tv [untitled] March 12, 2015 11:30pm-12:01am PDT
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was avoid acting as experts in something -- i don't drive a truck so we wanted to hear as we're developing this curriculum we're actually providing answers to the things they don't need to know and through the discussions we identified that there's lots of confusion about the infrastructure that is changing rapidly on our streets and also a lack of clarity about safe driving and the impact of speed etc. and also common behaviors of people walking and biking which i think gets to the idea that there are rules and expectations of how people should behave but sometimes pedestrians pop out of nowhere they might step off the curb between two cars so if there's some interaction that happens it is not fatal but you know
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focusing all of this on how these help professional drivers drive more safely. so the first step was to develop a set of standards for this curriculum and i'll come back to these near the end but they are available on the website at slash large vehicles and we had a very well attended press event with private industry the mayor supervisor kim and many of the departments and agencies to announce that we're now requiring at sfmta as i mentioned before all contractors at sfmta must offer a training program that is consistent with these standards. where are we now? we're in the midst of
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finalizing our script. we have finished our major filming and over the next 6 weeks or so we're going to be editing all of the video we have and adding animations and what not into what will eventually be a 15-minute training video and sfgtv has been a tremendous resource and they are actually producing this and now that the shooting is complete -- sorry let me go back -- i want to acknowledge that what we decided to do while filming this video at the same time create a video for taxi drivers and additionally a training video for drivers of general passenger vehicles that could be used for city staff and literally while zack and hank
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and i need to acknowledge the huge amount of organization that hank had to go to to get the volunteers out there we had in every shot a taxi and a car all of which had to shoot the same scene 3 times and ended up with 3 separate videos that are appropriate to the appropriate audience and all 3 should be done by the end of april. we are requiring this -- as i mentioned we're requiring any contractors with sfmta to provide training either watching this video or they can certify that they have their own training program that meets the standards that helped in the development of this training program and looking anywhere we can to leverage use the leverage that we have in the city and sfmta to require
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contractor 's permits city employees to take this training. we want to be leading by example and working with the california trucking association etc. to find volunteer companies and organizations that will provide this as well. quite honestly i think our hope is that other cities will follow our lead and will start setting a de facto requirement and for the private training companies that train overwhelmingly the largest amount of truck drivers in the country will add this into their curriculums and at that point in time we will have normalized the training and i know the mayor's office are looking at some issues as well on how we can socialize this throughout the whole city frankly. we're going to
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complete the training program in the next couple of months doing outreach and getting commitments and fed ex and ups and ucsf and said we want to make sure our employees are doing that as well the same with the san francisco pride parade e-mailed us how can we make sure all of those drivers get this training so we're confident that there's going to be a large number of people that are going to opt into this even though not requiring them to do it and lastly working on how we can get the department of motor vehicles to add a licensing question and information to both their drivers manual for truck drivers and the exam they take in order to be will to be licensed in the state. if you
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have any questions? >> great. any questions? supervisor yee. >> actually i realize the questions that i have around education and budging and so forth goes beyond the scope of this particular presentation and i might just bring it up in item number 7. >> okay we can also make sure that that at the next vision zero subcommittee hearing we put in an item around the larger education efforts around large vehicles that this program was focussed on. >> yeah actually that would be my request including looking at the bubbling in at the budget in terms of how much money is put into education. . >> absolutely we're trying to schedule in may prior to budget
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decisions being made and make sure to include that and work with your office to ensure the right questions are being addressed at that hearing. >> at the education subcommittee we're hoping to have our education strategy completed at the end of april so i think that would be perfect and i'd be happy to come to speak to you directly before then to let you know where we're at in advance of that meeting. >> i appreciate your offer and i would take it. >> i just want to thank you for the update i think this is the first official update that this board and commission has gotten and it's great to hear the video will be completed next month and i think we'd all love to see it when it it is completed and i want to congratulate everyone that worked on this and carla johnson here from from the mayor's office in disability
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and i know her office played a big role in this as well and obviously keep working on this and expanding this and wanted to put thoughts and ideas out there. i think with current contracts there's not much we can do to require but i'd love to look at how we can gave additional points to contract ors that have demonstrated a good driving record but i think that not only should we be putting mandates but also rewarding companies that have been putting in good infrastructure on education and demonstrating through the driver's record and how their drivers perform on our streets and the vast majority -- there's much less incidents but
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when it does happen obviously the injuries tend to be fatal and that's why this is really important to do but i do want to recognize that there's a large amount of drivers that are very responsible and we want to make sure we're increasing the tools and resources we have to be good drivers here in san francisco particularly as our streets get more congested and our office will certainly be following up. i would love to see this get required for all of our city drivers and i think that it's really important for us as a city to hit vision zero first and we can roll model that i saw that you said that those
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with some city permits for example the shuttle drivers and possibly tour buses will be included what other types of city permits exist? >> i will have to get back to you i think that was a hedge in terms of we know there's some that we're talking about requiring. i'm sorry i don't have a slide put together. >> i know we didn't require shuttles that do not leave the city boundaries to be part of the pilots and i'd love to figure out how to capture these other shuttle bus drivers as well. i think it's really important for them to be able to participate in the meantime until we have a larger program. and i'm glad to see that that there's also long-term goals of seeing how to add this to the
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licensing manual for state commercial driver's licenses and i think that's a good next step for us to look at. >> supervisor yee. >> i just realized the next meeting will be may and maybe a little bit late in terms of the budget process for us and i'm a little concerned since we're developing the budget for the next fiscal year for vision zero and i want to make sure that we have a significant amount of resources that can address our education piece because it seems like every year we go through this oh yeah we don't have any funding so i don't know what the thinking is right now in terms of the current thinking for the budget development for next fiscal year -- have you that you thought about it much?
