tv [untitled] March 15, 2015 9:00am-9:31am PDT
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quickly walk you through the land use plan and the program that is associated with the eir and again most of it will look familiar and we're happy to answer questions as we go through it at the end >> hi good evening, members of the commission i'm kelly happy to walk you through the land use plan for pier 70 that is westward towards did east we'll start with the illinois parcel we'll remember in the 2013 term sheet it was contemplated by request of the city and the port that included in the 28 acre sites they will be a port owned property on illinois outlined in pink was the pg&e on the corner
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of 22nd and illinois those properties are constituent as part of the special use district and analyzed as part of the environmental review process the more holistic plating approach so as contemplated in the term shoot you'll see the notice of precipitation those properties are included in the plan those properties have been the subject of much planning before the city has joined the project this is a master plan you'll see the 20th and illinois property as outlined as 3 ab on the site it was contemplated those will be residential use so consistent with the 2010 master plan the proposed projects has those properties and residential use pr moving south to the pg&e property the hocking down yard outlined in relayed you'll recall it is directly adjacent
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or across the street excuse me. from the pg&e switchyard on 22nd and it is a soil recycling facility that commission approved nearly a year ago a lease agreement for impaneling cable that included the terms to purchase the hocking down yard and the procedures after the site has been entitled will go towards affordable housing and the rebuilding of potrero annex the how down yard facility to the left and then across the street the switchyard fatality facility given the uncertainly in consultation with supported
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are port staff that can be residential or commercial use eaten in a lot of ways it allows is to be robust to the market demands in the future and alleyways allows us to study the option for both uses on the site and ultimately determine what is did most appropriate for the project. >> so taking a break to talk about the proposed program along the entirety of the parcels both the 20th and the hocking down yard if the proposed buildings were built as residential approximately 8 hundred and 74 or 4 onsite if commercial you'd like is 4 hundred and approximately 20 thousand square feet of office says that a note we're navlg both projects as part of environmental review
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we're looking at a maximum residential commercial 5333 have paths to travel in order to have the flexibility for the subsequential document it is referred to as a waterfront site as you can see for the most part similar to what was included in the term sheet remaining as commercial uses on the northern ends adjacent to the bae and as you move into the center the wavrt park as well as the drawback to the building 12, 2 and 21 that are not called out here but as contemplated a southern edge of the site 4 parcels that are similar to the
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hoe down use that are commercial are residential two-fold purpose first their adjacent to the potrero plant facility that is decommissions it not a future that has been established for a reuse of the site so the proposed flexibility allows for responsiveness co-sponsoring to the timeline to respond to the market conditions typically residential uses are the more pioneering uses the general the user that are more willing to for lack of a better term thinking charter territory and chartered uses thereafter so we can respond to the market and how it is uses as a commercial site another point i want to show i
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have it as referred to parcel c one and there's parcel c it as part of sheet those parcels are as speculated for park fatalities, however, given the long term facing and build out of the project and the uncertainty about the vehicle ownership we're proposing to study those are g l a or refer producing used for c one either residential or commercial and c two as residential and basically what that allows us to do in the future the district parking facility is not the most valuable use for the land or didn't make sense inform build a parking facility something can be built on those sites so in summary the project of the
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serum 22nd site is the flexible parcel were to be built you'll are 21 hundred residential unit and if those are flexible you'll are one thousand residential unit and 2 thousand square feet of commercial? the illinois parcel we're studying both as part of environmental review to build either end of the book end or somewhere in between in conclusion a larger 21 acre sites and its skufgs evolution 2 million square feet at acre site as part of 2013 term sheet that was increased when the project i've walked you through the 2015
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project proposed for the environmental review has approximately $304 million of g l a and a few reasons to explain that overall increase the overall height of the site has been decreased you'll recall those towers their approximately 3 of them were not terribly large in ear it feels perhaps like a larger decrease in sight the ear associated with the towers is relatively samuel additionally i mentioned the park facility that g l a is addressed and contributed to a few hundred thousand square feet finally i'll walk to there the parcel site that was attached to proposition f and shows the 28 acres from 20 to 90 feet that
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was not included point prop app the paramount map were currently zoned at 65 feet we're going to have that in place and the pg&e the ho down yard we'll propose to increase the allowable height to 65 feet to be commemorate with the rest of the parcels, however, our proposal on the 28 acre to have ever building at 90 feet that is the height variance and height limits the dark purple is small i apologize but as a jeopardy rule the dark purely parcels are allowed to be constructed up to 90 feet that is sort of the ac quasi color are a max of 70 feet and along
