tv [untitled] March 11, 2015 4:30pm-5:01pm PDT
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be participating along with the collectives as the ed trust east, llc road show san francisco and we'll be having an opportunity to share our experience the lessons we've learned and exchange the process issues around the control and accountability plan and trust west will be sharing their finding looking at the state across the - how the state did the cross district in terms of the community local control and accountability funding formula that will be happening next wednesday and our next meeting on march 26 on the third floor and asking commissioner
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shamann walton to be joining us. >> questions or comments. >> actually my question mr. superintendent to follow up on the feedback on the report cardio we offer any kind of translated guide to the report card with the report cards send them inform non-speaking english there's technical language that needs explaining. >> thank you commissioner norton absolutely let the staff look at what we're curling doing but absolutely want to make sure we have that translated. >> those are all considerations that the task force is looking at and addressing as the feedback emerges. >> point well-taken thank you.
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>> thank you thank you for the report i'm glad about the work you're doing with ed trust i have a question not for the pack it is about the el cap and so the superintendent and i radio members of the task force for the lc sf and there was a meeting and representative from el trust was there along with other representatives from the statewide organizations i was taken auerbach although there was - i should say the representatives signaled out san francisco for using personalities organizations and groups as a key outreach fatalityors, however as you might know the report card
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issued by some of the groups which was not very - which was quite negative was very interesting we say discussions, in fact, it seems to me that what actually, the ascertainment that were done said school districts so for the most part z did exactly what the state told them to do we're getting poor marks for telling me what they were told to do ems this really effects the pack in our outreach we felt i think on the believed we went beyond what was required we had a good foundation with the work like the budget and the participation level and the facilitating outreach with other partners so i'm kind of
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interested to hear back from you after you go through the meeting about kind of what generally parent think about that because i know that we are and i'm pleased we're addressing this on with a theory of continuous improvement and not waiting and thinking this is something we had two months auto out of the year but use this as an opportunity to drive our work of community outreach generally so that was interesting to me but the other thing the comment that was made by the representative from ed trust west their disappointed that the el caps - the district hadn't done nor innovative things with their emancipation proclamation e el cap resources and the example that he gave was they were disappointed the districts hadn't done things like extending the school year or
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school day and so i simpleminded i don't know the single district that got enough money to extend the school day are you chris's subsequence of doing things they couldn't be done they said, yes the plan should say that's what we're going to do in the future i believe the plan should be more based in reefgs this is what we think help us towards the vision or in the direction in which we want to go that's what we want to be talking to the parents and the community members about we want them to be engaged in 9 how can we the evidence will then show those resources which are small but still are that's what we're trying to do is say how can those resources help us to spur
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our own commitment to innovation so i'm kind of saying this one i think that is important to know the kind of discussion that's take place at the stale level of the exception and second i think i'm very interested and i think we did a fairly good job in having a reality based discussion in the el cap with the resources and some notable exceptions that were unadorable by mostly i think we did okay. i'm interested in making that kind of discussion deeper not tossing it away as an el cap not doing the things we can't do i'm hoping you report book to the meeting about the kind of questions and how their discussed with other people that
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are committed to the outreach thank you. >> response or are you good okay. cool thank you for your work and report. >> public comment on content items f none together and item g consent calendar is there a motion and second. >> move the consent calendar and second. >> second. >> items withdrawn or corrected by the superintendent? yes commissioner vice president haney we have one item being withdrawn a resolution 153 dash 1312 on pages 69 and 70 and to the amount of the codes k 13 change them from 10 to 20 thousand thus to the code and 20 thousand credit to the second
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code >> thank you, mr. steel any items removed from first reading by the board? on tonight any items served by the board for discussions commissioner wynns >> thank you i'd like to sever k 21 on page 85. >> all right. roll call vote will take place in section o superintendents proposal there are none together board members proposals none together request to speak item j regarded matters i have one speaker sheryl davis i have 2 minutes. >> hi so i made a couple of
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notes so i wouldn't forget when i wanted to talk about first, i want to thank you for your support with the john lewis visit it was awesome and amazing i want to recognize cindy mathison that helped to coordinate the busses and getting 4 hundred students to san francisco state so i really wanted to thank her and kevin in making that happen hydra mendosa helped out we got every student a copy of book that was amazing everything is playing out from the march on selma we hope the kids understand the opportunity to be with congressman lewis i want to make mention of april 9th jamming listen who is national book award winner of 2014 for her book brown girl
