tv [untitled] March 11, 2015 7:30am-8:01am PDT
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and see restaurants really providing more milk in the children's meals and san francisco has is shown we're in the lead and today's legislation is a part of that and also in our city, when we've looked very closely at the data, we know that 1 in 3 san francisco youth will become diabetic in their lifetime -- 1 in 3 and when you look at african-americans and latinos 1 in 2 will develop type 2 diabetes in their lifetimes. our office reported last year that sugary drinks cost us as a city fifty million as a city $50 million and the city governments 26 $26 million a year so there's a negative compact by the over consumption of sugary beverages and we're
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continuing this fight against big soda in 2015 with our coalition with legislation that we think will make our communities healthier and better informed informed. the legislation i'm introducing will prohibit the use of city funds from city departments and contractors from purchasing sugary drinks it doesn't ban vendors or private parties from bringing them but it limits the city and departments and contractors that do business with the city to consume sugary beverages we can't in good faith know the terrible harm these drinks cause and then allow them to be handed out in children's programs or encourage employees to drink them and to provide the
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department of public health and our staff more information about the sale of these harmful products. lastly i'm introducing a resolution to formally endorse senator bill madding's bill as we voted about a year ago sb 203 requiring warning labels to inform consumers of the risks imposed by big sugar's products and this board supported unanimously last year and various ordinances that will limit advertising of sugary drinks on city properties and place warnings on advertisements and i wanted to thank our city's public health
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leaders and organizers for their inspiring work and examples they set for me and other policy makers in our city. it's open truth now dot org thanks the rest i'll submit. >> thank you supervisor mar supervisor tang. >> thank you i'm submitting today draft legislation typically i do not do this but i felt this was a very important way to really start formally a large dialogue that we will be embarking upon with the rest of the community and city. there's a lot of talk earlier in this meeting about housing and how to accommodate more people people to be able to live here in our great city and i think we need to look at all solutions and one of the solutions we've been discussing with the planning department probably for the past year or half a year now has to do with the idea of back yard cottages.
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currently the code allows for the construction of facilities that are ten by ten mostly for garden tool storage so we're looking at expanding that regulation to allow for the construction of accessory dwelling units in rear yards and again we feel all solutions should be looked at especially in the sunset district we have many many homes that have large back yards that could accommodate such facilities. so i really look forward to working with the rest of my colleagues and community members in figuring out how we move forward with this legislation so the rest i submit. thank you. >> thank you supervisor tang supervisor wiener. >> thank you very much madam
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clerk. the first item is an ordinance landmarking the swedish american hall near sanchez if you have not seen it before it's really a beautiful majestic building and fell into partial misuse and it's now being revital ized and it's going to be better and better moving forward with live music and food services and our first step is landmarking the building and it's an exciting step for the neighborhood and for this property and i'm also introducing today legislation briefly described by supervisor mar and i want to thank supervisor mar and supervisor cohen for cosponsoring it. requiring health warnings for stationary advertisements like billboards and other signs for
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sodas and sugary beverages -- quote -- warning drinking beverages with added sugar contributes to to diabetes and tooth decay. we know warning are an important public health strategy and they have worked very well in cigarettes all advertising has to inform consumers about some of some of the diseases cigarettes cause and the same should happen here. we know these drinks are fueling the explosion of type 2 diabetes and other health problems and absolutely as a society need to reduce consumption and this
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legislation will help us to do that it applies to any paper poster or billboard ads posted on any structure whether it's it's a transit structure or a building or vehicle. it doesn't include newspapers magazines or periodicals because those tend to be produced outside of the city and it would be challenging or illegal for us to require that warnings be placed on them and the size will have to be at least 20 percent of the ad space a standard required by the fda on tobacco health warnings and the legislation will be enforced by the department of public health and the goal of the legislation of course is to have compliance and not to collect any fines for violations and do not want to create any burdens on any of our retailers and this legislation explicitly states no retailer can be subject to
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any fine without at least a 30-day warning from public health so if an inspect or goes into a store it will need to be corrected within 30-day and see applies only to advertisements posted after the affected date of the legislations so people are not going to have to tear down existing bill boards and signs and replace them so gradual this will phase in the health warnings on our billboard signs etc.. there is no one approach that is going to help address the growing healthcare problem that sugary drinks are creating in our country we are going to have to take various approaches and one of those approaches is education and making sure consumers are receiving good
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information about the impacts of these drinks and this will help move us in this direction i want to thank my office for working on this legislation and supervisor mar and supervisor cohen office. >> thank you. thank you supervisor wiener supervisor yee . >> thank you madam clerk today i'll be introducing two items. one is a hearing to hear testimony on extending the child care impact fee to residential development and the second item -- well, it's regarding the balboa reservoir site and i've heard from my constituents when it comes to the development of this site. every person i've talked to seems to lead to one issue --
