tv [untitled] March 4, 2015 12:00am-12:31am PST
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have so many issues that need or attention and argue and suggest need a strong catholic community. i love pope frances quote, i prefer a church which is bruised hurtding and dirty because it has been in sth streets rather than a church that is confined and cleaned from the own security. i'll say again this week, i expect as a legislator and pray as a cath lack that events are resolved in a manner similar to the resolution we are voting on today which honors the cont butions of the teachers [inaudible] my mope sh continues to be no matter what religion our faith community we qu move past these events. we
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have a long road to go, but ultimately rededicate ourselves to the mission of the chunchs and faiths and focus on being men and women for others here in the city of saint francis and colleagues i hope to have your support >> with that can we crawl roll >> item 19 and for the record item 19 is the urge >> student archdiocese of san francisco to [inaudible] on item 19 >> supervisor ferrule rkss aye. mar, ayeau. tang, aye. supervisor wiener, aye. [inaudible] breed aye. sfr visor campus. there are 11
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ayes. this resolution is adopt. >> [inaudible] problem gambling awareness month >> i called for 23 >> we are missing a member. >> different house >> i think we already approved >> no we didn't. >> we attempted to. >> same house, same call. without objection this resolution is adopted. madam clerk can you call item 21 >> resolution to support senate bill 277 repeal thg personal belief exemption for vaccines >> supervisor weern
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>> this is a resolution to put san francisco on the records supporting the elimination of the personal belief exemption forvic seens. we have one of the few states that allows anyone if they don't want their kids vaccinated. this is a significant pub public health issue. it isn't about his or her child t is about others in the community that are too young to be vaccinated or can't be vaccinated for spinge health reasons or the fact that vack seenss are not 100 percent. meseals are 95 percent effective. it is important we increase vaccination rates for measles and other diseases in
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california and i want to cu-mind senator pan for introducing sb 277 to firmly move us in that direction so and for your support >> thank you supervisor wiener. same house and same call. without ubjuckz this is adopted unanimously jrfxz rk >> item 22 is [inaudible] to consider without reference and amendment to board rule 3.31 to the extend the term of the joint set city and school district through nob nab >> supervisor kim >> i want to make a minor amendment to the motion suspended board rule 3.261. it is a typo, we have met on the
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4th thursday. >> can we take that amendment without objection? >> second by supervisor campose >> without objection the amendment pass said. on the underlying item. item number 22 can key take that same house and call >> as amendmented. >> without objection the motion is approve. item 23. >> urge the golden gate bridge board of drecktders to remove >> supervisor mar >> i move that we continue this item for one week >> okay, supervisor mar has moved to continue item number 23 to next week. seconded by supervisor campus. without objection item 23 is continued
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ladies and gentlemen good afternoon ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the march 3, 2015, ladies and gentlemen, please. >> would you get - >> excuse me. people have a seat. >> okay there you go welcome to the torpgs. >> director borden director brinkman director nolan director ramos director rubke mr. chair directors we have quorum announcement of prohibition of sound producing devices please be advised the ringing of and use of cell phones pagers
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and similar sound-producing electronic devices are prohibited at this meeting. are prohibited at this meeting. microphones set on vibrate the board requests in an off position. >> meeting minutes. >> all in favor, say i. opposed? >> at this point ladies and gentlemen, given the you number of people here and for the latter anticipated items i'm going to have the madam secretary to call the calendaring and regular calendar beginning with item 11 anyone here for item 12 that will not be called before 3:00 p.m. no matter what. >> so okay. people need to be also be quiet. >> also just for members of the public and staff because of fire codes everyone will need to have
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a seat in this room we can't allow standing so we have an overflow room a couple of doors down in room 408 pr all right. mr. chair the advisory committee report. >> mr. weaver is here. >> yes. mr. weaver is here march 3, 2015. >> good afternoon i'm happy to. >> we have a resolution of item of an interest the polk street project after listening and asking a lot of questions we've come up with a recommendation to the board this project be approved the text of the resolution is at the follows did sfmta cac recommends that the
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mta board of directors adapt the streetscape project and recommendations that an economic review of the construction impacts on local businesses along polk street be made part of the project. >> thank you. >> that concludes my report we know this see a difficult and controversial issue we appreciate did you guys hold the hearings. >> we had a presentation from the agency. >> members of the board any questions or comments. >> thank you on the consent calendar calendar item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered separately. directors item a and q have been served no request to sever another item on the consent calendar eliminating number 10.3 and 0
