tv [untitled] March 8, 2015 12:00pm-12:31pm PDT
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i need to ask any member of the public and anyone who is not directly involved with this item to please leave the room. the commission will go into closed session to discuss >> no reportable action. please call the next item. >> the next item is adjournment. >> yes, the meeting is adjourned. your honor your honor your [ meeting is adjourned ] >> >>
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speak on items not on our agenda? seeing none, we'll close public comments. >> i would like to get the word out as much as possible for people who want to come and apply to have a short-term rental application registration. we'll be having evening hours on march 18th, from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. and we'll take drop in appointments for people who want to come in and register for short-term rental unit. just as a reminder it does require not only appropriate materials but it requires a business license by code before we can approve a registration for short-term rent al. so get a
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business license for the short-term rental. we are getting hundreds and hundreds of phone calls and much interest in doing this. we are trying to register as many people as possible. that concludes my report. >> is the treasurers office going to be there for those issuing a business license or application? >> at that time, no. we are trying to stream line that. for this one. they won't be available but for future ones we hope they can do that. >> thank you. >> commissioners if there is nothing further item 26789 review of past events at the planning commission, staff reports. >> good afternoon. i have no formal report of the planning commission, however i have a couple of items to share with you. first of all congratulations to our commissioners who have been recently
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reappointed. i look forward to working with you. secondly i want to put out a letter put in why you are correspondence packet regarding the certificate of appropriateness and regarding the traffic signal at city hall. as you recall there were three conditions of approval outlined within the hpc's approval and the mta has issued this letter stating that of the three they will be able to honor the painting of the traffic signal to the dark blue. but the other conditions or recommendations we will not be able to fulfill. certainly if you have this one, to have a broader situation with mta to have a future date forward. they indicated that they agree that working more closely with the department is a good thing
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and will continue to do that. i was actually had a discussion with some other folks from mta about some additional traffic signals and light poles within the center district this morning. just want to let you know that coordination is already occurring. then the last thing i wanted to just mention to you in this in particular i think is useful for our cultural heritage assets subcommittee. this past weekend i was in washington d.c. at a meeting hosted by the national parks service and they were talking about their budget for the next two fiscal years. there are two competitive grants that will be issued hopefully the fiscal year '16 one will remain unchanged but as you know with the federal budget they are constantly in flux. the two grants i
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wanted to mention to you is in fiscal year 15-16. a program for under represented community and includes documentation and interpretation. this was offered through the office of state historic preservation at the state level. they are now going to allow for local governments to apply for this grant. we can certainly bring this back to you at a future date and figure out what projects or what types of initiatives would be more closely aligned with the requirements of the grant. the recreation and parks say the application will be available in may. i will keep you posted to provide information of similar projects awarded in grants in previous years. maybe we can come up with some ideas. the second is in the fiscal
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year '16 budget, the president is in particular is interested in providing grants related to civil rights sites associated with african american history and it will be brick and mortar projects interpretation and this is a pretty exciting endeavor. right now it will be limited to african american history. they are hope based on the success of the grants and projects coming out of it that there will be a more of a multicultural representation of civil rights and human history and grant proposals this year the one available in march is a $500000 grant pool, but there's no indication of the size of grant we can apply for, but
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certainly once i have that information i will forward it along to you. that concludes my comments unless you have any questions? >> commissioner matsuda? >> are these capital grants or grants used for a number of purposes? >> my understanding is that they can be for a variety of different purposes, for survey, landmark reports, modules local communities and ways for local government to get local communities engaged in projects. i certainly have a better understanding of what they have awarded and granted in the future i'm hoping we'll have a better understanding then. >> if you can get a copy of applications submitted and what was awarded and what was selected from that grant would be helpful. today i
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know that wayne donaldson is conducting an asian pacific american site meeting and i'm sure we can also ask him to provide some assistance as well. thank you. >> seeing no other questions. >> commissioners it will place you on commission matters item no. 3. president's reports and announcements. >> during the confirmation hearing it became a pitch for citywide survey. >> item 4, consideration of adoption draft minutes for february 18, 2015. >> commissioners, do we have any corrections? seeing none, anyone from the public wish to comment on the draft minutes. seeing none, i close public comment. >> i move. >> second.
