tv [untitled] March 5, 2015 7:00am-7:31am PST
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rajas san francisco funds multiply preservation programs like the mayor's office and the department of youth and department of public health and adult and juvenile probation and, of course the department on the status of woman d o s w provides an investment it supports 25 programs for the violence against women mission girls and the program is one of the many preservation programs funded by itself city and county of san francisco to serve girls and young women between the ages of 10 and 17 years old it is focused on guardrail the next generation of young women by offering services to inspire them those have
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experienced crimes and their latino youth girls and are the hardly to reach the violence and poverty mission girls incurs young women to enclosure option and women and girls here in the city and county of san francisco so today please join me in welcoming restraining order and your next speaker (clapping.) hello, everyone i'm sue is an be rajas i'm speaking not only as the director but as a survivor of a relationship violence today, we are here to help end domestic violence against women i want to thank the courageous women and men that being a woman is not a reason for denies we're
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creating a power revolution that promotes respect and equality and the right to be safe in all of our relationships all of us together can help to end violence we can incur our young women and young men to not be perpetrators of violence i ask you to take this energy and let it build up a fire in our summers and live the revolutions every day and join us in standing up against the violence again women in music and television and friends and media thank you >> (clapping). >> as more and more of our
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partners arrive to support us and to make our awareness raising event successful let me acknowledge the adult wendy and the district attorney in favor of the domestic violence unit at the doofks. >> our juvenile probation chief and police commissioner and the depth cohesive paul henderson and port director monique and the status of women julie sue and today would not 45e7 without my colleagues i want to call up any partners in this project dr. emily murase for 9 department of the women and the beverly upton with the san francisco
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consortium of san francisco and, of course one belittle rising would not 45e7 without the director of b day susan swan. (clapping.) and hi, everyone well today's greater in this room and the rotunda and being with the woman that work day to day we know we've work on this issue everyday tests person and specific it types of our hearts and bodies by coming together and advancing today, we come together in community and we come together and we claim and demand an end to violence against women and girls i thank you we're so excited to dance again so everyone has a chance to get up there are a couple of
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things we rise weer unusual in the rising around the world we're on the west coast and in my minute as we're speaking communities around the world is rising their sending in pictures from schools and delhi in manila all across the world people in vermont are calling saying rest assured we're rising in a foot of snow we have the beautiful day over the next couple of days go the state website bay rising oakland is here who is representing the best today. (clapping.) >> mirroring mayor lee's words we can work together it's wonderful great you guys are here we've got pink going over
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the golden gate bridge and we'll walk at the cathedral torment night really join us go to one boil and we're happening happy to have you it's time to dance one more acknowledgement. >> so one more acknowledgement the west bay filipino center who take care of our youth and the filipino and now we're ready to dance dance. (clapping.) >> on your feet let's rise
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>> good morning. welcome to our go transportation authority plans & programs committee of february 10, 2015, my name is is katie tang i'm the new chairperson looking forward to working with the sfmta staff and want to welcome julie christensen our new vice chair and supervisor yee as well as and hopefully by the other colleagues soon our clerk is steve we want to thank sfgovtv jessie larson and marcus book store. >> supervisor breed supervisor breed absent. >> commissioner christensen supervisor farrell absent supervisor tang
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supervisor yee we have quorum. >> thank you if we can please call item 2. >> citizens advisors report this is an information item. >> thank you i'd like to call up our cac chair. >> i'm the new chair of the cac so good to be here i want to give a brief update on item 6 forced the lifeline program and item 8 the reprogramming of the grant fund on our agenda all items passed with no one opposed and a little bit more specific on item 6 they wanted to mob that the lgbt prop fund were for the community of concern and jackie saks wanted to be sure that we'll precede and both concerns were addressed by staff and item 7 the cac involved the rectangular rapid
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flashing beacons and how the location were alcohol and sfmta staff was forthcoming on the other item there was only positive comments on the fund swap i wanted to mention an item not on our agenda it got a lot of debate and public comment it was in regard to the private shuttle program that sfmta is bringing up the concerns are in our packet but if there's anything you want me to explain or go into detail i'll be happen to do that. >> colleagues questions or comments for mr. stacey. >> thank you, very much. for your presentation we're screened by supervisor breed and is there
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anyone from the public who wishes to speak seeing none, public comment is closed now if we can move to our consent calendar. >> item three and four compromise those and if a member objects any items can be screwdriver separately. >> colleagues any public comments seeing none oh first public comment on the consent calendar seeing none, public comment is closed. and now roll call vote on the consent agenda. >> on items two and three. >> supervisor breed arrest commissioner christensen supervisor farrell absent supervisor tang supervisor yee consent calendar passes. >> thank you consent calendar passes and now if we can move on to item 5 and recommended appoint to the geary corridor ssi this is an action item.
