tv [untitled] March 8, 2015 11:30am-12:01pm PDT
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covered with the certificates of preference. the largest population in district 10 is api community. so part of the marketing plan are some of your marketing materials translated to several languages outreach to the api community and who is buying, the 88 units sold out, who are these people. are they certificates of preference, some of them? i don't know. what's the am i this year, do you know. sit like 50 percent, 80 percent, what's the number? the average ami this year, every year it puts out. i think it's higher than 60. because i noticed it 50 percent of ami, 80 percent, 100 percent. >> i think it's over 100.
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>> they put it out every february, right? >> this is for a family of 4. 53000 for a family of foufrment are the families of four a target market, are they able to take advantage of that. individuals, there are some 80 percent of the ami. i would love to see that. like commissioner or president rosales and i have been here for a couple of years and i don't think we've seen anything and we've given money to the mayor's of housing so their software is going to be updated. >> correct. we appreciate your comments. we are waiting for information from lanar. we have been working with them for the past 3
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months for information. mayor of housing will be part of the presentation, lanar will be part of the presentation but we can't complete it without the information from the results of all of those sales. we are working to get to you this information april 21st, lanar will be present. the right folks, she's not in the marketing session and wasn't really prepared to answer the questions, they are marketing folks and need to be here to represent that. so, they will be present. the folks in the mayor house on housing and community development will be present and i will be part of that along with jeff white from our housing division, oci housing division. >> do we have the list for the bmr units we are going to be giving? >> if i may, commissioner you are saying the selection for
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phase 1a are part of your table and what page is the bmr selection on? it's in your schematic design. i don't recall the page. it's in there. would you like to look at it right this second. >> i just want to know that you have it. >> page 18 is where it is. >> i want to know the people who are going the get this bmr. >> i understand. of course the plan is to have as many certificate holders as possible, as many bayview
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residents as possible. >> we'll hear about this in the next commission meeting. there are other approvals. if we prove this item today, there are other approvals on this project. >> yes, the message is very clear from this commission, you are very hesitant to approve future phases on this block and future phases without knowing this information because you are very concerned about who is getting units and the affordability being kept. we understand and we are preparing what we think will be a very robust complete information on the marketing you have asked about. >> the question i have on the sbe program, the attachment is understandably on professional services. at what point would we see the construction side? >> raymond lee. you will see
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the construction on reports as they are presented when they go into construction we work with the developer in terms of identifying i would imagine in this case working with the jrl general contractors in reaching that 50 percent goal. the numbers themselves don't go back before the commission in any types of approval of course, but it will be presented as part of the quarterly reports to you. >> okay, just to make sure that i understand this, the project is hopefully will break ground in august of this year? that's my recollection. >> yes. >> how much before the august ground breaking essentially, do you work 3 months ahead of time, 6 months ahead of time. i'm trying to get an
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understanding on that as well. >> sure. to the extent where the construction documents are prepared and they are ready to go out for bid, we engage with the developer or the general contractor. we are in talks with i believe one of the gc's that's been identified for the early phase of phase 1 block 48. in terms of i believe it was mechanical electrical plumbing design build. and that rfp is due to be coming out in the next i can't venture to say but certainly within the next month. we have been talking. there is not a particular timeframe in terms of 3 months before we meet. a lot of it depends on whether construction documents have
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appeared and ready to go out to bid and in anticipation of that. but certainly in terms of outreach demand terms of engaging the community to submit bids we do have a requirement that bids be advertised at least 30 days with the submittal meetings at least 2 weeks before the bids are due. that's not to say that we are not going to push it earlier to allow time for folks to submit their bids. we have a requirement of a minimum of 30 days. >> okay. thank you. okay i have no other questions. any other questions, comments? >> yeah, i think i like the projects and this thing could be ironed out and we should not delay this. i think we should approve it. >> i agree. i think that the
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sooner they move forward with the project, the sooner they will be housing and it's a critical demand, but i also want more information. i would rather have contemporaneous information rather than delayed information because delayed information is looking in hindsight rather than anticipating. that's where the mayor's office of housing comes in. i don't think there is any impediment to continue this reporting on what's going on. in other words we don't have to have a commission meeting to get memos from staff. >> just to add, overall we've all been working very very hard on this project , all of us for years now. i don't think that you there was a
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lot of hope in this project that went from the creation of housing to the redevelopment of that site to the creation of jobs and so on. we automobile -- all believe in that and we want to make sure that all the spirit and in tension in doing this project is happening, not in just the construction but all the pieces that go along with this project. the women owned businesses that are getting the opportunity. the local people who work hard to build their own community keeping people here in san francisco. we are not against the project, at least i'm not against the project. i'm for it. lord knows how many, when i was in redevelopment how many hours we spent 13 hours in the board chambers with planning when we had everybody and their mother to talk
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against it and we pushed for it. but i hope people don't think that we are just going to rubber stamp this. that i'm prepared to talk and to talk to the mayor and talk to people. i want to be able to say we are doing the right thing. so, you know, if i personally feel like we are not doing the right thing, then maybe we will have to delay and time is money and we don't want to delay. right, i don't think anybody wants to delay. i think again going back to the entire spirit of that project was to lift everybody up. so, you know to our friends of lanar, i mean there is many projects that are going to come before us. i think you have a sense of what we are hoping for and what we would like to see because it's just not miguel sitting
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up here but it's so many people that deserve this and everything that comes along with it. so, you know, we are all very passionate about it, but that's because we are obligated to the people of san francisco. we don't get paid to be up here. we get paid to be a voice for the people and for those of us who have been around a long time we have heard a lot of people upset. we just want to make it right and that's the spirit in which i make my comments and there is spirit in which i will vote for this phase. but knowing that there is more to it than this vote. there is a lot of expectation, a lot of obligations that we need to meet and a lot of you know again it's going back to just doing the right
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thing. that's all i'm asking. let's altogether do the right thing for people that we failed before. that's it. so i will move this motion. >> i second that. >> can i vote with contingent on receipt of all the reports that have been requested? >> amendment to the motion. >> because that's how i feel i should. i echo what commissioner bustos is saying. my role here is to really make sure that san franciscans don't leave the city and they have the opportunity to take advantage of your beautiful units, but i just need an understanding of where we are going and where we are having and it's been a couple of years now and we are getting a lot of feedback and i really don't know what to say. i live in district 6 and i know what it's like.
