tv [untitled] March 11, 2015 3:00am-3:31am PDT
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host this is the route this is uncommon used for the south coordinate i'm not sure i'll support this because of the usage of the boulevard we this that larkin and others are high street coordinates we have on polk street for the entire north-south transit for the bicyclists we accepting expect more people to get out of their cards and more housing along the van ness and south of market we need to figure out ways to get people bicycling and walking we have a publicized article where a 6-year-old was hit and killed by a driver on polka first
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grader at the elementary school a horrific story i represented a district that has the highest number of pedestrian kinds of the collisions this is wasn't i'm passionate about i recognize the difficult position there is on a balance of many different needs of the are stakeholders involved i have to say i want to give thoughts to the staff we think they have a balance of the plan with a lot of stakeholders nodes and listening to merchants and drivers but as someone that is a beginning kinds of the committed to bicycling more there our more pedestrians if you want people
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like me driving less i want to be protected in the bike lanes we're not asking for a lot only polk street again (laughter) we're just asking for polk street - >> i meant in terms of the north-south coordinate there is not a lot in the part of city and i am not the only one over the last two world series weeks many facebook and e-mails about polk street including cyclists that have been hit the sfmta surveys show people arrive watt the car a difficult place to have a car you need different transportation nodes and our coffee 0 shops the first
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congratulating church i'm here to ask for people to model the digestion for the rest of the city and in particular i want to note i'm disappointed to see the solution of the bike lanes to california street this is really an opportunity to tackle the dangerous intersections in california stopping at pine street this is not in my district my residents are part of the polk street the art walks and the entertainment community and the homeless residents patrons the shops as a policymaker tasks representing the entirety of san francisco we have people's lives at stake thank you sfmta for your achieving the balanced plan that
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is challenging but ultimately this is policy decision for this 0 body i want to thank you for your commitment and our work for the cutting-edge for industry wide i know you care deeply and ask you to trade off the option that is closest to our vision zero policy. >> ms. circo mr. chairman i'm going to go back and read the last 5 (calling names) and if people in 408 if you hear our name make our way here is gary here jerold huber? jeanine
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jeanine. >> if you're in the other room please come this way. >> jerold is here. >> okay. after barry i'm going to read the next two (calling names) good afternoon tom nolan and directors i'm very much concerned about the loss of park but the traffic congestion on polk street if you go there in the evenings the traffic is so particularly between gary and pine street your lack of involvement in the regulation of the t nc i've heard over 16
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thousand derivatives of the plus of those pcos and without a checks and balances with you're not involved with legislation e regulation which i think you're being cowards by not being involved i am sorry of the word but you see them parked in white and yellow and other zones double parking anywhere on the streets and the other part of it van ness avenue you've eliminated the left turns and make it a huge traffic gridlock i want to in closing some advise i used to connect i saw at a town hall meeting i can't pronounce his name it starts
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with a b and laced name an s. >> yes. that's the name. >> i saw him at the town hall melting he said that he likes the brt and also said there has to be a way to make cars to have access to the freeways entrances and exits if you disturb that you're making gridlock everything else be careful what you ask for . >> >> thank you. next speaker please. >> and jerold hub berry the last time i'll read those two names (calling names). >> i'm going to read a few more names. >> good afternoon, sir. >> this is a much needed project
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polk is a major bicycle corridor and absolutely scary for people to ride on in the seriousness of vision zero this should be important lives and safety are more important than - most of people who spent their money get there without driving that will change even more in that direction if you make it is important practical and convenient i think whatever you do you're probably going to be stuck with it for decades and think about more and more people are moving here the density is increased there's not enough room for people to have tare own vehicle on the news something about younger people driving less and
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not wanting to own cars the cost of living is increasing and owning a car and paying for park and insurance and gasoline is a big cost of that i don't know what else to say i want to see this thing happen. >> in connection. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> (calling names.) >> good afternoon. >> good afternoon. i'm henry penn a native pen resident i have been living there 22 years i'm very disappointed that separated bike ways are not being cared and pine street up to union the the polk is one of the most
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dangerous corridors i don't know anyone that i grew up with including my parents that want to get on a bicycle and ride other than the city my personality are which they understand immigrant and my family is chinese immigrant they used to bike all the time in china they'll not been on a bicycle it's continue 24 years since they rode a to the best of my knowledge bike and that plan will not courage them to ride their bikes into the city i support director brinkman's polling proposal to reintroduce the pine track have more people get the choosing choice to ride a bicycle on the street if we want to. >> thank you very >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> (calling names.) >> good afternoon.
