tv [untitled] March 12, 2015 11:00pm-11:31pm PDT
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event those deaths and accidents and sometimes we can't just sit around and think of excuses saying we have the budget and we don't really know much about it sometimes we have to take the action. we can't just wait for a miracle. sometimes the action can be the ones that prevent those injuries and i'd like to look forward to what vision zero has to provide in the next few years and hopefully there will there will be zero deaths in 2024. >> thank you i know there's a number of students here and you mentioned taking the bus to school. our office at the request of one of our school board members will be making a hearing request regarding the coordinated efforts on bus lines to schools and what we're doing to increase both our capacity and service to make sure our students are getting back and forth between school
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and their neighborhoods safely. >> hi my name is david and i just want to say i am extremely thankful for the scramble system that was implemented on stockton street after the tragedy events that happened. so just one thing that's been on my mind -- i just feel like so during the survey we conducted in the chinatown street fair we asked a number of people where they think was the most dangerous streets what most -- what streets they think are the most dangerous and what streets they think are the the safest and even with the scramble system a lot of people feel stockton street is still dangerous and not only should
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we implement the system and make it safe we should also tie it into other factors such as enforcement and education to make the civilians and pedestrians feel safe also. thank you. >> thank you. thank you for being here today. is there any further public comments on items 3 3 and 4? seeing none public comment on these 2 items are closed. colleagues, any further comments or feedback? >> i i had one. this is not something we have to finish talking about at this meeting because i know we'll have many more opportunities to talk about this as mta's much larger budget will be coming back to the board as a supplemental request but i'm really glad to see and i'm thinking in terms of how much of our prop b general fund will be utilizing for vision zero improvements
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and i think given a very large dollar amount that is going to capital resurfacing and new vehicles, i'm regular curious you know what are the remaining 25 $25 million is going to be going for and i know muni has many priorities so i don't question that there may be other priorities as well but i want a good understanding of whether this is a fair chunk of the new dollars given the immense investment the city is making and get a better sense of that that as we meet over the next couple of months but this is a good snapshot to start out with and i appreciate you giving us an early look at what that perspective is. seeing no further comment mr. clerk will you please call the next item?
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>> policy initiatives. this is an information item. >> we have kate breen to discuss the efforts to advance automated speed enforcement and is particularly focusing on state legislation on on the docket that addresses our vision zero priorities. >> okay so i'm just going to introduce kate who is going to be formally taking over for vision zero kate is our policy director at sfmta and a real expert on state legislation and policy and she's going to walk us through some some of the things that happened since we last met and unfortunately this is not going to be the most positive update i i think when we met in december we were talking about a long-term effort to consider lowering speed limits in san francisco and i think the experience that kate and i had when we went to
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sacramento last month is that there's a lot of education that needs to be done among our state legislators even the ones based in san francisco and vision zero is yet another example where the city is really leading on the policy front and changing that conversation at the state level is going to take effort from everyone and kate is going to talk about ways to do that and meeting with with the secretary to talk about changes to the federal law and highway bill and start to get urban priorities about complete streets and safety so it's good to see that happening in washington hope we can have
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more of that happening in sacramento but if there's any message is that the cities have to lead because the state legislator is not going to pass these bills without a strong push from our urban delegation. >> so thank you. i am kate breen director of government ^ fares affairs for the sfmta today i'd like to thank you for your personal leadership. as we started this process really last fall and tried to tee ourselves up for a program this year with a kick off of the current 2-year session i think we learned a lot which tom just referenced there's a lot of work to do to do at the state level and we know we have allies on both sides of the aisle and we've seen
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legislation introduced this year by democrats from los angeles and republicans from the central valley focussed on vision zero initiatives and i'll talk about that in a minute but we don't have a bill but we still have opportunity. i also want to acknowledge the support of our advocates walk sf and the san francisco bicycle coalition have been working arm in arm with us to start socializing the concept of vision zero we have shared at the federal level the vision zero action strategy and will continue to do so and key committee staff working now on the surface transportation act and with regard to what we can do this year our current thinking and we've talked to
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staff and it's about the concept of engaging stakeholders at the state level so we can have a conversation that doesn't have to be in the framework of a bill but brings people together to understand the challenges that we face as cities but also as the state of california and engage folks hopefully at the highest level of the state transportation agency but within his agency's purview is the office of traffic safety headed by rhonda craft a craft to show what we've done here what you have done can be used as an example for the rest of the state and frankly at the federal level so again not a linear path but opportunities and i think the timing on this would be sooner rather than later maybe in the july in the
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in the july re-cess and we're developing that concept now. with regards to the bills that haven't been introduced last week was the bill introduction deadline and i've mentioned some related to hit-and-run accidents there is a bill related to school zone speed limits as well as increased fines for speeding around school zones and i think 2 bills in particular that are indicative of the environment we find ourselves in when it comes to this attitude if you will that prevails to automated enforcement at the state level and that's not going away and we need to be prepared for that as it relates to the