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the waterfront is a maximum of 50 feet a look at pier 70 overall we've spent a lot of time talking about that pier 70 is showing the variety uses at pier 70 a full 75 percent of the entitle of the site is something other than open space and maritime uses and historic building and of the 25 percent is new construction approximately half of that are buildings that are 75 photo and blow and buildings between 70 and 90 feet so with that i'm going to turn it over to jack. >> so very quickly as brad mentioned either the end of april or early may issuing what's called the notice of
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preparation that effectively describes the project with a little bit more detail particle to your knowledgely it is sent to all the agencies and all the stakeholders that have been involved not process an opportunity for people to submit in their thoughts on what they would us to study and the questions they have that become included in the analysis that our ceqa team will actually prepare our hope would be that hopefully by christmas we can deliver a christmas present a draft eir and then sometime in the middle of summer of 2016 we'll have our financial environmental impact report and again, this drives the timeframe we have to have our environmental impact report certified by the planning department in order for your all and the board of supervisors to approve the development
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agreement and all the documents associated with that so that is the timeframe we're working under and that is the project that will be studied in the environmental document i'll be happy to answer any questions. >> public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed and commissioner woo ho >> i'm going to be brief given the late hour i appreciate the presentation we have a better understanding of how your preceding with the land use and it is familiar to what we saw before i don't have delayed questions but as you progress having those updates help us
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understand the business terms as we go down the road. >> thank you very much for the presentation update looks like we're moving right along of course, the environmental review study helps the projects and yeah the project is existing good work. >> well, the remarks (laughter). >> you miss interpret those but we all agree (laughter) it's a great presentation and really exciting you you know really exist and glad it is moving forward and you guys are doing such a good job and i'll concur thank you for the presentation in particular we want to talk about the work
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that's been done with the community and the approach to reaching out i think we're all appreciative of those efforts to get broad support for a project that is something that the port will be very proud of in years to come i know that sometimes it is a long process but continually existed by everything i did have one somewhat specific question when we talk about the former the parcels open the south side we are not quite sure could do we have an indication at all have they moved further along seeking proposals for that side it is not in any of our hands have you heard anything. >> our understanding the landlord that is a company
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called energy i didn't has selected a partner and going there the initial stages of their process that's as much as we know. >> we don't know if it's mixed use or residential. >> probably not appropriate for me to guess at that. >> but justice department just as you're referencing this was meant in terms of looking. >> i think jack is right the landowner and the partner have not announced a land use program but a client in the recent negotiation of the land use covenant pg&e was the prior owner gotten a residential deed restriction in place and negotiation to allow the listing of that deed restriction residential restriction under certain circumstances it is
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likely their contemplating a mixed use project at the site. >> i was wondering what kind of app an impact that would or wouldn't have on the parcels and it's a really good question what happens on the southern paralyzes as kelly mentions is a combination ever several things one is what at the point we're ready to start developing that area of the site what's the state of the potrero power plant site or proposed to change in its timeframes what's the market it is pretty common in san francisco so have market conditions where residential is strong but office isn't or vice versa and the thing that kelly referenced that is it's frankly i would say the biggest challenge the residential uses
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will often go into arrests with that don't have the neighborhood amenities developed but office yourselves are ready to do that so our ability to create those amenity is a piece to attract the folks but we won't know until we do marketing on that site. >> appreciate you're coming and subsequent presentation. >> next the approval of the san francisco and pier 70, llc for approximately 43 thousand square feet of paved industrial land near illinois street for activities such the beer garden and food trucks and educational
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and recreational activities including special events that benefit the public for a term up to 4 years. >> commissioners brad benson presenting on this item this time with beautifying ran a proposed lease for a 4 year period on one of the illinois parcels you've heard about in jack and kelly's presentation idea to this is an industrial area there's some residential development north of 20th student but when you get south of 20th street you're in a heavy switchyard and american industrial cross the street the idea for this lease to introduce retail activities and some community oriented events and
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opportunities to introduce the public to pier 70 so draw people to this area that has been closed to the public for a very a long time and to smooth the process i'll be brief in any presentation and then i'm going to turn it over to jack for a few images of what they envision ignore the site so the goal of the early activation is to get the public to pier 70 and to generate early marketing interests to the site and develop a because of tenants that would move into the waterfront site i'll let jack share should find existing tenant news they have this map shows the pier 70 areas in the ports ownership excludes