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>> hello, i'm jim i'm a long time san francisco resident 21 years my mother and children were born here a property owner and landlord and i have two duties 57 and 9 tarnishing the schools i involve myself in the police processed because i'm a frequent bicyclist the need for protected bike lanes that's the only way to reach our gallows in vision zero 20 percent by any day have a lot of bicyclists in the city your original plan as the staff is is really good one the goals beyond how they got krufrptd by a small group of local special interests something that will not chief their goals i know
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there is something wrong with the sfoovt i spoen spoke about the amendment that barely might be adequate to get us what we need if you can't produce what we need as san franciscans then you know we have to i'm willing to take 09 ways to chief i've put issues in front of the voters that have >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> (calling names). >> good afternoon. >> good afternoon. i'm noah the executive director of san francisco bicycle coalition i want to deluge a moment of silence i want to ask for silence of a young child that was killed on polk street in
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front of of the mission thank you so sadly the latest example of the protection for the bicyclists to add space for them polk street is following the same pattern and becoming more and more dangerous as people's travel preferences are changing and the city must keep pace i want to thank the sfmta staff and for the community and survivalist advocates that have 3r5r7d you all heard from them thousands of people supporting the protected bike lanes on polk street over the two years san francisco has committed to vision zero and over the two years traffic collision have increased on polk street it is the first vision for vision zero moving forward arrest it is one
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of the most dangerous streets as identified by the public health a high injury corridor. >> i'm calling today on this board support implementation of the support of the amendment from board member director brinkman from pine through union street thank > thank you. next speaker, please. >>. (calling names) >> good evening. >> herbert wiener the proposal for pomp of polk street could be called the invasion of the snafrpdz or 20er789d polk street the world (laughter).
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>> it is an extremely difficult street for parking proposal where it initiatives if i can't solve the problem make it worse the beneficiaries will be the biologists who should be riding on the adjacent streets not creating gridlock and this to those detriment of the peace and the quiet of the neighborhood conversion and elimination of the bus stops will not speed up transportation as previous modifications have shown for two decades passengers will have to walk longer distances to the buds and seniors who they disregard it should benefit all arrest it is state it environmental review has been done perhaps another was is needed and i'm not alone in advocating this please consider with what the
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advocates state our transportation system is 345u79d to protect everyone this proposal should benefit everyone, everyone should be save including the pedestrians we studio see sthafkz how many pedestrians have been struck by bicyclists having bicyclists endischarged by the traffic we need a go proposal making it safe for everyone not polk versus polk (clapping) and (calling names). >> any of those folks here. >> come right forwarded please. ms. ellen. >> good afternoon. >> good afternoon i'm barbara graham i'm speaking
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on behalf of pacific heights association we're deeply concerned about the remaining of the character and vital of the resident in san francisco based on our analysis of the information that was prepared on the proposal that you see before you color code all of the streets that have been proposed and i want to point out that the parking changes that are described here may have a certain percentage of intention of removing the parking spaces but the numbers are great deal more if you looked the red and yellow and the blue zones and the white zones combined with the dedicated bike lanes and the removal of parking on van ness
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it leaves little if no parking for the clients of the small businesses restaurant shops and professionals along polk street realistically those businesses are the vibrancy of polk street no matter how loyal those are customers are they maybe but where will they go? when they have to frustrate leeless less leave the city how long can the small businesses and the professional offends stay alive and furthermore the safety and practicality of the bulb out on brewed broadway and union what is the cost benefit because the bubbled will force
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the trucks to have to slow down for safety purposes >> thank you. >> i urge you to consider an eir that will address. >> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> address those. (calling names) >> is many ma ken a if the folks are in the other room they'll come in here when i call other names. >> good afternoon. i'm matthew a resident of san francisco by having it's gotten a little bit more bike friendly especially the part where you come off of
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van ness going up north liquor a lot of the bicyclist infrastructure in the city it is fractured and would be amazing to have a more connected bike network where i didn't feel like i was safe so for 3 blocks but the rest of the ride i'm happy to weave necessity of traffic we no idea a lot of the changes that are proposed especially liquor dealing with loading and unloading zones with the trucks and also taxis and other vehicles it would be great to plan for those things like ride cesar chavez i had you - there are tons of accidents happening that don't get called in i'd