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>> on that motion, to adopt, commissioner johnck, commissioner matsuda, commissioner wolf and president hasz. that places you on item 5. >> commissioner johnck? >> yeah, i just want to say that the pan pacific fine arts was really great. i was pleased to see the throngs attending that. the historical events. the work that went into that is phenomenal. we are going to be seeing more of that. i wanted to thank commissioner matsuda for reminding us all to check into that. the
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history expo was great. it was well attended. so i was pleased with that. very exciting. i want to say thank you for the staff time to put this together. >> fantastic. seeing no other comments. we'll move on. >> commissioners, this puts you on items proposed for continuance. item 6. 20140655 a proposed to continue. item 7. 20141383 cultural landscape inventory is also proposed continuance to april 15, 2015. i have no speaker cards. >> commissioners, any comments? seeing none, any member of the public wish to comment on the continuance. i
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will close public comment. >> i wish to move. >> thank you. >> on that motion to continue both items as proposed, commissioner johnck, matsuda, wolfram and john, /tphaoul that places you to item 7. consent calendar. is all matters listed here under constitute a consent calendar are considered to be routine by historic preservation commission and maybe acted upon by a single roll call vote of the commission. >> item 8. 20141363. 970 guerrero street. >> commissioners, would you like to pull this off consent. >> any member of public?
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seeing none. >> i move approval. >> second. >> thank you. commissioners, on that motion to approve item 8 with conditions, commissioner johnck, matsuda, wolfram, hasz. that motion passes unanimously 5-0 and places you under your regular calendar for item 920110910. 2168 market street. this is a landmark designation. >> good afternoon, commissioners, jonathan lambers. we are here to consider the landmark designation of the swedish american hall. as you know it's in having special character with special historical architectural.
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how we got here today on december 19, 2014, this commission voted to initiate landmark designation of swedish american hall. it was continued until today in order to allow the building owners, the swedish society of san francisco additional time to receive and comment on the landmark designation report. they have done so and on february 12th of this year the board of the swedish society voted unanimously of this support in landmark designation. in the materials you will find a slightly revised landmark report with minor edits with the swedish society and it's been augmented by several photos by swedish society member ted olson. mr. olson is already here to the and will speak in
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support of landmark designation. also in your materials there is again a slightly revised ordinance. that's the revisions were based on comments made by this commission as well as some of the items done in consultation with the swedish society. some items include items having stained in a box when it was painted. very minor edits. just to let you know, there is no known public opposition to landmarking the building. shortly before this building, san francisco heritage, i will print a copy of that and add it to the record. that concludes my presentation and i'm happy to answer any questions you may have. >> thank you. commissioners, i don't see any questions at this time. we'll open up for public comment. mr. wilson? >> president hasz, director
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ryan, commissioners, my name is ted olson, a third generation of swedish society of san francisco. this society is the olde local swedish club, the owner, builder and continuous occupant and conservator of the swedish hall. we thank you for proposing the extension to comment on the landmark proposal and you understood we did so affirmatively. my grandfathers were founders of this society which before social security like all ethnic clubs provided health and death benefits and helped the community become american. immediately before the quake, the society owned the hall with
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5,000 books with the yet to be the city hall site of our san francisco public library. the main library. my maternal grandfather with the 1906 quake and along the building community of the hall which my grandfather managed for the next 30 years. both parents and grandparents lived across from market street from the hall where i live today. this is why i'm personally and profoundly involved with the landmarking of our hall. therefore i thank director rod ham of the planning department, preservation fry and for the city efforts to landmark the hall as a masterpiece of swedish
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master architect. they consider to be among the top 5 percent of the national landmarks. it is a classic of the arts and crafts movement and the hallmarks of swedish craftsmanship. in addition to preserving the hall by renovating it during this past year 1/2 we have strengthened it and installed the elevator connecting all floors. it was designed with elevator shaft and we finally have it. now with fully functioning facility because of our partnering with the vikings. they have shared in all details of rehabilitating the structure. our neighborhood has become one of the most dynamic in the city and we'll