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dreaming i have her at the main library the evening of the ethnic trying to follow-up with tenderloin school and maybe betsey carmichael around may be trying to have a lunch or something so if someone can help coordinate that we're working to get copies of the book i want to mention i know there is work going on about the summer reading list i want to see since we brought the doctors to town i want to see the march books on that summer reading list so get the books in the hands of youth it would really great for a perk for reading the books and some other dates i wanted to give you june 11th we'll be doing with chief suhr a college career fair at city hall on june 9th and june 12th a
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learning day i know you've been to past june 19th starting anothers city hall and move across the street to the plaza we have seven hundred and one thousand students and again i know that superintendent knows we wanted to be partners in the summer and that's to highlight the importance of quality of summer programs for young people and then july 29th every year the western edition has been in the summer show case about 5 hundred kids altitude performing at the jewish community center it would be really great i know we've done a lot of work i want to throw those dates and books and those authors to see how to cooperate the efforts that are happening in the community with what the school district is doing again, i thank you and value our partnering and hope we can do more to work together so
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thank you. >> thank you, ms. davis. >> all right. that was the only - no more cards all right. item k are there any advisory committee appointments on the board seeing none and our l special order of issue and special education none consent calendar resolution i've removed from second reading there recent none together and o the vote on the consent calendar which has been moved and seconded >> ms. sonata. >> mr. chinning and turf ms. mendoza-mcdonnell arrest except no on k one. >> thank you. >> ms. norton mr. walton
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ms. wynns dr. murase thank you. >> item p consent calendar resolution - >> you have one item that was served by commissioner wynns. >> and immediate action k 21. >> thank you okay. so this item is 2 hundred and 50 thousands of additional money all of which comes from the p by the way, in addition to you remember i pulled those off in june we voted for 3 resolutions including the one for this organization which totaled 6 hundred and 86 thousand plus dollars for translation and at the time i asked the question have we done an analysis whether or not this is the most efficient way and
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bay area out of the $6,000 81 thousand was p money and so i have to discuss that with kooefb truit and was insured we did the analysis he believe that hiring translators would be more efficient we've done that we have an extreme spike in the number of i ps that needed to be translated that was not anticipated i'm really saying this we should be paying attention this is a lot of money almost a million dollar we should be doing everybody to candidate this to hire the translators that's one of the things given we had an
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unanticipated need for services so the process civil service process han has been slow so expedite that i'm really, really hoping we don't get anymore contracts for this kind of services not this particular money those kinds of dollars okay. >> comments okay roll call vote on k 21. >> thank you, commissioner. >> ms. sonata. >> can you come back to me. >> mr. chin. >> ms. fewer mr. haney ms. mendoza-mcdonnell ms. norton mr. walton ms. wynns dr. murase. >> thank you
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ms. sonata. >> yes. >> thank you. >> okay item q superintendent first reading we have one approval of public education expenditure plan for school year 2015-2016 is p there a motion and second to refer to committee as a whole. >> don't need to vote there; right? that will be referred that will take place on august 17th and r the first reading creating aerobic and vietnamese public health in san francisco unified school district authorized by ms. fewer and commissioner shamann walton and have this a there is a motion and a second. >> i didn't call for public comment open the first item was there public comment on the public education combrsht fund
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no one signed up all right. 0 that will be referred to the curriculum and budget committee and we'll have a hearing on both board members report item s standing committee reports i have the first one that is the curriculum and program committee that meet on march second a busy one we have two chapter petitions from kip renewal petitions both were heard and forwarded to the board with a positive recommendation and an update on informational items one was the health education plan about is 3 year plan to make sure we're delivering health lessons at the elementary school and middle school and high school level they were
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budget questions there, too that item will be heard in the budget committee to discuss some of the costs associated with this plan i think there was a lot of concern on part of the board we're thanking the school to insure we're delivering critical essential health lessons another every level and have supported it with content specialists and the staff needed to support the teachers we have an update on s q r s a number of quick updates one on march 2014 of this year sfusd asked for an extension of the school quality improvement system we're finalizing the accountability of the matrix if
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you go to the stanford university website page you can submit feedback and the other important thing we recently launched a survey for staff and families there are 19th street parent surveys on el dorado and all the staff and student surveys will be completed by march 27 and the family services by may 29 we received an update on the african-american initiative we're in the process as a district working around the my brothers keeper initiative to develop a policy on african-american achievement and that's something that will come back to the full committee as a whole that will be in early may standing item on the curriculum committee and continue to have
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updates i'm sorry in april cities in early may we moved it to early may a full hearing and the item that took the most of the time from the superintendent it was an expand math update we heard from the team and our team about the process of supporting our schools and transitioning to a new expanded math a common core math and had a number of families that came out and expressed in their concerns how it is rolling out and whether we're making sure that the teachers are supported and the students are supported people's 3 at the high school and elementary level and into why the district is taking the direction on that issue i think i coasted who was a busy