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mind-set, if you will both from a privacy perspective and these are issues fundamental at the state level and we'll work with our peer cities that we know are very interested. we're working through the league of california cities and the california state association of counties and some of that is education and some of that is they are already there with us it's a very diverse population when you get to cities and counties at the statewide level. i'm happy to answer questions. we will not be able to do this without you at our side we share all of our reviews of state bills so make sure we're speaking with one voice as much as we can when we're we're at the state level. thank you. supervisor yee. >> thank you. thanks for your
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work. i just want to add to your list i guess we're pushing locally some legislation around the tour buses and eventually i think it's going to be really effective. we would need to push it at the state level and i know some of the discussion -- i'm not too sure -- do you have people carrying those types of things? i don't know that -- this might be of interest at the state level but we don't need the state level to do this locally. i haven't introduced that legislation yet in regards to black boxes arming our city vehicles with black boxes we're having a hearing on that on that for the report that's been
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developed and i'm hoping to have follow up legislation to have the the city the city be 100 percent armed. i believe the state puc might already have that, so that could be, again, you know, it's these little things for for me that make a difference in the long run and maybe other state vehicle divisions would have vehicles made to follow suit. >> thank you. >> supervisor mar? >> thanks miss breen for working with our office i really appreciate your work. you mentioned the state association of counties and the the california league of cities -- are they going to raise
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awareness of our bay area legislation? >> i sit on the public works committee of the league and i've found there's not a a you a u.n. imity of opinion and i think at least at the outset it sounds like it appears their focus is really on identifying funding and reinvestment in the state's transportation system particularly with a focus on highways and our task is to bring into those forums an awareness we all need that investment but how can we work together to to weave that message -- i wouldn't say that it's there yet. >> and you mentioned we have to
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keep up the education work on like speeding cameras and technology and lowering the flexibility for local areas to reduce their speed limits to save lives and i wanted to ask also since i brought it up and i know we we may be doing similar things to new to new york city's districts and safe routes to seniors type programs but just knowing what we can do to increase the zone of safety around areas like senior centers where we've seen killings in my district an an 87-year old woman to the recent man right outside the richmond district senior center they are like zones where we know high injuries happen where seniors are concentrated and chinatown
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for example they had different suggestions like the ccdc campaign academy folks raised looking at things that could be done to immediately make them safer and longer term efforts and start to look at zones around senior centers where disabled people are and key spots for more strategic safety effortses. >> i think that's what you do see i do see i i don't know if new york focussed on senior centers and schools i think they did and based on the good work of the controller's office who will come back in may and give you a much deeper dive on automated speed enforcement and when you look across the country in terms of people's
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willingness to allow in their communities there's a much higher amount of willingness when it comes to areas around schools and senior centers. >> we looked at novato and some other areas i'm not sure how much it's helping but i'm just trying to think of ideas that have come from other cities the slow zones in seattle and portland and the mobile speeding radar machines. >> yeah. >> whatever legislative ways at the state level that can allow us to do more locally and even look at other cities for what we can do even without state legislation given the political climate. >> thank you. >> i just appreciate you being here today and also for the response that i got from the
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sfmta. i had asked -- i'm curious because i first learned about the bill to prohibit any further traffic enforcement cameras and to halt any existing ones and it looks like we have quite a number of them and it would be an extensive study and i'm going to assume it's a radical element in sacramento and doesn't have any chance of moving forward but i think it's important it's important for us to watch that and make sure our voices are heard because it's been such an important tool and i would love to see the data on how effective these cameras are in the scene of in the intersections before us but i think it's important to showcase and demonstrate the data that shows that our
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residents are safer because they exist in these intersections and i think last week was a big learning lesson for all of us in the in the city we need to do a lot more to educate our colleagues in sacramento on the importance of safety cameras and i know aclu has concerns and other interests have concerns about government video taping our our residents but i think we have to be able to showcase all of the amazing data that exists on the impacts that safety cameras have in other parts of the world and other cities that have implemented speed reduction cameras and it's important to not forget the community it's great to have the technical folks and the experts in our city departments and even us as elected officials to make phone
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calls and go there and having families go themselves that have lost members of their family having folks that have been injured severely injured go up and tell their stories directly to our representatives and i certainly saw that at the conference in new in new york city in october. i think we're somewhat missing here in san francisco and i know supervisor yee and i talked there's an organization of families that have lost members of their families in traffic collisions and they played an amazing role in albany in getting speed reduction in new york city and i know supervisor yee is going to be working on this as well and i think we should certainly partner with the community on this effort. >> that is what it will take.