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>> absolutely. >> can you share that thought? >> so there is a conversation that's happening about developing a vision zero budget i'm not overseeing that i'll be a little careful but in terms of the education side we're currently looking at a second grant for a million dollars as part of our communications plan still underway we've identified both a maintenance budget plus a -- what is in the 3 to 5 5 million dollars $5 million 1 year budget to start to get some some of the culture change that's going to be required that i heard talked about by by the commissioners earlier in order to start this engineering and enforcement and we definitely are moving quickly on developing that so that we will -- we're working with the mayor's office and again i'm happy to come to talk to you about that specifically. >> yeah. when you say
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communication plan or i guess the plan -- are we talking about strategies and a common messaging effort? >> yeah so we have a communications plan specifically about messaging about vision zero and what it is and starting to build an awareness giving people something to have a name on that we can start to rally around so i think one of the things that looks like -- one of the speakers from ccdc mentioned earlier the safe street sf program and we have the i pledge safe streets that people are continuing to take and asking people to take a pledge for safe streets and support vision zero and starting to get some buy in and that we need to start changing the way the way we're behaving on our streets so as we're running campaigns saying don't
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speed or as the police department is out there for jay walking or what not -- they are never going to see tickets as a positive thing but less of a revenue raising thing but more of what it's meant to be by creating a safer environment for everybody on the streets. >> i'd love to hear more of what the thoughts are but i just feel like you know, that we're focusing on this training piece is moving forward but i see that the rest of the education has not gotten too few. >> absolutely. you know and i think we've talked at past meetings before the education piece started from zero. enforcement is something ongoing but the idea of
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creating a citywide education campaign and program is a new thing and i think we've been modelling through our one off programs the collaboration that we need and we work with the department of public health and police department and all working together on that. we are doing -- doing we're working with 8 different departments and my hope is -- i agree with you -- it's the one that's not fully flushed out as to how we do that and our hope is in a month and and a half to explain that. >> john has been doing excellent work also and we have a funding working group that we've been working with figuring out how to fund -- these one
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off grants although the -- it needs a multiyear effort it needs the city and the ta prop k sales tax. what are the options from a local side and also is there an opportunity to join forces with all of our stakeholders including the business community to actually fund a multiyear campaign as kate breen mentioned the physical education piece that john is working on there's getting the leadership behind this at all levels and the media side of it and the media side is expensive and there's very few grants to get that media buy and they will have a
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much better sense of what that looks like midto end april. >> appreciate all your efforts i know it's not easy. i'm just so curious because one of the take aways from the new york new york summit was somehow the city was able to partner with some some of the large -- maybe not large but the advertisement agencies and they sort of know how to do these types of things and i don't think san francisco has a lack of them i'm just curious if you have any thoughts about bringing them in earlier on to figure out -- you know what this campaign might look like and how they can contribute their pro bono services because the larger ones -- this
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campaign, if we were to do -- maybe good for them but it's not that big of an ask for the size of -- i just don't know. >> yeah i mean we have had a history of having these in in the past but the issue is to sustain this and this is culture change and going to take 2, 3, 5, 6 years of repeated repeated messaging and we may get a lot of support in the first year which would be fantastic but we have to figure out how to make this more sustainable and i'm sure the interest is there and part of the strategy and our director of communications is looking at the partnerships with the media as well so we have that relationship already. >> thank you. >> thank you. just to get a
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sense -- when is sfmta going to be first presenting a a draft of its budget to the board of directors? >> do you mean the communications budget or -- >> the entire budget. >> i'm sorry, i i don't know when that will be. >> okay my guess is probably in april and so what i will try to do is make sure that we actually -- the next vision zero subcommittee technically should meet in june it's a quarterly meeting but we asked to move it up to may so we can have a discussion on the budget after the presentation to the board of directors and members of the public will have an an opportunity to engage in april but we'll work with the department to schedule in a timely manner so our feedback won't be given too late and
