to go into closed session? >> moved by supervisor kim, and seconded by supervisor kristin sen and without objection we are adjourned >> okay, welcome back, to the board of supervisors meeting and we are reconvening from closed session and during our closed session we took no action. so at this time, is there a motion to not disclose any portion of the closed session discussion? motionedly supervisor ferrill and seconded by supervisor tang? and without objection, we are not going to be disclosing anything that happened in closed session. >> okay, madam clerk, can you
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please read the in. memorium >> it will be adjourned for the late mr. joe galarad and behalf of avalos, for aaron oliver barns junior and joe linardo and for breed, miss king, and campos, for the late miss ramona demarco and ferrill, for the late, miss beverly deangelo. >> colleagues this brings us to the end of the agenda, madam clerk is there any further business before us this evening? >> that concludes the business for us. >> okay, our meeting is adjourned. thank you colleagues.
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>> thank you very much. happy luna new year everyone. [applause] it's my pleasure again to join our senator leno, our supervisors kim and scott wiener and the entire committee that has worked so hard to put on this wonderful, wonderful festival for our entire city. i just love this time of the year. the year of the ram this year is going to be about artistry, about coming together supporting each other. i want to say thank you very much to the festival volunteer community and the vietnamese community and economic development center. they have been wonderful in putting this on and now that we're revitalizing market street there is a connection of the improvements of the area and connected up with market street and this is a wonderful
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celebration that we have it here at the center of our united nations plaza. i want to congratulate all of the store front owners here the small businesses here for working together with us. we have been putting a lot of emphasis on our market street as of late and our investment in neighborhoods and i hope that the small business owners along that corridor have really appreciated the work we're doing together. things are always improving and look at the wonderful crowds that you have coming out today so we join you in this festival. it's now the 19th tech festival celebration in our city. we congratulate and continue wanting to work very closely with the vietnamese community. [speaking foreign language] >> thank you.
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[speaking foreign language] please give it up for our teacher of the year (clapping) ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ we're really excited about the leadership in san francisco there's no doubling doubt he's serious about public education please join me that welcoming mayor ed lee. this pick is part of an overall appreciation for the best school district in the country san francisco (clapping) in the morning a competition between us and oakland or san jose but how we're going to utilize audio innovation center
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to produce the best educated and compassionate kids that learn about life as well as arts and science and technology i know if he were to ask you you'd say thank you but i'm really representing many more of my colleagues, we know that's how you feel i'm going to ask you take it in. just take it in (laughter) >> this is about all of you. >> our first award is missing ms. marissa miller (clapping.) she's here from the quality elementary school. >> it's implementing a zircony model we embrace the partnership the best had a right part of working with my students the second i get there i'm the one who hears and sees their smile
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they give back more to me than i give to them. >> mri recess congratulations (clapping.) our next award recipient is judy from marshall elementary school spanish. >> i enjoy this kind of work there's surprisingly things i see the first and second grade there's something about those kids their learning to be students that it is really interesting and learn how to formulate questions and to be a successful teacher have you to learn yourself your not down when you get our teaching credential dollars strategies but also things to learn about the world itself so you have to
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be a lifelong learn. >> judy thank you keeling clark harvey milk school. >> i got into teaching by being a community member and realizing where the needs were and also wanted to spend my life doing something it help other people. when you take a child there's the little things that come up that's my philosophy you want them to have a free roll but give them guidance and barriers. my teaching philosophical is lots of patience and pushing kids to be better >> congratulations kelly
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(clapping) our next recipient award is deanna chavez 7th grade (clapping.) i like to think of might have that gives tough love to students i helping hold them accountability to reach higher and higher process i'm also having in my heart and offer them love and support. and in terms of the academic style i want them to be independent and help them and provide them with tools to go and analysis and investigate on their own and feel successful i think the key is having a lot of patience and participation
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>> (clapping.) and last but not least our high school teacher of the year michael spur ran. >> i'm in a certain stage bending by the time i am done teaching i follow them through high school and some beyond and proud of what they've done and being a part of that it is important it makes us a successful teacher is one that cares about the outcomes for students and helping them overcame the difficulties in their lives and being able to set them open a path they might not have been on. >> my congratulations (clapping) congratulations and thank you all families and community for coming .
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>> >> good afternoon. i'd like to call to order the regular meeting of the san francisco public utilities commission. today's date is february february 24th, 2015, role call please. >> president caen. >> vietor. >> here. >> moran. >> here. >> i have a quorum. a quorum. >> commissioners before you, you have the minutes are there any add
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