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it really has to be about this broader campaign involving the community victims and public health advocates and i think that speaks to the larger campaign that really needs to take place with regard to vision zero and thank you for those comments and we'll absolutely figure out how to harness those voices including some some of the ones we heard here today. >> hi thank you chair i just wanted to add to the to the excellent presentation the bright front a a bill coauthored and it's very early. it just came to to light that
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they are proposing a vision zero act that would create 2 new grant programs one setting aside 5 $5 million a year and the other would grant awards to five communities to share in a 25 $25 million education fund and we appreciate their leadership and i believe commissioner wooin wooin wooin . >> >> thank you. >> thank you miss chang. >> seeing no further comments we open up for public comment on item number 5. . >> hi. we reduced that and
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contributed to the reduction working with the department of traffic and parking 43.6 percent and that's significant not to be laughed at. i am going to propose an ordinance directing the department of parking and traffic to continue to install signals and school crossing markings at pedestrian intersection crosswalks and additionally, foreseen i for, senior community centers and housing complexes and hospitals major parks and youth recreational centers public libraries and the performing arts centers and or adjacent to
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object to the form of to major intersections including special transit corridor arterial pedestrian crossings such as geary and van ness where the bus systems are proposed where a center alignment light rail is located so i will submit this and give this to eric or yourself and that's what i'm proposing and i'm hoping along with that you will also be able to legislate a policy with greater visibility with the helmets and reflective ity. >> thank you. public so many public comment on item number 5 is now closed. >> seeing no further comments from commissioners can we please call item number 6.
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>> curriculum for large vehicle driver training programs an information item. >> thank you and we do have john knox white a transportation planner with the the sfmta to provide us with an update and i want to congratulate you on your work leading the task force effort over the last year with our office and the mayor's office and a number of others and of course with the bicycle coalition and walk sf and i just want to take this moment to recognize in particular the bike coalition who actually first brought this idea to our office and city hall when one of our cyclists was killed on division by a large vehicle and they wanted to do a vehicle
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training program with the bike coalition to better educate how to share the roads and also how to be preventative and how a cyclist can be aware of multiple users on the road and over time as we found that all 4 cyclists that have been killed and been killed by large vehicles it was really clear it was an issue that required a larger scale solution and whether it's city agencies or construction contractors ecology and many others to be in the same room and figure out what we can do to achieve vision zero before the rest of the city hits it in in 10 years so thank you. >> thank you. so i know we're a little short on time so i'll try to be as brief as i can.
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i wanted to quickly talk about how we got here 2013 20134 large vehicle collisions that resulted in deaths involving bike bicyclists and we convened pedestrian bike advocates and city agencies that have large vehicles 3 meetings in april specifically focussed on the safety of people walking and biking on our city streets out of that process we came up with short-term, middle term and long-term goals the first of which was creating a driver education program and video that video is currently under production and currently on schedule by having that completed by the end of april and developing that blind spot awareness campaign aimed at
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folks that are walking and biking and they are a little more aware of some of issues and even when trucks pull up next to them they may end up in places where they they can't be seen by trucks through no fault of their own and lastly perform an ongoing large vehicle working group city and private industry to talk about issues on both sides we are in the midst of setting that up currently. mid-term -- we looked at planning issues around physical and temporal separation between large vehicles and pedestrians. anywhere we can not have them mixing was definitely felt to be important and signal
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retiming and scrambles as an example of. long-term working on truck design issues these are issues that the city itself really has little ability to regulate in the private fleet. so the recommendation was to work with the national transportation safety board board who has made some recommendations requiring all new trucks to have side guards on the side of the trucks so pedestrians and bicyclists are not dragged under the truck and driven over which is a big problem and in in the uk they are requiring all trucks to have that and they have seen a
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50 a 50 percent reduction in fatalities between large vehicles and road users. moving forward to the actual item and i want to recognize hank wilson in our agency has actually been leading the creation of this with the work of zack and hank was going to be here and give this but his wife had a baby 3 weeks early so i'm filling in for the rest of this presentation and my apologies if if i rely heavily on notes so starting in september we had a smaller working group come together to start looking at the creation of training standards and curriculum and they met 4 times and we sent out a survey and got input from people who drive large vehicles and trucks and what we really wanted to do was
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avoid acting as experts in something -- i don't drive a truck so we wanted to hear as we're developing this curriculum we're actually providing answers to the things they don't need to know and through the discussions we identified that there's lots of confusion about the infrastructure that is changing rapidly on our streets and also a lack of clarity about safe driving and the impact of speed etc. and also common behaviors of people walking and biking which i think gets to the idea that there are rules and expectations of how people should behave but sometimes pedestrians pop out of nowhere they might step off the curb between two cars so if there's some interaction that happens it is not fatal but y
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