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>> liam like to call up the transportation planner to speak on this item first. >> thank you collin it begins on page 55 in the packet and the appointment of a member to our geary corridor bus rapid transit citizens advisory committee i'm sure you're aware of the transportation authority is meeting the brt project currently in the planning and environmental phase with a dictated cac that provides companions on the ongoing basis and the outreach in the community along the corridor they meet quarterly and has 13 members there is a set of seats designated forego neighborhoods along the corridor and some designated at large one vacant right now unfortunately one the previous members of the cac had to move out of san francisco so they resigned her seat on the
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cac so that seat is for a representative of richmond district and intre r we have done recruitment in january as well as in the last vacant in november and all the applications if richmond we've received during the round have been panthd in the enclosure and there's attachment to the memo that has a summary memo with the candidates and this is a separate will recommendation but we'll present that for your information we've encouraged the candidates to tend the meeting not required but i'm aware of several who are present here today and interested if speaking to that effective so in our recommendation to appoint one to the geary seat. >> thank you, very much. at this point we'll call up any of
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the applicants that are here for the cac if you can please line up and come to the podium and give us a few minutes of presentation why you want to be a member of the cac. >> good morning. i'm mr. kingsley a san franciscan 90 year resident of the richmond lawyer by training a life longs muni i didn't rider i'm interested in seeing it built and participating in the assistance of moving forward and the city right now i'm sure you're aware of has more people living in this than my time before and the option in the richmond district are sub par we need something better to move people i know the city i'm aware of the comploekt and the underpass and parks on endearing boulevard in the richmond
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district are concerns when i need to go to the bank or the post office or the hardware store i could be a productive individual i have a full-time mediation practice and the skills i'll use on the committee i'll listen to the parties to make sure the parties voices are heard and the parties together can work forward work you know co-helpfully in working out something that the practical and desirable and achieveable so i'll appreciate your consideration for my candidacy. >> is there anyone from the public who wishes to speak seeing none. >> good morning. i'm ms. miller thank you for taking a few moms and being a member of
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the bart advisory committee i've been a resident of the richmond district for 2 analyses years during that time i've noticed especially during the peak community hours the busses are crowded and congested and uncomfortable to ride so i'm applying for this position to venting to make the geary corridor better and to make the community across the geary line more affordable and sustainable and more liveable i have experience i work at stanford university in the environmental institute but recently worked at the department of environment i've learned will the sustainable transportation issues and reaching to the community and bring any experience with the sustainability and reaching out
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to the exists community to help recommend the recommendations to that and additionally i'm a member of the strict one the transportation team that is an informal team that gets together once a month and talks about the transportation effecting the community during that time i've learned from pedestrian a experts and people with stainless i understand their issues are important to make sure that transportation is important for all thank you for linking to my interests i look forward to working with you'll the members of the cac to help support this better. >> thank you very much colleagues any questions seeing none, if we can move on to the next applicant please. >> hi, i'm kate lazarus born
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and raised on 5th avenue my husband and i u my husband and i have a house on the boulevard i'm a lawyer i've been practicing the last couple of years in van ness in san francisco i will will strongly the richmond needs better transit options particularly to get downtown i've been run to work it's not that much slower i'm not that fast a runner i take the bus particularly in the evening you can't get an express back to the richmond it's not a fast opposite we're the only people that don't have a good underground connection in our neighborhood i think i can help. >> at this time any questions or comments seeing none, any other applicants for the geary brt cac
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seeing none all right. let's open this up to public comment any members of the public wish to comment okay seeing none, public comment is closed all right. colleagues do we have any recommendations i mean supervisor yee >> thank you chair katie tang it seems like i'm other than the rules committee you have again multiple candidates that are very qualified to be part of this cac by the way a katie used to run from chinatown to the castro area where in the morning on the we understand when i was a kid to get to my grocery store and
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generally i beat transportation again, i think people will qualify but the people that strikes me who angela has been known ton on the transportation committee a furious and that probably is the element that sets her apart from the other two candidates to you would be happy to recommend angela miller. >> thank you very much any other recommendations or comments from colleagues. >> commissioner christensen. >> i want to thank the explained has someone that worked in a volunteer capacity it takes a lot to make the offer of the official assistance and
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come down here is appreciate i trust you'll all 3 work on the issue regardless i mostly thank you. appreciate. >> so it seemed like at this point so i just wanted to make some comments first about the 3 applicants actually for applicants thank you for coming today and again, after what go supervisor yee said all will be qualified each brings unique qualifications to the table you know living yours living there and wanting it better for the daily commute is occupying near and dear to my heart so at this point, i really again, i would have been able to support all the candidates i do understand
