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tv   [untitled]    March 6, 2015 10:30am-11:01am PST

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to remove c? >> for separate discussion. >> to the public, any item to be removed? okay. may have a motion please? >> move. >> second. >> okay all those in favor aye. >> the the motion carries. >> we're now going to address item 8 c. >> thank you. item 8 c what first got my attention it was a fifty a $50 million item on the consent calendar and it made me read it carefully and i've had a chance to ask staff questions to talk about that and we met briefly this morning to talk about that and the work here is clearly needed and i think we are fortunate in that staff has been able to do to do a business case supporting the project which i think we have some write up that could be made available to the commission. we also have been
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able -- the sense of the staff is the the cost estimates are pretty good and the estimates at this point it is however early in the process admitted ly and as we get farther into the process of figuring out exactly what needs to be done we're going to know with more precision what the final cost is going to to be. what i would like to do is request that as this contract proceeds and as we start making choices that really effect what the final cost of the program is, the staff come back to the commission essentially with a final budget for the project and i think this is a decent estimate and a good basis to go forward with but i'd like to see the trade-offs that have to be made if we can come in under fifty that's great and we
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should know the choices as well. >> yeah i don't think that's a problem. >> with that caveat, i'd be pleased to move the item. >> okay. i hear a second over here. >> yes. >> all those in favor? >> aye. >> opposed? the motion carries. >> next item, please. >> item 9 approve the selection of the urban forest award agreement c s-101 og and not to exceed eighty $80,000 with an option to renew the grant up to to 2 years with commission approval. >> i think this is rather clear do you have any questions or comments commissioners? >> would you like to add any comment? >> i would defer. >> okay. >> may have a motion. >> i'll move it. >> second. >> all those in favor?
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opposed? the motion carries. >> i do have one information for the commission i just want to let everyone know that it has been approved unanimously by the board so we now have our fifth commissioner. >> that's wonderful news. we're complete. i forgot to ask for public comment on item number 9. seeing none the next item please. >> item 10 approve revenue generating a program to license for street line conduits. >> i'll move it. >> second. >> i'm sorry? >> it has been moved and seconded is that correct? all those in favor? >> aye. >> opposed? the motion carries any public comment on that? no. next item please?
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>> item 11. cs 918 increasing the agreement by 2 million with a time a time extension of 1 year pursuant to charter section 9.118. >> i'll move approval. >> second. >> [laughter] okay. all those in favor. >> aye. >> opposed? the motion carries next item. >> item 12. increasing the agreement by 30 million with a time extension up to 2 years and 10 months pursuant to charter section 9.118. >> . >> can we read both of them together? >> item 13 -- increasing the agreement by 500 $500000.
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>> i'll move both 12 and 13. >> i will second them both. >> okay. i would like discussion. >> madam president and members of the commission. this contract is related to the calaveras contract as you know the one we had the subsurface landslide requiring a major change order to the contract needed 3 million cubic yards of soil. because of that that we also now have to extend the construction management contract by black and veatch and we have expended the original amount under the original terms of the contract and now asking for an extension
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to keep the same staff and consultant team that's been on board to finish the contract out and we're making recommendations and changes primarily number 1 a recognition of adjustment and direct salaries for consultant staff working on the job recognizing the cost of live increases and some of them have received promotional opportunities and we want to make sure to keep them on our job and are willing to pay their direct salaries as adjusted by their firms and secondly we've brought in specialized staff that are specialized for the work we need there in the earth movement and naturally occurring asbestos situation and we want an adjustment to allow for payment to traffic for those specialists longer than anticipated because of the
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conditions that we have reached. >> and because of the investment black and veatch has they has they have asked us to go to biweekly bills so their outlay would be 325 thousand per pay period and agreeing to that process under this contract by weekly payments. >> okay. any questions? >> i don't have a question just a comment and there's been a lot of discussion it's probably the most challenging project that we have right now and i think we're lucky to be in a situation where the company black and veatch is going to see us all the way through to the very end and that's why i moved the item because i felt pretty comfortable just getting