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we need more information. while i appreciate the efforts that have gone to outreaching the neighbors to date i believe we need to do to do a much better job reaching out to every neighbor and every stakeholder. this 18-acre parcel of land will be one of the bigger developments in the western side of san francisco outside of parkmerced. it's larger than the combination of the 3 of the of the 3 development sites on ocean avenue or the 184 town houses and larger than the proposed and approved buildings on what we call the overlook project, so this is really a big deal for our neighborhood and probably for the western side of san francisco i mean
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there's hardly any development it seems it's all happening in district 7 so for today i'm introducing legislation to create a balboa reservoir citizen's advisory committee. i believe it is important that residents, businesses and education institutions impacted by this site are getting should be getting more information from the city about the project every step of the way and are given a say in the decisions that are made. i envision a citizen's advisory committee a place where everyone can get the most updated information the city has and have the necessary conversations about the development on the site and it will have 9 members representing the neighborhoods businesses and educational institutions around the
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reservoir. the task will be to advice on issues centered around transportation and parking open space and other community benefits and housing options and affordability and the interaction of the project with city college good neighbor policies to serve existing residents of small businesses around the site and finally i believe that this is an opportunity for us to envision something very very positive for our neighborhood and i believe that the only way to achieve that is by having a constant flow of information and to have real neighborhood input. the rest i submit. >> thank you supervisor yee supervisor avalos? >> thank you madam clerk colleagues i have two items for introduction one is a new security contract for the mta,
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a 3-year contract and this is like the the second bite at creating a contract for security for the mta and i for the mta and i think they have done it right and hopefully meet with your approval and the next item i have for introduction is a resolution that follows up on on the controller's recent report identifying 3000 loans in the city that are underwater or near underwater and these are predominantly in the southern and south eastern neighborhoods in san francisco and one of the few strategies for helping struggling homeowners where cdfi's have been able to purchase at risk mortgages from banks, hud and fireman frannie and freddie mac and help
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families stay in their homes and expresses the intent of the board to negotiate with the banks that sell more of these at risk mortgages to the cdfi's and pose low financial financial risks and burdens to the city and i hope that we can work with other cities to pressure the banks to sell more of these at risk loans and the city councils in richmond california and new ark new jersey have passed similar resolutions and i've been in contact with them and it also urges our mayor to join us in this effort and i hope mayor lee can work with fellow mayors to include other cities to help us pressure the banks who sell these at risk loans and the
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rest i'll submit thank you colleagues. >> thank you supervisor avalos supervisor campos? >> thank you madam clerk. you know, last week on wednesday at the request of supervisor farrell and i believe supervisor christensen as well, we had a very enlightening hearing at the budget committee to get a presentation on the planning department's efforts to enforce the short-term rental law and so-called ab and b law and it was a very informative presentation and i have to give a great deal of kudos to the planning department staff who were very forthcoming and the long and short of it for those of you that watched this hearing is what we heard from the planning department staff was essentially that that as currently written this law is
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un forceable and it's interesting a number of issues were raised but one of the fascinating things is that over the course of discussing this legislation, we have heard from hundreds if not thousands of folks who are engaging in short-term rentals and the unfortunate thing is that i was, as was noted by the hearing by the apartment association which i don't necessarily always agree with, there were more people in that room coming to testify about this law than actually had signed up for the law itself. and when you look at the issue of enforcement, i think the only thing that i can say in
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the and i believe this law will be essentially an un forceable piece of legislation and i think whatever differences we may have about the short-term rental legislation i think that we can all be in agreement that when we pass a law by this body that we want that law to be enforced. this data is critical for a number of reasons as i mentioned to help our planning department staff
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in their enforcement of the law second it's also important in terms of understanding the impact of this new short-term rental law when it comes to our housing stock and the other thing is that the thing about enforcement is that given the nature of this industry without information to verify whether or not the rules are being followed, enforcement is simply impossible and the last thing that i would note is that we know this ordinance will address the issue of providing information as we move forward. we're also looking continuing to look at the issue of making sure is that the information that has been requested by the department which is information that is retro spective that that
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information be provided and hope we don't have to go down the path of having to subpoena ab and b and other platforms to get this information but we, in my office are keeping this option open to give our staff the tools they need to enforce this law the rest i submit. >> thank you supervisor campos supervisor cohen? >> thank you madam clerk. i have just a very few brief remarks i want to talk about the legislation i'm introducing today. it's legislation to ban the advertising of sugar sugar sweet ened beverages and you have heard remarks earlier today supervisor wiener as well as supervisor mar and i want to let you know there's room on this roster for other sponsors for those that would like to join with us and it's simple
