tv [untitled] March 3, 2015 12:30pm-1:01pm PST
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consideration went into this. this made sense to us and losing market street down to tend erloin and central which are great resources with the southern station to deal with the population growth, pedestrians, bicycles and continuous growth of southern. we have the stadium in the near future which is even bigger. so, the change makes accepts. -- sense. i spoke to the committee and their concerns and their points. thanks for that. i think i will turn it over now. thank you. >> thank you, captain. good evening, everyone. my name is randy mcclure, the project manager at the
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office. we have embarked as the captain said in a project for the last year with the police department working on the data driven analysis of redistricting options. just to give a brief background of how we got to the proposed background. the drivers of the station with population growth in the city, work flow differences between the 10 districts around the city and legislation that requires this to be done every 10 years. we hired a consultant who specializes in services and building research for public safety strategies group to compile the information that the police department had available and worked with the command staff here with the police department in san francisco to develop a series
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of maps. those maps have been whittled down to different options. they considered a number of different data points and observation throughout the decision making process that then lend us to presenting that final option of december of 2014. currently we are in the 90-day public hearing period and we certainly want to hear from everyone. a brief background, the city, the controllers office, representative as well as the police department and captain. the consultant did focus with 80 different stakeholders in the city. the workgroup considered information from the stakeholder meetings and as i said developed a number of map options which led to a presentation of the final map to the steering
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committee. the steering committee, the chief, the controller and representative of the department of the emergency management. project timeline. it's been about a year since we started this process. i won't go through everything but we started early in march since the bulk of the summer working through various option side of the proposed map redistricting boundaries. some of the objectives that we considered and working very seriously throughout were to achieve greater parity among police around & minimize response times, natural boundaries and adjust for possible consideration and provide more logical alignment
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>> it led to a particular service incident. it will be considered very strong when looking at the data in terms of district and how they mean that. all of these others are considered along the way. a little bit on this selection process a number of changes which are then built into a great number of map options. those map options were combined, presented by the consultant to the working group of command staff members who then ranked the order and talked through it and came up with a group of final
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recommendations which they presented to the steering committee who selected the map which is in front of you today. what we see here is the final citywide map proposed and we are here today at this public meeting as well as the one in the future to hear what the public has to say about these ideas before the districting changes. with that we'll be here if there are any questions from the commissioners or the public to answer those. we have some vip's that
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have arrived. dr. marshall and supervisor kim. >> joe marshall, police commissioner, appointed for my fourth term. [ applause ] >> wow. i'm glad to be here. thank you. >> thank you, and we are going to start public comment. i invite supervisor kim to say a few words if you would like and we are going to move into public comment. >>supervisor jane kim: commissioners, thank you for being here and joining us in the south of market and the southern station boundaries
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lines. this is our second meeting . we held one at tenderloin already. i'm really fortunate to see that so many people care about the district and the forefront about some of the issues that this neighborhood has been working on and i know many of you have a lot of strong feelings about the resources that we need and what the lines might look like to best serve the public safety needs of the south of market and mission bay neighborhood largely. i just want to say upfront, you know, i have been taken an official position. i want to listen to the community as well as well as the commissioners. the police commission has been amazing. i know you have had several meetings to discuss what the
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public views are. we have seen a lot of statistics and know the south of market and tenderloin have a lot of needs as far as the resources. i want to make sure that we as a community advocate and make sure we have enough officers and resources so that our really great captain can really deploy them in an efficient and effective way through yerba buena and south beach and mission bay and all the way up to the mall which i know is going to be a point of discussion. thank you for ming out. i'm interested in hearing what you have to say. i want to thank the chief who has done an amazing job. i want to thank you. that is a really important decision that gets made at the leadership. we are lucky to work with then captain now commander mike who is here in the audience. [ applause ]
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and now captain deflippo who has the great job of filling his big shoes and doing a great job. responding to your e-mails on a 24-hour basis and attending all of our meetings is great work. i want to appreciate because i know it's a lot of time away from your families. i look forward to hearing comments and feedback tonight. [ applause ] >> thank you, supervisor kim. i'm going to reserve to ask the commission to ask questions. it would be better after we have heard from you all. one thing that has come from the meetings is best to get out there, maybe the chief can speak to how staffing is impacted so we don't have to spend time on things that are not
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really issues. chief, sir. i put you in a bad position there. i'm sorry. we want to start with the conversation how staffing is impacting where the lines are so there is not an idea where the play for more officers versus another. specifically if you would talk about the mall if the mall is no longer here. >> the mall is going to stay. >> no longer in the district. >> we can't disappear it. >> so, hello, chief. so i think there was a misunderstanding that we cleared up to some degree not at the tenderloin meeting but we had a subsequent meeting at the tenderloin meeting. what he's talking about is at the initial onset where these