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typed. >> is there a second. >> all in favor, say i. the i's have it so 10.3 oh. >> o. >> who brought this forward speakers for o and q. >> (calling names) ms. mac. >> (calling names) is - good afternoon. ms. mac. >> good afternoon board i'm sandra mac on the street since my baby a sister was in kindergarten her 26-year-old is now in college we've owned cars
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and i'm talking about the residential parking permit i think the residential parking permit we have it in area f not o o and also the latter one under the current rules such that a person it didn't own a car that lives there is not allowed to buy a permit i urge you to change that because people lib myself have given up driving and walk as i'm advised to on the agenda you have items urging people to take the bikes and urging people to walk and take muni from time to time i've given up my car i need to go to psychos could and under the agenda taking more spaces off
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the streets for car share we take the spaces off the streets for other bulb outs e bulb outs and whatever why are you doing that i'm saying both of us from time to time need to cease a car and have the willow tree ability when we can't even buy a permit that's ridiculous if i have a permit once per month and you charge media $110 a month that's $9 a day currently, i can't do that under the currently rules i cannot buy a permit i have to have a daily permit maybe i should go back to buying a car please either change this or amend it thank you.
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>> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> paris vigil. >> good afternoon. >> judge for the record item 2 is the residential parking permit d so this is separate from item 11 on today's agenda. >> hi paris i live on balls worth street in the neighborhood 29 years residence of the street are manipulating the rules in order to create their own private peninsula up one side of balls worth and up two sides no homes or houses on the as opposed to of the street the entire neighborhood is not permitted to park there only 8 hours that
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encroaches on their street we have to take into account not a single resident of the street used a garage to park age all they rely on the street the average owner of holder streets on marseille is an seas of 50 feet of daily are parking spaces and the width of a home is 25 feet their twael technically creating their own problem this creates a great nouns on the entire neighborhood which people that does not have garages or in front of of a house relies on that type of parking n that is a
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self finish move a private peninsula i call it i recommend no issue with people having control of parking in front of their house why not rewritten to include their side felt street as on bylaw worth street that's all i have at this time. >> thank you (calling names). >> good afternoon, sir. >> this is the same issue marseille street you know we live at the end of the permitted zone quentin park on bylaw worst the are computers come and park because they can park all day with no restrictions and that's the congestion the primary
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congestion in the neighborhood people in the permitted areas that either have more than one car or choose not to buy a permit they come down to marseille street to buy a car we have a neighbor the neighbor is the church st. jones find it difficult for parking either for their employees or parishioners so they're supporting the full hour permits you know there're a lot of fingerpointing individuals have different needs but my wife and i are relative newcomers since 19986 i did a walk around the neighborhood no less than this is the side of bylaw worth to
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the mission bay overpass 82 residents when we got this partnering was tough already but 82 in-laws and single-family dwellings or multi condo buildings with the economic there is more xhourtsz when we first moved there 3 blocks of the avenue was legal for parking so it was not a great place to park but in an emergency you would park there would the a.d. development of the church through the park that went away with the advent of the bicycle lanes no parking there and also increased the congestion in the neighborhood the issue that san francisco is k307b9d with increased congestion is hitting our street
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hard i favor the option i urge you to do the same. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> anyone that is standing either needs to find a seat or move to room 408 because of the fire codes no one standing on either sides so move to room 408 and find a place ♪ the audience the q continuing the robert and ron perez >> thank you first, i'd like to address the misleading statement and fabrications by the opposition we're not on marseille street requesting a private parking area i have a letter here from st. john's the church signed by the priest the father joe's
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expresses the churches support because the churches don't have enough available parking on sundays so their very much in favor of this not for the residents of marseille street also an electrician school with a arrangement to park in the churches parking lot the school issues the students a placard to park in the churches small parking lot but overflow no space for the electricians to park now the window we requesting for parking is 4 hours this accommodates any funerals or wedding with you accommodates the electrician school 3 hour class duration i also like to point out that in
