tv [untitled] March 5, 2015 1:30am-2:01am PST
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to spint suspend the exit examine whereas it calls for the suspension of the california high school examine and the removal of it as a condition the graduation for the fiscal year 2016-2017 and whereas sb 172 requires the superintendant to create a report that includes a recommendations whether or not to continue the exit examine to assess the academic achievement and whereas the superintendant to give a panel of experts to weigh in on the conditions and whereas when the high school exit examine was approved it was criticized that is upper fair to english learners and students of disability and low income particularly african-american and latino students and whereas the high school exit examine
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unfairly punishes exiting students failed educational systems and the 0 chronic under funded and whereas it takes the research and time and money to prepare and at the time where those resources could be better used for under counterfeiting students and whereas every year the san francisco unified school district must give certificates of completion instead of high school diplomas but have failed one or more exit examines and whereas counterfeiting the results the exit examines that students are being proficient it only tests arts and math whereas brown the california assessment progress that lions to you knew
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standards whereas it is crucial to have a standard in the level of this and whereas this is an opportunity for the state of california to review and evaluate the night and valid of the how exit therefore, be it resolved that the san francisco board of education supports sb if in a letter on behalf of the secretarial to be sent to the california city hall legislators there are no public speakers and comments from the board? commissioner walton >> i do want to comment also related to a lot of the public comments we're heard tonight i hadn't to look at the high school questions from the examine they're really focused on traditional in the math
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portion traditional way of teaching math which the focused on computation i think we're moving in a significant way away from that fngd on problem solving and critical open and teamwork so it is very not what we're will trying to accomplish in the district i want to add that the math common core was developed by a team 6 over one hundred teachers and field tested by field teachers this very rich and deep curriculum that will not be served by the questions on the exit examines so i want to thank ms. fewer. >> commissioner wynns i've never been a supporter and don't know what it is accomplishing it
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seems to be penalize students being a not reliable so thanks for bringing it forward. >> ms. fewer. >> i'd like to note that the san francisco unified school district offers the k to students 5 times in the school sites and the parent get the materials during each tested window the testing time for the arts work for the hours and math 47 hours it is from what my colleagues said it is time to look at another assessment and actually the california high school exiting examine only pertains to california students and public schools noted a private school that's inequality in that i'm really glad and want
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to give credit to our legislators carl 0 oil lou from pasadena for putting this on the document to hopefully vote in favor of. >> any comment from our student delegates. >> thank you commissioner president murase i feel like the examine didn't describe who you or i feel like it was a non-benefit for people that came to our country and state and city because some people are not really good in english i feel like live taking off the test would be a great idea. >> commissioner i was not going to comment but since i of the called i will so i think it is kind of great
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we're taking that off i mean, you have so many tests and you'll see other tests i feel like from students like is they're not fair to being so the the math field or the english field they're calling is art and having to take those test is a waste. >> thank you, mr. superintendant. >> thank you commissioner president murase i want to thank commissioner fewer for introducing f this and the board for strong support we're in a intriel new era of learning the cognitive learning for our students and continuing to administer this is like filling your gas tank with a horsewhip it is miss aligned it is the common core is a deeper set of
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standards that asks our students to do much more complex thinking and as the board has taken a strong stance an decreasing the amount of testing unnecessary testing in our city hall's that is an excellent example an archaic testing not in modern time i want to thank the staff for supporting that as well. >> commissioner haney i want to say thank you to ms. fewer for bringing this forward i remember this of the first brought about but i think without a doubt at the canyon core changes what we should be testing for 12 graders it makes that more irrelevant i want to make sure we a lot internally it
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seem like there is agreement we will like this is not an ascertainment sunshine we should be doing if we're stoougz it has in the past superintendent evaluation and in other places where it is we're looking at the process so we may move forward and want to access an indicator or measure if at all if the agreement on the board has wealthy so - >> ms. wynns. >> thank you. i'm supportive of this i've not been supportive it is one of the wrongheaded things that's irrational action that dates us because the fed's says all students note a high school exitam so in the meantime
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the state should be commend for taking a much more realistic view of the value of testing and the request for another years suspension standardized test so i was going to ask whether we can put all our names. >> commissioner is that acceptable. >> ms. norton our legislator advocate is the former 123ru7b9d that supported that so i wonder how he can handle our direction. >> he's a stronger supporter of the exit exam so he works for the option.