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lines move, no police officers are going to move. just who they report to changes. so lines will move, but nobody is going to get a wind fall of more police officers and nobody is going to lose police officers. the police officers that currently patrol market street will continue to patrol market street but will report to the tenderloin captain instead of the southern captain. the bayview officers in the public area where the bayview sits in, they currently report to captain sullivan at bayview will now report to captain deflippo. so please do not think you are going to lose any police officers especially in portrero hill there was a very impassioned plea from one of the residents who enjoys the service provided by the four bayview ferrous at portrero
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hill. whoever is patrolling the neighborhoods, that officer is going to continue. the only thing that will change is the line on the map and the captain and the supervisors they will work for. >> thank you. please call next line item. >> public comment. public is now welcome to address the commission regarding items that do not appear on tonight's agenda but that are within the subject matter jurisdiction. speakers shall address their racks to the commission as a whole and not to individual commissioners or department or occ personnel. understand the police commission rules of order, during the public comment, neither police or occ personnel nor commissioners are required to respond to questions presented by the public but, may provide a brief response. individual commissioners and
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police and occ personnel should reflan, however from entering into any debates or discussion with speakers during public comment. limit to three 3 minutes. >> good evening, i have lived here for 20 years. i'm here to speak on behalf of our entire board although most of them are here. i would like to say first that we really appreciate the fact that this project proposal is driven by hard data instead of opinions. it's data that we've known for a long time. it's a dynamic growing neighborhood and residents on a daily basis. therefore we wholeheartedly agree to move the shopping center after what the chief said, i'm not sure i understand what all is going on but we agreed to moving the shopping center from southern for many reasons we feel
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which are southern receive more calls than any other district. southern continues to grow versus other san francisco neighborhoods that are already built out and it already that is ballpark and will have the convention center. southern also host 17 on and off ramps that encourage other counties to come in, party, commit crimes and exit. at a time we don't want push our problems to the tenderloin. we think the shopping center should provide more funding for their own security versus putting the pressure on those who live here. if you are deciding to do this, please make sure there is enough staff to support it. the only change we ask in your proposal is to move that southern boundary to mariposa to 16th street. mission has to coordinate
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with bayview stations and more to the district boundaries in keeping with the objective proposal. >> thank you very much. ms. odell. welcome clyde. >> good evening. supervisor, kim, can we get body came ras. talk to your friends. what i'm concerned about is the southern district as commander knows is one of the busiest districts in this city. on the weekends and the night clubs are all in the southern district. the weekend is wide open, right, commander? he knows. when he was captain. he knows. do we have adequate staffing to handle that and now we are moving the tenderloin down and now we are getting more and now we are going to draw the tenderloin crowd south. my main concern chief
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ser is do we have adequate staffing to handle this huge input. have a good day. >> thanks, clyde. next speaker? >> praise the lord. my name is mother elaine jones. jedi -- yesterday -- i received the water for a mother who has done a lot in the community. when it was voted for the new police station, i was telling why we need it. i just care about the people and the response time for when people are having problems. a little concern about these pit bulls running around and it's not fun when you have one at family jewels. police
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officers walking the beat, i don't see that. i see them go into the subpolice station but i don't see them out in front and you know , they do go home after hours and that's when all the crime and drug selling is going on. and the respond time when you do call the police department and if it's not a priority, it might take four 4 hours to get to your building oh whatever especially if you have somebody with mental health issues. that's what i'm concerned about how you can best serve the people in this community and the people in these sro's because they are getting stabbed shot and everything and i don't like to see that. they also call me the mayor of six street. i'm out there and i know
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what's going on. instead of complaining, just do the work. all of us do the work. you know, you see something, report it. you know, show up to these meetings and stuff. stop complaining. let's get to work. thank you. >> thank you, mother jones and congratulations on that award. next speaker? >> hi, my name is daisy. i'm here as a private citizen. closer? i'm not here necessarily to talk about the redistricting but here to mention the police initiative. i got a call from lieutenant jack ard and they are talking about this training they want to do. i was really interested because i know these organizations that want to be involved but then i started talking to other community partners and heard the background story about how they have not had a good
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track record working with them and the president of the commission, i feel like what needs to happen now to make sure this is really effective and make sure we are not spending tax dollars for this that falls through the cracks. we need to get their voices heard and what they want to see. most of the communities you are serving are suffering from multigenerational trauma . they are suffering from adverse childhood issues. there are several community organizations that have tried to reach out, tried to make a partnership to do this training. nothing has happened. there has been meetings scheduled and some do not show up and i feel like they do great work. it's beautiful what you are doing now in the bayview but
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involving what it does for everyone to get different voices especially voices who have experienced multigenerational trauma and what that looks like in interaction with the police. is this going to happen with citywide or is it just police oovm it's generally police district. i will give you my card so we can follow up and talk about your concerns. next speaker? >> hello, my name is rita mark. the reason i'm here tonight is the gang members down there are trying to get rid of me for almost a year now. they had got an employee on saint mary's clinic and brief confidentiality on my file so they can talk about me and try to blackmail. i have had a problem and