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this done. kudos i have seen anything more challenges since i've been here. >> any comment? no. >> i had a question a couple of questions. when i looked at this, i used the figure of 5 hundred $500,000 a month because that's what we're asking for in the next item to carry per month. anyway, working with that figure and 30 $30 million that would be at 5 hundred at $500,000 a month that would be for be for 5 years so what i'm questioning is this amount of 30 million. >> if i can clarify. the second item which is the 500 $500,000 is simply the maximum number that we can come to you as a commission to ask for an extension without going to the board of supervisors so that's where the 5 hundred the $500,000 comes from and gives
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us time to work through the contract changes if you were to approve that contract change that's before you so they are not connected directly. the 500, 000 does not represent a month of work for the contract but the maximum amount that we can request without going to the board and the second would need to go to go to the board of supervisors for approval so we had originally calendared this item and pulled it because we thought that there were some concerns expressed and we thought we could negotiate better with black and veatch and they came back to the table and they were willing to give up some of things bringing the costs down significantly therefore we're bringing it back to to you with a bit of a schedule crunch. >> did i read somewhere this
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project is 60 percent complete? >> 65 percent complete. complete. >> with that being said it seems to me the more difficult situations that we've had to deal with are behind us. >> definitely excavation is the most challenging component of a job. that's where you have the least known. . we still have challenges with the asbestos that's part of the excavation and we're dealing with that with specialists on board and as we get to the build up part definitely reduces our expose our expose ure to risk. >> what i'm thinking about will these specialists be necessary in the future? >> only as-needed especially especially as it relates to the soil specialists we feel fairly
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strongly we don't need them as much and as long as we have the asbestos turning into a fly away situation and we are running into a lot of arc logical items of interest so we definitely probably through even some of the build up we'll keep the the archeologyist on board. >> we're paying for them? >> as part of our mitigation measures under the environmental document have to make sure we have the archeologist on board to document all of the finds we
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have. >> all right. that's my questions i'll call for the vote now. all those in favor. >> aye. >> opposed? the motion carries . the next item. that was 12 and 13. >> we are now going to go into closed session. could you please read the items in closed session? >> public comment? any public comment on 12 on 12 and 13? seeing none, could you please read the items for closed session. >> item 16. >> item 17. >> item 18. >> item 19. >> item 20.
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>> any public comment on the items for closed session? >> motion to assert the attorney client privilege. >> second. >> all those in favor. >> aye. >> opposed? the motion carries. he sfgtv city of san francisco public utilities commission, has now gone into closed session. >> >> the commission is now back in open session. item 16 and 17 was settled. may have a motion regarding whether to disclose? >> not to to to disclose. >> second. >> all those in favor? opposed? the motion carries. >> is there any new business? >> earlier today we heard a little bit about the urban agriculture program and
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identifying those parcels in 2011 i want my colleagues to know and i'm looking forward to meeting with our new commissioner quan right? and to talk a little bit about conversations regarding the southeast sector. juliet who has been a huge help to me especially to me especially recently trying to decipher because i i get accused of speaking in riddles a lot of the time but we often hear about the parks and recreation department and i think we're on the verge right now of having a little more robust conversation about something initiated and
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in line with our goals and i look forward to having an item on the agenda and an opportunity to take some formal action and in addition to that i'd also like to let you know that i'm going to be asking to meet with the chairman and talk a little bit about revisiting the conversation that we had with the commission on the environment, the particular matter that is important to me is the integrated pest management and we talked about -- i represent the labor union and we had 3 of them show up at that commission at that commission meeting and those chemicals are something that we really want people to apply well there's a lot of different state state state licensure
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and hopefully something will come fairly quickly and i'm open to discussing those items in greater detail. >> thank you. >> very good. >> thank you commissioner and president. >> okay. is there any other new business? seeing none this meeting is adjourned at 3: 29 p.m. >> >> - >> how are you guys doing.