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curriculum. >> the report from the budget and business services committee commissioner. >> thank you commissioner vice president haney we met on march 4 we had two action items the authorization for the kip bayview academy charter school and the kip academy charter school the committee forwarded both of those back to the board with a positive recommendation we had an update open our new rainy day fund which say i think we've heard about before it is interesting to learn a little bit more how is it works and the city's rainy day fund based on prop c biefkd and portion of it is now a available for the
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for the for the school district to use this is a positive thing and always good to have a rainy day fund fund when it starts to rain maybe it will rain soon (laughter) not that kind of rain another kind of rain we heard the student budget is good and actually we're 58 percent towards the full funding of the lcff which is ahead of where it ahead of schedule with that said the governor is thrifty and made proposals that we don't like as much he's given us $1.1 billion not us but school districts $1.1 billion it is suggested we use that for common core commendation but said that
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will offset the disbursement we're due for unfunded mandate from the states that is sneaky and we don't like as much we heard from the superintendent deputy lee the development for the 2015-2016 school year we're allocating $7 million in new money some goes to the central office support and $2 million for additional priorities there is a very, very long list of priorities that we have developed and so making choices and decisions about which priorities to fund continues to be challenging i think this is pretty much it on the budget update yep our next meeting as at
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budget committee will be april 9th and may 21st and june 3rdrd. >> thank you, ms. casco i want to mention the student assignment will meet on april 13th. >> thank you scomploern a report from the city and select committee commissioner mendoza-mcdonnell. >> you're on. >> thank you so we had two items we converted our last committee meeting the i didn't want on pre k and transitional kindergarten we've heard from the office of the education from the city side and then the team shared their transitional kindergarten programs it was really great to get an update awhile currently
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we're going or we're going to be doing going forward the second item the transportation agency program vision zero program that is thinking about how we not only calm traffic but where are the traffic centers where we have pedestrian and bikes that are visible and we would like to consider adapting a vision zero initiative that means not necessarily requires us to do anything but this board will be currently knowing about the traffic cadging we'll continue to talk with the staff about that. >> thank you commissioner mendoza-mcdonnell. >> if any. i may the next meeting will be on thursday
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march 24th anothers 3:30 summer programming that means jobs and also other opportunities for youth and i think we are going to hear about transportation thank you. >> thank you. >> can i ask a question. >> yes. commissioner wynns. >> sorry i had miss the meeting can we make a request for a meeting on the agenda. >> yes. absolutely. >> thank you. >> no reports from board members? >> commissioner president murase tuesday march third we were welcomed audio the caesar chavez community the superintendent senior staff and ms. fewer and i participated in an experience on
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the smarter balanced assessment where we sat down added computer terminals to skewer canyon core and math and arts questions it was tree informative i hope there will be a way for families to do a test one of this kind testing we were joined by 3 caesar chavez fifth graders i want to thank the caesar chavez community for that opportunity oh i wanted to say if commissioner mendoza-mcdonnell wanted to talk about the the mayors breakfast and announcement. >> certainly last week, we all the board members attended the annual chamber of commerce city breakfast with the mayor and is superintendent and the chamber
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announced united sf to bring together the community to invest in the public schools we're excited about the initiative that will hope to convene the members of the chamber of commerce to be a lot for supportive of our schools and two inches we have on the table in light of the initiative one is with the is with the pathways we're hiring institutions in san francisco as well as the school district to prepare our young people for the jobs that are available in the sector and then the other my brothers keeper in all of the work we're doing going forward with the business community and the hiring and on that note i'm actually involved in more i spent the day in washington, d.c. first had an opportunity to
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hear the president speak about his initiative he's annuity tech hiring midst that will enable many of our tech companies to work closely with school districts and higher educational institutions to prepare young people for jobs that may not necessarily require a college degree but they're interested in going 0 into the many opportunities that are available through our tech companies not only did we get to hear the president speak about how stro san francisco is doing a lot of the lions share around the tech companies we got to meet with the vice president joe biden i had the wonderful opportunity to share what we're doing in our middle school to provide the opportunities and experience
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this for our middle grades students through the mission foundation grant that was existing and talk about the effort to start the gaming academy so we're really excited about that announcement that will impact san francisco and all of our youngest people and get higher opportunity greater opportunity for them going forward. >> thank you commissioner president murase and commissioner mendoza-mcdonnell for representing for us on the east coast other comments or questions for the board members. >> i want to mention the rules committee will meet in this room and after the meeting we're going to have the bills all the bills we've been reviewing all the perspective proposals that our legislation
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