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because this is such a large increase, there there will be a supplemental that will be moving through the the board of supervisors and so we'll try to schedule in early may and make sure it's at a time where the feedback is not too late. >> great. >> great. thank you. so at this time -- oh supervisor mar oh commissioner mar i apologize. >> could any of the budging be shared with us? i know there's parts of the budget and some other places where budget for vision zero comes from as well and often hard to separate out projects that would have existed anyway versus new projects so sometimes there's too much of a lumping in of existing projects so i'm hoping there's some real clarity on
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what the vision zero projects are versus already existing projects. i also wanted to acknowledge or emphasize one of the points that was made about the importance of budging and vision zero to really be strongly supported in this budget cycle i would like to see maybe a budget item in some of our next meetings how to focus on safety foreseen i for, seniors so i don't want it to get lost that mr. yee has been killed in the richmond district and i would like to hear that by the end of the meeting and some presentation in the future budget on what we do specifically for safety for, seniors because wier and papandreou are already doing a lot but i suggested from walk
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sf and senior organizations is about funding safe streets for, seniors in a vision zero budget and i'd strongly support that as it comes from seniors and grass roots rs forces and lastly i'm totally in agreement that they are why we have vision zero and i think they need a stronger voice in this process as much as we can. >> thank you commissioner mar so with that i'm going to open up for public comment at this time on the curriculum for large vehicle driver training program. please do come up if you would like to speak on this item. >> thank you. roger basley again. i think it's a very good direction to go. i like the idea of the training videos . i lost a really great friend
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of the navy league on alameda island and it's not fun to attend funerals and memorials and we've lost a terrific elderly asian woman to a cable car accident up on nob hill and so i think the bigger vehicles have really hard maneuvering problems. there's a lot of action going on not only on buses but with the trucks and just the size themselves cause you know special problems and there's not a reason not to have these services but there's a reason to look at we have enough lane width so cars and other vehicles are not forced into another lane or blind spot where there may be a pedestrian
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crossing at that at that at that time or a bicyclist and end up getting mashed and i really commend that and we suggested using the rear of the muni bus for public announcements and i still think that's an excellent area to use for training and i would also look at the new apps and social media as a less expensive way to get the message out to a broader larger audience the new changes in population and the new businesses my daughter used to be -- she's now a a 25-year old working for a start-up and that's why i came today to try to tweak those items. >> thank you very much.
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enforce the loading and tell the drivers that they need too something about that. thank you. >> hi commissioners nicole again with walk san francisco in terms of the education strategy. >> i'm really sorry our legal council said we have to stop the meeting because we don't have a quorum right now. we'll
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take a short break and a deep breath. public comment can continue but we're -- but it's not on the record so you are not on the record nicole but you can continue. >> should i wait? what do you prefer? >> i would prefer to have you on the record. >> okay i will do a little dance up here. >> okay. so the meeting is
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back in order. >> my apologies. >> that's okay. so again i'm nicole schneider with walk san francisco and i want to thank supervisor kim and supervisor yee for your work on the large vehicle strategy and i just want to share from a public health perspective the large vehicle training model is actually a very strong one it doesn't just focus on educating individuals but actually also focuses -- what its becoming is changing the infrastructure of trucks looking at changing organizational practices at the city level looking at requiring new policies to
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require that drivers take safety trainings in their contracts and or to give extra points for those safety behaviors so it is a really good model in terms of changing behavior to work at all of these different levels from individual education to educating companies to changing organizational policy and practices at the city level and hopefully as supervisor yee is leading changing state and local policy to require private companies to follow these great practices that the city is leading and i'd also like to add there's a couple of other education programs that that walk sf is involved in including safe routes to schools and it's becoming a more integrated approach where we're working at the engineering enforcement and
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education engagement levels and finally walk sf and many of our partners at vision zero are also supporting safe streets foreseen i for, seniors and glad to have your leadership on that and we do hope that gets funded. >> thank you miss schneider. >> i support the program. it's much needed. i lot of the vehicle deaths especially for bicyclists are caused by larger vehicles. as part of the presentation when they said about
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