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so if that's if my fellow commissioners are okay with it unless there is another way of maybe having action items on our, you know like a lot of these things. that's how -- i'm not against the project. i just want to make sure. i mean, god knows we need all the units that you can provide but also i would like to be able to say to the community that i represent of which you know i'm a neighborhood representative that i was appointed here to say yeah, you have an opportunity to take advantage and we are repeating out to you and this is what our developers are doing, reaching out and talking that you at least have a crack at this. so that's how i would like to propose my vote. >> amendment, right? >> yes, if it's okay to amend that. >> i would have to approve
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the amendment. >> i think brian wants to say something. brian, do you want to say something? >> you want to understand how this works. >> exactly it's something we don't totally understand because we haven't been involved with the conversation. there are other phases to work with. right now we are talking about the first phase. hopefully we can get you the information before the second phase going forward and that would be the time. >> can you get us the information before the second phase? >> i would have to learn more. i don't have the info that i needed to. >> it was my motion and if i may, madam chair you know, i think in all fairness this is the first time you are hearing a lot of this angst, and
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you know, i understand that and like i said, we believe in the overall project and we don't want to stop the project, but i hope that everybody including people listening hear what we are asking for. and with commissioner mondejar, i'm with you on that in terms of it's like almost what do you do? but i think, again going back in fairness, their # -- this is your first time hearing, you are getting the brunt of all this, right? so i would ask my fellow commissioners that we move this forward, but that you know what we are going to
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be asking for and i'm sure beyond the five other phases that lanar would want to do more business in san francisco. so, this is all on record. so i'm hoping that we could move this but be very clear with what commissioner mondejar and the rest of us are asking for. so again you are hear the the brunt of everything right now because it's the first time you are hearing it, but, just understand what we want and understand the severity of us not getting a better understanding of what we want and if the spirit of what this project is about is not being met that we are prepared to stop. >> understood. >> again, thank you for being here. i know you almost had a heart
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attack right there. but just know what we want. >> absolutely. i just want to say thank you, i very much appreciate what you are asking for from the marketing standpoint and what we are doing for the community. we are going to make you happy, we are going to get you the marketing plan and we believe, the hope that the community has we want to make it a reality. we are on the same team as you and will work as hard to make this happen. we thank you for everything you said. i appreciate everything. >> thank you, you withdraw your conditions knowing that we've asked our staff to ask our mou contractor, mayor's office of housing to come before us at our next meeting in 2 weeks to give us a verbal report of where we are in some of these issues. i think that gives us, obviously if there is something in
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writing before then. >> we are supposed to get it april 21st. >> that's the formal report. i'm talking about a verbal report sooner than that. >> hopefully next meeting. >> well, if we ask. >> i think what i heard the commissioners ask is you would like a verbal report at your next meeting as well as the standing item on every single calendar related to marketing, how are we doing overall, how are we doing at the shipyard. i heard the lanar representative say they are going to provide that information to you and the public and also i heard a continuous reporting for sbe, don't wait until the quarterly report on the services side and construction provide them in memorandum form to the commission. >> yes. okay. we have a motion by commissioner bustos, second
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by commissioner singh because commissioner mondejar has withdrawn the condition. >> not a condition but a request to the motion. >> yes. please call the roll. city clerk: commissioner members, please answer when i call your name. commissioner mondejar, yes, commissioner singh, yes, bustos, yes, rosales, yes. i have four ayes. >> thank you. i look forward to the reports. >> thank you. >> please call the next item. >> the next order of business is 5d. conditionally authorizing the executive director to enter
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into a memorandum oomph agreement with the port of san francisco regarding terjs of ground leases in the former rn con point south beach redevelopment project area and providing that the port assume maintenance and operation of south beach harbor rincon park and other improvements subject to approval by the state lands commission the oversight board and california department of finance. madam director? >> thank you, madam secretary. commissioners and thank you again to the members of the public who are joining us. commissioners, as you know -- dislugs back in 2012, we entered into arrangement with the
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ports leases for that process using tax increments for agreement to enter into that property. our work program is largely complete. we have been fantastically successful in creating a successful public improvement and mixed income housing program and now it's time to return the approved property and terminate the leases back to the port of san francisco. with that, we'll walk through a number of mou units and the port of san francisco are here as well. >> thank you, director bohee and commissioners. i will be very brief in my presentation relying on the memo and we'll be happy to answer any questions and i'm very pleased to have from the port peter daily, john ooh! and lawrence brown and from the port now that are acting harbor