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that there is a nomination for ms. miller i'll be happy to support that and happy to support any of the candidates here so - all right. sure so this is seconded by commissioner christensen for page mayoral do we need a roll call vote or take that workman's compensation >> we'll take that without objection. angela page miller will be the new candidate for the cac congratulations. >> all right colleagues and mr. clerk call up the next item. >> item 6 recommended programs up to $5 million plus and cycle for the lifetime funds for the agency projects occurrence with the lp t prop b appropriates
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submitted by the bay area rapid transit and with the bus transport muni i didn't prioritization this is an action. >> thank you. we have amber for the policy programming here. >> good morning this is agenda item 6 on our packet for the lifetime it is administered by the transportation commission to support the improvements for low income residents particle those who come out of a transportation planning progress this cycle is the fourth cycle of the programming and its it the agency we're charged with programming $5.1 million bart and sfmta are also charged with administrative review their own transportation funding $6.1 million for mta and $4.6 million for bart this is the summary of the remedies that
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came out of our committee we are recommending two projects to receive and two not to receive funding the elevation panel used a number of criteria to elevate all the projects they looked at which ones the community identified and the formation plan and the feasibility of the plan and the cost effectiveness and what kind of outreach that happened and also a whole the renditions for the geography diversity so the first project we're recommending for funding is $300,000 in the potrero hill area this is coming out of the potrero hill transportation plan that the transportation authority is looking at right now and as well as the coercion of the sfmta this would fund the design through the pavement to parks project that is being administered by the parks and planning and it is quick and
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easy to implement and will be complete by the end of this year the second project expanding the project for the remaining lifeline funding that approves the service for the 1018 and 44 and supports the additional services maintenance and supervision in the existing corridors so that is effective citywide it will increase the realtime travel and this is coming out of the late night transportation study that is as well as the sfmta stream and the treasure island management survey that sfmta will continue the service so not recommended for funding the first two scored lower than the two as the
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admissibility management project that addresses the needs of seniors and folks with disabilities this is definitely the peaceable document this was a filed project and they scored lower in talking with us they've asked for additional funding so we're moving forward and the second project we're not recommending the funding project around the bike and pedestrian and transit surfaced this project had a less strong connection to the lower community so the panel didn't feel it was correct to move forward and it also it is just design funding so there's an implementation question as well to the transit providers is a program that is for the congestion we have to concur with they are recommendations and the sfmta is having their
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$6.2 million into the transit project this goes through several communities of concern and funded until 2018 and the action item amendment to the prop k prioritization program addresses to the b f t to the geary bus rapid transit effective reducing the sfmta bart's project is a way that is a signage project and fit initiatives people exclude restrooms and showers and portable places outside of the facilities i'm happy to answer any questions you may have. >> thank you. i do have one question going back to the mobility management work being done for seniors and people with disabilities it can move forward
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with the fund if you can shed light on the timeline with the most individuals who are 65 and older it is something important to look at. >> i'm going to turn it over to jonathan from sfmta. >> good morning, commissioners jonathan with the sfmta the state and federal is proposed the lifetime grant will most likely public utilities maintained we will be using money left over this was a funding issue and second a grant pending with the cac that willfully fund the project the project will be the schedule we'll use in this program. >> what's that looking like. >> it's our accessibility group i assume we'll start sometime in the spring.
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>> thank you very much. >> all right. colleagues any questions or comments. >> commissioner christensen. >> i wanted to say i was extremely happy to see the extension the late night neighborhood we've been looking fisherman's wharf and their reminding us their constituency and workers especially are not moped through friday kind of people the recent study shoud 6 hundred jobs on in the fisherman's wharf and the reasons those jobs are unfilled bravo if we can get those filled. >> supervisor breed. >> i had some questions about the pit stops and the ability to have pit stops instead of in other locates throughout the
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city is that being take into consideration. >> i'm not sure we can answer the question yeah, the department of public works initiative i don't think we have. >> the ta is helping to fund this project. >> correct it has not been proposed in other neighborhood for the lifetime funding and . >> and it's not at all possible. >> we'll have to talk to the department of public works to see. >> okay yes and we'll follow-up. >> okay thanks. >> thank you any further questions or comments okay. seeing none are we moving on to the next portion no sorry we think we have more pages a then here okay open this up to public comment.
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>> good morning benefiting from the office of economic workforce development in support of the expanding late night concentrating transit oewd has been leading this with the assistance of the ta we've wrapping that work and i'll report should be out later this month it's entitled the other 9 to 5 out of the recognize that is a workforce issue we need better late night transportation we have a various assortment and it's been a positive process and the proposal that mta has put forward it's hits the areas better go availability in coverage and speed and liability
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