tv [untitled] March 11, 2015 11:30am-12:01pm PDT
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building they carry the story the building and the narrative of the tenants it didn't also happen but there are model that create the most effective. >> one more question i'm aging and i know as more sports i'll need but as an aging homeless person those services are critical how do the providers network adjusts to the elderly boom that the author of h s dignity or an elderly boom we're seeing but in the next 20 years will be huge i'm wondering how the providers network is addressing that we share your concern and appreciate the housing lard is one important piece of that particularly the notion of
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existing tenants being able to move across agency and models bans their needs and certainly directors roars proposal to make an even better approach around the case management is good and the on and on onsite nursing for case management non-emergency medical needs help a grateful with that so we'll see what works and be sure to support people as they transition through 9 lives experience. >> thanks very much. >> thank you. >> all right. i'll call a few other speaker cards please come on up you have 2 minutes (calling names) please come on up if you want to speak in public comment >> good morning, supervisors. i'm jackie brison i want to
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thank supervisor farrell for making this hearing happen it's been a long, long long, long time coming as supervisor farrell and supervisor tang will remember i have spoken several times another supervisor mar during public comment about the need for eviction protection for people who are in so-called supportive housing now, when i got my copy of this beyond moving beyond stability from mr. duffy who isn't here i noticed the definition for homeless housing tenant have a lease and all associated protection well, i was dumped at a site i was told was permanent housing i have a rental
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agreement this is not permanent this needs to be corrected there needs to be take into account with the eviction protection those nonprofits are receiving a lot of money to work with difficult clients i'll be considered a difficult client i'm highly caught not agitated i'm outspoken and well researched and also the elephant in the room i'm a registered repeal and again the retention why put people in housing if you're got going to keep them there retentions, retention retention you work towards retention whatever it takes it may be that nonprofit in charge cynicism has to come to an end thank you.
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>> thank next speaker, please. >> >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> come on up. >> hi, i'm a staff attorney at the general advocacy we're a nonprofit clinic in the tenderloin we serve many clients that are receiving cash couldn't benefits especially cap as well as tenants in non-cap unit i will or want to support the non interruption to encourage they stay in support of housing and stabilitytion hopefully long term will get away from the housing as trent mentioned the agency hesitate adapted several policies that should help reduce the number of disturbances as well as the frequency and work with the agency we're happy about those policy changes that have been impacted, however we still think there is more that
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can be done for example if clients are in city permanent housing and ref cap benefits i like it when the staff are notified but clients can be suspended or reduced grant status so they continue to maintain their housing while their housing issue is being resolved not going through the eviction process that's all i have to say thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon deanna chief of the research as a member of supportive housing network we support all the elements i want to bring your attention to a couple of the points we're not to interrupt the housing but to
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help build folks we engage in youth and education and create a public health for self-sufficiency takes time the militant year approach is the right approach it is essential that the provider input speak to best practices and the populations individual contribution to our community level impact youth provider we have stabilization for youth to move on and out supportive housing needs to meet the population and the core services to meet the individual needs we can't apply a cook current program we need a 10 year plan to look at this and to supportive housing is one tool we need to have a permanent
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approach to ending homelessness in san francisco this will need the needs of the population as well as those who leave public housing have a place to go. >> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good morning, supervisors my name is gay lord dickinson i'm also living in one of the sro's i'm here to speak on the pantry and the coffee hour communication with the tenants in there this way we get to talk to each other our case manager is also there he provides a multiple of services we have the food bank and it gives the tenants a chance to get together instead of being isolated our coffee hours is one of the ways to better ourselves when i moved in there i didn't have nothing
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but the case manager and t nc and the city collaborative has helped me better myself with this thing it helps us a lot those people in the building provides services to prevent it to say there's a cost to helping people fits irrelevant people that can't get out of the building the services provides us food that provides tenants that can't get out that can't go as far to get it they provide us with a case manager she helps us to get things together like housing and clothing anything we need it is all there there are a whole lot of things that we need are there not cut this or
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that that's all i have. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good morning. i'm deb are the executive director of chount u county housing i want to thank supervisor farrell to call the hearing to testify at this and the controller's office for creating a document that identifies supportive housing a successful model i want to thank dph and s f a that have funded us like the community hours in support of the housing since 1999 although trent talked about 2003 was well ahead of the curve i hope one thing out of the report is stabilize our funding it seems to me we have to each other try this model and that model and we've known the crisis