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response about the garages on marseille street most of the houses are older house my house was built in 1985 the driveway is steep it's misleading to say we s have garages and taking advantage of the street parking in conclusion i'd like to pass you this letter by the church you can have a file for your records. >> >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> (calling names) and then ann mitchell. >> good afternoon from 16 marseille street i've lived there since the last 5 seven years neighborhood or what is happening where the d sticker
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ends most residents don't want to buy the stickers for the vehicles vehicles they come to our place and dump their vehicles on the one side of their streets or in front of our homes and move them for street cleaning so if it happens that the street light cleaning falls on a holiday for the city workers that person has a free ride for a whole month you leave in the morning to go to things in the morning and come back people are taking our spot or the another person from the street cleaning has taken their vehicles and moved their vehicles to the side that is cooperating kept they're using our neighborhood for places and taking their street they want to put their extra vehicles on the
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for the first block of marseille okay. thank >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> (calling names). >> thank you. >> my name is philly live on marseille street and support the parking we have 5 a parking spaces for 8 houses my wife is handicapped the owner of the house next door is harding to find a place to walk so people are parking here we're impacted by ball parkers and people that leave their cars and take muni or bart and users the streets in the neighborhood this is happened in the last 4 months and impacted by the
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overflow of the printing school or the church parking lot they fill the lot and look for other parking i urge you to approve that. >> thank you very much. >> (calling names). >> good afternoon. >> good afternoon ann mitchell number 12 marseille street two things i want to address i hear my neighbors addressing so many other things thank you i see everyday people coming with two cars park one and get out of the car to get in the other car the car they packard they leave there sometimes for a week and that means we're not going to have parking for the people that live there the other thing i want to address on holidays in particular
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and this year it are seems to be a lot of them people combo the neighborhood and walk a block to bart and don't come back for a welcome then we have all those cars it's anaconda - >> (calling names.) >> >> good afternoon hi i'm kathleen moore i'm on marseille street one other consideration as to why we are requesting this continuation of residential parking zones is that there is an individual in the neighborhood who is running a car repair business out of his
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residents and many time he has more than one vehicle he's servicing those vehicles are shoveled up and down marseille street on top of the church the electricians and the residents and the businesses the bart commuters and even though people who have excess vehicles from other areas that are parked there, there is congestion other thing we are asking for what is basically a continuation of a line past our street and up to marseille as we go mission street to bart one section that is currently not covered by the residential parking permit we're asking to
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be included now into residential parking areas that actually already exists that's it thank you. >> melanie is speaking on 10.3 and the next is 10.3. >> i thought we passed that didn't we remove o and 2. >> yeah. and they submitted it speaker card after. >> hi, i'm melody and opted to the vehicle restriction it is a primary resources and the police and meter maids strip of our resources to recovery from our kishgdz interrogatories break the law and telling me i don't have the
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right to exist they've thrust me into parking normally where i and my vehicle is safe and people are defecating around the vehicles and breaking into the cars and thousands of dollars of supplies to keep the vehicles in working order i'm traded by the meter maid like i'm a prison and criminalized and the sfmta allows the meter maids to take care rids me and i don't have a caution it's might responsibility i'm not the cause of my homelessness again, i ask the sfmta board of directors to please park and with our help owe support we'll overwhelming
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those and thus i'm a scrape goat and the demands i overcome my resources needed to do so you guys are fine thank you. >> thank >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> (calling names). >> good afternoon. >> good afternoon. thank you i'm here speaking about the need for over sized vehicles to park on streets like this in san francisco a member of the residents throw in fault ever their own are living in vehicles unless we make a safe spot for over sized vehicles thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please >> either here for o q or m. >> i'm president of the fly whole cab i'll talk about that
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later i want to mention some go that not mentioned enough picture there are 15 thousand plus unregulated vehicles now working in the streets of san francisco that are out of service this creates an enormous problem on streets and the like if we don't regulate the numbers of those acting commercially on the streets it willes bat. >> mr. kim you're here to talk about the no parking on green street. >> on green street and other places if you watch you'll see cars that are parked in live surfaces they're taking up spaces in the appropriate to bring up on this topic and needs to be look at. >> is there more. >> no mr. cha
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