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>> roll call vote. >> supervisor mcnamara mr. chin ms. fewer mr. haney ms. mendoza-mcdonnell ms. norton mr. walton ms. wynns and dr. murase. >> where's dr. murase thank you that's 5 i's all right. so i'm stepping in here moving on 0 sshlgs board member's reports standing committee do we have a report from any of the board dlblts or board organizations? no other reports by board members a report by the committee as a whole february that's me one informational item our digital learning framework we heard really existing work in our
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district has been doing around extending a number of things one extending computer science standards k through 12 and developing those are standards and presenting a plan that will could. to the full board as to how we'll go about or about doing that and extending work around digital literacy and introduction technology into destruction and greater levels and the overall approach to keep that in mind how we make sure our students have access to the digital learning it's happening all over the school reports if the legislation committee ms. wynns >> we have already recorded and taken care of the items two were
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on the agenda related to each other one to look at the perspective proposals i'm sure you're aware of they we have had two meetings one in january and one in february which was this week so white we didn't we have a review in john january of some legislative proposals that discussed recommendations with our advocates and also implored with them kinds of things the last couple of years we've seen the development that there's one or two issues that have in response to which multiplied legislation proposals and teacher evaluation
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and tenure issues although some bills passed and student discipline issues have come up this year one of the main things we'll tab is the vaccination with the measles outbreaks and one thing you may all know multiple organizations in california working with coming up with model with the sb a the superintendent and i are both members of the turn off all electronic devices which will be meeting in the middle of march for the first time so we have a meeting at our next meeting you don't know i don't have the date deputy we'll be this will be the meeting we'll have a long list of bills that our advocates will review all the bills and proposals that are pending and combed after working with our
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staff recommendations and things we mating may want to take positions on i urge you march 18 we urge you all to attend and make sure in didn't happen that had a you get the bill lettuce not an hour but a dye before the meeting ms. castello it will be good to review this will be the long list of the bills we'll not be finished there is is amendments and things going through the committee the last thing the most important we both reviewed our own vaccination policies and also considered or discussions at least briefly a proposal that was in draft form
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recently i've handed out which would repel the provision in can state law it says that parent may send their kids to public schools if they've not been vaccinated based on their personal belief so based on the committee decision it seems always through the members of the committee remembered this compel takes positions not only recommends to the board it seemed as though the members of the committee are prepared to support that proposal i do want to alert you all that we have relatively small percentage of unvaccinated acids at the san francisco unified school district and one of the comparatively speaking one the phenomena that is interesting we should think about the percentage of unvaccinated students especially those who
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are not vaccinated because of the personal belief seems to co-related to the affluence of the community not having kids vaccinated at the end not to be the kinds of action that our families take but i will tell you and you'll all were provided with the materials it excludes our current policy it says that our vaccination policy is whatever is the same as the state law and we have the committee members have asked members of the our legal office and also for those who are working on the policy to review our policy and look at it things we might do that would be beyond what the state law may do either if it stays the same or changes
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this is something that should probably that would come to the full board we asked this policy review which is in a section we haven't done a fuel review some of the sections we have done but ask this be put and top-of-the-line the review of the vaccination policy not necessarily waiting until the whole section is reviewed and so we'll be subtract meetings maybe march 18 i don't know how prepared recommendations from the health programs and our legal offers about what things to do and some of those suggestions were are we we're notable, of course i don't think to publish the names of students not vaccinated but be able to we might be able to have a policy that said if there were health emergencies like the miles
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outbreak if you have a perm belief you can't sit in the council school or things of that nature so this is a serious issue and one the commissioners should weigh in on i ask you to urge you to come to the moot on the 18 in my opinion it is like first of all we recommend changing the policy that comes to the board it would have to come to the board but noement prior to that whatever input in the progress we urge you to speak to us or come to the month to month. >> next for the report from the building ground and services committee ms. fewer. >> thank you. i chaired the meeting because ms. mendoza-mcdonnell had a family emergency so we had one action item which was in support of the
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utility reduction in the san francisco unified school district titled we had an update so we had 3 informational items woman an update on the launch of the online permit application and fee schedule i'd like to thank elizabeth lee and others for working on this it is online and people can actually request a permit for use of one of our facilities and beautiful facilities you can rent for your school or private and some have a brought taking view and we actually invite all the public to look at the wibltd i i don't know has it launched i think it will launch in a lived while we're excited about that and a roomsz of the district athletic sounds like for the renovation of lowell track a lively