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management one to one hundred with the case managed didn't work our energy goes to how to create the community when supervisor mar asked about the senior population and avj in place it's important i talk about that aging group that is 50 plus i call them my 50 plus group people with live on the streets are chronic aisles most people will not see hive beyond 60 we have to talk about that population differently. >> the dph has identified how many years when our homeless on the streets so a person 53 like me is a 60 or 70-year-old person it seems to me. >> one-size-fits-all the
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research is vaublg but the network and the folks that do this every single day year in and out to make sure we implement some the recommendations thank you. >> thank you>> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hi supervisors good morning my name is leonardo i'm a case of a one in 49 mason i think 149 mason itself is a really help to me because when i first came there i was you know partially paralyzeed they got me back out to into the community and helped me with the reminding medical appointments reminding just in
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itself so i'm a pleased i'm pleased with the 149 mason epa for someone who didn't want to live in support of housing but now after ref 5 years of it i wouldn't trade that in for the world so it is helpful to older folks and to younger folks that have problems such as myself so that's all i wanted to say i'm appreciative of that. >> any other members of the public p that wish to comment. >> yes. my name is larry i've been living in the t nc for 13 years if you noticed hud and
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want to hear about maxine to do the right job this the article about the hiv goes through discrimination i've noticed the human service taken over housing from the housing authority where are we are abused over 10 years we've been getting abused in those places human service does not honor cool off or allow alliance they don't allow the mental health service and honor the nonprofits subject to the violation that taught for us we have those agencies telling the human services and the proposed managers and my building one hundred and 34 managers they get us get abused not as we age but
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hiv even the lgbtq task force several agencies found out what was going on the description with people are hiv or aids in san francisco we feel the tenants never get a chance to say anything i know you cannot live in a place if it's unsafe for you we want that to be part of the human services because they're not listening to san francisco all nonprofits who we go to that's not right those people are doing great jobs and honor our nonprofits that fought for us tenants we hope that is on the book so we have better housing in san francisco ems people are coming off the street. >> thank you, thank you very much. >> people that have been living
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there. >> move onto the. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good morning, supervisors thank you for your time i'm liz the director of housing department and asset math that he e pistol services we're happy to referee r represented the issues that doug and gail presented easily e p.s. provides new housing that we've developed and owned as well as one hundred sro's we live with every single day not all affordable housing is created equally and it is different if you have a beautiful brand new unit with a bathroom and elevator that will
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not breakdown or an sro hotel with a toilet at the end of the hall a shared shower no kitchen facility a building that didn't have the electrical capacity for everyone to have a mini fringe not to mention a one hundred-year-old elevator so supervisor mar you're talking about aging in place we have to think that that as a community those buildings are one hundred-year-old would so in 204024 years from now those property will need a lot of work on electrical and plumbing and slates they're not great places for someone to spend the rest of their life living in i wanted to highlight that thank you very much. >> any other members of the public wish to comment on number
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one seeing none, public comment is closed colleagues, i wanted to thank you for being part of the hearing and the staff and members of the public that came to speak thank you yourself ongoing work on this issue any prospective continues we look at the portfolio especially, as it relates to homelessness here in san francisco and continue to initiative and lead on policies in our city both for today and the future that will make significance strides so thank you for everyone and looked forward to the short term and the long term discussions different ideas and ways to make a significant differences in san franciscans thanks for you'll for coming colleagues if not other questions or comments i'll make a motion to file we'll take that without
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objection. we're going to go back to item number 3 i saw ms. gail for coming in thank you for sitting through the hearing speak on item 3. >> good morning, supervisors. i'm ma gel we're here to ask for a master agreement with the city and at at basically extending the date and directing amount awhile be investigate a new contract and structure called cal mat free i want to thank harvey roses office and nick the budget analyst for their review and analysis of our request we agree with the recommendations as proposed to modify the date and directing amount accordingly
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i'll be happy to answer any questions. >> okay. thank you colleagues if no questions why not move to our budget analyst report mr. rose. >> yes. examiner or mr. chairman on page 4 of our report we noted that the city departments also enburdened $62 million of the $75 million at&t contract amount for the mini contract ever $12 million plus and that shown in table one on page 4 of our report on page 8 of our report we state that the city has the option to use cal net 3 service providers other than at&t by
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contracting with the service providers and insinuating a work authorization to use other service providers, however the department of technology has not evaluated that other than at&t so our recommendations are on the bottom of page 8 and top of page 9 we request the city administrator to work with the auditor to have the best rates by types of services and report book the board of supervisors prior to 2015 open the recommended service providers and secondly amend it to the contract between at&t and the city to december 31st, 2015 rather than the proposed requested end date of march first 2016 and recommendations number 3 we recommend you amend
