tv [untitled] March 12, 2015 6:30am-7:01am PDT
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streets living on the streets particularly when you watch what happens in the evening is dangerous i don't courage anyone, of course, the early stories i'm used to hearing i'm seeking an alternative we have to come up with more alternative that's a challenge that's why all the entities are working to find creativity and more combooift was i want to say to beven keep coming with the ideas no idea is to the r50ek9d whether helping people getting out of inebriate ration or getting the psychological support or giving them a respite or homeless connect and the constant 24-hour service we have now for now the navigation
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center is all a continuance of into the weeds ideas to written people we want and desire us you kick with our sframz a true home or connect up with you to provide a level of services to get it a point where you can make a reasonable decision and at the end of the navigation center we'll have a long term housing opportunity for people now we're talking about hundreds of unit obey identified we already have in our spemgs a hundred units backing up this center and working with our residential hotel providers who are business people in their own right and offering us sfunt to work with n them as well the enforcement community building our housing i say we've spent
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billions of every year to insure that people get services whether their transitional or senior ever veterans or families or single mothers and we've had creative programs whether calling them healthy san francisco or housing first a or project homeless connection i made the announcement of project 5 hundred we're trying to reach both the most impoverished families we want an okay. you'll building in and help us form in order to end generational poverty we're going to keeping e keep investing and trying to fought was works best for everyone the ultimate end is people they have to building and invest themselves and participate just like when we
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did the state of the union of nourishing banks to navigate her way through the families her pronunciations spearhead our efforts to call that the navigation center doing it better there are a lot of people to thank i want to thank the people behind me from public works to public defender to default probation to mayor's office on disability public works has spent i talk about nurses in the contract you are have to give you kudos mohammed you guys did a great amount of work (clapping.) so what was this before it if you were here literally three or four months ago you'll find an 2k57bd school site thank goodness the school site was smart to be able to work with
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the city on this this was an band school site for many years i know that supervisor campos knows it first hand often he and i often on different schedules peered through the events why not have something positive ranch this place those portals were used in the classrooms broken into no type of wirings in the place i word why nothing worked and optimistic as neighbors moved in and around they word what feels the focus of this place but we have a focus a long term focus this is the place for one hundred and 25 bringing unit of low income housing this will be built here hopefully within less than 8 months
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(clapping.) all of the process going through and all of the sprifrdz every one of you have had the challenge to provide low income housing and transgender youth housing and want to speed that up while authenticity happening public works working with trent working with barbara gary suicides and homelessness connect guided united states if we're going to be able to welcome in groups of people that would never come to a shelter by themselves feel they wouldn't survive groups of people yes, we call them sometimes homeless but i call them groups of people they form the lions and live on the streets we need to get them
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in here and invite groups of people to live here we'll have the very first building that you see there as the beginning of a navigation center where people come in and get interviewed about their needs and how we can accommodate a health care how we accommodate social services and how we accommodate immediate needs to get them food and shelter they'll be noifltd to sleep here for a period of time and then just to the right the most important portal is the serviced we provide on site it gets them into a conversation with us what's their need and outcome how can we help them get that outcome this is not a center you'll come in and go out and feel free and do their thing on the street and come back for respite this is not what that naekts center is about it is our
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serious attempt to come in here get a shower they'll be shoulders for men and women come in here and get support and food and let's talk heights get down to business about your life and that serious business we offer the services in a meaningful way and sensitive way you know i'm distancing looking at a lot of contempt about the people in the streets i know from the predecessor and people in the streets it is not about moving people off the corners but making sure we care about their lives they come in and get services and support this is what living is about you offer them the opportunity to change
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their lives let's getting to the business whether homeward bound to give a great connection to our family whatever this is san franciscans want support people that are already here we're going to provide you with the services to get you there and when we say permanent long term housing whether a hotel or other places they'll be matching up the occupant services to continue the support for unit so you'll not end up with a false promise or disengagement i believe more work i know it is cutting-edge and allows our city to come together tight with so many services put them in a focus effort i think we'll succeed i know other entities i
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have a lot of hope and thkts jerry and the challenging chamber of commerce are here the sduth school district and other agencies particularly the neighbors want to us psyche baud we honor them by having the best programmed so with that i'm going to let bev and mohammed nuru walk you through a little go tour so you can understand what we're doing within this month of march we'll begin the interests this as capacity of one hundred people but 75 people mr. surpass so we can give quality support so our director (clapping.) we wouldn'ter here without the mayor putting out the call i
