tv [untitled] March 5, 2015 11:30am-12:01pm PST
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$7 million to help to formerly homeless families they're in those units and the elevator money that fixes the elevators in public housing (clapping.) so this mayor is not just talking the talk but walking the walk that means so much because the way we get it done is work together and make sure that we continue to keep it at the forefront of everything we do in this city no more neglect wire finally doing what we need do to take care of the residents in the public housing development i'm as i said i'll emotional as someone that remembers what it feels like i'm enjoying even though moment and can't wait for the day this place in particular
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is rehabbed when we do work at west side court and holly court and west point and those elements that have been delipidated for many many years i want to emphasize the importance of not expecting services to find their way or people to find their way to where services are it is difficult it fourth how many services are available all over the city we're using those services and bringing them directly to the community room of the public housing development we're going to be bringing hope to the public housing residents and i look forward to the day when we change the way this city does business were our resident and no longer being operating in isolation thank you to olsen lee and highs team and hud and
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mayor's office of housing and allowing the red tape and the bureaucracy not to get in the way of progress and thank you to barbara smith if he housing authority to do the best they can with the limited resources this is a great day i'm looking forward to the changes to competency (clapping). >> so excuse me. supervisor breed president breed struck a question why are we doing this we're doing this for the residents we want the residents to have a better life with the improvements only the physical side and on the social service side but we're sort of johnny come lately the housing authority was isolated for a long time two organizations that
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have stood instead of in the water department's wants and this needs of the resident for many in reinforces i'm hoping we're actually dlifrp i delivering on some of them as this demonstrates so and so two organizations at citywide council of senior disabled residents and the housing tenants association behind me is beverly and joyce armstrong (clapping). >> and we thank them we thank them trembling fewer support in getting us to this point because they've heard a lot of promises over the years we were just like another set of promises but at this point, we're going to be delivering on the promises but beverly and joyce i'm going to ask more of your patience i'm going to ask for your patience
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because you you know we have planned i'm going to ask for your patience we're going to get though the rehab it will be messy but at the end of the day we're to be we are not off i want to ask beverly to say a few word (clapping.) >> smooimdz beverly senate file have a i'm president of the citywide council of senior disabled we advocate our seniors disabled in our building and public housing we advocate for them in every aspect of they're living i would like to bring joyce up here as well they do a tremendous job advocating for that the family developments. >> thank you beverly good afternoon, everyone thank you secretary castro we want to thank the supervisors
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who work and malia cohen and london breed our housing folks are making it easier for public housing and thank barbara smith she's the redevelopment housing queen we call her, in fact, we have of one of this i live in and represent we're excited and welcome this program the secretary we have something to give you we have fighting to keep your jurisdiction wide of councils in place we're important to advocate for the people who can't be here all the time we're conducting leadership trainings which we 14reb9d black history and the new year we're diverse and reaching out to the people in public housing just remember i'm here to advocate to keep our jurisdiction wide and
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some suggestions for you all you can share with president obama the 3 things anything that anyone needs ask us and we'll be there thank you (clapping.) >> the strength of the jurisdiction wide organizations is that they're elected by the tenants and the buildings or developments to represent so we're internal to it we ourselves are tenants we live in the buildings and developments at threat with the conversions to rad rad didn't have a provision for the continued existence of those jurisdictions wide counsels this you give us a lot of worry about who is there to advocate for them who is there to you think if i them together so their voice is heard whatever the issue regardless of who is managing them who owns
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them the tenants were not sold all right. so they need their advocacy that's what we're here for so mayor ed lee and secretary castro we need to fix this okay (laughter) we need to save our jurisdiction wide our duties is to represent the tenants in the housing in every aspect of their lives and to take that away from them leaves them sloimentd and weak take us seriously we need the continuation of those organizations thank you. (clapping.) >> >> so we're going to conclude the program and have a little opportunity for q and a but before we go to that i'd like to thank you know an incredible number of people and
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i won't thank them all individually i apologize in advance for not thaiks them terms of mr. secretary we want to acknowledge the assistant secretary for his work also and so on and so forth and the former assistance secretary and our own staff and would like to thank the folks that gave me with our staff on a daily basis that holds this transaction together and greg and others in terms of the city staff it is the whole city that works on this (laughter) federal reserve the mayor's office the city administrators
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offers and naomi kelly is critical in the task force and the departments of all sort of lined up behind the mayors directive assist the housing authority i know tom from dbi and planning and dpw and the human resources we're all working targeted a common goal this is again, the whole notion that the housing authority are no longer a island in san francisco i want to thank the enterprise list and the other people we're working with the developers and the cohorts and thank our housing developers we're uniquely blessed in san francisco to have 5 eco system they've step up to the plate and it is continuing to be difficult they'll do it t and last but not least i want to thank my staff