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it's actually mod led after alcohol advertisements and we hold to a product that's slowly killing us and in 2013 alone this beverage companies spent 866 $866 $866 million advertising these beverages 4 times as much as they spent advertising pure fruit juice and water and the beverage industry targets low income communities and they also happen to be some of the communities with the highest risk of diabetes and includes the south eastern part of san francisco and according to a 2011 report by the yale center for food policy and obesity african-american youth see
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eighty to 90 percent more ads for sugary drinks than their white counter parts and this is just not acceptable. our youth deserve to grow up in an environment to messages that promote health and thank you and i recognize that there's plenty of opportunity for others to join but there's always room for you. thank you. >> thank you supervisor cohen supervisor farrell. >> thank you madam clerk
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colleagues today i'm introducing legislation formally that i mentioned a few weeks ago and to ban the smoke less tobacco. prolonged use can cause cancer and even death among individuals and can can be disastrous to our children and tobacco in any form should no longer claim the lives of our family and friends. chewing tobacco is not allowed on athletic fields across our city and not dictate to what individuals do off the fields. it has a very similar structure for the city's landmark antitobacco and smoking ordinance and similar requirements and penalty structures in place and in order to allow coaches and teaches and individuals to prepare for this it will not
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take effect until january 2016. each year over 500 thousand 500 thousand new children ages 12 to 17 try smoking tobacco for the first time and it's a real issue affecting millions of children across the u.s. and certainly here in san francisco. i want to reiterate that my motivation for this as someone that used chewing tobacco back in the day. i'm doing this for my kids. we're blessed and i don't want our children's future or the future of any child here in san francisco to be a future with chewing tobacco no more and colleagues i hope we we can
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step up on this issue and single out supervisor mar for his cosponsorship. the rest i submit. >> thank you supervisor farrell . >> thank you very much. i want to update you on a hearing that we held yesterday supervisor cohen and supervisor kim were there and i had the pleasure of hearing our double parking hearing which i'll be honest was highly discouraging and i hope colleagues you will join me in putting pressure on the mta and the police department to actually enforce our double parking laws. a year and a half ago we healed an oversight hearing on double parking and i think we all know it's pretty rampant in the in the city it's a bit of the wild west there's very little enforcement outside of the downtown core
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and our double parking has significant negative impacts on our transportation system one double parked car can cause a multiblocked traffic jam and even shut down an entire muni line and one double parked car can cause a large number of bikes in a bike lane have to veer out into traffic and it seems as we add more bike lanes many drivers appear to view these bike lanes as just an additional parking lane and very very little enforcement so we held a hearing a year and a half ago and the the mta committed to the land use committee that it would improve the enforcement of double parking so we held the hearing and do you want to know what we learned? we learned that the
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mta issued fewer tickets and to be clear 2013 was a small number of tickets so we're not talking about a peak and it went down so it went from bad to even worse according to the mta to the mta the reason for for the decline in the number of double parking tickets was because they didn't have the staffing to do it so we asked them to come back with a plan to have the capacity to enforce double parking we're growing as a city our streets are becoming more and more congested every day with cars bikes pedestrians and trucks and every kind of vehicle and we need to make sure we're appropriately managing our transportation system and i'm a big fan to enforce again people blocking the box and we need to make sure we're doing a better job enforcing against
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double parking and we're going to be keeping a close eye on this because this situation has to improve. >> that concludes the introduction of new business. >> at this time madam clerk can you please read public comment? >> the public can comment for up to to 2 minutes to include the policy discussion between the mayor and the board and the minutes yet to be approved and items without reference to committee calendar. public comment is not allowed on items pursuant to the board's rules direct your remarks to the board as a whole not to individual supervisors. if . if you would like a document to be displayed on the overhead projector --
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>> thank you madam clerk. first speaker, please? sir, there's another microphone that -- >> god bless you supervisors in the city and county of san francisco. my name is keith dennis and i was going to talk about the horrible -- [inaudible] that goes on in our city but i better reiterate what i spoke about last year because i'm seeing it unfold right in front of my eyes. i said that there was a downsizing in the fillmore district they took outside the jazz ye wash and this one i'm about to say markus bookstore
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probably is the first black bookstore in the nation okay? we need to stop downsizing our communities okay? we need to take a good look at what we have and build upon it, okay? markus bookstore is a treasure and we need to find a way to get it back in the fillmore and we need to keep the fillmore the fillmore. it's it's nationally known as the jazz district so ladies, may i say to you -- happy women's month i appreciate all the services that you supervisors do. thank you very much supervisors and keep up the good work. >> thank you very much. next speaker, please? >> good evening
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