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want to say thank you for asking people to step up for the city and homelessness i want to mention peter the principle of marshall elementary school and many myths leaders and community organizations are here i'd like to acknowledge the members who were the first faces i saw when we opened the gate all the women that are here to support us and wanting to see the families helped with that we couldn't have done it without you without the san francisco enter faith council and michael is here (clapping) 25 years ago a mayor of san francisco appealed to faith leaders to partner in addressing our city's growing choonl he asked these faith leader if they'll on their hearts and doors and kitchens to offer
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dignity and sheltered and food to those in a variety of circumstances couldn't helpism with that came the birlt of the interfaith council who's core missions to help the winter shelter and more relevance to support the critical and collective work of the faith collective based services that provides the safety net for the vulnerable citizens fast forward 25 years this mayor, mayor ed lee a called upon our council to partner with the city this time on a pioneering initiative that engages the private sector generosity a higher collection of nonprofit to provide the immediate and direct services to those who we encounter on the
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streets everyday on its core the navigation center will benefit the kindness and recessed pit and shelter and services and whole other level it is creating a new and innovative culture that is fostering community and creating opportunities for those with resources those who care deeply about the fragile and rich fabric of san francisco to work hand in hand with nonprofit agencies many of whom have been providing that sort of care for over a significant with the sanction city entities are insuring our public wealth and safety this is nothing less than san francisco values at work mayor ed lee the san francisco interfaith council thanks you
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and for inviting us to collaborate with the city with a need for our core mission we're grateful for the extraordinary donation to our organization that makes the funding for this possible and for the sincere spiritual selfishness that the attention be at the end to this important work and may his example of quiet generosity be one to be yes, ma'am late among the peers we're grateful to the mayors staff and here i'd be remiss if i didn't thank the deputy of staff jason elliott and director of the strategy partnerships and our director of hope bev their efforts in guiding us to the government together we can meet the projects many sensitive
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guidelines deadlines and i'm permanently indebted to the chair as the the executive committee and the interfaith board of directors many of whom have joined us height to get with the human resources agencies when we received the call they k37b9d the leadership in embracing n this collaboration and do everything we can to make sure we met and exceeded the fiduciary responsibility of a nonprofit so our partnerships partners can be met allow me to end pro effective voices of faith tloit throughout the aged remind us that history will just the greatness of society to the regress e degree it takes care of the people in needs no doubt
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we'll smile to the countless souls that will be helped thank you (clapping.) >> as the mayor indicated every member of the board of supervisors that visited this site before we opened we're incredibly proud of the partnership and the hope that the navigation center can respond to the homelessness in the district they represent i'll invite up the president of the board of supervisors and supervisor farrell and supervisor mike wasserman raw a. >> good morning. today is an absolutely beautiful day this navigation center will be a brand new beginning for so many people i'm excited to be here today along with my colleagues
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and the board of supervisors to just thank beacon hill for that his creativity (clapping) homelessness is not an offer night problem and not overnight solutions all the agencies youth lions that severs us in the hate ashbury neighborhood and other organizations that are rolling up their sleeves to make sure we're here at the navigation center is going to be a game character for our city i know we've had challenges and i know this is really going to change homelessness in san francisco we have to continue to work hard to come up with new innovative idea if we want to tangible tackle this problem i want to thank the doors and the interfaith council for their generosity and 2nd support and all the department
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heads i know that mohammed nuru and dpw and the neighbors here in the midst district and thank supervisor campos for saying that homelessness is not backpacks our district but a citywide issue we all have to step up to the plate to part and work together if we want to change people's lives for the better i'm excited i can't wait for the doors to open thank you for being here let's get started (clapping.) thank you, president breed and mr. mayor and welcome to the myths i want to begin by thanking the incredible mission community from the beginning when we started to talk about that 2 this process alike you'll see in parts of city or the country people were not saying not in my backyard but how can
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we help people and i think that's the spirit of this incredible neighborhood the mission is truly a special place (clapping) and i really want to thank the neighborhoods i want to thank beacon hill acknowledged the principle of the school and all the amazing nonprofits that are out here this wouldn't be possible without their involvement and especially acknowledge the work of my staff carolyn what has been instrumental in working with beacon hill and christen i'll be honest mr. mayor i don't know that something like that could be possible without the creativity the judge the skills that beacon hill duffey brings to the table we're luke that he is in the role he's in he's been
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some place that's been kind of a kurth of an opening argument of talented players that are here behind use it took someone to do that i'll simply note that i'm very proud to be part of the effort you know we had a breakfast at the chamber of commerce yesterday and i'm grateful the chamber of commerce is here where we talked about the tremendous prosperity that san francisco is seeing blue there's audio side in the prosperity the most unequal supply in the country we see that on the streets that's a testament we are talking about we're saying it is not enough to have prosperity but to make sure we take care of those who are on the streets it is ultimately who we are how we treat those who have the at least and in the st.