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discussion about the safety of the synthetic fields and turf and have a proposal will in front of us about replacing or roanoke county, virginia part of the lower track the main football field halls been recalled with the turf on the suicides for the track had an estimate 1 point 06d million dollars and so $1.35 million will be asked of this committee to when it comes up for rp renewable half a will be funded from the last year athletic category and they don't have enough money for this so there the board handbag voting on who to fund the other half to get it
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done we have graphic pictures of the state of that field then the last one was an update on the facility projects excluding the new willie brown school on the process for construction we had a short discussion about a school at mission bay and then also we were given a beautiful if a person can see this pamphlet on our recent construction jobs which showed us fabulous actually pictures the people haven't seep this this is the new willie brown we also looked at other schools that actually your bond money has paid for p body elementary school that is fabulous and then we had sunny
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side elementary school another thing and we also roosevelt middle school and not to mention their fabulous new cafe where i hear students are really enjoying it and also saw let's see pictures from san miquel school to leadership this is the new leadership charter high school with this beautiful picture what is the we've been business i want to mention oh public defender they gave us an update on 11 street with the french american high school and
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that construction will start in privilege is of 2015 that is your bond conflict of interests at work our student in san francisco i'd like to give you the opportunity who voted for the bond thank you kind and good citizens >> can i ask a question. >> commissioner wynns. >> when this amount second extension is built no affordable care. >> my understanding that's the plan. >> the way for every student or parent is something that went to the school it's been awesome thank you. >> i'd like to announce the upcoming meetings the city and school districts will meet on february 27th and san francisco and sfmta ceqa there will be a
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curriculum committee on monday in addition to the math update a health education curriculum and kip renewable petitions on the agenda on miracle fourth the meeting of the budget committee american people the rainy day reserve the planning and kip renewable on march 4 and march 16 is the next month to month of the building and grounds committee there will be a committee as a whole on the early budget priority recommendations on march 17 and of course our regular board meeting will be held on march 10 and 24 any other reports or announcements from my colleagues. >> ms. fewer. >> i'd like to report on
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thursday, february 12th commissioner vice president haney and i went to the academy their student example of learning was outstanding commissioner vice president haney may want to comment on the work of the students i was so impressed they had their work out and tashlgd in a professional woo just how they made the mousetrap car and also combined that with an art budget i think the students i saw distance performances and chemistry experiment but this project based learning is taken hold on i s a congratulations to the students for putting on this for the community and the board it was quite quite impressive
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thank you very much. >> commissioner norton you have my announcements. >> i do actually, i wanted to announce a event that's happening this saturday that maybe of interest to the school community setting goals for the playground the design forum on mission playground the doors on american people 9:00 a.m. and at 9:30 you can rsvp and really the event to answer the question to gather of the input the playgrounds should give our children we want families and kids anyone that is interested in the topic in partnership with our rec and park department thank you ms. fewer i want to congratulate mr. steel.
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>> and the victimized on create a new family all congratulations and wish him the best and the family the best and try not to keep you late to those meetings so you can return home mr. steel we wish you the best and on behalf of the board congratulations to you (clapping) >> thank you thank you very much i really appreciate that. >> two announcements on thursday i don't have the right date lincoln lois lane high school will be celebrating it's 21st brotherhood assembly eye i hope high colleagues will be able to participate the brother and sisterhood assembly is to
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show the diversity around the school it is performed or performed by students from over 15 clubs eaten on saturday march 14 the rosa parks is having their annual fund raising that concludes the announcements next report of closed session but before we go into closed session i'd like to yes - i'd like to read the in memoriam prosecute we adjourn into closed session i'd like to ask mile colleagues in helping me adjourn tonight meeting in memory of dr. aaron earned son a great sadness the
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family shares the news of this unexpected death in basil switzerland he transcribed to the board in the state and advisors for the president of the mckennaly elementary school pta i want to acknowledge kimberly pta president that worked with the family and many friends to develop that profile in connecticut he lived in the bay area and demonstrated is a lifelong work in education and master in personnel administration and a ph.d from the university of michigan and began his career at cal policy and his true passion of to and from was the intellectual am
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excellent instructor to the students and aspireed and fostered crafty if his students expert in behavior change and engaging rnsz how to champion change and served as an administrator with the college he is survived by his wife and 20 two sons his parent and it's his two siblings and their families his family and friends the communities have an amazing person who was a devoted father and son his came passion and energy by his prints will be missed two memorial
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