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asked for the residents first and last name because this is going on too long. i told the officers last night i was seriously thinking about putting an order on her. i had an order on the other gang member. right now they are saying there is nothing really going only. it's been going on for more than a year. the woman is a pedophile rapist and there are 60 strains of aids and they have all this in them. i'm wondering how i can get this woman's name so i can put an order on her so maybe i can have some peace there. >> i think the police department can follow up with you directly. next speaker? >> hi. my name is jamie
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whitaker and i live in south of market in one of the condominiums, an older one. i'm pretty happy with the map. i think it's based on data and better for the public than being based on politics. thank you for that. i'm happy with my mission creek neighbors, the folks that live there and no longer sitting on the border between bayview. i would like to encourage the southern line to move from 16th street to mariposa street to keep the university of california building together in 1st district. also to cover a good chunk of the traffic from the ballpark and the arena to one section. west field shopping mall i guess is the orphan that people are afraid of because it brings so many calls for
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service. you know, i think that they invite their problems. they have that machine in the basement and it's cash for phones where people can take phones that maybe belong to them, maybe don't. put them in the machine and instant cash. i think we can make some progress just getting rid of that machine from west field shopping center and putting down the call. i know 7th street and market street still have the vendors if you will selling stolen goods. let's get rid of the machine that is sitting there in plain view. anyway, please remove that border to mariposa. we need mow police. that's the big thing . we have a couple hundred thousand people that come to the southern station area to go to work, ballpark, mosconeey convention center, hotel. district 6 as a whole pay 20
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percent of the assessed property values in the city. we pay quite a bit in the city we need more police. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. >> my name is jake and i represent alexandria, a large landowner and landlord and in the mission bay area and i'm here to reiterate what's already been said. when redistricting objectives minimize response time preserving the integrity of neighborhoods and other construction that are not natural boundaries adjust for districts specific operational considerations providing more logical alignment with political district where possible and can be implemented in a short-term given facility and constrain that relocating the southern boundary to
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mariposa. being that i'm a landlord in the area, we would be second -- segregating a certain member of our population which are a unique need and not consistent with bayview and very consistent with the population and other 12 buildings we have in the neighborhood. i just ask for that consideration. thank you very much for your time. >> thank you, next speaker. >> good evening, commissioners. my name is core rin woods, from the advisory committee. to the success or agency, to the redevelopment agency otherwise known as oci;. i have lived on mission creek for 30 years. i have seen a lot of changes in the neighborhood particularly the last ten. we really are very grateful for the change in the boundaries. we are
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also very welcoming of the police to mission bay. we are looking forward to having you all there. we've kind of felt like orphans. mission creek has been the dividing line between bayview and southern and it's extremely difficult for the police and for the community to deal with this split. we don't want to perpetuate the split by putting the line short of the boundary of mission bay. i sent you all a letter with a map. all we are asking is that mission bay, all of mission bay from mariposa around the curve of the 280 freeway and trains up to 16th be included in southern station. we are looking forward to having the warriors, but i don't think it's easy for the police department to
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deal with two different jurisdictions when the warriors are going to be on one side of the street in southern and bayview is going to have to deal with alexander real estate and ucsf property across the street. so that one small change isn't really going to be reflected i don't think in your data driven analysis because we do exist. mission bay did not exist when a lot of these statistics were gathered. it's really only very recently that these buildings have been built and occupied. we would really appreciate your consideration. >> thank you, next speaker? >> my name is mel bido. the organizer at the vermont. over years being a resident there starting
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october 3, 2005. i have known of many cases of seniors who must go to banks or to the credit unit uni-in the federal building on golden gate to get their direct deposits and pay their resents at the tenderloin housing clinic. i myself experienced three muggings in the 10 years right on larkin going over to the office where my credit union money order was stolen. they couldn't cash it because i already made it out. but it made a problem for me in not being able to pay my rent on time. others have had the same experience. we have a number of residents who are mentally
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challenged. the officers in that district have been well trained on how to deal with mentally challenged citizens. we do not agree with changing the redistricting so you don't take it from larkin to polk. you take it the other way. it makes the adjustments to the district by including things people have recommended for the other end, but don't take it down to third and don't go over from larkin to polk. polk is also an area where there now are many drug selling, predators of seniors especially because we can't run. i can't run at all. i am disabled also. so why not take the people who are trained to deal with our kind of situation and do the redistricting to
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include polk street. that's my recommendation. >> thank you for your comments, mr. budel. >> i represent the san francisco alliance. one of the most frustrating thing is we can see the boundaries but you don't see the report that reflect how we come about the boundaries of this city. i don't think we do the residents of san francisco any favors by not being transparent and giving them a backdrop of the 20-year reports coming outgoing back to the 80s of the san francisco police department and some of the systemic problems we've got. as you know i also represent the san francisco police relations board. i said over again
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