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francis homelessness e homeless people having it have a place to go i'm grateful but unfortunately, we've seen the board of supervisors saving don't sleep in the parks or sit on the sidewalks instead of continuing to go down the path of criminalizing people we're giving people a place to go thank you very much (clapping.) >> thank you supervisor campos and i'll say the next time people will fund ice cream for everyone in the crowd i want to thank everyone behind and in front of the of me my colleagues on the board of supervisors on their support supervisor campos in particular for his leadership in the mission district and mayor ed lee and to motional i've never seep beacon hill duffey so happy beacon hill
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thank you for your leadership and your enthusiasm and without you, you, you obviously we wouldn't, here today i'll say first of all, to echo homelessness is an issue that effects every san franciscan and ever neighborhood and visitors but homelessness in our city and this issue we tackle that has been happening for years this is those are our mothers and father and brothers and sisters we'll not be who we are as the city of st. francis without making this a priority i'm proud as we on up to send a message to the city of san francisco, and, secondly this navigation center sends a message that still and city government will not accept the small business commission not afraid to break the mold we'll
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challenge wasn't we've done in the past there's a better future for the homeless in san francisco and today is just the beginning thank you very much (clapping). >> several years ago when i had joined the sdpufks san francisco budget & finance committee i remember feel like we never had enough teachers or pens or enough paper and it was midway through office i realized there's the one thing the city and county city had too much it was land and what our surplus property would like and since this day this is the number one priority we know the the achievement gap is the opportunity gap we started thinking about values in our surplus property now the
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automatic is thinking about dollars let's build market rate housing on the site this used to be the site of fedex school it was we all had long kvendz whether what about a different surplus to build grocery stores where kids have access to healthy food and build affordable housing for teachers and kids this is what is keeping our kids insecure that was a long and multi year process but i'm excited with i came to the board of supervisors actually part of the mission in the district i represented i was able to continue working with the mayor my first year to figure out with the housing and urban development and it was on the boundary line to build
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affordable housing i'm so existing this is expedited actually in the pipeline that has become a reality in the meantime waiting for affordable housing in the mission something actively this community fought for we're going to be able to make this an oasis for people in the homeless shelters and i want to recognize but before i say that something in the policy word did h.r. policy and the mayor made a commitment to take an homeless by hiring beacon hill he was notorious we were imitated by the level of his public engagement he respondent to everything no phone call was two small to take to respond to and for him to be the person that is new addressing our recipe with no homes and nothing
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in our city this level of public service is being it is being partnered with that community it is incredibly important i i know he brought a lot of folks together i see people from the community services asia the hope lions and shawn h s a and over the course supervisor campos office coalition for homelessness and to make sure we're providing the serviced we haven't traditionally provided in the shelter i respect there to get my placement and thought when i saw it that night if you were disabled or a boyfriend i didn't want to leave midnight the shelter or a friend in the - all of the things addressed in the pilot program i'm excited about the trust we're going to begin to build i'm thankfully
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for everybody making this a reality. >> i want to call out the members of the hope team for all mohammed i 120e8 st. sam from the public housing i'm going to acknowledge dee 1k34i6rd and chris teen that does amazing work everybody loves christine and another community lalia son and we have brought on board the director of the navigation center someone that was involved in opening the myths neighborhood center and went on to go back east to school work no new york city and coming to making sure it is working this
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is julie ledbetter right here we not only have the mayor but the director of pblgs he wants to get this going the police chief suhr is here and the mayor mentioned jeff who has been to the site and helping to clear people's record and police officers are here for public safety and i know their exist about bringing up resources and i want to thank in the spirit of what the mayors represent in working with the corners of the city the coalition of the homelessness is here with due outreach and encourage people to take advantage of the services we're providing thank you everyone for being here and scott walter is here and his colleague is not here under the leadership of trent has done an incredible job of bringing on board dave is here from h s a
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and supervisor kim acknowledged the contract board the 24/7 and the e pitiful of community services working on other things with the city departments now mohammed and the mayor are going to start off a tour with the press and anyone is welcome to come here we're going to have food assessable twoursz for people that are living that under tunneled thank you all we look forward the best is yet to come thank you very
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♪ ? an incredible program because we take regular kids teach them the love of the game. we have no emphasis on winning we only have an emphasis on learning and trying as hard as they can that's it and the chips fall where they may. when students leave our program whether or not adults or kids they'll have a mechanical understanding of what they have. you don't have to be 7 feet tall or be super faster but you do need skwil. once you teach kids how to have
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control over the tennis courts they'll master. please invest >> good morning. welcome to our go transportation authority plans & programs committee of february 10, 2015, my name is is katie tang i'm the new chairperson looking forward to working with the sfmta staff and want to welcome julie christensen our new vice chair and supervisor yee as well as and hopefully by the other colleagues soon our clerk is steve we want to thank sfgovtv jessie larson
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