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who have been working on this lydia and others who have been leading the charge (clapping.) again, thank you all we will all do this together and hopefully, all see each other in he 12 months for the groundbreaking for the first one or the completion of the late last - at this point we'll on the floor for questions. >> i heard the secretary mention $11 million in federal funds and local money how does that free up $5 million. >> the 11 millions is the rehab we have for this particular building the so the 35 buildings that are
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being rehabbed through the rental system will get $500 million in rehab that's sort of the number for the larger portfolio the $11 million. >> so the $500 million source. >> it's a variety of things from private first mortgages to loan and tax accurate equity some b will be the contribution from the check signed that i even though mayor the 52 million okay. and growing all those sources combined will go towards funding those are repairs that's the repairs not just the software quote/unquote you know related to the arithmetic and the consultant and things like that but repairs alone. >> the private and one of the
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unique things, yes public housing can be financed with private first mortgages because of the rental assistance program their vouchers instead of them to the housing authority this is one of the unique things changing the form of the lender they call private section 8 in the past the secretary and the depended have model that on behalf of the public housing site they're creating a form of investors vouchers that the leopard are familiar about yes there will be private first mortgages and supported by rad vouchers. >> how much is the city public housing is going to be run by private nonprofit. >> those 35 hundred units will be all ultimate run by private parties some are nonprofits and
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some for profit one of the unique things structured those transactions is that we'll hold the housing authority holds the land it is not going to be sold off and the housing authority remains involved in managing the assets for the for assembly future. >> all san francisco public housing will be managed by outside agrees. >> that's correct. >> what housing authority will be involved. >> well, the housing authority ruling role is clearly going to be involved. >> (repeated.) >> the constitution of the united states. ownership and management to asset management and have an incredible role with the voucher program in terms of hud's role it will remain the same they're the people responsible for the resources and their got the demolition to
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make sure we use the resources appropriately and have the obligation to serve and goal to serve low income people. >> timeline we hope to start construction on the first project if october of this year. >> nonprofits in place do we know who is going to manager. >> on the wednesday night under the housing authority will be the particular developments they're currently engaged in as we said we're at the start of the process we have to go through a few things like the leopard approval and the hud staff this is a momentous occasion they have to sign off on the packages but the developers that have been selected that i itself housing authority for their negotiations are listed on 7sz housing authority website.
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larson and jonathan who will be broadcasting this meeting on sfgovtv madam clerk, any announcements? electronic devices. completed speaker cards and documents to be included should be submitted to the clerk. items acted upon today will appear on the march 102015 board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated great. thank you very much my apologies for starting a little bit late ladies and gentlemen, let's go ahead and call item one. >> a resolution encompass the zoning controls for commercial permits for a 12 month period. >> the amendments made required us to consider it again, today i think supervisor kim has some comments today for item number one. >> thank you supervisor cowen and thank you, colleagues for your enter controlled comments i
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appreciate your support want to offer some non-substantive amendments to the finding i'll submit to the clerk that has the preexisting office space were converted without the permits on market street in the south of market and actually we're learning throughout the city so for your information i have those amendments before us mr. city attorney today read all of them into the record. >> john gibner, deputy city attorney because we don't have a written copy i suggest we read them. >> there's 4 whereas the board is aware during the course discussing the economic downturn with an asterisk economic attraction but the economic situation has changed and offend use in the area is in demand
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whereas the unpermitted places are housing for the city and preserving the housing stock affordable units and relative lack of foreseeability is of paramount concern on december 18th an directive mayor ed lee asked the city department to preserve and prompt rental how's and when 0 housing is proposed and whereas the city controlled the uses from the planning code with outstanding submitted uses didn't afford the planners to consider the impacts of such and - >> the copy that i have when
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surrounding circumstances are made a change. >> sorry i think my office only gave me one page thank you those amendments are now and then substantive i'll make a motion after public comment. >> let's move to public comment i've got a few public comment cards three or four 4 names if you want to speak on the item transportation authority is chris (calling names) cash and tommy just a reminder each of will get 2 minutes all right. let's go chris. >> please line up on this side of the chamber. >> hi and i'm a tenant in the
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mid market area lived in a rent control unit in 13 years and courage you to move this forward do whatever we can to sorlt hit pause on this magnificent happening not only in my mid-market area but spaces residential rent control spaces that the city has stated a desire to maintain and be converted into office use and put a pause while we study it or consider the extent when a to what's happening and thank you. i courage you to vote yes. >> do you live at 1049 market. >> yes. >> thank you very much. next speaker. please you cue up let's go.