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the ordinance to reduce the contract not to exceed by 3 had had and $84,000 to $97 million plus and we recommend you approve the proposal ordinance as proposed. >> dp is in agreement with all the recommendations. >> yes. >> if no other questions any public comment on this item? seeing none, public is closed thank you to the department of technology for coming can you have a motion to forward this. >> supervisor tang. >> i'd be interested if an analysis so if there's an opportunity to come back before october 15th to share that with that, said i'm to make a motion to amend the ordinance as was stated by supervisor farrell and followed by the recommendations to send it to the full board
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with a positive recommendation. >> supervisor tang we'll take that without objection. >> excuse me. mr. chair, i ask the department gifts us a copy of the ordinance before 9:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. >> items 4 and 5 open the public utilities commission. >> good afternoon it's still morning the deputy chief office from the sfpuc we're happy to bring those two items this is the creations of a revenue bond program for the sfpucs bonds our hetch hetchy is bringing free electricity to power our school needs in san francisco we have a system that worked well, for many years other than the bond
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system to build the system we've funded it by cash and repaired revenues a feergz it exceeded our revenues as the power infrastructure is reaching it's end of the facility this authorizes the revenue bond program and the second for bond sale up to $48 million as a reminder all the cost in the enterprise including the debt services out of the future bonds are paid from rate pay revenues so what we have today is a lot of work that has gunning gone both looking at the creation of a new credit in the marketplace we have the ability to issue the
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revenue bond for the water and sewer combra enterprise so our hetch hetchy is what we're talking about we have a temple year plan that was approved and will be focused on our long term financial planning and that financial and capital plan about seven hundred and 60 employed includes $500 million plus future debt services out of bond future bond sales has been incorporated into our long term planning and into our rate setting process the electric rates for the departments have been exhausted and we'll be starting to determine those rates this summer and had this includes the assumptions out of that bond rating as well
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this is the power bond owners that establishes the procedures for the occurrence of revenue bonds for our power scombris it creates definitions and commit the city to repair bonds and allows for the refund of bonds now to that point i want to say we agree with the budget analysts recommendations to add to the ordinance a 3 percent minimum threshold meaning we're morning happy to abide with already our existing policies and procedures we want to make sure we're having a minimum amount of savings we have a bonding happening today will 4
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hundred and 50 million bonds we aim for itch much higher than this threshold we're happy to agree to providing a sales tax report to the board second item is the 2015 bond transactions it's it is not to exceed $48 million of power revenue bonds the majority will fund our power house and general projects with additional money towards transition and substation work we're estimating the rate will be over 4 percent so still fairly favorable and the debt service we're apartment is $200 million plus we've incorporated this both our
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budget as well as the long term plans just a couple of slides on work with hetch hetchy it is far away from the city of chicago of san francisco we want to bring home the need with a couple of photos the first one is the largest project the generator to raping replace and upgrade the generators in the marketplace and power how is it generates 25 powers of our system capacity and the asterisk should in place by a few years we want to make sure that power generation continues unabated another large project we have to move forward with chang the regulatory environmentalist the changing of the towers and
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consultationors we have to rise the clearance above our 24 hours that is what this is about. >> one other point i want to bring forward to issue a portion of green bonds a new bond in the marketplace i believe will be the first green bond issuance for the city and county of san francisco to troikz attract a broader investment community that may not look at those bonds especially for the sfpuc so we're designating those to make sure we have an viable e vinyl benefit so the generation benefits we'll have marketing those portion of those bonds as prebond we don't anticipate there are being a favorable
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pricing difference but if it does this is great you understand there are a lot of documents and pages so one of the more important things in front of you is the master trust venture is something that an agency like ours presents one for approval we have one for water and sewer and as we come forward we'll come back with a supplemental venture speaks of the transaction itself how we're going to and when to sell the bonds quickly back to the map venture the the rules of road how we'll be issuing those bonds and make sure that the venture was similar to what was in place for the water and sewer so the
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definitions what's called a net and operations expense and the rates on the study all of those things are the same as what exists with our water and wastewater the difference is the venture we're planning on issuing a debt service reserve for the power bonds the reason the investors we've spoken with advise us to be prudent to fund a reserve and the next one to determine if it is needed clearly not having a reserve is cheaper so we are going to fund the reserve with the sale and repudiate that down the road funds the context we're talking ab
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