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the hoe down yard that is mostly industrial in nature question have storage and car parking and taxi firms and the like in the area on the illinois street side a new in park parking lot that will be south of that this one acre site important the site of the lease so the permitted uses ancestor use is a beer garden with public seating there are also envisioning retail activities including food trucks and local artists who might sell the products they make and planning movie nights at that location and music and art shows and they're thinking about pour public benefits like the park kind of set of improvements the children's play
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area after school bike parking and prohibited use in parking not to take advantage north of the site and off site sale of alcohol and beverages? the picture at the bottom of the scene is standing on illinois street looking at east across the pier 70 sites you'll see building one 13 and the driveway here is in the grayish area to the parking lot in this area this one acre lease so the lease rent and other terms we're looking at market rent for a parcel bay where the beer garden $5,200,000
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month and for the largest area for the children's playground will be lower rent of one thousand 4 hundred per month slating to a little bit over 3 thousand per month if this lease stays longer and the construction could last up to 9 months only until the building improvements are the 9 months exteriors that's 50 percent of the base rent and the forest city will be paying one hundred period of time one hundred to million dollars i've gone over some of the improvements and improving the sidewalk and public area outside the site in addition to the base rents participation rent of 0 sub lease reviews and after
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amortized their sites covet they don't expect the participation rent it is a home run protect and finally the security policy our good neighbor policy to make sure the activities don't bother the zero waste policies we've consulted with the manager around the increased insurance company given the events at the site and i mentioned earlier a four-year term but the opportunity to terminate earlier if we want to have a different site in addition to the economic terms we're projecting about $58,000 announcing in addition parking revenue for the parking facility to the north from trips generated by people visiting the
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site this is the projected rent we see on an annual sites over the term of the agreement and this give us a sense of future development of the area the yellow is the proposed 21st street that will be approved as part of the special use district outlined in blue is the site k north a residential parcel that may be one of the first sites developed as part of sud that's my presentation i'm available to answer questions after jack gives his presentation.
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>> thank you brad and i'd like to start by first of all saying that to the comment to commissioner president katz made about the community outreach we've really been to do that with our support building 12 was was one term lot you guys give us the opportunity to begin to invite the public into the site it actually role proved institutional in folks where they don't know where pier 70 is the opportunity for something that is part of a future waterfront they have been a series of events movie invites when it rains outside it rains inside one of the things we're going to waterproof that building to
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protect it and it enables us to have more the revenue generating events we've anticipated bargain or be able to have the superbowl is coming up we that this is a great venue to support the special events associated with that as we utilize building 12 more for revenue generating events we that there will be ways to continue to draw the community to pier 70 that supports the entitlement and the approvals as brad mentioned but also to start to create the amenities that someone that bows the parcel will want to see investment being made and the future office users we are going to attract to the site that is about reducing risk and making pier 70 the more
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amenity that folks will want to see as making the living or working at the site viable the more we're making pier 70 less pioneering we have community outreach around interim uses on a daily basis the things we heard from the community a place to sit outside and have somethings to eat and drink and arts components if possible a place to see people making things and activities that could happy on a weekly basis like a farmer's market this is a little bit small but that is where we're at in terms of the programming for the site so as brad mentioned we
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have this area at the southern part of the site it is where speak easy and bails and loergz is a bay area business that matches they really get the brand the feel of pier 70 and will build and operate a beer garden that could have seating for three to four hundred people serving initially their products but potentially if the use is successful could be serving wine for those of us who are wine drinkers or other makers of beers as well as brad mexico's the majority of site is we're trying to create something that is a draw for families that there's a family demographic in
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the dog patch and mission bay and potrero an opportunity for a draw we've heard we would like to have a place like the park a charge let at the end of golden gate park people can sits in chairs and kids can run around and there's an opportunity to do that here and the joke i make this is actually going to be sunny at pier 70 but this is something that you know woerng to have to invest in and work with partners to actually operate that, of course there needs to be a food component the infrastructure on the site didn't lend itself to anything but truck sites we have a partner with a company if we have not yet told you one the things we are existed la casino
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a nonprofit that incubates food enterprises primarily women owned businesses located in the mission i don't know for the past 10 years hosted the street festival in the mission that attracts people to this event is happening at pier 70 this august through that partnering we are working on is finding the right enterprises through la can citizen that operates the trucks that are a compliment to drinking beer we ufbl want the food to be a match here are early graphics from the speak easy folks and their architects a wooden deck one of the things understanding we are trying to c
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