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>> i can't hear you guys. >> good. >> everybody is here to subtract is beautiful dogging u doggy. >> how about his bow tie and hesitate nice nose let me welcome you all to this very, very important event this been would think of the most important events for me (laughter) because when i first started working at the department of public works one evening i thought sitting that new mrirm watching tv and do you know how windy it gets over here. >> yeah. >> you do i mean you must come from as you sit here now gates. >> no one from distancing gates so this is o'connor's school
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right so that wind had one of those doggy hats this one in particular this one right here used to be a restaurant across the street okay that restaurant over there and that wind blew the heads off yeah. i got this call the doggy had fallen and so they said you need to come and you need to get it to off the street and do something with it thanks to the neighborhood you guys radical and said we should save the head the can you go i didn't head that responsibility was given to us at the department of public works and at a time the head of our department was our mayor and our mayor and he make sure that we got the money and
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everything we needed to get the doggy head fixed and back to this new location so how about a big hand for the mayor for his leadership (clapping.) the other thing he did was the day the head came back in 2005 was valentine's day isn't that special. >> yeah. i didn't. >> i'm sure you're getting ready for valentine's day coming up. >> yeah. >> without further ado i'm going to introduce the mayor he'll tell you about the doggie diner and welcome our mayor give him a big handed. >> mohammed explicit tell you that night what the doggy head was fallen guess who called him yes because i was awning were around to make sure that everything was done that was the
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job of public works to make sure that everything gets done and everything is safe i want to say thank you to mohammed to help us to secure that medium area so all of our wonderful sdts students from u low can be here in the middle of the street humidities can you be in the middle of the student street and be safe just when we have valentine's day we'll celebrate this with the doggie diner head i'm really, really glad and also glad to share that with our supervisor supervisor katie tang she's here work relay really, really hard representing you all that live around here and working with me and mohammed and paychecks to make those streets safety just up a couple of blocks we put in new lighting light when you and your parents
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and friends categorize cross the street it is heavy traffic we don't have straddles to slow down the traffic guess what happens yeah. one of those days you'll be the supervisor and the head of public works or you can even be - >> the - >> i was gagging going to say the doggie diner head you said the mayor it's pretty sure i'm kind of in the little time crush so overwhelming o to have to leave i'm going to have someone to welcome important in san francisco guess what. >> kaing. >> investigated you've got them trained i'm going up to the airport to let this person know
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who i met with you students i'll be greeting president obama he's coming in and i'm going to tell him it was really tough to decide between the students of u low or making it on time for the airport for him it's important thank you for being good students and being here in the middle of the street with me it's safe don't do this amendment thank you for celebrating valentine's day week with doggie diner i hope you and your teachers and parent can also know that the city is working for you when with you grew up i want you to remember to celebrate the doggie diner but my age in two years okay 3 thank you have a great valentine's day you enjoy user and have a good
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weekend and enjoy yourselves we have cookies and refreshments afterward thank you very much enjoy. >> thank you (clapping.) okay. a the history you guys how many 6 you have history class okay so the doggie diner head has been around since 1966 okay 1966 all over america and gradually you started to losses him i want to thank and give you a big applause because he's made that a hobby to collect and safe history so we have those heads from former restaurant please give them a loud applause for the history. >> (clapping.) can we get a picture of the
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mayor. >> come on (laughter) okay. so the next person i'm going to introduce is someone a friend of mine but someone who really takes care of the this district she's got quite a few a amount of real estate she's reb8 for that our baechdz and some of our parks and all the sunset area making sure that the grass gets water and the trash gets picked up and all the graffiti is removed and the district gets it's share of what san francisco gets please welcome sxhaurng. >> hello boys and girls are h how are you guys you look lovely in your hats i tried to give one to the mayor to give to
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president obama we saw some of our classrooms and i travel here almost everyday so i will make sure that if the doggie diner head falls down every this i'll report it to mohammed so we want to make sure we celebrate con in san francisco it is the only way designated as san francisco please remember this moment and come to visit to make sure he's okay and since it's valentine's day coming up i hope he has a boyfriend or girl to celebrate do you think he has one. >> yeah. >> we hope you have a really fun day we have today some things to color by hate ashbury
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has. >> let's have a show of hands i need to thank all the people that make this event happen rachel borden and rachel and her team she's got all the refreshments and everything and alison for special projects and ashley from katz i didn't see office give another hand (clapping.) all right. ready to have some fun and a little bit of drinks and coloring okay. thank you all for coming he really appreciate that this you guys have administrative code made this happy give yourselves a big hand thank you very much thank you
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>> we broke ground in december of last year. we broke ground the day after sandy hook connecticut and had a moment of silence here. it's really great to see the silence that we experienced then and we've experienced over the years in this playground is now filled with these voices. >> 321, okay. [ applause ] >> the park was kind of bleak. it was scary and over grown. we started to help maclaren
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park when we found there wasn't any money in the bond for this park maclaren. we spent time for funding. it was expensive to raise money for this and there were a lot of delays. a lot of it was just the mural, the sprinklers and we didn't have any grass. it was that bad. we worked on sprinkler heads and grass and we fixed everything. we worked hard collecting everything. we had about 400 group members. every a little bit helped and now the park is busy all week. there is people with kids using the park and using strollers and now it's safer by utilizing it. >> maclaren park being the largest second park one of the best kept secrets. what's
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exciting about this activation in particular is that it's the first of many. it's also representation of our city coming together but not only on the bureaucratic side of things. but also our neighbors, neighbors helped this happen. we are thrilled that today we are seeing the fruition of all that work in this city's open space. >> when we got involved with this park there was a broken swing set and half of -- for me, one thing i really like to point out to other groups is that when you are competing for funding in a hole on the ground, you need to articulate what you need for your park. i always point as this sight as a model for other communities. >> i hope we continue to work on the other empty pits that
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are here. there are still a lot of areas that need help at maclaren park. we hope grants and money will be available to continue to improve this park to make it shine. it's a really hidden jewel. a lot of people don't know it's here.