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tv   [untitled]    March 7, 2015 1:00am-1:31am PST

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discriminate the majority of 13 hundred block is with residents we have units of seniors they will be impacted negatively because of the permits thank you very much. >> thank you >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> (calling names.) >> good afternoon. >> good afternoon. my mother and father bout prompt on pine in 1941 and been living there ever sense in the last 3 years i've called 311 for g parking people that park their cars and get on airports and kaebz and went to the airport with the letter g
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and also businesses who have allowed their employees to get gs just to go to work they don't live in san francisco and have letter g. i do losses of preservation for northern california i see the letter g.s all the way to sacramento they live in sacramento and have a letter g. for san francisco that's not right. i go to the baptist church been there since i was a baby they need to check the parking slips and because it is not helping causing neighbor against neighbor friends against
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friends we don't need >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> (calling names). >> good afternoon. >> i'm cheri i'm one of the many people who are opposed to r vp in the area when i first harder about the proposal i thought i was in the minority but i have found the vast majority of people oppose that especially the way the some is set up on the creative side that makes this little bubble it seems like everybody is for it when the vast majority of people does not approve this or want it i can't afford to pay to have my car parked in front of my house the way you guys want me to have
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my car parked you want me to leave my car parked as much as possible it takes me longer to find parking i'm relying willing to do that but forcing people to move cars during the daytime when we don't have the problem for all over the like might have that work at clubs and come home at 2:00 a.m. this proposal does nothing to deal with the real problem there are a lot of us living here that you have a lot of construction i come over here i come 4 blocks i counted parking is taken away from construction and have been put in and i know that will be gone soon and my parking will get better please do not pass that
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we don't want it my elderly land lady and girl friend doesn't want it i can't afford it thank you. >> thank you. >> (calling names). >> good afternoon. >> islands you rufus i stand up for the third time speaking on the same spubtd i subject under a different name i call residential park permits area q i'm against that permit first of all, since 1993 i've lived there we pay for permits and sometimes i go a mile through the city to find a place to park even the people that lives in the area
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gets a place to park it presents a problem for the church i'm a member and to be worried about someone pulling cars around lights areas we watch for people not to have their cars moved i hope you consider a better approach with so many cars in the city. >> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> (calling names.) >> good afternoon mr. matthews. >> good afternoon. i'm here as a member of the missionary baptist church but the board of director secretary that wraps around the corner about the matter of my church as much has been covered i'll be belief
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according to the first amendment very have things going on during the week it is community service even if you don't believe what we believe this is a bridge when you think of the idea of people having to run in and out of church primarily for the seniors we have 3 hundred and 5 six residents and more of them than parishioners 3 units and only so many significant tars i want you to consider that for a moment as you consider that proposal those are the at least likely people to be online or facebook they have one thousand units covered by the area q and pi guarantee i
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there are few people that know of this those are people with $113,000 that have to come up with a fixed income or be subject because there's not enough parking in the complexed they'll be subject to $110 ticket everyday to have the right for park their cars to walk to their homes i don't think the sfmta wants to go on record at this proposal that we put this many seniors of being at risk therefore strongly opposed the recommendation of this proposal thank you. >> (clapping.) >> thank you (calling names). >> resident of san francisco 5 hundred block of page
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i understand that interest would be changes in the fall and i hope one of the things that comes out of the meeting you understand there needs to be more outreach you've done a very good job of the regular channels but there are other channels that need to be addressed and he hope you'll get in touch with me i care about the issues i'll point out some issues are haven't come up one a sliding scale there's needs to be a sliding scale for people that can't afford and 0 above that for people that can afford more than one hundred and 10 and another thing to be concerned about it is home health we have a lot of elderly in san francisco including me we need home help there needs to be an
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ability that people who have visited home help have served people that help them with the daily activities they need the access to the problem those of us who have car share this is my pod i meant my car out of the pod to get the car out of the pod i have to park it somewhere only 12 times a year i think i should be able to do that what did you do paying $12 a day. >> (calling names) and who are you. >> ruben are you here okay followed by john moore's and
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paul paul. >> i wrote the abbreviation for the reference and i'm a member of the baptist missionary baptist church i'm opposed to the things that the rest excuse me. i'm standing here because number one fraudulent my wife is handicapped i'm partly handicapped and the thing is we're concerned not only for myself but other people that are handicapped and through to have this you know to say that you're going to stop double parking from the churches you know and give the residents something that they really deserve and really because most of them are