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play the role in hosting events. >> thanks, mr. olson. >> we thank you very much for that and of course the hall was the sender for participating in all affairs in the panama pacific international exhibition which we celebrate today and which i'm a member. >> thank you, mr. olson. any other member of the public wish to speak? seeing none, we'll close public comment. >> commissioners? >> i would like to say this is where we learn about the history of the city through people like mr. olson, it's not like ark you architecture of the building. i love the story that the elevator has gone in 100 years later which is amazing and that it fits in that shift which is also amazing and that we learn about our city
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in a much deeper way. i enjoy hearing the background and stories. thank you very much. >> commissioner matsuda? >> i also want to encourage you for telling this story. it's great that we bring this to a national level because it's a story we should all know about. >> commissioner johnck? >> i want to add my comments and say it's an honor to participate in this decision. this is my early neighborhood when i first arrived in san francisco many many years ago. so i'm really pleased to see this happening in this part of town as well. thank you for your efforts. >> thank you, and so it ways neat thing to think back in the day when there were such places where immigrants would come from a certain country and gather and become americans. it's pretty amazing, a different time. >> so i move that we
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recommend this to the board of supervisors for landmark designation. >> second. >> thank you, commissioners. on that motion, to adopt a recommendation for approval, commissioner johnck, yes, commissioner matsuda, commissioner pearlman, wolfram, yes, press hasz. that passes 5-0. item 10: toughy 41557591. 376 san carlos street. >> good afternoon. the item before you is for 376 san carlos street with the liberty hill landmark district. the proposed project includes facade work to remove stucco from the front of the building. repair from the underlying wood siding to be in good
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condition. replacement of ornamental wood trimming. and conduct wood and front entry stair of railing and entering new garage stores for added daylighting. replacing single pane windows to match in kind. regrading of the existing driveway to address site drainage and front landscaping elements. today the department has not received any correspondence to express support or opposition to the proposed project. as far as issues with this proposal, the only issues that the existing conditions of the historic facade will not fully be understood until the stucco has been carefully removed because of the trim details on the drawings have not been fully developed at this point. the department
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staff recommends approval with conditions to ensure the proposed work is under taken in conformance with the certificate of appropriateness. staff recommends the following conditions. the staff will conduct site removal and any remaining trim elements and drawings of replacement pieces will be submitted to the department staff for final approval prior to ordered and installation. the project sponsor kevin stevens and his colleague robert wu are here if you have any questions. this concludes my presentation. >> commissioner, any questions? commissioner wolfram. >> i have a question about that term "shop drawings" it seems staff's approval is depending on details. shop drawing, i'm wondering if that is a typical thing that is being
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reviewed. >> tim frye department staff. commissioners when we review shop drawings as conditional approval we require the project sponsor to come back to us after it's been issued to review them and note any changes to be made to the drawings to reflect the actual conditions that are found at the site and to ensure the profiles and shop drawings match what we approve in the site permit. >> i guess i'm asking it relative to consistently because what was on the consent calendar said refined details needed to be approved by staff but didn't say shop drawings. sometimes the challenge of shop drawings is that they are on a very tight schedule that the contractor has to produce them and then the staff has to review them. the timing might be difficult for an applicant. >> commissioners, tim frye,
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again, department staff. i would argue the distinction between this item is the refinement of details really had to do with the in you window opening at the ground floor on the primary facade and that was just to ensure that the details and profiles are simplified. so it's not miss construed as a historic opening. here we have the restoration of a full primary facade. so we feel that a little bit more information would be required for us to determine that the shop drawings do in fact match what was approved by this commission and by the department under the site permit. the short answer to your question is it really has to do with the scope of work. >> thank you. >> commissioners, no other questioners, we'll open for public comment. any member of the public wish to speak on this item. >> do you wish to hear from the project sponsor? >> i'm fine. if they had a
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presentation. it didn't sound like they did. okay. no public comment on this. commissioners, any questions for the sponsor? my only comment is i absolutely love when we take buildings that have been stuck owed over and bring them back. i'm a big fan of this. >> i move to approve with the conditions of the motion. >> second. >> on that motion, commissioners to approve with conditions, commissioner johnck, yes, commissioner matsuda, yes, pearlman, yes, wolfram, yes, hasz. that passes 5-0. >> with that, we'll adjourn. [ meeting is adjourned ] >> >>
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