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like to get around to places but i felt like i had to avoid two buses so i couldn't get down the street and would have ended up walking my bike we to need those changes i support those changes and extend the bicycle lanes and further endorse any safety improvements thank you. >> (calling names). >> i'll read one more. >> i'm gig i didn't a knob hill resident for 14 years this is a - i've had near missess on polk
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it is water down by the interests it will fail to provide safety improvements for the dangerous intersections ever polk between pine and california is where many of my near misses have occurred other northbound bike lane is from there 3 dangerous metabolics have not seeing bicycle safety and every other city in the u.s. have protected bike lanes there's an a boom in commerce and reduction in accidents the kerosene asterisk into a safe calm corridor will allow it to thrive but your current plan to help a one way protected bike lane will not courage people to ride on it
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it condemns bicycle safety to play a russian route of people sending them to the hospital and morgue every year help us separate the bicyclists from traffic thank you. >> thank >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> (calling names.) >> good afternoon. >> i'm thomas on all sides of that i own a park and office building i bicycle to work this is a complex meter from the heights association what is the cost benefit it is lives it is my life and my fellow bicyclists lives we can't trade that off 3 years ago my wife got a major concussion almost every
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other week i see incident of having a close call this morning i was almost hit and a press us the driver was super nice off i'm so sorry you don't i did not mean to do that when you bike everyday there are two major moments that cars don't think about you when they get stuck in a box they swerve into the box lane and when someone is turning left and we don't want to wait behind the person and swerve into the bike line had there are the cherry rows the car swerve into the lanes when there are dedicated lanes it is previous aggressive but a hard solid lane
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keep poems minds on a bicyclist 3 could be in the lane we support that stuff i the last point i want to make i was driving in i realized that sorry biking in every business was closed if they're saying hey, you can't park here we want to have the access to the businesses let's suspend parking when we do the street sweeping to have clean lanes without taking away from parking thank >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> (calling names). >> good afternoon, sir. >> good afternoon, supervisors i'm here on behalf of a woman that wrote this letter but to support our letters. >> i'm sorry are you maurice. >> hi, everybody i'm maurice
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(laughter). >> the woman that wrote this letter is john an i'm reading here letter points to make videotape made february 2, '75 p.m. rush hour notice a kind cars. >> muni and corporate buses and heavy vehicles and bikes and motorized obscurity and tourists and the volume is from overflow on van ness avenue and the how 101 this is not going to get better on worse with the opening of 3:00 p.m. st. hospital on endearing and van ness it is difficult to safer everyone 0, however you should do any environmental impact report
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before making decisions related to the bike lanes and other restrictions address residents concerned and w width of the street this is about quality of life for residents clean air, cease to parking noise safety for families and seniors and children scenario one and two imagine our an ambulance on the way to a hospital stuck in traffic returning home after a hundred plus million dollars from commuting from the south bay you're keeping people from getting home to feed their children taking their elderly parents to get their megsdz from walgreens. >> okay. thank you, sir. >> thank you. (calling names)
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>> good afternoon. >> i'm steven the transcript chair for a russian hill neighbors a 6 hundred member neighborhood organization that represents neighbors and businesses in russian hill we're here to stroeng support this plan and would i believe that is the best plan we can have for polk street at this time we've spent a couple of years in workshops and hearing and on houses and concentration with the mta staff and others on the project we found others we need to have a compromise among the various interests and uses the street is not big enough to get everyone everything they want
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you're going to offend someone what we want is a neighborhood serving street recognizing that, however you get there whether pie bicyclist or automobile walking or transit you become a pedestrian so the first one is the pedestrian safety and save street for all people we then want to we acknowledge earlier on with bicycling we're the first people that signed on to the brilliant idea our staff wake up with a bicycle in one direction and shared in other direction and parking and providing more space for pedestrians in russian hill this promotes maximum missed safety what is going to happen you're
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going to narrow down the street in russian hill we have stop signs that slows down the traffic we urge you to adapted this >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> (calling names). >> good afternoon. >> donning tren everyday again. >> i'm barbara been if loosening and washington for 20 years not a problem walking the streets of polk street i have been threatened and by bicyclists more than i'd like to say they are dangerous and i don't hear anything about the responsibility that cyclists have to take in mayor view they
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