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renter the church pays for that so all we're doing is asking you reconsider how you do this but church people it is not whose right but what's right. >> thank you, john morris and paul and owen o'donnell. >> hello. thank you for your research and trying to find the right community answer to this and residential parking permit i've lived in area q for 26 years 13 years of trying to find parking living on oak street i find myself parking on another street the next 13 years i lived on steiner street and the parking is taken up by visitors
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for the park and the long term non-resident by creating the non living area for q the people will not be ditching their cars and will create for short term parking one thing i object to by creating two blocks the pathway doesn't work why not create the same rules for the hole park plenty of turnover isle i've been walking and searching for parking the spots will on up but there's two blocks that the rules do apply most of the stops on my park or on the odds the minnie's can get the curb
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spreadsheets spots but the rest of the cars don't fit so they'll be enough turnover again, thank you for your research our close not quite there i'd like a little bit of tweaking to make it fair for the whole area where the whole rule is applying don't worry about the toufrpdz i tourists they'll find a spot but the residents please help us residents equally. >> (clapping). >> hi, i'm paul for the area q proposal thigh i completely area a sliding scale payment for people that can't afford the $110 a year and the about guy that mentioned the construction that is something that should be
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take into consideration an incredible amount of krublgs near the upper hate and some sort of policing for the construction signs that needs to be non-considered by the construction people so it makes it hard, however with that said, i've lived in the north of panhandle for 17 years i've spent 15 years looking for parking and it makes it tough i work at home and have to leave my home and come back and circling and circling and circling he listening to the radio so much i live in a part of a sliver i believe that it is an imperfect tool thank you for your consideration and having us
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here today (clapping.) (calling names). >> hello, i'm owen o'donnell on scott street facing the park for 41 years i'm strongly in favor of that proposal i'm tired of people that live west of my street park in the neighborhood taking buses downtown i want to address a particular issue that agency has had many projects in our neighborhood which it have eliminated hundreds of parking spaces and in the process of doing that the staff has said oh there that will be taken care of when you get an r vp zone and not a problem guess what it is not straubldz we'll have a rp b i call that a
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classic bait-and-switch i'm suggesting to you that this agency and this board should make sure that they support of the staffs proposal by supporting this rpp zone otherwise this agency will be known as the classic bait-and-switch fraud department in the city and county of san francisco it is no wonder tea party people are concerned about government at all levels it's time we all step forward and got it and supported what the staff told the rest of us to keep us quiet about the loss of the parking spaces in the proposals (clapping) >> thank you (calling names).
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>> for the neighborhood coincidental first of all i'd like to object in the staffs presentation that the hate ashbury the publication of the council was shown and the statement was that there's been a lot of public information and outreach around this the article if you read it was complaining about the hate ashbury council i've never heard about this and no public hearing of last year this is now the 3rd and only third public hearing that's been held on the topic that is the closest it has come to supporters being less than thirty percent of those testifying the omittance majority of sentiment and public testimony has been opposed to this project both in november (clapping) and earlier this year the
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omittance majority is is hate ashbury council u council their opted e opposed to the designation of this area we're specifically opposed to the designation of that area that portion of area q that is south of the panhandle and west of the other along page street coordinator your data explicit support any of the objects you've outlined no transit corridor no parking no institutions that generate daytime parking the big parking problems are at night because of residents so i would urge you this is not quite ready for prime time no matter with mr. o'donnell or your staff represented this as a neighborhood initiated process even the supporters say it was
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staff if repeating brought r vp to this part of the world. >> >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> to this matter. >> (calling names). >> who doesn't want to go on after calvin. >> i was one of the members that initiated this program i have two kids have a fun place to park and given up hope on that know in my heart i'll never be able to park in my neighborhood i thought it was a good idea for everything else you can't live in a neighborhood that's a parking lot for everything else you can't have people over this is a imperfect solution we all agree to that but there have been problems we've worked a lot of us have
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worked hard this is my 13th reading on this and we've tried to accommodate everything it is a tragedy that people of the they were left out i'm not a staffer i assume that staff notified everyone in the effected areas you know i tried really hard to make this a go i think that will benefit the neighbors and leave here in trying to keep their lives here i think this is a time and needs to be evaluated on an ongoing basis i'm looking at the process to examine it we've been talking about that for 3 years and i support it thank you (clapping.) >> (calling names). >> hi, i'm tony house painter