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>> hi, i'm naming i didn't ann cooper on 1049 market street for 17 years a retired teacher and on a fixed income hoped to substitute here so i could get some - it would really effect my life baeld balanced to move out of san francisco the tenants in my building are low income and disabled all over the there's a variety of people that many needs the housing and we really urge you to please put those controls in place because we are worried about our own situation and also about san francisco losing it's guest especially the school system as being kind of gut because so so many teachers
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can't afford to live here please help us and the on the people in san francisco to have affordable housing thank you very much. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hi, i'm carl hass i've been a tenant on 1049 at market street for 10 years a 0 small business owner i've seen what's happening to the city first hand because i'm facing louis my place but the inability to find employees because people at the level i hire at can just get jobs outside the city they're not going to consultant in if i can't find people to work for me i'll have to close my business please protect this sort of business.
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>> thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hello, i'm defied lucy and on behalf of our all those people behind me we are living at 1049 market our landlord is malia we're in the same situation we're threatened to get evicted and i know our floor being turned into, you know, commercial space and that's what happens in the second-story we our floor the third floor yeah. we have been there since 2012 if we get displaced we'll not be living in the city we holdup hope you guys pass the bill so
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we can live here and everything so thank you. >> next speaker >> hi, i'm tommy the director of counseling programs at the housing rights committee as you've heard from the last speakers this situation the problem that supervisor kim is trying to address in her legislation with goes beyond 1049 i know that the buildings on fulsome at the human rights committee we get complaints in the mid market area the same situation commercial a space is for lucrative the landlords want to evict the tenant we i'd like to take this opportunity afford to leave i came from a conference a collective called
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station 40 for tenant that have been there for years they've being evicted their space is commercial but lived there for 40 years the landlords knew that was a commercial space but it was much mower lucrative at 16th and mission to rent arranging than commercially now the table is changed it is more lucrative for commercial so, of course, the lymph glands want to evict the tenants they've been there 12 years the city need to protect those tenants i hope you'll pass this legislation to the for a vote request a with a positive recommendation we have to preserve rent control units at all costs and safe people's leases thank you. >> thank you very much. next speaker.
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hi this bill closes a simple will that 1049 market has been through so much lawsuits and other issues because someone signed a piece of paper we didn't have a right to comment the public explicit the city doesn't consider what was the best interests of the city the loopholes closed the folks get to be considered and the landlord has so much money over this issue and the rent controls have been in place this is about protecting other landlords from this nightmare closings the loophole helps everyone there was a discussion last week why this is a targeted area in area is where the loss was created the concentration was omitted
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each characteristic of the neighborhood the block other 1049 and 1067 is the center of the historic market street theatre and loft district on the register it has lots of buildings we've designated as such this block is the epic center the reason we care about lofts we care about them this is about protecting the people in the neighborhood thank you. >> thank you very much i have two more speaker cards pat and ryan any more members of the public please come up. >> good afternoon, supervisors gun i'm patty was a structure engineer that worked on the building for 3 years for the previous owner there was 3 issues that were a challenged to legalized elias one is the
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ventilation a san francisco code change i spent 2 years working with the dbi staff that were supportive to s supportive of the code which would have made it easier to legalize this continuity i uvent the commission at the time decided not to delete the amendment i hope you do the other requirement was egress the state building code requires egress from and are bedroom window that is the challenge to be able to provide that that requires dramatic work on this building the other thing we need to be aware of this building was designed important commercial i have converted legally in other commercial buildings that had the necessary egress windows that is landlocked and interpose
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a safety risk for the space heaters the city should be aware the landlord is not coasted for the use this insurance is for commercial and we need to be upgrading police and fire for the district and adjust the parking thank you. >> thank you very much. next speaker. hello commissioners. i'm ryan patterson an attorney for the owners of the two property at 1049, llc and 1067, llc i'd like to incorporate my previous comments from last week on this foil as well as the owners representatives and consultants that spoke the 223 amendments that are included in this file make that resolution
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more retroactive which is illegal for a permit today's amendment we object to the last minute changes not given to the public not posted we don't have a clear understanding in the community to evaluate those changes to determine if their substantive or not or the effect the property owners have relied on the permit and the city's reputation and have a you vested right to complete the work importantly 68 notices to their retroactively valid dictated could subject the property owners to a liability based on the permits after the fact of this legislation this is unclear whether the final
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