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master john borrow. as director bohee said it was the redevelopment agency would naturally go to the port since these are operations on portland and are not part of our obligation in terms of future development which is really what the success or agency needed to focus on. we have been working since then on a large number of issues to come to this point. i'm very glad to be here with an agreement that have been reached very cooperatively with the staff. as part of the agreement the port would take over some major liabilities with these properties including responsibility for permit conditions that are still remaining from south beach harbor from the bay development commission and will work on that with the cdc for working with that and loans which are currently both of us the success or
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agency and the porter with the agreement with the respected consent of the port will be solely responsible for repaying those loans. as note, all of our employees at south beach harbor accepted the offer of city employment that was recently offered and so there are no longer, that became effective saturday february 28th. so ocie no longer has any employees at soutd beach harbor. this agreement has no real change to their terms and conditions of employment. and the tennants at south beach harbor have been expecting this since their solution and they have been very regular monthly stakeholders meetings and the question is when is this going to happen, not whether this happened. so there is a lot of opportunity for public input on this from the stakeholders. these
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lease terminations were heard from the port commission in january and were acted upon in february unanimously and with no opposition at the port commission. the port commission was very complimentary of the staff in reaching this point. one of the things that did help as you may remember some time ago this commission was involved in raising birthing fees at the harbor and that allowed the harbor to get more stainable and the staff was comfortable that they knew how to move forward and they have reached that level with the expected plans in increased fees. so the implementation of this agreement is conditional upon still. it won't come into effect immediately because it still requires oversight approval, department of finances approval and with
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the objectives of the redevelopment solution and redevelopment plan we don't anticipate any problems with further approvals. from the point of view of the subleaseholders, the port would assume the leases that we have with the subleaseholders and in the immediate term there will be no change who they pay their rent to and it will be up to the port when they handle those leases when the terms are up and it would no longer be our responsibility. with that, i or the port staff would be happy to answer any questions. >> thank you. >> madam secretary. do we have any speaker cards? >> i do not. >> no speaker cards. okay. members of the commission have questions for staff on this item? >> i move. >> second.
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>> okay. moved by commissioner bustos and singh. >> commissioner mondejar, singh, bustos, rosales. 4 ayes. short and sweet. next item. >> the next order of business item 7 report of the chair. >> i do not have a report at this time. city clerk: the next order of business is report of the executive director. >> item 6. public comment of non-agenda items. >> can you please call that item. >> the next order of business
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is item 6. public comment non-agenda items. >> do we have any cards from the members of the public? we don't have an audience. next item, no. 8. report of the executive director. >> madam director? >> commissioners, report of ground breaking april 29th is an official opening for 1184 street. there was a fantastic article from john king who commended the 50-unit for family development really it's soaring ability for not just architecture for the family purpose, family child care, 200 kids live there in these
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50 units. if you haven't taken a walk through, this will be a great opportunity for the commission and certainly it's open to members of the public. we look forward to that grand open ceremony in april. >> that was a good article. >> okay. i need to ask if there is any members of the public that want to provide comment on the executive directors report. seeing none, please call the next item. >> the next order of business item 9. commissioners questions and matters. madam chair? >> do any commissioners have questions or matters other than the ones that we have already identified for staff. >> this month is women's history month and i would like to ask you to join us for a reception at the mayor's conference room 201 to celebrate the women of the year in san francisco. it will be recognized at the board of
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supervisors legislative chambers at 3:30 p.m. and a reception at 5:30 room 201, the mayor's conference room. everyone is welcome. thank you. >> next item, please? >> the next order of business item 10, closed session. 10 a under california government code 54956.9 conference with legal counsel for existing litigation successor agency to the redevelopment agency of the city and county of san francisco city and county of san francisco versus all persons claiming any interest in lean upon the real property here in described or any part thereof john le bolt and richard a le bolt successor agendas et al. >> thank you, at this time i
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need to ask any member of the public and anyone who is not directly involved with this item to please leave the room. the commission will go into closed session to discuss >> no reportable action. please call the next item. >> the next item is adjournment. >> yes, the meeting is adjourned. your honor your honor your [ meeting is adjourned ] >> >>
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