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i've had a house painting business and live in the alamo square for the last 19 years i've reduced my vehicle size to a small honda it works for me, i work all over the city i park in the be neighborhoods and have to come out from work where i'm making money stop what i'm doing in certain neighborhood done this for 18 years not happy about it but it's part of my business could i this is a very passionate subject for a lot of people including myself i believe that everyone is welcome in my neighborhood i don't want to have a weekend spot it is difficult and being
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here for the last few hours i've talked with people and one person told me that she's here because she works and didn't want to move her car every couple of hours and another woman lovely told me that she is an older woman that likes to have adversities and can't have visitors that have to move their cars a lot so it's against you know it's tough on her i appreciate this but i live there i lived in this neighborhood i'm ready to be cut off in a second i really need this permit parking i'm not included in the leave that was talked about prospering it the we that want this i too have elderly neighborhoods a partner a neighbor that's
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handicap it is difficult. >> thank you. >> thank you (clapping.) (clapping.) >> hello, i'm aaron i live on fillmore and phelps i'd like to make a few point we've circulated a few petitions this weekend and quickly were able to get 88 signatures on square a broad opposition and i'm in opposition to this measure we've heard from many folks including the staff say this is imperfect and my second point in regards to the data this is the survey data there of the proposed and includes about 10 blocks where permit parking
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was in place the 40.78 percent the survey 0 show you shows you the data and i understand the frustration you know we all want to find parking but unfortunately, this proposal puts a burden on several people and will not help as the data clearly shows i'd like to urge the board to wait until the recommendations for fixing this as mentioned were brought to bear or perhaps consider other tools like 45 or 90 degree angle parking in place as we have on some streets (clapping.) i'd like to add the proposed blocks must be of a low or medium characterize as stated on the sfmta website now this is a density map of the blocks proposed there are 4
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blocks within area q between steiner and webster and golden gate and fulsome that are designated designated beas 4 was the density so it's a problem opposed thank you very much. >> (clapping.) (calling names) and then harlan jones. >> i'm jeanette baemz i represent the daughters of golden west we have the building at 5 acre at fulsome almost at the corner our building was built in 1928 for our members would come from all over california for meetings sometimes because family members have medical appointment at ucsf and some people like myself that work inform city college of san francisco myself a third
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generation san franciscan this will greatly impact our members we have 90 degree parking on the 900 block of barking so garages for people that live in the building permanently but 21 beds for people that are members who come from different parts of california for their meetings that support some of the organizations like the children's foundation and so when they come to meet they come for a couple of days we currently park 3 cars from the driveway and residential parking we won't be able to park in our own driveways so i hope
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we can exclude that block but both the p extension and the q about effect us we're right at fulton and a baker. >> i'm opposed to this project reefrp was undergoing flawed very flawed as you heard the two meetings held before this omittancely the people were if opposition they were opposed to this it is shocking i shouldn't be surprising sprield but am the entire impact of the community the western edition the life the church and the african-american church community was totally ignored and shocking i need to
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do something about that (clapping.) i'm wondering because i have a feeling that since the first two meetings are fallen on deaf ears nevertheless if you going god and implement this the people that spoke around a month park it's stupid to have alamo parking what's the heck of a difference they can only park for two hours so permit it like people like me can park there if i have to get a permit that was really, really dumb time and certainly areas to 8:00 p.m. makes no sense 8:00 p.m. one person that talked about i ghetto home from work i want to be there 8:00 p.m. that's stupid stupid stupid really, really dumb
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as the other person that talked when he gets home at 2 in the morning hell at 11:00 p.m. i can't get parking but listen to the people please i implore you listen to the people and pay attention to them (clapping.) (calling names). >> mr. jones. >> i'm 0 reverend harlan jones i represent the missionary christian methodist church on 1455 golden gate after the congregation of 2 hundred and 50 members most seniors we've been there for 64 years to require residential parking permits of a church where
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there's mostly seniors that have to come out and move their cars walking up and down golden gate around steiner and pierce it seems to me ludicrous while i understand the permits will not be enforced on weekends many church activities took place during the week we have members from oakland and as far away from hayward and for them to be parking again it seems to me ridiculous we have a daycare center to require the workers to have to come out and leave the children unattended to move their cars is ridiculous we find out after november of 2014 about this initia